
  A Select List of Books for Young People: Published by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press

  Books for Boys

  "_Boys who read Mr. Strang's works have not merely the advantage ofperusing enthralling and wholesome tales, but they are also absorbingsound and trustworthy information of the men and times about which theyare reading._"--DAILY TELEGRAPH.


  The Blue Raider

  Illustrated by C. E. BROCK.

  Phil Trentham, a young English trader, and his friend Hoole, anAmerican, are amongst the few survivors of a tramp steamer sunk by aGerman raider in the Pacific. Together with Grinson, the boatswain, andMeek, a seaman, they reach the coast of New Guinea, and find themselvesbetween the devil and the deep sea, in the shape of cannibal natives onthe one hand and the German raiders on the other. After runningimminent risk of being devoured, the party come to terms with thenatives, who have themselves suffered much at the hands of the Germans;and they unite against the common foe. By a clever stratagem Trenthamwrecks the German raider and outwits the crew, who make an attack on hisparty. The fat boatswain, Grinson, and the lean, melancholy Meek aregood examples of Mr. Herbert Strang's power of characterisation.

  The Long Trail

  Illustrated by H. EVISON.

  This is a story of African adventure that carries the reader onbreathlessly. Two English lads, who had gone to Africa prospecting fortin, come into contact with the wild race of the Tubus, and unwittinglycross the ambitions of their leader, Goruba. They are besieged, withtheir carriers, in a tumble-down fort, have encounters with savagebeasts as well as savage men, and ultimately, getting the better ofGoruba, have their reward in the shape of a hoard of ivory which layconcealed beneath the fort.

  A Gentleman-at-Arms

  A Story of Elizabethan Days. Eight plates in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO, andthirty-eight line drawings by T. H. ROBINSON.

  This book is unique In literature for boys. It relates the adventurouscareer of an Elizabethan gentleman, in a style carefully modelled on thesimple prose of the century which produced the Authorised Version of theBible. No previous writer for boys has ever attempted a similarachievement. Apart from its romantic and exciting incidents, this storyhas great value by reason of its historical and geographicalinformation, and its exceptional style.

  Sultan Jim

  Empire Builder. Coloured illustrations by CYRUS CUNEO.

  Asia and Australia have been the scene of Mr. Strang's most recentromances of Empire. In this book he turns to Africa, where thecolonising activity of rival powers is raising problems of the greatestinterest and importance. The presence of a young Englishman in one ofthe debatable lands at a time of upheaval and international rivalryenables him to uphold the interests of the Empire against formidableopposition. The story is brimful of adventure, and its moral is that ofpatriotic self-sacrifice.

  "Father Christmas brings many good things in his train, but It Isdoubtful If he brings anything better in its own way than a new story byMr. Herbert Strang. The multitude of his youthful readers are likely tofind their most insatiable thirst for adventure satisfied by this newvolume."--_Bookman_.

  The Air Patrol

  A Story of the North-West Frontier. Illustrated in Colour by CYRUSCUNEO.

  In this book Mr. Strang looks ahead--and other books have already provedhim a prophet of surprising skill--to a time when there is a greatMongolian Empire whose army sweeps down on to the North-West Frontier ofIndia. His two heroes luckily have an aeroplane, and with the help of afew Pathan miners they hold a pass in the Hindu Kush against a swarm ofMongols, long enough to prevent the cutting of the communications of theIndian army operating in Afghanistan. The qualities which marked Mr.Strang's last long story, "The Air-Scout," and won extraordinarily highcommendation from Lord Roberts, Lord Curzon, and others, as well as fromthe _Spectator_ and other great journals, are again strikinglydisplayed; and the combination of thrilling adventure with an Imperialproblem and excellent writing, adds one more to this author's long listof successes.

  "An exceptionally good book, written moreover In excellentstyle."--_Times_.

  "The 'Air Patrol' is really a masterpiece."--_Morning Post_.

  The Air-Scout

  A Story of National Defence. Illustrated in Colour by W. R. S. STOTT.

  The problems of National Defence are being discussed with more and morecare and attention, not only in Great Britain, but also in all parts ofthe Empire. In this story Mr. Strang imagines a Chinese descent uponAustralia, and carries his hero through a series of exciting adventures,in which the value of national spirit, organisation, and discipline isexemplified. The important part which the aeroplane will play inwarfare is recognised, and the thousands of readers who have delightedin the author's previous stories of aviation will find this new bookafter their own heart.

  LORD ROBERTS writes: "It is capital reading, and should interest morethan boys. Your forecast is so good that I can only hope the future maynot bring to Australia such a struggle as the one you so graphicallydescribe."

  LORD CURZON writes: "I have read with great pleasure your book, 'TheAir-Scout.' It seems to me to be a capital story, full of life andmovement: and further, it preaches the best of all secular gospels,patriotism and co-operation."

  "We congratulate Me. Strang on this fine book--one of the best fightingstories we have read."--_Morning Post_.

  Rob the Ranger

  A Story of the Fight for Canada. Illustrated in Colour by W. H.MARGETSON, and three Maps.

  Rob Somers, son of an English settler in New York State, sets out withLone Pete, a trapper, in pursuit of an Indian raiding party which hasdestroyed his home and carried off his younger brother. He is capturedand taken to Quebec, where he finds his brother, and escapes with him inthe dead of the winter, in company with a little band of New Englanders.They are pursued over snow 'and ice, and in a log hut beside LakeChamplain maintain a desperate struggle against a larger force ofFrench, Indians, and half-breeds, ultimately reaching Fort Edward insafety.

  One of Clive's Heroes

  A Story of the Fight for India. Illustrated In Colour, and Maps.

  Desmond Burke goes out to India to seek his fortune, and is sold by afalse friend of his, one Marmaduke Diggle, to the famous Pirate ofGheria. But he escapes, runs away with one of the Pirate's own vessels,and meets Colonel Clive, whom he assists to capture the Pirate'sstronghold. His subsequent adventures on the other side of India--howhe saves a valuable cargo of his friend, Mr. Merriman, assists Clive inhis fights against Sirajuddaula, and rescues Mr. Merriman's wife anddaughter from the clutches of Diggle--are told with great spirit andhumour.

  "An absorbing story.... The narrative not only thrills, but also weavesskilfully out of fact and fiction a clear impression of our fiercestruggle for India."--_Athenaeum_.


  A Story of the Congo. Illustrated in Colour.

  The first work of fiction in which the cause of the hapless Congo nativeis championed.

  "It was an excellent Idea on the part of Mr. Herbert Strang to write astory about the treatment of the natives in the Congo Free State.... Mr.Strang has a big following among English boys, and anything he choosesto write is sure to receive their appreciative attention."--_Standard_,

  "Mr. Herbert Strang has written not a few admirable books for boys, butnone likely to make a more profound impression than his new story ofthis year."--_Scotsman_.

  Barclay of the Guides

  A Story of the Indian Mutiny. Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO.With Maps.

  Of all our Native Indian regiments the Guides have probably the mostglorious traditions. They were among the few who remained true to theirsalt during the trying days of the great Mutiny, vying in gallantry anddevotion with our best British regiments. The st
ory tells how JamesBarclay, after a strange career in Afghanistan, becomes associated withthis famous regiment, and though young in years, bears a man's part inthe great march to Delhi, the capture of the royal city, and thesuppression of the Mutiny.

  With Drake on the Spanish Main

  Illustrated in Colour by ARCHIBALD WEBB. With Maps.

  A rousing story of adventure by sea and land. The hero, DennisHazelrig, is cast ashore on an island in the Spanish Main, the solesurvivor of a band of adventurers from Plymouth. He lives for some timewith no companion but a spider monkey, but by a series of remarkableincidents he gathers about him a numerous band of escaped slaves andprisoners, English, French and native; captures a Spanish fort; fights aSpanish galleon; meets Francis Drake, and accompanies him in his famousadventures on the Isthmus of Panama; and finally reaches England thepossessor of much treasure. The author has, as usual, devoted muchpains to characterisation, and every boy will delight in Amos Turnpenny,Tom Copstone, and other bold men of Devon, and in Mirandola, the monkey.

  Palm Tree Island

  Illustrated in Colour by ARCHIBALD WEBB.

