as a solution to end human tribulations, but he has little patience for anything to happen, whether to hear God's explanation or to know how his afflictions will end, conceding he will never discern His invisible nature, but hoping it would be revealed to him soon.

  Bystander: God can come to answer all people babbling in confusion, reminding them they can have the Holy Spirit within them, waiting in His temple, patiently wanting to attend their needs, praying for those turning to righteousness, reporting God's messages to explain His ways, asking of Job, Who is this darkening counsel by words without knowledge? One believing to know something must still learn what to know. What does anyone say? More than the Holy Spirit, directed by God, wants them to know? You were not there when God's breath blew information on the fabric of creation's design, springing all into being and directing all actions, measuring its dimensions from His decisions, weaving in uncertainty to mystify human understanding, creating creatures with innate commands to obligate their nature, creating light essential for all life to thrive, confining darkness to the space of nothingness, created as the residue, arraying room between His lights, giving quarters for some choosing to suffer afflictions, creating humans as one creature to be invested with reason, creating them to have some of The Lord's power, fashioning them to discern more than any beast. By instilling the wisdom of reason in souls of mortal humans, God gives them a gift, endowing them to know much of His knowledge, uncover secrets, enabling them to discover some of the codes He uses for creating and operating everything, but there is still much for them to know, unless they continue to follow paths to self-destruction, ignoring His will for human life to continue.

  Reckoner: I accept all of God's thoughts, knowing we must write them on our hearts, remembering them all so we can hold anyone accountable who breaks His laws, blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

  Bystander: The Holy Spirit's words for ones willing to hear, tells them to be careful, to never be ones lacking the grace of charity, looking down on neighbors as strangers, never as brothers, despite acknowledgements all were begotten by God, making the blameless hypocrites, claiming wisdom by their own truths, devoted to earthly considerations, insensible to the Spirit's truths, never to be heard, chained from being released within. Do you claim the grace of charity, while boasting wisdom for holding others accountable, as you guard unworthiness hidden, never to be purged from your wishes?

  Reckoner: Job's deeds must be unlike ours, seeing him with sufferings we have avoided, afflictions we have escaped, rewarding us with blamelessness, telling him to expose his misdeeds, asking him to remember his sins.

  Bystander: So if truly blameless ones can demand the somewhat blameless confess and repent one's sins, how do they differ? By the degree of sinfulness? Doesn't our conscience know a sin is a sin, always a sin. Realizing no one is righteous, people are all hypocrites, and as a sin is a sin, a hypocrite is a hypocrite, always a hypocrite, never able to be righteous, giving no one any right to condemn a brother, but we all have powers to change, drawing on grace to show others mercy, no longer tempting anyone to vilify another, banishing all such thoughts. Remember, only God can judge Job and we must wait to see how that happens.

  Reckoner: Job has pretended he is holy, hiding under the guise of good works, rejecting our attempts to console him, to dismiss his blamelessness epithet as hypocritical, pridefully broadcasting his uprightness, abandoning our advice as useless, wondering if all the world's wisdom can help him, as he wanders about, speculating if he will ever again enjoy other's praises, while maintaining arrogant attitudes, estranging him from all others, scorning his creator, blaming Him for all his afflictions, as he finds comfort only in his pride, but with fading trust in his worthiness, little realizing pride has a dead end, leaving him hopeless, never generating grace or mercy, never learning how to love, holding tightly to his remnant, a license for further sin, he sees no reason to change.

  Bystander: Job has not tuned into hearing the Holy Spirit, carrying messages from the Lord, asking, Should fault finders contend with the Almighty, ones arguing with God? I wait on their answer. When carefully weighing the good virtues of others, people must enlighten their own deeds with a powerful dose of humility, banishing their pride for at least a moment, acknowledging their ways are like others, equal in never achieving righteousness, living by accepted ways of people, drifting in and out of blamelessness.

  Job: Behold, being of small account, how shall I answer you? Must I now kneel before you, donning a mask of humility to face you?

