She hadn't needed to say a word. He watched her reactions, heightening the exquisite sensation building in her, stroking faster, harder, and she swore he looked nearly as satisfied as he was making her feel.

  Then that intensely fulfilling sensation roared up and over her and through her and she cried out in exaltation. And felt horrified. She was certain the talk in the tavern below had grown much quieter as Angus quickly distracted her, impaling her on his staff. She was again overcome by the thrill of this new experience. He gently laid his hands on her hips and encouraged her to ride him!

  Angus was certain all the men in the tavern had heard his bonny wife exclaim his name out loud during the throes of passion. He had been amused, loving her for her passion, and hoped she wasn't too embarrassed. He suspected he'd never be able to bed her in such a manner in another tavern for as long as they lived.

  She continued to ride him, looking eager to please just as much as he craved pleasing her. He still couldn't believe she had thought making love to her while he was on top had become tiresome. He would never tire of their lovemaking no matter the way in which they did it.

  Even now as he watched her breasts bounce and her roll her hips while he continued to hold onto them, her soft rounded arse pounding against his hips—taking him even higher in his need to reach the end—he was filled with wonder for her.

  No matter how much he tried to keep the momentum going, how hard he attempted to delay coming quickly, he couldn't. She moistened her dry lips. He wanted to kiss her again, but before he could, he exploded into her. Like a burst of hot white flame, he felt the heady release, claimed it and luxuriated in the sensation. Then he quickly rolled her onto her back, continuing to thrust deeply into her, thinking even now she could be well on the way to carrying his child. That thought pleased him to no end.

  Finishing with a sigh of pleasure, he began kissing her again, his hands tangled in her hair, and to his surprise, she came again, only this time, he muffled her lovely cry of pleasure.

  Settled together after that, her arm draped over his stomach, her head resting against him, she sighed, her warm breath stirring the light hairs on his chest.

  "I will never be able to show my face downstairs again," Edana said, serious as could be.

  Chapter 20

  Later that night in the tavern and groggy with sleep, Angus heard a light rap at the door to his room. Slipping out of Edana's arms, he quickly left the bed, threw on his tunic, lit a candle, and said as he approached the door, "Aye?"

  "'Tis me, Niall."

  Angus opened the door and saw Niall holding a lantern, his brow furrowed. "What is the matter?"

  His cousin's dark curly hair had droplets of water clinging to the strands, more rainwater puddling atop his wool plaid, but Angus didn't hear the sound of rain outside, so he assumed the showers had stopped.

  "Gunnolf sent me to tell you that he saw Keary speaking to two of his men, his voice hushed, before he left with the rest of them and headed in the direction of Lockton Castle. The two men attempted to keep out of sight of the rest of us, but they followed us here to the village. Gunnolf backtracked to shadow them, attempting to listen in on their conversation while traveling, but they didna say a word. Now they are sleeping at one of the crofters' huts. We are taking turns getting some rest and watching the men in the event they leave earlier than we do."

  "You think they are following us? What are they about?" Angus asked.

  Niall shook his head. "That is what Gunnolf is attempting to learn. I stayed with him for a while, but he wanted me to return to the tavern and let you know what is going on."

  "Does he suspect it has something to do with Edana? And Keary?"

  "Aye. He believes Keary was more interested in staying close to Edana than he was with regard to having his vengeance against Oppida. 'Tis true he wanted to tell MacRae about Oppida's evil doings to protect MacRae's son, Pol. But Gunnolf believes that Keary told MacRae such, as he wants to earn Edana's respect. Gunnolf thinks Keary still wants her for his wife because he received her da's consent."

  "She is married to me," Angus said, more vehemently than necessary.

  "Aye, 'tis true. Unless you no longer live."

  Giving that some thought, Angus rubbed his bristly chin. "Can you ask some of…" He shook his head. "'Tis my place to ask him if he can spare some of his men to help spell you and Gunnolf." Angus would do it himself, but he wasn't about to leave Edana alone in the room.

  "Nay, we will have your backs."