  In this story two boys are left on a volcanic island in the South Seas,destitute of everything but their clothes. The story relates how theyprovided themselves with food and shelter, with tools and weapons; howthey fought with wild dogs and sea monsters; and how, when they havesettled down to a comfortable life under the shadow of the volcano,their peace is disturbed by the advent of savages and a crew of mutinousEnglishmen. The savages are driven away; the mutineers are subduedthrough the boys' ingenuity; and they ultimately sail away in a vesselof their own construction. In no other book has the author moreadmirably blended amusement with instruction.

  "Written as well that there Is not a dull page in the book."--_TheWorld_.

  Herbert Strang's Romances of Modern Invention

  Each of the following stories is concerned with some particulardiscovery of Modern Science, such as the aeroplane and the submarine,which is made use of in the working out of the plot; and the heroes ofthese adventures, who face dangers that were unknown in olden times,cannot fail to make a strong appeal to boys of to-day.

  The Flying Boat

  Illustrated in Colour.

  The flying boat Is a logical development of the hydroplane. At asufficiently high speed, the hydroplane leaves the water and becomes ahydro-aeroplane. The possession of such a machine gives the hero of thestory (the scene of which is laid in China) opportunities of highlyexciting adventures, and Incidentally the chance of rescuing an old chumwho has fallen into the hands of Chinese revolutionaries.

  "The book is alive with vigorous action from cover to cover, 'The FlyingBoat' is a rattling good story."--_Bookman_.

  The Motor Scout

  A Story of Adventure in South America. Illustrated in Colour by CYRUSCUNEO.

  In the interest aroused by the solution of the problem of flying, themotor bicycle has been entirely overlooked by story-writers. HappilyMr. Herbert Strang has now thought of making it the pivot of a story,the scene of which is one of the Latin States of South America. Mr.Strang tells the story of an Irish boy who is living in this State justat the time when one of the periodical revolutions breaks out. He isforced to take sides, and with the help of his motor-cycle is able toassist his friends, but not without running risks unknown to scoutsprovided with less novel means of traversing the country. "A reallyfine story, full of life, and one that any bay can enjoy."--_Outlook_.

  Round the World in Seven Days

  The Story of an Aeroplane. Illustrated in Colour by A. C. MICHAEL.

  "This is a book which any boy would revel in, and which people who areno longer boys will read with equally breathlessinterest."--_Educational News_.

  The Cruise of the Gyro-Car

  Illustrated in Colour by A. C. MICHAEL.

  (The Gyro-Car, which is a road vehicle or a boat at pleasure, is thelogical outcome of the gyroscope applied to the bicycle.)

  Swift and Sure

  The Story of a Hydroplane. Illustrated in Colour by J. FINNEMORE.

  "It is one of the most exciting of this season's works for boys, everypage containing a thrill, and no boy will leave it to a second sittingif he can help it."--_Teacher_.

  King of the Air

  or, To Morocco on an Aeroplane. Illustrated in Colour by W. E. WEBSTER.

  "One of the best boys' stories we have ever read."--_Morning Leader_.

  "The best book of its kind now in existence."--_Manchester Guardian_.

  Lord of the Seas

  The Story of a Submarine. Illustrated in Colour by C. FLEMING WILLIAMS.

  "The excitement lasts from cover to cover."--_Manchester Courier_.

  By Captain G. B. McKEAN, V.C., M.C., M.M.

  Scouting Thrills

  Illustrated by JOHN DE WALTON.

  Captain G. B. McKean is a Canadian officer who served throughout thewar, first as a private, afterwards gaining a commission, and winningsuccessively the Military Medal, the V.C., and the Military Cross. Inhis book he recounts some of his most thrilling experiences on theWestern Front, particularly the exploit by which he gained the V.C.Captain McKean was Scout Officer in his battalion, and his chapters areamongst the most vivid and thrilling accounts of the war yetwritten--not the war of "big pushes," massed attacks, bayonet charges,and the capture of miles of trenches, but of nights spent crawling aboutin the mud of No-Man's-Land, of lonely vigils in shell-holes, bombingraids, and unpleasant experiences "on the wire."

  GENERAL SIR ROBERT BADEN POWELL writes: "I have devoured it with greatrelish.... It gives a life-like representation of the risks and thrillsof scouting and the 'real thing'; and as a moral lesson of chuckingeverything aside to get your duty done, it is bound to have powerfulresults."


  Brother o' Mine

  A School Story. Illustrated by H. M. BROCK.

  "Brother o' Mine" is a story of Harley, a great public school. TobyNicholson, an old Harleian, after making a shot at one or two possibleopenings for a career, accepts the post of Games Master at his oldschool. To his younger brother Terence the prospect of being at Harleywith Toby is one of unalloyed pleasure, and as he is pretty sure of hisFirst XI. colours next term, the world for him is rose-coloured. Buthis anticipations are not altogether realised, for Slade, the Captain ofCricket, having no particular liking for Terence to start with, feelsthat the presence of Toby is a direct challenge to him to assert hisindependence; and on the plea that he will not show favouritism to a boybecause his brother happens to be Games Master, he refuses to do himsimple justice and keeps him out of the XI. In the duel that ensues,Slade makes several false moves that show him to be actuated by pettyspite rather than by any high motive of justice and fair-play; and hisown play proving anything but fair, his career at Harley comes to anabrupt conclusion. Terence is a fine bat, and the force of publicopinion and his own worth secure him the coveted "last place" in the XI.

  The Harley First Eleven

  Illustrated by C. E. BROCK.

  "The Harley First Eleven" is a collection of Mr. Hylton Cleaver's bestshort stories, all centring on the great public school Harley, and,individually, dealing with the sports for which it is famous. Mr.Cleaver's knowledge of public school-boy character is extensive andprofound; he has a ready fund of wit and humour at his call, and he candescribe a Rugger match in a way that makes the blood tingle withexcitement. Rugger was Harley's great game, though the school producedmany first-class cricketers; and the two games form the pivot of severalstories. Others are concerned with boxing, running and swimming; and weare let into secrets regarding the giving or withholding of colours forwhich the school at large saw no justification at the time. The book isa history of battles fought and won on the playing-fields of Harley.


  Heroes of the Air

  Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO.

nbsp; This book deals with the labours and exploits of those who have playedan important part in bringing about the conquest of the air. It notonly contains personal memoirs of the men themselves, but traces theprogress of aerial flight from the early gliders to the aeroplanes ofto-day. The story of the experiments of those who first essayed tofly--the problems that long baffled them and the difficulties theyovercame--together with the accounts of the daring feats of modernaviators, make a stirring narrative, and carry the history of heroismand endurance a. stage further forward.

  "This will prove a great attraction to a multitude of readers who wishto read of deeds of great daring and very narrow escapes."--_Nation_.

  With the Airmen

  Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO.

  Mr. Grahame-White has not only repeatedly proved his skill and daring asa pilot, but the well-known type of biplane bearing his name shows thathe is in the forefront of designers and constructors. With hispractical and technical knowledge is combined the somewhat rare abilityto impart his knowledge in a form acceptable to boys, as he has alreadyshown in his "Heroes of the Air." This time he has written a vade mecumfor the young aeroplanist, who is conducted to the aerodrome andinitiated Into all the mysteries of flying. The structure of theaeroplane, the uses of the different parts, the propulsive mechanism,the steering apparatus, the work at a flying school, the causes ofaccidents, and the future of the aeroplane are all dealt with.

  "It is surely one of the most entertaining books on a technical subjectthat have ever appeared, as well as one of the most instructive andcomprehensive."--_Nation_.


  On Secret Service. Illustrated by JOHN DE WALTON.

  Captain Gilson's new book carries us back to the early days of the war,when the hidden menace of spies in our midst was scarcely lessformidable than the obvious menace from the enemy without. DanielWansborough, a retired Scotland Yard detective, takes up active serviceagain in the hour of his country's need, and becomes aware of awell-organised system of espionage at work, with its headquarters inLondon; but for a time he cannot discover whose is the brain directingthe organisation. His nephew, George, a lad of sixteen, is instrumentalin obtaining this information. George falls into the hands of thearch-spy, and is kept a prisoner in London. Here he learns the detailsof an ingenious plan whereby the chief Government offices in Whitehallare to be destroyed by Zeppelins. The detective, in trying to unravelthe mystery of his nephew's disappearance, finds the threads minglingwith those of the spy-plot, and when at length he locates the house inwhich the boy is shut up, he finds himself with his hand upon the verynerve-centre of the German Secret Service organisation. George is ableto supply the missing links in the chain of evidence, and the scheme forthe destruction of Whitehall if frustrated at the eleventh hour.

  The Spy

  A Story of the Peninsular War. Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO.

