She gawked at his staff, realizing now why the women said it would hurt the first time because it was so much bigger than she had imagined. She reached out and touched the weeping top and slid the moisture over him.

  He sucked in his breath, rested his hands on her shoulders, and watched what she did. He held very still as she ran her fingers lightly down the rigid male appendage that responded instantly to her touch. Now, she knew just what that part of his body looked like that had pressed so very indecently against her back on the ride to her castle and when she had tried to sleep next to him. Now, every time he held her close, she would no longer have to guess.

  "Harder," he said, his voice ragged.

  She looked up at him, not comprehending. His eyes were dark and heavily lidded.

  He took her hand and placed it on his staff, squeezed her fingers around him until she was holding him firmly, and then he guided her up and down.

  He looked like he was ready to die—with pleasure. And she loved that her touching him proved just as pleasurable for him.

  Then as if he couldn't take any more, he moved her hand to his hip, renewed his deliciously decadent kisses on her mouth, and touched his fingers to the place between her legs that had never been explored before. His remarkable fingers swept all over that very sensitive part of her, skipping, and teasing and slipping inside her as her heart pounded and her knees weakened. She couldn't describe the feelings—nothing that she'd ever experienced before—of pleasure and lightness and a heavenly uplifting, though she held on tight to him so that she wouldn't fall. She pressed her body wantonly against his fingers, his assault on her senses making her crave having him finish her off in a hurry. She had to appear as though she was ready to die—with pleasure.

  Then the most amazing feelings rushed through her. She cried out at the sense of joy and enlightenment washing over her. She hardly noticed when he swept her off her feet in the next instant and deposited her on the bed.

  She tensed a little, apprehensive again about the part of their lovemaking that would hurt. For all the rest, she'd eagerly do it over and over again.

  His mouth covered hers now, his tongue stroking hers again, his body rubbing against her as if waiting for her to give permission to come inside. She loved every bit of the way he brought her to another pleasure pitch, and she cried out, "Oh aye, aye."

  As if she had signaled him to enter her, he thrust that massive part him of into her feminine heat him that fascinated her so. A pinch of pain resulted, and she tensed. But he was inside her, warming her very core. Her husband, her lover, her Highlander.

  "Relax, bonny Edana," he said, kissing her mouth.

  She tried to relax, but the anticipation was killing her. She stroked his backside, encouraging him to continue, but when he still didn't move deeper inside her, she said, "Are you hurting?"

  He smiled then and kissed her cheek and deepened his thrust. She welcomed him with urgent kisses, caressing his arms and back and even his arse, loving every bit of him.

  Edana was Angus's, the sweetest, most impulsive—for being such an innocent—lass he'd ever known. When she'd thrown herself into his arms, he'd loved it. No quivering rabbit waiting for him in bed. Though he'd had every intention of showing her he would give her as much pleasure as he could and change her opinion about sex if she had been afraid of the intimacy shared between a man and woman. She proved to be a dream in the flesh.

  Twice, he'd brought her to pleasure, and twice she had looked ravishing and ravished all at once. He couldn't believe she'd touch his staff, and he nearly groaned out loud. He had assumed it might be weeks—if ever—before she had the courage.

  Her hands on his face, his tongue enjoying hers, her teeth nipping at his lip, he continued to kiss her. And to thrust into her, enveloped in her tight, hot heat, unable to hold off. Then he came deep inside her, bathing her in his love.

  He prayed his lovemaking hadn't made her too sore or anxious about joining with him again. With traveling the next day and for several more, they would probably not get another chance for some time, which would give her time to heal.

  He finished and eased out of her. Saw her smiling up at him, full of wonder, and he kissed her again. She was everything he needed in a woman and a wife.

  "Was it all right?" he asked, leaving her to get a towel, wet it, and wash her.

  "Aye," she said, watching him. "Can we do it again?"

  He grinned. He loved her.