  Bystander: I suspect the Lord answers you through His Spirit, believing Him to say, I will question you and expect you to answer honestly, asking whether you declare Him wrong, condemning Him so you may be justified, reinforcing pride in your blamelessness, decking yourself with majesty and dignity, clothing yourself with glory and splendor, compelling you to pour forth anger, demeaning pride of others, degrading their value, vindicating your self-esteem, searching out prideful ones to debase, to tread down as wicked, to judge, reducing them to dust, to matter heading for a world below. Are you like God, making you so, molded in His image, affirming your suppositions of being your own my I Am, thinking He made you as the Behemoth, complete in itself, self-reliant in all circumstances, confident in its power and strength, but lacking reason so it would never know to worship another? You were never made for this except by your hands, willing your way to eminence, preparing for your adoration, sealed for lasting by your pride, training you to build weapons to defend the domain you claim, surrounding you in shadows to conceal your deeds in darkness.

  Job: What must I say to convince the Lord of my distress?

  Bystander: Have you searched your heart, wanting to hear more of His Spirit's words? Can you will his words to be more convincing, confirming innocence for your blamelessness, or maybe pray you might understand what He is saying.

  Job: My reason and common sense have always taught me how to discern God's ways. Cannot reason to believe reveal the Lord's ways?

  Bystander: People need more than reason to believe, needing a ring of virtue in their nose, reminding them how they must be led, the ring being the key to follow their innate conscience, provoking them to follow the Lord.

  Job: Unsolicited thoughts suggest how to hack into my will power and dismiss any virtue's leading, disclosing how to ignore any power of God, allowing me to do my own thing, making all my decisions right and worthy, justified by my reason.

  Reckoner: You can capture decisions of your will and sentence them to your memory's dungeons, never to be considered for pardon or parole to tempt your lust, preventing them from renewing your desires, but confining them forever, never bringing any up for confession, suggests you should call on God.

  Job: Who needs to call on God, suggesting what I have already done, calling on Him in vain? Maybe He hears the hope of some, ones unlike me, disappointed, never achieving their dreams, losing battles for their wants, trusting they would surrender all to an invisible God.

  Reckoner: Those never accepting defeat, fiercely standing up, challenging God, declaring everything under the heavens to be theirs, are acclaimed by godless ones, proclaimed as icons worthy of adoration, persons for all seasons. Was this Job, never calling on the Lord before, but now awakened to question His justice?

  Bystander: In becoming an icon, an idol to himself, he asks, Who has given to me anything, obligating me to repay? Proudly proclaiming his self-made accomplishments, he owes others nothing, being the icon he is, the stone-faced idol doing nothing but gather dust, while confirming he is a self-proclaimed leviathan, a dubious capture for his soul, never knowing God promises, I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word. But those who choose their own ways, delighting in their detestable sins, will never have any offerings accepted--never even to boast their self-worth--seeing their pleas unheard, as God sends them great trouble, all the things they fear, for when He called they did not answer, when He spoke they did not listen.

; Reckoner: You recognize my intent, to unmask Job, showing he is no icon, maybe blameless but never worthy to be worshipped, but I understand justice little when so many wear its mask, concealing all they really are, revealing what they want to be, playing imaginary roles on their fantasized stage of life, catering to the world's lusts, protecting all other celebrants from being admonished, ignoring their revels, bonding all upright ones in mutual defense against righteousness.

  Bystander: Called by the Lord of Heaven's Armies, telling you to weep and mourn, instructing you to shave your heads, to admit sorrow for your sins, wearing clothes of burlap to cover iniquities, showing remorse for unworthiness, you ignore God's voice, continuing to dance and play, slaughtering creation's bounty, reveling in your desire's extravagance, feasting on more than your needs, proclaiming let's indulge, feast and drink, for tomorrow we die.

  Job: I know the Lord is empowered to do all things, having purposes protected from being thwarted, never revealing His counsel to ones rejecting
Tristam Joseph's Novels