  To the work of story-writing Captain Gilson brings a remarkablecombination of talents: an unrivalled knowledge of military history, animagination that never flags, a dramatic literary style, and a keensense of humour. These qualities are seen to perfection in "The Spy."The hero, Sir Jeffery Jones, Bart, when a boy of sixteen, secures acommission in a famous foot regiment, then under orders to sail forPortugal under the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley. His first encounterwith the enemy takes place before he is fifty miles from home, for onthe road to London he pursues and comes near to capturing a spy in thepay of Bonaparte. Several times subsequently the paths of the twocross, and eventually Sir Jeffery is the means of thwarting theFrenchman's schemes. He takes part in much of the fighting in thePeninsula, and, at the storming of Badajoz and elsewhere, renders hiscountry good service.

  "Every boy who loves tales of war and perilous enterprise--and what boydoes not!--will read 'The Spy' with unqualified enjoyment."--_Bookman_.

  The Lost Empire

  A Tale of Many Lands. Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO. With Map.

  This is the story of a middy who was taken prisoner by the French at thetime of the Revolution. While in Paris he obtained possession ofNapoleon's plans for the capture of India, and, after many adventures,was the means of frustrating that ambitious scheme.

  The Lost Column

  A Story of the Boxer Rebellion. Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO.

  At the outbreak of the great Boxer Rebellion in China, Gerald Wood, thehero of this story, was living with his mother and brother at MiltonTowers, just outside Tientsin. When the storm broke and Tientsin wascut off from the rest of the world, the occupants of Milton Towers madea gallant defence, but were compelled by force of numbers to retire intothe town. Then Gerald determined to go in quest of the relief columnunder Admiral Seymour. He carried his life in his hands, and on morethan one occasion came within an ace of losing it; but he managed toreach his goal in safety, and was warmly commended by the Admiral on hisachievement.

  The Pirate Aeroplane

  Illustrated in Colour by C. CLARK, R.I.

  The heroes of this story, during a tour In an entirely unknown region ofAfrica, light upon a race of people directly descended from the AncientEgyptians. This race--the Asmalians---has lived isolated from othercommunities. The scientific importance of this discovery is apparent tothe travellers, and they are enthusiastic to know more of these strangepeople; but suddenly they find themselves in the midst of excitingadventures owing to the appearance of a pirate aeroplane--of athoroughly up-to-date model--whose owner has learnt of a vast store ofgold in the Asmalians' city. They throw in their lot with the people,and are able in the end to frustrate the plans of the freebooter.

  "The story is a riot of adventure. There is the groundwork of acomplete new novel on every page."--_Manchester Guardian_.

  The Lost Island

  Illustrated in Colour by CYRUS CUNEO.

  A rousing story of adventure in the little-explored regions of CentralAsia and in the South Seas. The prologue describes how Thomas Gaythorneobtained access to a Lama monastery, where he rendered the monks suchgreat service that they bestowed upon him a gem of priceless value knownas Gautama's Eye. Soon after leaving the monastery he was attacked androbbed, and only narrowly escaped with his life. "The Lost Island"describes the attempt of one of Thomas Gaythorne's descendants tore-discover the missing gem; and he passes through some remarkableadventures before he succeeds in this quest.

  The Race Round the World

  An Account of the Contest for the L100,000 Prize offered by theCombined Newspaper League. Coloured Illustrations by CYRUS CUNEO, anda map of the route of _The Swallow_.

  Old Silas Agge has invented a new motor spirit, far more potent thanpetrol, and with this secret in his possession he has no doubt that hewill win the L100,000 offered by a Newspaper League to the winner of theAeroplane Race round the World. But a foreigner, with whom Silas hashad business relations, succeeds in obtaining, first, the design of theaeroplane which the old man has built, and next, a sufficient quantityof the new spirit to carry him round the world. The race thus becomes aduel between these two rivals. Guy Kingston, a daring young aviator andnephew to Silas, pilots his uncle's aeroplane, and at every stage of therace finds himself matched against an unscrupulous adversary. The storyof the race is exciting from beginning to end. Readers of CaptainGilson's earlier books will be particularly happy in renewingacquaintance with Mr. Wang, the great Chinese detective.

  "Suggestive of Jules Verne in his most ambitious and fantasticvein."--_Athenaeum_.

  "Boys will like it, and they will want to read it more thanonce."--_Scotsman_.


  The Bending of a Twig

  Illustrated in Colour by H. M. BROCK.

  When "The Bending of a Twig" was first published it was hailed bycompetent critics as the finest school story that had appeared since"Tom Brown." It is a vivid picture of life in a modern public school.The hero, Lycidas Marsh, enters Shrew
sbury without having previouslybeen to a preparatory school, drawing his ideas of school life from hisimagination and a number of school stories he has read. How Lycidasfinds his true level in this new world and worthily maintains theSalopian tradition is the theme of this most entrancing book.

  "A real, live school story that carries conviction in everyline."--_Standard_.

  "Mr. Desmond Coke has given us one of the best accounts of public schoollife that we possess.... Among books of its kind 'The Bending of aTwig' deserves to become a classic"--_Outlook_.

  The School Across the Road

  Illustrated in Colour by H. M. BROCK.

  The incidents of this story arise out of the uniting of twoschools--"Warner's" and "Corunna"--under the name of "Winton," a namewhich the head master fondly hopes will become known far and wide as agreat seat of learning. Unfortunately for the head master's ambition,however, the two sets of boys--hitherto rivals and enemies, nowschoolfellows--do not take kindly to one another. Warner's men of mightare discredited in the new school; Henderson, lately head boy, findshimself a mere nobody; while the inoffensive Dove is exalted and madeprefect by reason of his attainments in class work. There is discordand insurrection and talk of expulsion, and the feud drags on until therival factions have an opportunity of uniting against a common enemy.Then, in the enthusiasm aroused by the overthrow of a neighbouringagricultural college, the bitterness between them dies away, and thefuture of Winton is assured.

  "This tale is told with a remarkable spirit, and all the boys are real,everyday characters drawn without exaggeration."--_British Weekly_.

  The House Prefect

  Illustrated in Colour by H. M. BROCK.

  This story of the life at Sefton, a great English public school, mainlyrevolves around the trouble in which Bob Manders, new-made houseprefect, finds himself, owing to a former alliance with the two wildspirits whom, in the interests of the house, it is now his chief task tosuppress. In particular does the spirited exploit with which itopens--the whitewashing by night of a town statue and the smashing ofcertain school property--raise itself against him, next term, when hehas been set in authority. His two former friends persist in stillregarding him as an ally, bound to them by their common secret; and, ina sense, he is attracted to their enterprises, for in becoming prefecthe does not cease to be a boy. It is a great duel this, fought in thestudies, the dormitories, upon the field.

  "Quite one of the books of the season. Mr. Desmond Coke has provedhimself a aster."--_World_.

  "Quite the hot school story of the year."--_Morning Leader_.


  The Voyage of the "Sesame"

  A Story of the Arctic. Illustrated in Colour.

  The Trevelyan brothers receive from a dying sailor a rough chart of alocality where much gold is to be found in the Arctic regions. They setout in quest of it, bat do not have things all their own way, for somerival treasure-seekers have got wind of the enterprise, and endeavour tosecure the gold for themselves. There is a race between the twoexpeditions, and fighting takes place, but the crew of the Sesame arevictorious, and after enduring great hardships amongst the ice, reachhome safely with the gold on board.

  The Good Sword Belgarde

  or, How De Burgh held Dover. Coloured Illustrations by W. H. C. GROOME.

  This is the story of Arnold Gyffard and John Wotton, pages to Sir PhilipDaubeney, in the days when Prince Lewis the Lion invaded England andstrove to win it from King John. It tells of their journey to Doverthrough a country swarming with foreign troops, and of many desperatefights by the way. In one of these A mold wins from a French knight thegood sword Belgarde, which he uses to such good purpose as to make hisname feared. Then follows the great siege of Dover, full of excitingincidents, when by his gallant defence Hubert de Burgh keeps the key toEngland out of the Frenchman's grasp.


  A Book of British Ships

  Written and Illustrated by FRANK H. MASON, R.B.A.

  The aim of this book is to present, in a form that will readily appealto boys, a comprehensive account of British shipping, both naval andmercantile, and to trace its development from the old wooden walls ofNelson's time down to the Dreadnoughts and high-speed ocean liners ofto-day. All kinds of British ships, from the battleship to the trawler,are dealt with, and the characteristic points of each type of vessel areexplained.


