Victor had intended to go straight to his own house after getting back but something was making him impatient to get to speak with Henry. This was completely out of character. He therefore went into the large residence knowing that Henry was still around. He saw Timothy Hayman walking around the grounds and ignored him.
Henry was sitting in his seat in his large home office working on a laptop. He looked up expectantly and found Victor waiting by the door. `Come in.' he paused whatever he was doing and turned his attention to the latter. `I was expecting you sooner.'
`I found Sidney in Tyrone.'
`Your sister?' Victor nodded. `What is she doing there?'
`You didn't know she was there?' Victor narrowed his eyes at Henry.
The former shook his head and looked at Victor questioningly. `Are you trying to accuse me of something?'
`Did you or didn't you know she was there?'
`I didn't.' Victor seemed to relax a bit. `What is she doing there anyway?'
`She's with Gorham.' Henry's eyes widened. `They met each other a short time after Diane died.'
`That was completely unexpected.'
`You haven't heard everything yet.' Victor scratched his ear as he thought of how to proceed.
`They are engaged and she's pregnant.'
`Nothing is going to surprise me after that.'
`Nothing?' Victor chuckled. `You know the legend that Izanami, Cognoscenti and Jansenist's spirits are normally reincarnated within every generation?'
`Yes, I remember it.'
`Sidney is Jansenist.'
`She's what?'
`The reincarnation of Jansenist as Gorham is the reincarnation of Izanami.'
`That would explain why they are getting married so soon after Gorham lost the love of his life.' Victor was quiet for a long time. `What is it?'
`I've been thinking of that a lot. If Gorham is indeed Izanami which I think he is, then I don't think that he can ever love anyone as much as he loved Jansenist.'
`He loves Sidney, doesn't he?'
`Of course, but the point is that he loved Diane almost as much.'
Henry's face darkened. `The point being?'
But Victor's thoughts were not coming in any sort of order. `Diane was born almost at the same time that Sidney lost her powers. Jansenist's spirit was originally a wizard which would make sense that she would be reincarnated in a wizard's body.'
`And you are saying your sister was the chosen body?'
`No, I've known my sister for a long time and she was never anybody's reincarnation. But then the line of the Izanami is half wizard which would make sense that Jansenist's spirit would choose Diane after the wizards all moved away.'
`You want to tell me that Diane was also the reincarnation of Jansenist?'
`Think about it. She was the only exception in her line that would tolerate our kind much less sleep with one. She also loved Gorham no matter what happened and even you knew that. But still, she couldn't abandon her people which she would have done had she been fully a wizard.
Diane must have been half the reincarnation of Jansenist because she was not a full wizard and when Sidney lost her powers there was a void within her that allowed the other half of the spirit to take refuge.'
Henry couldn't argue with logic. He could see it also as clearly as Victor seemed to have. `What happened then?'
`Remember that reincarnation doesn't mean that you are possessed. Whatever decisions they both made were of their own volition. Maybe some part of Diane did love you and maybe some part of Sidney just wanted a family that would love her for who she was. But when Diane died, Jansenist's spirit left her to go where it knew it could stay and that was in Sidney.'
`Did you tell Gorham any of this?'
`I didn't see the point.'
`Good, because you don't know how he would take it that he was destined to love only her.'
`No,' Victor shook his head. `I thinking more in the terms of he's happy, she's happy, who cares what happens next.'
The door to the office opened again and Charles walked in with a tray of tea. He was setting it on the table. `Okay, but if those two are already reincarnated then who is Cognoscenti?'
`Nathan?' But he didn't wait for an answer. `Makes sense given that Cognoscenti was the right hand of Izanami. He must be plotting something. He always is plotting something.'
`Whatever it is I'm sure Gorham can take care of it.'
`How? He doesn't know who he is.'
`He knows and he knows that Nathan is Cognoscenti and Sidney is Jansenist.'
`Did you tell him?'
`No, he's bright. He was able to figure it out on his own. Is there a problem with that?'
Charles who had already set everything found it hard to leave at that point. `The problem is that Izanami was the person he was because of the ignorance he had for his wife's powers and his brother's feelings. Because he now knows that his wife had an affair with his brother sometime back and his brother may still have feelings for her, he is already a changed man.'
`Because he knows that once before Cognoscenti had outwitted him and had his wife killed, he won't make the same mistake again. He will do whatever it takes to preserve the life of Jansenist this time, including kill for her.'
`He has already killed for her but he didn't even know who he was at the time.'
`Diane's husband Eric.'
`What did Eric do to him?'
`Tried to rape Sidney but that was not what made him kill him. From what I heard, Eric was threatening to expose Sidney as a wizard.'
`So he killed for her before even knew it.' Henry was thoughtful. `Then this is the end.' `The end of what?'
`The end of all three of them. The end of the cycle. If now Izanami is willing to kill for her beloved then the chances for Cognoscenti to win back Jansenist's love have gone up dramatically. But
the latter will still want to destroy Jansenist before realizing that she still loves him.'
`What does that have to do with anything?'
`Gorham will want to destroy Nathan who in turns wants to destroy Sidney but Sidney's love for both of them is faltering. If Gorham succeeds then she will be heartbroken and if Nathan succeeds then Gorham will lose heart and continue existing for eternity without Jansenist.'
`Why wouldn't Nathan just go after Gorham and be done with it?'
`Because Gorham is the only reason that they exist. Destroy Gorham, destroy all of them. Besides, it's much easier to destroy Jansenist.' He paused and looked at Victor. `Destroy everyone with the Izanami bloodline and you destroy her. Once she dies, there is no way that she can come back.'
`That's Diane's bloodline and the last people on that mighty line are her children. That includes Wendy.'
`Which means that we have to keep her in our world until this thing ends.'
`I thought she was thinking of staying...'
`I know for certain that she will go back and she will stay there ruling her people.'
`So you saw the future too?'
`I saw more than a future. I saw two great destinies unfold before my very eyes.' He stared at Victor for a moment. `You will have to go get her. We are going to train her the old fashion way.' Victor blinked several times in surprise. Charles decided that he'd better leave at that moment.