  Drummond clomped up the stairs and paused as he saw Niall speaking to Angus. "Is this a private matter?"

  Angus shook his head. "Gunnolf and Niall believe Keary has some intention of having me killed so he can wed Edana."

  Drummond's brows arched. Then he hpmfed. "Does my da know this?"

  "Nay, I have just learned of it," Angus said, angry that Keary didn't know when to quit, if what Gunnolf assumed was true.

  Drummond nodded, then went to the door next to Angus's and rapped hard.

  "Who is it?" Kayne said, his voice grumpy.


  Kayne opened the door to his room and glanced at Angus and Niall. "Is there a celebration going on and I havena been invited?"

  Angus truly liked Edana's brothers.

  "Aye, Keary wants his head," Drummond said, jerking his thumb in Angus's direction, "so he can have our sister for his wife."

  "The devil he can," Tibold roared from the bed.

  Angus smiled, very much approving of his father by marriage also.

  "What is this all about?" Egan asked from somewhere in the unlit room.

  Just like that, Angus had the support of Tibold and all his sons, two of whom had quickly dressed and were about to go with Niall to see the croft where Keary's men were holed up. Angus hadn't really considered how he would be gaining Edana's family when he wed her, but he was pleased to be part of her family as well.

  Before they left, Niall said to Angus, "You really dinna need to worry about the lass. If something untoward happens to you, I will step in and take her to wife."

  Used to Niall and his brothers' good humored jests to lighten a dark mood, Angus slapped his cousin on the shoulder. "Aye, but she would have to agree, and I would have to be dead. No way am I dying anytime soon."

  Satisfied he'd have enough protection for him and for Edana, Angus shut and bolted the door. Then he pulled off his tunic, snuffed out the candle, and returned to bed to snuggle with his wife before the long journey home tomorrow. Though he kept his sword close at hand.

  A short time later, he heard something rattling at the small window to the room—the shutters moving a bit, Angus thought. A high wind, or something more sinister?

  He climbed out of bed and threw on his tunic, then reached for his sword. No man in his right mind would attempt to kill him in his sleep, he didn't think. Then again if it was one of Keary's men, he may have learned that Tibold and his men would be helping to escort Edana to Craigly Castle and Keary wouldn't get a better chance to murder Angus without anyone suspecting who had done the deed.

  What he couldn't understand was where Edana's brothers and his own friends had gone that one of the men had slipped beyond their notice. Unless the two men sleeping in the croft were not the only two in the village working for Keary. Maybe even Keary and a substantial number of his men were here now, keeping out of sight. Perhaps he hadn't gone to Lockton Castle as he said he would.

  The room was nearly pitch black, which made Angus wonder how the man thought he would manage to kill him. What if he injured Edana instead? Surely he would have realized she would scream and alert Tibold and his men.

  Though the cover of dark would hide who the attempted murderer was—if that was what this was all about.

  The shutter ripped part way off its hinges when a soft body slid next to Angus, brushing up against his arm. "Edana," Angus whispered, his voice hoarse, trying to keep the anxiousness from it. "Lass, go to your father's room." He reached down to f
eel her clothes to see what she was wearing. She had only managed to slip into her chemise.

  "If I open the door, they will see the light in the tavern silhouetting me. They will see you and know just where to attack," she said, just as hushed.

  She was the most irritatingly obstinate woman at times, especially when her words made sense and he didn't wish to see it that way—mainly because he was concerned for her safety.

  The shutter creaked as it moved aside. The man had made enough noise to wake everyone in the room, had they still been sleeping.

  "Lass…" Angus again prompted her to leave.

  "I have my sgian dubh," she said, standing slightly behind him.

  "Go to the corner of the room, or hide under the bed," he said.

  She moved away from him then, but he didn't know if she did what he asked or if she remained close at hand. As dark as it was in the room, she could easily stab him, thinking he was the would-be attacker. And the man breaking into the room could do the same to her, not realizing she was Edana. He prayed she had done as he said.

  A dog barked in the distance, setting off two more.