  Mid Clash of Swords

  A Story of the Sack of Rome. Coloured Illustrations by T. C. DUGDALE.

  Wilfrid Salkeld, a young Englishman, enters the employ of Giuliano deMedici, the virtual ruler of Florence, whom he serves with a zeal thatthat faint-hearted man does not deserve; he meets Giovanni theInvincible; and makes friends with the great Benvenuto Cellini. He hasmany a fierce tussle with German mercenaries and Italian robbers, aswell as with those whose jealousy he arouses by his superior skill inarms.

  A Northumbrian in Arms

  A Story of the Time of Hereward the Wake. Illustrated in Colour by J.FINNEMORE.

  Harold Ulfsson, companion of Hereward the Wake and conqueror of theWessex Champion in a great wrestling bout, is outlawed by the influenceof a Norman knight, whose enmity he has aroused, and goes north to serveunder Earl Siward of Northumbria in the war against Macbeth, theScottish usurper. He assists in defeating an attack by a band ofcoast-raiders, takes their ship, and discovering that his father hasbeen slain and his land seized by his enemy, follows him into Wales. Hefights with Griffith the Welsh King, kills his enemy In a desperateconflict amidst the hills, and, gaining the friendship of Harold, Earlof Wessex, his outlawry is removed and his lands restored to him.

  By REV. J. R. HOWDEN, B.D.

  Locomotives of the World

  Containing sixteen plates in Colour.

  Many of the most up-to-date types of locomotives used on railwaysthroughout the world are illustrated and described in this volume. Thecoloured plates have been made from actual photographs, and show thepeculiar features of some truly remarkable engines. These peculiaritiesare fully explained in the text, written by the Rev. J. R. Howden,author of "The Boy's Book of Locomotives," etc.


  The Mystery of Danger Point

  Illustrated by ARCHIBALD WEBB.

  A story of a hundred years ago, when there were highwaymen on everypublic road and smuggler! in every cove. When their school breaks up,the two youthful heroes go to spend the holidays with Robin's uncle, wholives in a tumble-down castle at Danger Point on the western coast, andthey soon discover that the local people are doing a brisk trade incontraband goods. To assist in putting down this illegal business seemsto them the obvious course. They find a cave which has every appearanceof being used for smuggled goods, and keep their eyes upon certainsuspicious characters. In the absence of Uncle Reuben, the boys getwind of a big cargo about to be run, and resolve to inform the nearestJustice of the Peace; but before they can put their scheme intooperation, they are quietly smuggled away themselves out of England intoFrance. Here an opportunity presents itself for assisting a Frenchnobleman and his daughter to escape from the Reign of Terror, and theyreturn to England to invoke the aid of Uncle Reuben and his ship In thisenterprise. Their success brings reward in several ways. The story isvery brightly written, and has many humorous touches.


  The Aussie Crusaders

  Illustrated by WAL PAGET.

  Mr. Bowes' latest story, "The Aussie Crusaders," deals with the BritishCampaign in Palestine. The hero is a young Australian officer, who,having distinguished himself in the Gallipoli struggle, was given acommission and quickly attained his majority. He is still, however,"one of the boys" in spirit, and the story gives a pretty good idea ofthe informal, friendly relations that existed between the officers andmen of the A.I.F. Major Smith is ta
ken prisoner by a party of Bedouinsafter the fight at Rafa, and on escaping from them, falls into the handsof the Turks, from whom he also breaks free, obtaining possession ofpapers giving valuable information about the enemy's strength andmovements. After rejoining his squadron, the Major takes part in thegreat sweep that, starting with the attack on Gaza, culminated in thefall of Jerusalem.


  For the Admiral

  Illustrated in Colour by ARCHIBALD WEBB.

  The brave Huguenot Admiral Coligny is one of the heroes of Frenchhistory. Edmond le Blanc, the son of a Huguenot gentleman, undertakesto convey a secret letter of warning to Coligny, and the adventures hemeets with on the way lend to his accepting service in the Huguenotarmy. He shares in the hard fighting that took place in theneighbourhood of La Rochelle, does excellent work in scouting for theAdmiral, and is everywhere that danger calls, along with his friendRoger Braund, a young Englishman who has come over to help the causewith a band of free-lances.

  This story won the L100 prize offered by the Bookman for the best storyfor boys.


  The Romance of the King's Navy

  By EDWARD FRASER. New Edition, with Illustrations in Colour by N.SOTHEBY PITCHER.

  "The Romance of the King's Navy" is intended to give boys of to-day anidea of some of the notable events that have happened under the WhiteEnsign within the past few years. There is no other book of the kind inexistence. It begins with incidents afloat during the Crimean War, whentheir grandfathers were boys themselves, and brings the story down to ayear or two ago, with the startling adventure at Spithead of Submarine64. One chapter tells the exciting story of "How the Navy's V.C.'s havebeen won," the deeds of the various heroes being brought all togetherhere in one connected narrative for the first time.

  "Mr. Fraser knows his facts well, and has set them out in an extremelyinteresting and attractive way."--_Westminster Gazette_.

  The Romance of the King's Army

  By A. B. TUCKER.

  A companion volume to "The Romance of the King's Navy," telling again inglowing language the most inspiring incidents in the glorious history ofour land forces. The charge of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman, thecapture of the Dargai heights, the saving of the guns at Maiwand, are afew of the great stories of heroism and devotion that appear in thisstirring volume.

  "We cannot toe highly commend this beautiful volume as a prize-book forschool-boys of all classes."--_School Guardian_.

  The Romance of Every Day


  Here is a bookful of romance and heroism; true stories of men, women,and children in early centuries and modern times who took theopportunities which came into their everyday lives and found themselvesheroes and heroines; civilians who, without beat of drum or smoke ofbattle, without special training or words of encouragement, performeddeeds worthy to be written in letters of gold.

  "These stories are bound to encourage and Inspire young readers toperform heroic actions."--_Bristol Daily Mercury_.

  The Romance of the Merchant Venturers


  Britain's Sea Story

  By E. E. SPEIGHT and R. MORTON NANCE. New Edition, Illustrated inColour by H. SANDHAM.

  These two books are full of true tales as exciting as any to be found inthe story books, and at every few pages there is a fine illustration, incolour or black and white, of one of the stirring incidents described inthe text.


  The Pretenders

  With Coloured Illustrations by HAROLD C. EARNSHAW.

  A tale of twin-brothers at Daneborough School, Tommy Durrant (thenarrator) has been a boarder for about a year, when Peter arrives uponthe scene as a day-boy. The latter's ill-health has prevented himjoining the school before, and, being a harum-scarum youngster, hisvagaries plunge Tommy into hot water straight away. The following week,unaware of all the mischief he has made, the newcomer, who lives with anaunt, urges his twin to change places one night for a spree. Tommyrashly consents, and his experiences while pretending to be Peter proveboth unexpected and exciting.

  "Mr. Meredith Fletcher is extremely happy in his delineation of schoollife."--_People's Journal_.

  The Complete Scout

  Edited by MORLEY ADAMS, with numerous Illustrations and Diagrams.

  This is a book intended primarily for boy scouts, but It also possessesan Interest for all boys who like out-of-door amusements and scoutinggames. It contains many articles by different writers on the variouspursuits and branches of study that scouts are more particularlyinterested in, such as wood-craft, tracing, the weather, and so on, andthe book should form a sort of cyclopaedia for many thousands of boyswho hail Baden-Powell as Chief Scout.

  By D. H. PARRY

  Kit of the Carabineers

  or, A Soldier of Maryborough's.

  Illustrated in Colour by ARCHIBALD WEBB.

  This story tells how Kit Dawnay comes under the notice of the Duke ofMarlborough while the latter is on a visit to Kit's uncle, Sir JasperDawnay, an irritable, miserly old man, suspected, moreover with goodreason, of harbouring Jacobite plotters and of being himself favourableto the cause of the exiled Stuarts.

  Kit, instructed by the Duke, Is able to frustrate a scheme for theassassination of King William as he rides to Hampton Court, and theKing, in return for Kit's service, gives him a cornet's commission inthe King's Carabineers. He goes with the army to Flanders, takes partin the siege of Liege; accompanies Marlborough on those famous forcedmarches across Europe, whereby the great leader completely hoodwinkedthe enemy; and is present at the battle of Blenheim, where he winsdistinction.