  The next morning in the great hall, Edana couldn't help but feel a little shy when she broke her fast among her clansmen. Many of her people offered her smiles when they had never done so before. Had they accepted her just because Angus had taken her for his wife? Annoyance filled her, yet, making up with her father had meant the world to her. Her father had smiled at her and whispered in her ear that he hoped she would soon have wee grandchildren for him to spoil, especially if she had daughters.

  That made her face heat and she knew she had to be blushing to high heaven.

  Now, if only she could help Angus and her father to locate her brothers, all would be well.

  Lady Allison practically bounced around on her toes she appeared so eager to see Edana off after they ate, so Edana and the others could bring her brothers home. Una would accompany her as before, and she seemed just as eager to get on their way.

  Niall and Gunnolf kept smiling at Edana and Angus, knowing just what had happened all last night. Mayhap not all that had happened. She had walked slower than she normally did this morning, and she feared riding a horse might be a wee bit taxing. Yet she wouldn't have had it any other way. She believed she and Angus wouldn't have much of a chance to share carnal pleasures during the journey. The memories had to be lasting so she could reflect on them and smile all over again.

  Twice during the night, Angus had been rather reluctant to make love to her. But only because he'd worried how she might feel today, especially with having to ride for who knew how long. Half in the haze of lovemaking, she thought he had murmured she was his wild Highlander, which had pleased her all the more. She adored the way he had treasured her for waking him to make love with her again and hadn't been annoyed that she had disturbed his sleep so.

  Before he helped her to mount the horse, he whispered into her ear, his warmth sweet breath making her tingly all over again, and she wished they were in her bed still, "Edana, are you sure you can manage?"

  "Aye." She would suffer any discomfort to search for her brothers.

  Looking anxious, his brow furrowed and his dark eyes on her, Angus helped her onto the horse. And then they rode through the gates and headed for Lockton Castle.

  When they reached there, they intended to stop and would request her horse and Niall's and Angus's belongings be returned to them, as they had allowed Keary to take the horses, clothes, and weapons of the men Gunnolf had knocked out and left unconscious in the cave.

  With a force of twenty-five men and two women, she was glad the journey was uneventful this time.

  She slept with Una both nights, but only after Edana had shared kisses with Angus in the dark, felt his mouth on her breasts, stroked his staff through his plaid, and then still feeling wet and needy, retired to the tent she shared with her maid.

  The days were sunny, the nights cool and breezy, and clouds dusted the heavens. She was grateful the rain had let them be.

  When they reached Lockton Castle, they had not expected to receive such a warm welcome. Keary made amends by offering to serve them a meal that eve, giving Edana and Angus a bedchamber for them to use when they retired for the night. He had noted his sister was not among them, but had not made any issue of the fact.

  Edana didn't know what to think of Keary's change of heart. He smiled at her, but was careful not to show too much interest. And he was just as friendly toward Angus, who appeared as wary of his intentions as she felt. Keary joked with her father and with Niall, both of whom shared in the jests, but with a reserve that showed they were just
as suspicious. Gunnolf remained aloof, arms folded, guarded.

  While everyone else enjoyed the food, she and Angus had been anxious to leave the great hall and retire to the bedchamber. He ran his hand over her thigh again, and she smiled knowingly up at him.

  "Think you anyone would notice if we slipped away to the chamber?" she asked Angus.

  He smiled wickedly down at her. "All of your men, Keary, his people, and my own friends. Aye. Nary an eye would be anywhere except on us."

  She poked at her bread. "Doing it would almost be worth it. Except I would be embarrassed to hear all the comments when we left the hall. Was it verra bad when you left to join me in my bed?"

  Angus grinned at her and sipped from his mead. "You would have blushed furiously, lass."

  She sighed. No one had said anything when she had left with Lady Allison and Una to retire to her bedchamber. "Mayhap if we left together, they would say naught."

  "I am game to try it if you are," Angus said, his hand sliding up and down her thigh, making her blood heat.