  A dark figure started to climb in through the window, and Angus charged him, unwilling to allow him entrance, fearing Edana might be injured. With a warrior's yell, he vowed bloody vengeance.

  Angus struck the man in the head and he cried out as he lost his hold on the window. He fell to the muddy earth below, making another holler in shock. Two of them then. One to take Edana? Or silence her?

  Pounding on his door caused Edana to shriek.

  "Open up!" Tibold yelled. "What the hell is going on in there?"

  Edana ran to the door, unbarred it, and pulled it open. In the candlelight, Tibold looked from her to Angus. "I was awakened by Angus's yelling and then the other man cried out as I tried to reach your door. You are both well?"

  "Aye," Edana said. "Angus tossed one of them out the window. Hopefully, he landed on the other one's head and cracked both their skulls."

  "Did you no' know the lass is bloodthirsty when it comes to protecting her own?" Tibold asked Angus.

  "She had my very own thoughts in mind," Angus said, turning his attention to the backside of the tavern where Drummond, Niall, and Egan were fighting the two men in vicious swordplay, someone having set a lantern down nearby.

  He wanted to tell them to allow them to live so they could question them about their motives and plans, but the men weren't giving up, and his cousin and Edana's brothers continued to fight.

  Several questions sprang to mind. Were the two men sleeping in the croft that Gunnolf was watching still there? Or had they slipped out the backside of the croft when Niall came to get reinforcements?

  Tibold joined Angus at the window as Edana rebarred the door, then climbed back into bed.

  Keary's two men finally collapsed in the mud. "Did you want to question them, or shall I?" Tibold asked Angus.

  "Will you stay with Edana?"


  "I will speak to them." Angus threw on his plaid and boots and stalked over to the bed to kiss Edana. "I will return momentarily."

  And then he left the room, leaving her father in charge of her, hoping she wouldn't have the sudden urge to join Angus behind the tavern.

  The mud sucking at his boots, he finally reached the injured men around back. "Were these the same two who were sleeping in the croft?" Angus asked Niall and Edana's brothers.

  "Nay," Niall said. "Though I did think mayhap the two men slipped through a window out back while Gunnolf guarded the front of the croft when I came to speak with you. But they are no' the same two men."

  "Then there could be more." Angus glanced up at the second-story window to his room. Tibold was watching them. Angus poked one of the men with his boot. "What did you hope to accomplish in yonder room, eh?"

  The man was holding his stomach, and Angus was certain he didn't have long to live. "Keary sent you to kill me, did he no'? He couldna have hoped to steal the lass away."

  The other man shook his head. Angus turned his attention to him. "Nay? Then what? Kill me and come for her at Craigly later?"

  "Let me live and I will tell you," the man said, his voice pained.

  "Why should I? Would you have allowed me to live? What if you had injured Edana in the process?"

  "We wouldna," he said.

  Angus hmpfed. "In the dark, how would you know? And she was ready to defend me. If you had harmed me, she would have injured you. Then you are telling me you wouldna have retaliated?"

  "I wouldna have…cut her. Keary is mad with wanting her. When her escort came to the castle and told him she was missing, he searched for her. He had every intention of taking her to wife as soon as he found her. He recalled having seen her as a young lass and remembered how bonny she was even then. But then you arrived with her and he still thought he had a chance to wed the lass. He didna believe you or she intended to marry. Laird Lockton had the notion even to get her da's permission before you had a chance. She had thoroughly bewitched Keary. No' only because of her fiery hair. He sees her as the kind of woman he wants to call his own."

  "So he doesna intend to steal her away," Angus said, worried that Keary had that plan in mind.

  "Nay. He intends to come for her at Craigly Castle, after you are dead. He will propose marriage again to her da, as she would be a widow and…free to marry."

  Niall snorted. "I have already spoken for the lass. She will be mine first before Keary can get his hands on her."

  Angus looked at Niall. He thought his cousin was truly serious. "Need I remind you, Cousin, I have no intention of dropping dead anytime soon?"