  "The story bristles with dramatic incident, and the thrilling adventureswhich overtake the young hero, Kit Dawnay, are enough to keep onebreathless with excitement."--_Bookman_.


  Hurricane Hurry

  Coloured Illustrations by ARCHIBALD WEBB.

  This Is one of W. H. G. Kingston's best books in the sense that It hasan atmosphere of reality about it, and reads like the narrative of onewho has actually passed through all the experiences described; and thisis no mere illusion, for the author states in his preface that thematerial from which the story was built up was put into his hands by awell-known naval officer, who afterwards rose to the position ofadmiral. Mr. Hurry enters the navy as midshipman a few years before theoutbreak of the American War of Independence, and during that war hedistinguishes himself both on land and sea.

  Will Weatherhelm

  Coloured Illustrations by ARCHIBALD WEBB.

  A splendid tale of the sea, full of incident and adventure, and afirst-rate account of the sailor's life afloat in the days of thepress-gang and the old wooden walls. The author reveals his own ardentlove of the sea and all that pertains to it, and this story embodies atrue ideal of patriotic service.

  By G. A. HENTY

  In Times of Peril

  A Story of India. Illustrated in Colour by T. C. DUGDALE.

  Major Warrener and his children are stationed at Sandynugghur when newsarrives that the native troops at Meerut have mutinied and murdered allthe Europeans there and are marching upon Delhi. Almost immediately theMajor's house is attacked and his family flee for their lives. TheMajor himself and some of his companions are taken prisoners, but onlyfor a short time, for his sons, Ned and Dick, disguising themselves asSepoys, are able to rescue them. The party after an anxious time fallin with a body of English troops who are on the way to relieve Delhi.Dick and Ned are in Cawnpore when the Europeans are attacked, but theyescape by swimming instead of trusting themselves in boats. They takepart in the storming of Delhi, which had been taken by the natives, andin the relief of Lucknow. The end of the Mutiny finds the whole familyonce more united.


ly Days in CanadaPioneers in CanadaEarly Days in AustraliaPioneers in AustraliaEarly Days in IndiaDuty and Danger in India

  Each book contains eight plates in Colour.

  The story of the discovery, conquest, settlement, and peacefuldevelopment of the great countries which now form part of the BritishEmpire, is full of interest and romance. In this series of books thestory is told in a number of extracts from the writings of historians,biographers, and travellers whose works are not easily accessible to thegeneral reader. Each volume is complete in itself and gives a vividpicture of the progress of the particular country with which it deals.



  This is a new series of standard books for boys and girls, comprisingthe great works of history, fiction, biography, travel, science, andpoetry with which every boy and girl should be familiar, edited by Mr.HERBERT STRANG.

  Each volume is prefaced by a short introduction, giving a biographicalaccount of the author, or such information concerning the book itself asmay be useful and interesting to young readers. Notes, maps, and plansare given where necessary.

  The text of the books, many of which were not written primarily forchildren, is carefully edited both in regard to matters that areinherently unsuitable for their reading, and to passages that do notconform to modern standards of taste. In these and other respects theEditor will exercise a wide discretion.

  The Library Is illustrated with colour plates, reproduced bythree-colour process from designs by H. M. BROCK, JAMES DURDEN, A. WEBB,and other well-known artists,

  The following volumes are now ready:--

  Adventures in the Rifle Brigade By Sir John Kincaid Westward Ho! By Charles Kingsley The Life of Wellington By W. H. Maxwell The Boy's Country Book By William Howitt Mungo Park's Travels The Coral Island By R. M. Ballantyne True Blue By W. H. G. Kingston Little Women By Louisa Alcott Good Wives By Louisa Alcott Tales from Hans Andersen Stories from Grimm Tom Brown's Schooldays By Thomas Hughes The Life of Nelson By Robert Southey Quentin Durward By Sir Walter Scott A Book of Golden Deeds By Charlotte M. Yonge A Wonder Book By Nathaniel Hawthorne What Katy Did By Susan Coolidge What Katy Did at School By Susan Coolidge What Katy Did Next By Susan Coolidge Ivanhoe By Sir Walter Scott Curiosities of Natural History By Frank Buckland Captain Cook's Voyages The Heroes By Charles Kingsley Robinson Crusoe By Daniel Defoe Tales from Shakespeare By Charles and Mary Lamb Peter the Whaler By W. H. G. Kingston Queechy By Elizabeth Wetherell The Wide Wide World By Elizabeth Wetherell Tanglewood Tales By Nathaniel Hawthorne The Life of Columbus By Washington Irving Battles of the Peninsular War By Sir William Napier Midshipman Easy By Captain Marryat The Swiss Family Robinson By J. R. Wyss

  Books for Girls


  Uncle Hilary's Nieces

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  Until the death of their father, the course of life of Uncle Hilary'snieces had run smooth; but then the current of misfortune came uponthem, carried them, with their mother and brothers, to London, andestablished them in a fiat. Here, under the guardianship of UncleHilary, they enter into the spirit of their new situation; and when itcomes to a question of ways and means, prove that they have both courageand resource. Thus Bertha secretly takes a position as stock-keeper toa fashionable dressmaker; Milly tries to write, and has the satisfactionof seeing her name in print; Edward takes up architecture and becomesengrossed in the study of "cupboards and kitchen sinks"; while all therest contribute as well to the maintenance of the household as to theinterest of the story.

  "We have seldom read a prettier story than ... 'Uncle Hilary's Nieces.'... It is a daintily woven plot clothed in a style that has alreadycommended itself to many readers, and is bound to make morefriends."--_Daily News_.

  The Five Macleods

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES DURDEN.

  The modern Louisa Alcott! That is the title that critics In England andAmerica have bestowed on Miss Christina Gowans Whyte, whose "Story-BookGirls" they declare to be the best girls' story since "Little Women."Like the Leightons and the Howards, the Macleods are another of thosedelightful families whose doings, as described by Miss Whyte, make suchentertaining reading. Each of the five Macleods possesses anindividuality of her own. Elspeth is the eldest--sixteen, with her hair"very nearly up"--and her lovable nature makes her a favourite withevery one; she is followed, in point of age, by the would-be masterfulWinifred (otherwise Winks) and the independent Lil; while little Babsand Dorothy bring up the rear.

  "Altogether a most charming story for girls."--_Schoolmaster_.

  Nina's Career

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  "Nina's Career" tells delightfully of a large family of girls and boys,children of Sir Christopher Howard. Friends of the Howards are NinaWentworth, who lives with three aunts, and Gertrude Mannering. GertrudeIs conscious of always missing in her life that which makes the lives ofthe Howards so joyous and full. They may have "careers"; she must go toCourt and through the wearying treadmill of the rich girls. The Howardsget engaged, marry, go into hospitals, study in art schools; and in theend Gertrude also achieves happiness.

  "We have been so badly in need of writers for girls who shall be insympathy with the modern standard of intelligence, that we are gratefulfor the advent of Miss Whyte, who has not inaptly been described as thenew Miss Alcott,"--_Outlook_.

  The Story-Book Girls

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  This story won the L100 prize In the Bookman competition.

  The Leightons are a charming family. There is Mabel, the beauty, hernature, strength and sweetness mingled; and Jean, the downright, blunt,uncompromising; and Elma, the sympathetic, who champions everybody, andhas a weakness for long words. And there is Cuthbert, too, the cleverbrother. Cuthbert is responsible for a good deal, for he saves AdelaideMaud from an accident, and brings the Story-Book Girls into the story.Every girl who reads this book will become acquainted with some of therealest, truest, best people in recent fiction.

  "It is not too much to say that Miss Whyte has opened a new era in thehistory of girls' literature.... The writing, distinguished in itself,is enlivened by an all-pervading sense of humour."--_ManchesterCourier_.


  Tom who was Rachel

  A Story of Australian Life. Illustrated in Colour by N. TENISON.

  This is a story of Colonial life by an author who is new to Englishreaders. In writing about Australia Miss Whitfeld is, in a very literalsense, at home; and no one can read her book without coming to theconclusion that she is equally so in drawing pen portraits of children.Her work possesses all the vigour and freshness that one usuallyassociates with the Colonies, and at the same time preserves the besttraditions of Louisa Alcott In "Tom who was Rachel" the author hasdescribed a large family of children living on an up-country station;and the story presents a faithful picture of the everyday life of thebush. Rachel (otherwise Miss Thompson, abbreviated to "Miss Tom,"afterwards to "Tom") is the children's step-sister; and it Is herInfluence for good over the wilder elements in their nature thatprovides the teal motive of a story for which all English boys and girlswill feel grateful.