  Before she could agree to take their leave, her brother Kayne warned her—Drummond ill. Fitz…burn.

  Her heart skipped. "I have heard from Kayne," she whispered to Angus. "Drummond is sick. Do you know of a Fitzburn?"

  Frowning deeply, Angus shook his head.

  She turned to her father seated on the other side of her and repeated what she'd heard.

  Her father's face paled a little. "Drummond ill? That isna good to hear." His voice hard with concern, he asked, "What is this Fitzburn? A person? Place?"

  "I dinna know what significance it has. The name doesna mean anything to you?" she asked.

  "Mayhap a tavern by that name?" Angus asked.

  Keary must have gotten the gist of their conversation, though she'd noticed he'd been watching her during nearly the whole of the meal—despite that she had been trying to ignore him—and said, "There is a tavern by that name a day's ride from here. Due north."

  "We must go," Edana said anxiously, glad Keary had proved helpful. "If we leave tonight, we would reach the place by morn or a little later. If we wait, it would be nighttime again. My youngest brother, Drummond is ill. We canna delay."

  "What is it you seek?" Keary asked.

  Edana stiffened, recalling Allison's reluctance to mention the woman in front of Keary, but mayhap he knew which chief kept her as his mistress. "Oppida. Do you know of her?"

  Keary's eyes narrowed. "Aye. What of her?"

  "My brothers must have…" She had to have blushed with embarrassment as hot as her face felt. "Done something that caused someone to take offense, and the man serving as her protector has placed them in his dungeon."

  Keary slammed his fist on the table.

  Edana jumped a little. Angus took her hand in his and squeezed it with reassurance.

  "I should have killed the witch instead of allowing her to run away. No' that I thought a whole lot of the matter while my brothers fought me to rule the clan," Keary growled and Edana had no doubt the woman had angered him.

  "What did she do to earn your ire?" Edana asked, worrying the woman might cause her brothers further pain and suffering.

  "'Tis too delicate a subject for you to hear, lass." Keary said to her father, "I dinna know where the wench is, but if a powerful chief is keeping her and he willna let the slight go and release your sons, mayhap a few more men and another clan to back yours might be in order."

  Edana clamped her mouth shut. She couldn't believe how much Keary's attitude had changed with regard to her.

  She suspected he was up to no good.

  Chapter 12

  Instead of getting a good night's rest, and for Edana and Angus that meant no lovemaking as they had both hoped, the much larger group of men rode out from Lockton Castle, this time with Keary leading a force that amounted to thirty-strong of his own. As much as Angus was disappointed he could not spend the night with Edana in marital bliss, he was just as motivated to free Edana's brothers, and concerned about Drummond's health.

  He remembered Drummond for being the most impetuous of Edana's brothers when Angus had last seen him. Drummond had been so angry over the girl's drowning and so upset that Edana had locked herself in her chambers for the final three days of the MacNeills' visit, that Angus had been quite impressed with him. He'd felt as Drummond had about Edana, concerned for her peace of mind.

  Angus glanced at her, her brat covering her head like a hood to protect her from the chilly breeze. He wished he could be with her in a big bed making love to her, keeping her warm, pleasuring her. Not believing his fortune in marrying the lass, he was glad Keary had not had the chance. Angus wished he had gone to see her at Rondover Castle way before now and…

  He shook his head. What was done was done, and now he had every intention of always being there for her.

  The winds shifted, whipping out of the north, and he knew they were in for another storm.

  "Drummond canna die on us," Edana said, sounding anxious.

  "Aye, lass. He is a strong man—a fighter. He will come through." Angus believed that with all his heart, though he still prayed fervently that it would come to pass.

  That day so long ago, he had observed Drummond take the lads to task who had been involved in the tragic drowning—using his fists on the lads because he was so angry. Drummond hadn't cared that their father had already punished the boys with making them do extra work.