  Niall smiled self-assuredly. "Aye, Angus, but in the event Keary thinks he has a chance, he doesna. And you heard Gunnolf—he wishes her to be his warrior bride. So if something happens to me…" Niall shrugged.

  Swords clanking in the distance made them all turn in that direction. Angus looked again at the wounded men, the one appearing to have expired. To the other, Angus said, "I will let you go for speaking freely to us. Should you attempt to harm me or mine in the future, I willna go so easy on you."

  The man nodded and Niall and Drummond helped him to his feet. He waited, holding his bloodied wound, his tunic sleeve sliced halfway up the arm.

  "I wouldna speak to Keary about any of this. Rather, if I were you, I would disappear." Angus truly hoped the man would do the opposite of that, and tell Keary he had no chance with Edana ever. Did Keary truly believe no one would connect him to an arbitrary murder? And that Tibold would again grant Keary the right to wed Edana?

  "Aye," the man said.

  "Go," Angus said.

  Keary's man stumbled off, holding his bleeding arm. Angus glanced up at the window. Tibold was still watching them. Angus wanted to join the fighting to see if he could be of assistance, but he didn't want to leave Edana with just her father.

  "Return to her," Niall said. "We will watch your back until you reach the room. Then Drummond and I can look into the other fighting."

  "Aye." Angus hated to think anyone had to stay to protect him.

  When he returned to the room, he found it empty, but before full-fledged panic could set in, Tibold opened the door to his own room. "Kayne moved Edana to my room. My sons and I will sleep in yours since the shutters no longer protect the window."

  Angus agreed that the plan was sound and retired to Tibold's room with Edana, sword ready for any further disturbance.

  Later, Egan banged on the door, "'Tis me, Egan, and Gildas ending our shift for the night."

  Angus quickly opened the door to them so that they would not wake Edana. "Your father and Kayne are sleeping in our room next door."

  "My thanks," Egan said. "Sorry to disturb you."

  "Did you see any sign of Keary? Were any of our men injured?" Angus asked.

  "Two of Keary's men were wounded and one killed. Our own men are well. Keary was never seen. We are going to suggest to our da that we stay with you until you and Edana
are safely tucked away at Craigly Castle."

  Angus dipped his head and the men said their goodnights and banged on Tibold's door. Kayne let them in and Angus barred his door and returned to a sleeping Edana. At least she had not been disturbed by all the night activities.

  Or so he thought until she reached for him and said, "Make love to me, husband."


  A couple of hours later, the dawn's pink ribbon of sunlight appeared, turning to orange, then yellow. The sky had cleared and it looked to be a beautiful, blustery day.

  After breaking their fast, they were on their way to Craigly Castle, Una riding beside Edana, and looking much more refreshed than his wife after the harried night they'd had.

  Gunnolf quickly joined him to give news of the night before as no one wished to disturb him earlier that morn and everyone talked of other matters for their journey ahead when they broke their fast. "Niall says that if something untimely happens to you, he will wed the lass next."

  Edana said, "You know, I should have some say in this." She arched a dark red brow.

  "My very thought, lass," Gunnolf said, grinning. "Should anything happen to Angus, I would step in to take you to wife."

  She laughed. "You jest as much as my brothers do," she said, smiling.

  "For the last time, I am no' leaving my wife to either of you," Angus said, of good cheer, knowing they would always be there for him no matter the trouble, just as he would be when it came to protecting them. "'Tis good I dinna question your loyalty, or I might think neither you nor Niall would protect me sufficiently because the treasure to be had would be too tempting."

  Gunnolf laughed heartily.

  "So what happened during the fighting?" Angus asked. "Egan told me briefly what he had seen."

  "The two men who had been sleeping in one of the crofts must have heard the fighting with the ones who tried to enter your room at the tavern. The men we were watching tried to slip out of the place. Egan, Halwn, and I engaged the men. Both were wounded, but we gave them the same message as you and Niall had told the other man. Leave; Keary has no hope to wed Edana as she has a string of men—Niall and me, waiting to wed the lass should some mishap befall you. We hope the word will get back to Keary and he will cease and desist," Gunnolf said.