  Gladys and Jack

  An Australian Story for Girls. Coloured Illustrations by N.

  Gladys and Jack are sister and brother, and, up to the point when thestory opens, they have been the best of friends. Then, however, certaininfluences begin to work in the mind of Gladys, as the result of which acoolness springs up between her and her brother. Gladys puts on asuperior air, and adopts a severely proper attitude towards Jack.Gladys has been in society, has come to be regarded as a beauty, and hasbeen made a fuss of; consequently she becomes self-conscious. She goesto spend a holiday up-country, and here, too, her icily-regular line ofconduct seems bound to bring her into conflict with herfree-and-easy-going cousins. After some trying experiences, Gladysfinds herself in a position which enables her, for the time being, toforget her own troubles, and exert all her strength on behalf of therest. She comes worthily through the ordeal, earns the affection of hercousins, and Jack rejoices in the recovery of a lost sister.

  "We have a large number of characters all clearly differentiated, plentyof incident, and much sparkling dialogue."--_Morning Post_.

  The Colters

  An Australian Story for Girls. Illustrated in Colour by GEORGE SOPER.

  This book deals with a merry family of Australian boys and girls. Thereare a good many of them, and to each one Miss Whitfeld has imparted adistinct individuality. There is Hector, the eldest, manly andstraightforward, and Matt, the plain-spoken, his younger brother. Ruby,quiet and gentle, with an aptitude for versifying, is well contrastedwith her headstrong, impulsive cousin Effie. The author seizes upon theeveryday occurrences of domestic life, turning them to good account; andshe draws a charming picture of a family, united in heart, whilediffering very much in habit and temperament.


  Mistress Nanciebel

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  This is a story of the Restoration. Nanciebel's father, Sir JohnSeymour, had so incurred the displeasure of King Charles by hispersistent opposition to the threatened war against the Dutch, that hewas sent out of the country. Nothing would dissuade Nanciebel fromaccompanying him, so they sailed away together and were duly landed on adesolate shore, which they afterwards discovered to be a part of Wales.Here, by perseverance and much hard toil, John o' Peace made a new homefor his family, in which enterprise he owed not a little to the presenceand constant help of Nanciebel, who is the embodiment of youthfuloptimism and womanly tenderness.

  "A charming book for girls."--_Evening Standard_.


  My Schooldays

  An album in which girls can keep a record of their schooldays. In orderthat the entries may be neat and methodical, certain pages have beenallotted to various different subjects, such as Addresses, Friends,Books, Matches, Birthdays, Concerts, Holidays, Theatricals, Presents,Prizes and Certificates, and so on. The album is beautifully decoratedthroughout.


  The Girl Crusoes

  A Story of Three Girls in the South Seas. With Colour Illustrations by N. TENISON.

  It is a common experience that young girls prefer stories written fortheir brothers to those written for themselves. They have the same loveof adventure, the same admiration for brave and heroic deeds, as boys;and in these days of women travellers and explorers there are countlessinstances of women displaying a courage and endurance in all respectsequal to that of the other sex. Recognizing this, Mrs. Herbert Stranghas written a story of adventure in which three English girls of thepresent day are the central figures, and in which the girl reader willfind as much excitement and amusement as any boy's book could furnish.


  The Quest of the Blue Rose

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  After the death of her mother, Sylvia Sherwood has to make her own wayin the world as a telegraph clerk. The world she finds herself in is agirls' hostel in a big northern city. For a while she can only see theuncongenial side of her surroundings; but when she has made a friend andfound herself a niche, she begins to realise that though the Blue Rosemay not be for her finding, there are still wild roses in every hedge.In the end, however, Sylvia, contented at last with her hard-working,humdrum life, finds herself the successful writer of a book ofchildren's poems.

  "Miss Letts has written a most entertaining work, which should becomevery popular. The humour is never forced, and the pathetic scenes arewritten with true feeling."--_School Guardian_.

  Bridget of All Work

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  The scene of the greater part of this story is laid in Lancashire, andthe author has chosen her heroine from among those who know what it isto feel the pinch of want and strive loyally to combat it. There is acharm about Bridget Joy, moving about her kitchen, keeping a light heartunder the most depressing surroundings. Girl though she is, it is herarm that encircles and protects those who should in other circumstanceshave been her guardians, and her brave heart that enables the word Hometo retain its sweetness for those who are dependent on her.

  "Miss Letts has written a story for which elder girls will be grateful,so simple and winning is it; and we recognise in the author's work asense of character and sense of style which ought to ensure itspopularity."--_Globe_.


  A Terrible Tomboy

  New Edition. With Coloured Illustrations by N. TENISON.

  Peggy Vaughan, daughter of a country gentleman living on the Welshborder, is much too high-spirited to avoid getting continually intoscrapes. She nearly gets drowned while birds'-nesting, scandalises theover-prim daughters of rich up-starts by her carelessness in matters ofdress and etiquette, gets lost with her small brother while exploringcaves, smokes out wild bees, and acts generally more like a boy than agirl. Naturally enough her father and school mistresses find her verydifficult to manage, but her good humour and kindness of heart make itimpossible to be angry with her for long. At the end of the story, whenthe family have become too poor to remain any longer in their old home,she makes a discovery which enables them to stay there.


  The Happy Comrade

  Illustrated by ALBERT MORROW.

  Monica, the heroine of this story, is a wealthy girl who has never beento school, but has formed a close home friendship with Penelope, a girlsomewhat older, upon whom she has been accustomed to lavish valuablegifts, partly out of innate generosity, partly from love ofappreciation. Her affection for Penelope induces her to enter the sameschool, expecting that the home relations will continue there. To herchagrin, however, she finds that Penelope's high position as headprefect prevents close intercourse, and in some bitterness of spirit sheallies herself with a set of girls who delight in lawlessness and engagein mischievous and unruly pranks. She soon finds herself in serioustrouble; and the story shows how her better nature overcomes herweaknesses, how she learns to despise the dishonourable conduct intowhich her associates have lured her, and how the tribulation which shehas brought on herself leads ultimately to a firmer, purer friendshipfor the girl whom she has all along admired and loved.

  Sylvia's Victory

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  Owing to a change in the family fortunes, Sylvia Hughes is obliged toattend a day school in a small seaside town where she has the misfortuneto make an enemy of the head girl, Phyllis Staunton-Taylor, who regardsSylvia as one belonging to an inferior set to her own. One day duringthe holidays Sylvia swims out and rescues Phyllis, who has got beyondher depth; but even this fails to establish amity between them, and noword of Sylvia's heroism gets abroad in the school. It is not untilafter she has experienced many trials and heartburnings that Sylvialearns the reason of Phyllis's apparent ingratitude, and friendship isrestored.

  Audrey's Awakening

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES DURDEN.

; As a result of a luxurious and conventional upbringing, Audrey is a girlwithout ambitions, unsympathetic, and with a reputation forexclusiveness. Therefore, when Paul Forbes becomes her step-brother,and brings his free-and-easy notions into the Davidsons' old home, therebegins to be trouble. Audrey discovers that she has feelings, and theresults are not altogether pleasant. She takes a dislike to Paul at theoutset; and the young people have to get through deep waters and someexciting times before things come right. Audrey's awakening isthorough, if painful.

  "Is far above the Average tale of school and home life."--_Aberdeen FreePress_.

  The Conquest of Claudia

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

  Meta and Claudia Austin are two motherless girls with a much-occupiedfather. Their upbringing has therefore been left to a kindly governess,whose departure to be married makes the first change in the girls'lives. Having set their hearts upon going to school, they receive a newgoverness resentfully. Claudia is a person of instincts, and it doesnot take her long to discover that there is something mysterious aboutMiss Strongitharm. A clue upon which the children stumble leads to thenotion that Miss Strongitharm is a Nihilist in hiding. That in spite ofvarious strange happenings they are quite wrong is to be expected, butthere is a genuine mystery about Miss Strongitharm which leads to someunforeseen adventures.

  "A convincing story of girl life."--_School Guardian_.

  Dauntless Patty.

  Illustrated in Colour by DUDLEY TENNANT.