  Their pranks had hurt Edana deeply, not to mention they had contributed to the older lass's drowning. Edana's eldest brothers had overseen the lads' work, making certain their duties were even more onerous. But Angus had admired Drummond for taking it to a more physical level. He truly believed if Drummond had not, the lads could very well have done the extra menial labor and smirked about it the whole time. They had needed some other form of punishment to serve as a deterrent from treating Edana so horribly. They had to know if they did anything further to her like that, their actions would earn them more of the same kind of rough treatment.

  If any had tried to stop Drummond in meting out his own form of punishment, Angus would have stepped in to help Drummond. Or if any of the boys had looked to be getting the better of him, Angus would have fought on his behalf. He truly liked him and all his brothers.

  "When we free your brothers, think you they will approve of my marrying you?" Angus asked, trying to get her mind off worrying about them.

  She gave him a small smile. "They will want to know why we wed so hastily when you have no' seen me in years. Once we free them, and that is no longer a concern, they may be troubled. After the initial shock, will they be happy for me? Oh, aye, husband, because they will see how contented I am."

  Angus smiled at her. "'Tis good. I like your brothers."

  "They will treat you as one of their own," Edana said.

  Amused, he raised a brow. "As long as you dinna treat me like your brother, we will do well."

  She chuckled and gave him another smile. He swore she blushed a little.

  Angus considered Keary's men spread out among Tibold's. He didn't like that Keary's men outnumbered theirs—even by just a few. Angus shared Edana's whispered sentiment—he didn't trust Keary completely. He suspected he wanted something out of the deal. Though what, the man wouldn't say.

  As Angus had predicted, the weather that had started out so beautifully turned into a deluge—drenching man, woman, and beast. The cold rain and wind whipped about them that could chill the stoutest of men.

  Huddling over their horses, the women put on a good face, Edana cheering Una on and Una doing the same with Edana when one or the other appeared to falter. He wished he hadn't had to take Edana with him, but after she'd heard from her brother, he suspected they needed her help to steer them in the right direction. He was glad to see the women making the most of the bad weather.

  He just prayed they'd find her brothers soon before Edana became ill.


  Keary had made a concerted effort to avoid co
veting Angus's wife while they had been dining in his great hall, but he couldn't help it. He kept thinking how he should have been the one seated next to her, whispering sweet sentiments in her ear, slipping his hand onto her thigh, giving it a squeeze, and watching her smile—at him, not at Angus.

  Keary had suffered for years at the hand of an abusive father for being an illegitimate son like the rest of his half-brothers. Now that Keary had the title and lands, he deserved having a loving woman at his side. Edana should be that woman. Just as she deserved him—and all that he could give her. What could Angus provide her? Nothing but bed sport, and Keary could best him there as well. He was certain.

  He had trailed Angus and Edana to keep an eye on the lass, but observing Angus watching her as if he was a besotted lad had proved more than Keary could bear. So he rode up ahead with Edana's father.

  "'Tis said my aim with a bow is as good as the Welshmen who are so admired for their skill," Keary said, attempting to explain to the Chattan chief how worthy he was in fighting. "I have never been wounded in combat, save a small cut here or there, which attests to my skill in sword play also."

  Tibold glanced in Keary's direction.

  Keary smiled. He hoped he was winning favor with Edana's father. What if Angus was killed in battle at some point or another? Tibold had already agreed Keary could wed the lass, so Keary would hold him to the agreement when Angus was no longer in his way.

  As to Edana, he had to tread lightly, show her how much he cared about her brothers, help her to locate and free them. It was another reason he had given her a bedchamber at Lockton Castle so that she could spend the night with her husband—to show friendship, as much as it had killed him to do so. He couldn't praise God enough that Angus and she had not used that bed after all.

  Not that going with Tibold and the others had all to do with currying favor with her father and with Edana though. Keary had to stop Oppida from ruining any more lives with her maliciousness. This was personal.