  Patricia Garnett, an Australian girl, comes over to England to completeher education. She is unconventional and quite unused to English ways,and soon finds herself the most unpopular girl in the school. Severaltimes she reveals her courage and high spirit, particularly in savingthe life of Kathleen Lane, a girl with whom she is on very bad terms.All overtures of peace fail, however, for Patty feels that the othergirls have no real liking for her, and she refuses to be patronised.Thus the feud is continued to the end of the term; and the climax of thestory is reached when, in a cave in the face of a cliff, in imminentdanger of being drowned, Patty and Kathleen for the first timeunderstand each other, and lay the foundations of a lifelong friendship.

  "A thoroughly faithful and stimulating story of schoolgirllife,"--_Schoolmaster_.

  "The story is well told. Some of the incidents are dramatic, withoutbeing unnatural; the interest is well sustained, and altogether the hookis one of the best we have read."--_Glasgow Herald_.


  Jenny Wren

  Illustrated by C. E. BROCK.

  Jenny Ferguson, the only child of a retired admiral, is sent as wirelessdecoder to a Scottish naval base. On her arrival she meets an oldfriend of her childhood, Henry Corfield, who is apparently the skipperof a fishing trawler. Jenny, ignorant of the real object of the man's"trawling," calls him a slacker. In his turn, Corfield, who has alively recollection of Jenny's impulsive tongue, reminds her of hernurse's saying, "Miss Jenny can never keep a secret," and says he willnot shield her should she fail to preserve secrecy in her work. After afew days, Jenny finds that information is leaking out. Code books arelost and mysteriously replaced, envelopes lapped. Corfield attributesthis leakage to Jenny's carelessness. In the nick of time Jenny has aclue and tracks down the criminal. The breach between the two friends,however, is a long time in healing, for Jenny does not learn tilltowards the end of the book that "Skipper" Corfield, on his humblelittle boat with her hidden guns, is one of the heroes of the war. Thestory ends with the coming of peace.

  The Girl Scout

  Illustrated in Colour by N. TENISON.

  This is the story of a patrol of Girl Scouts, and the service theyrendered their country. Colonel Norton announces that some silver cups,which he values as souvenirs of the time when he could win races andgymnastic competitions, have been stolen, and calls on the Boy Scouts tocatch the thief, promising, if they succeed, to furnish their club-roomin time for the reception of a neighbouring patrol. Aggie Phillips,sister of the boys' leader, hears of this, and at once organises agirls' patrol to help solve the mystery. In tracing the thief, thegirls manage to entrap two foreigners, who, in all kinds of disguises,try to get hold of valuable papers in the hands of the Colonel.Meanwhile the boys continually follow up the tracks left by the girls,or are purposely misled by Aggie. The girls win the prize but arrangeto join forces with the boys.


  Teddy: Her Daughter

  Illustrated in Colour by N. TENISON.

  Many young readers have already made the acquaintance of Teddy in MissAnna Chapin Ray's previous story, "Teddy: Her Book." The heroine of thepresent story is Teddy's daughter Betty--a young lady with a strong willand decided opinions of her own. When she is first introduced to us sheis staying on a holiday at Quantuck, a secluded seaside retreat; andMiss Ray describes the various members of this small summer communitywith considerable humour. Among others is Mrs. Van Hicks, a lady ofgreat possessions but little culture, who seeks to put people under alasting obligation to her by making friends with them. On hearing thata nephew of this estimable lady is about to arrive at Quantuck, Bettymakes up her mind beforehand to dislike him. At first she almostsucceeds, for, like herself, Percival has a temper, and can be "thorny"at times. As they come to know each other better, however, a lesstempestuous state of things ensues, and eventually they cement afriendship that is destined to carry them far.


  Pat's Third Term.

  Illustrated by HAROLD EARNSHAW.

  Pat Baxter is a turbulent, impulsive member of the Lower Fourth in afamous Girls' School. She begins her Third Term by "cheeking" the Headgirl herself, thereby earning a good deal of hostility. She falls fromfavour in other quarters as the story goes on, for though she has agenius for getting into scrapes, she is too honest and honourable todisavow her share in any plot, as many of her school-fellows do. Throughher disobeying a stringent rule, and going alone into the town, thewhole school, upper and lower, is put into quarantine, the result ofthis isolation being that Rhoda, the Head girl, generally beloved in theschool, will have to "scratch" from a local tennis match, the winning ofwhich would have brought her her coveted tennis colours. The wholeschool, in indignation, unknown to Rhoda, sends Pat to "Coventry." Patalso becomes the object of a good deal of mean, unfair treatment from afew of her form fellows, about which, in the end, Rhoda herself learns.Horror-stricken at the treatment meted out, Rhoda puts Pat under herspecial protection, and a deep friendship springs up between the two.Pat finishes her third term by saving the life of her greatest enemy,earning a special medal for bravery.


  A Daughter of the Empire

  Illustrated by JOHN CAMPBELL.

  Christina, a curiously vivid character, is suddenly thrown from thebackwoods of Australia into the family circle at Strafford Royal, whereLady Stratford, her second cousin, reigns supreme. Lady Strafforddislikes Christina from the first, patronises her and snubs her, and thegirl is thrown for sympathy and companionship into the society of MissLuscombe, a lovable woman whose home is on a neighbouring estate.Christina finds herself continually faced by the stone wall of theprejudices of Lady Strafford, who looks on all foreigners with suspicionand her own family with placid pride, and is continually voicing herdetermination that the War shall not be allowed in any way to upset theeven tenour of her life. Just how the War very successfully breaks inon to Strafford Royal, sweeping away the heir, rendering halt and maimthe second son, is told in the course of the story. Christina's part inthe denouement is characteristically plucky and honourable, and in theend she breaks down even Lady Stratford's dislike and mistrust. Thestory is told with much charm and sympathy.


  A Sage Of Sixteen.

  Illustrated by JAMES DURDEN.

  Elma, the heroine of this story, is ca
lled a sage by her wealthy andsophisticated relations in Park Lane, with whom she spends ahalf-holiday every week, and who regard her as a very wise young person.The rest of her time is passed at a small boarding-school, where, asmight be supposed, Elma's friends look upon her rather as an ordinaryhealthy girl than as one possessing unusual wisdom. The story tells ofElma's humble life at school, her occasional excursions into fashionablesociety; the difficulties she experiences in her endeavour to reconcilethe two; and the way in which she eventually wins the hearts of thosearound her in both walks of life.


  A Day Book for Girls

  Containing a quotation for each day of the year, arranged by ANNIEMATHESON, with Colour Illustrations by C. E. BROCK.

  Miss Annie Matheson is herself well known to many as a writer of hymnsand poetry of a high order. In "A Day Book for Girls" she has broughttogether a large number of extracts both in poetry and prose, and soarranged them that they furnish an inspiring and ennobling watchword foreach day of the year. Miss Matheson has spared no pains to securevariety and comprehensiveness in her selection of quotations; her listof authors ranges from Marcus Aurelius to Mr. Swinburne, and includesmany who are very little known to the general public.

  Books for Children

  A Book of Children's Verse

  Selected and Edited by MABEL and LILIAN QUILLER-COUCH.

  Illustrated in Colour by M. ETHELDREDA GRAY.

  This is a splendid anthology of children's verse. In addition to theold favourite poems, the volume contains many by modern authors, andothers not generally known. The work of selection has been carried outwith great care, and no effort has been spared to make the volume aworthy and comprehensive introduction to English poetry. The book isillustrated by a series of magnificent plates in colour.


  Little Peter

  A Christmas Morality for Children of any age. New Edition.

  Illustrated in Colour by CHARLES E. BROCK.

  This delightful little story Introduces to us a family dwelling upon theoutskirts of a vast pine forest in France. There are Master Lepage who,as head of the household and a veteran of the wars, lays down the lawupon all sorts of questions, domestic and political; his meek wifeSusan; their two sons, Anthony and Paul; and Cincinnatus the cat--whoholds as many opinions and expresses them as freely as Master Lepagehimself; and--little Peter. Little meets, and all who read about himwill certainly make friends with _him_.

  "It is quite an ideal gift book, and one that will always betreasured."--_Globe_.


  The Adventures of Merrywink

  Illustrated by M. V. WHEELHOUSE.

  This story won the L100 prize in the Bookman competition for the beststory for children.

  This story tells of a pretty little child who was born into Fairylandwith a gleaming star in his forehead. When his parents beheld this starthey were filled with gladness and fear, and they carried their littleFairy baby, Merrywink, far away and hid him, because of two oldprophecies: the first, that a daughter should be born to the King andQueen of Fairyland; the second that the King should rule over Fairylanduntil a child appeared with a star in his forehead. Now, on the veryday that Merrywink was born, the little Princess arrived at the Palace;and the King sent round messages to make sure that the child with thegleaming star had not yet been seen in Fairyland. The story tells ushow Merrywink grew up to be brave and strong, and fearless and truthful.


  The Unlucky Family

  New Edition with Coloured Illustrations by C. E. BROCK.

  This is one of the most humorous children's books published in recentyears, and the many awkward dilemmas and diverting experiences whichensue upon the Chubb family's unexpected rise in the social scale cannotfail to delight young readers as well as their elders. In the matter ofshowing the propensity for gelling into mischief these youngstersestablish a record, but their escapades are generally of a harmlesscharacter and lead to nothing very serious.

  "It is a clever and amusing talc, full of high spirits and good-naturedmischief which children not too seriously inclined willenjoy."--_Scotsman_.

  By M. I. A.

  Sir Evelyn's Charge

  New Edition, Illustrated in Colour.

  "Sir Evelyn's Charge" is one of the most popular books for Sunday Schoolprizes published within recent years, and has already run into very manyeditions. The object of the story is to show how the quiet, unconsciousinfluence exerted by a little child upon those around him may beproductive of lasting good. This new edition, with a. new cover andcolour plates, makes a very attractive gift-book.


  The Pendleton Twins

  By E. M. JAMESON, Author of "The Pendletons," etc. With ColouredIllustrations.

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  "Miss Jameson's books are written with such humour and lightness oftouch that they hold the young readers, and not only amuse but instructthem."--_Dundee Courier_.

  The Pendletons


  New Edition. Illustrated in Colour.

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  Peggy Pendleton's Plan

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  To many young readers the Pendleton children are quite old friends, asindeed they deserve to be, for they are so merry, so full of fun andgood spirits, that nobody can read about them without coming to lovethem. In the opening chapter of this book the family meet together insolemn conclave to discuss plans for the holidays, which have justcommenced. Every one of them has a favourite idea, but when the variousselections are put to the vote, it is Peggy Pendleton's plan thatcarries the day. All the other children think it splendid. What thatplan was, and what strange adventures it led to, are here set forth.

  The Book of Baby Beasts

  By FLORENCE E. Dugdale. Illustrated in Colour by E. J. DETMOLD.

  This book contains a series of simple little talks about baby animals,both wild and domestic. Each chapter is accompanied by a charmingpicture in colour by E. J. DETMOLD, whose work as an illustrator is wellknown, and whose characteristic delicacy of colouring is faithfullyreproduced.

  The Book of Baby Dogs

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sp; By FLORENCE E. DUGDALE. Illustrated in Colour by E. J. DETMOLD.

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  Queen Mab's Daughters

  From the French of JEROME DOUCET. Illustrated by HENRY MORIN.

  This book consists of twelve stories, each concerned with an episode inthe life of one of Queen Mab's daughters. These are very enterprisingand adventurous princesses, somewhat wilful, indeed; and theiractivities, innocent though they are, often bring them into hot water.They fall into the hands of witches and wizards, and are the means ofreleasing from enchantment an equal number of princes who have beenchanged into bears, eagles, monkeys, and other animals by the powers ofwitchcraft. Their adventures are related with the charming daintinesswherein French fabulists, from Perrault downwards, have excelled; andthe book is a decided acquisition to the store of fairy literature inwhich all children delight.


  The Capel Cousins

  Illustrated in Colour in C. E. BROCK.

  The children in the Capel family hear that a cousin from South Americais to live with them until his education is finished. On his arrival heis found to be very frank and outspoken, accustomed to say just what hethinks; and as his cousins are more reserved, the misunderstandings areby no means few. In time, however, he becomes used to English ways, andhis good nature and cleverness win his cousins' admiration andaffection. Mrs. Bradby writes as one who knows children thoroughly, andher pictures of home life are very charming.

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  "A very pleasant, natural, and brightly written story "--_Lady_.

  The Happy Families

  Illustrated by LILIAN A. GOVEY.

  Most children have probably played the game of "Happy Families," and itIs possible that they have woven stories round the grotesque charactersthat appear on the cards. This is what Mrs. Bradby has done in thisbook, and she has imagined a little girl being suddenly transported toHappy Family Land and finding herself beset on all hands by the Grits,the Chips and the Boneses, and all the other members of this strange andwonderful community.



  In Lucy's Garden

  Illustrated in Colour by J. CAMPBELL.

  Miss Dugdale describes Lucy's garden from month to month, the plantsthat grow there, the insects that visit it, and the imaginary beingswith which Lucy peoples it. During the first year Lucy is without anycompanion to share her experiences, but at the beginning of the secondyear, just when she begins to feel lonely, she makes the acquaintance ofa little boy, Peter, who is staying with his grandmother next door, andwho, too, has grown tired of playing by himself. They gladly arrangethat in future they will play together, as they like each other verymuch. Little ones who have gardens of their own will enjoy readingabout Lucy's, especially when they know that she was capable ofunderstanding what the apple trees and leaves and roses had to tell herabout things in general and themselves in particular.

  "A delightful 'Nature story' written in a charming vein of playfulfancy, and daintily illustrated."--_Lady_.


  Gentleman Dash

  Illustrated in Colour by P. H. JOWETT.

  This is a book that will appeal to all lovers of animals. GentlemanDash Is a fine collie who lives at a big house with a number of otherdogs and cats. In spite of his handsome appearance, however, Dashsometimes falls so far from dignity as to run away and steal meat frombutchers' shops. Then he is brought back and punished, and the otherfour-footed members of the family come round and offer sympathy--whichis not pleasant. The relations that exist between the various dogs andcats of the establishment are friendly on the whole, though notinvariably so. In the course of their conversations, the animals throwfresh light on the problems of life as viewed from the kennel and theyard.


  The Family's Jane

  Illustrated in Colour by JOHN CAMPBELL.

  This is the story of a little girl's search for her lost brothers andsisters. At first Jane did not know that she had any brothers orsisters, and she used to feel lonely. Then one day, quite by accident,she discovered that such was indeed the case, although for someunexplained reason they did not live at home and she had been kept inignorance of them. Then Jane set to work to reunite the dismemberedfamily. The fact that Jane was only eight, and some of the others werequite grown up, with children of their own, did not turn her from herpurpose, and eventually her efforts had the happy issue which they welldeserved.

  The Children's Bookcase

  Edited by E. NESBIT

  "The Children's Bookcase" is a new series of daintily illustrated hooksfor little folks, which is intended ultimately to include all that isbest in children's literature, whether old or new. The series is editedby Mrs. E. Nesbit, author of "The Would-be Goods" and many otherwell-known books for children; and particular care is given to binding,get-up, and illustrations.

  Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances


  A delightful little book of short stories in which "the little old lady"who lives over the way relates incidents from her girlhood for theamusement of a young friend.

  The Little Duke.


  Sonny Sahib

  By SARA JEANNETTE DUNCAN (Mrs. Everard Cotes).

  A charming story of Anglo-Indian life.

  The Water Babies.


  The Old Nursery Stories.


  In this book Mrs. E. Nesbit relates the old stories of the Nursery--"Cinderella," "Sleeping Beauty," etc.



  A charming series of fairy stories by one of the very few modern writerswhose work compares with the classics of fairy-tale literature such asGrimm and Perrault.

  Granny's Wonderful Chair.


  The author of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" declared this book to be the bestfairy story ever written. Two generations of little readers have beenof the same opinion as Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett.


  THE LOST EMPIRE. A Tale of the Battle of the Nile.THE LOST COLUMN. A Tale of the Boxer Rebellion.THE LOST ISLAND. A Tale of the Mysterious East.THE SWORD OF FREEDOM. A Tale of the English Revolution.THE SPY. A Tale of the Peninsular War.THE RACE ROUND THE WORLD. A Tale of a New Motor Spirit.THE PIRATE AEROPLANE. A Tale of Ancient Egypt.IN ARMS FOR RUSSIA. A Tale of the Great War in Russia.IN THE POWER OF THE PIGMIES. A Tale of the Great Forest.ON SECRET SERVICE. A Story of Zeppelins.A MOTOR SCOUT IN FLANDERS. A Tale of the Fall of Antwerp.ACROSS THE CAMEROONS. A Tale of the Great War in West Africa.SUBMARINE U93. A Tale of the Great War at Sea.THE MYSTERY OF AH JIM. A Tale of the Sea.THE FIRE-GODS. A Tale of the Congo.THE SCARLET HAND. A Chinese Story.

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