* Article in Fraser's Magazine for October, by a South Carolinian.
* “If language can convey a clear and definite meaning at all, I know not how
it can more unequivocally or more plainly present to the mind any thought or idea
than the twenty-fifth chapter of Leviticus clearly or unequivocally establishes the
fact that slavery or bondage was sanctioned by God himself; and that `buying,
selling, holding, and bequeathing' slaves, as property, are regulations which were
established by himself.”
What is it that constitutes the vital force of the institution of
slavery in this country? Slavery being an unnatural and un-
healthful condition of society, being a most wasteful and impo-
verishing mode of cultivating the soil, would speedily run itself
out in a community, and become so unprofitable as to fall into
disuse, were it not kept alive by some unnatural process.
What has that process been in America? Why has that
healing course of nature which cured this awful wound in all the
Northern States stopped short on Mason and Dixon's line? In
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky, slave labour long
ago impoverished the soil almost beyond recovery, and became
entirely unprofitable. In all these States it is well known that
the question of emancipation has been urgently presented. It
has been discussed in legislatures, and Southern men have poured
forth on the institution of slavery such anathemas as only
Southern men can pour forth. All that has ever been said of it
at the North has been said in fourfold thunders in these Southern
discussions. The State of Kentucky once came within one vote,
in her legislature, of taking measures for gradual emancipation.
The State of Virginia has come almost equally near; and Mary-
land has long been waiting at the door. There was a time when
no one doubted that all these States would soon be free States;
and what is now the reason that they are not? Why are these
discussions now silenced, and why does this noble determination
now retrograde? The answer is in a word. It is the extension
of slave territory, the opening of a great Southern slave-market,
and the organisation of a great internal slave-trade, that has
arrested the progress of emancipation.
While these States were beginning to look upon the slave as
one who might possibly yet become a man, while they meditated
giving to him and his wife and children the inestimable blessings
of liberty, this great Southern slave-mart was opened. It began
by the addition of Missouri as slave territory, and the votes of
two Northern men were those which decided this great question.
Then, by the assent and concurrence of Northern men, came in all
the immense acquisition of slave territory which now opens so
boundless a market to tempt the avarice and cupidity of the
Northern slave-raising States.
This acquisition of territory has deferred perhaps for indefinite
ages the emancipation of a race. It has condemned to sorrow
and heart-breaking separation, to groans and wailings, hundreds
of thousands of slave families; it has built, through all the
Southern States, slave warehouses, with all their ghastly furnish-
ings of gags, and thumb-screws, and cowhides; it has organised
unnumbered slave-coffles, clanking their chains and filing in
mournful march through this land of liberty.
This accession of slave territory hardened the heart of the
master. It changed what was before, in comparison, a kindly
relation, into the most horrible and inhuman of trades.
The planter whose slaves had grown up around him, and whom
he had learned to look upon almost as men and women, saw on
every sable forehead now nothing but its market value. This
man was a thousand dollars, and this eight hundred. The black
baby in its mother's arms was a hundred-dollar bill, and nothing
more. All those nobler traits of mind and heart which should
have made the slave a brother, became only so many stamps on
his merchandise. Is the slave intelligent?--Good! that raises
his price two hundred dollars. Is he conscientious and faithful?
Good! stamp it down in his certificate; it's worth two hundred
dollars more. Is he religious? Does that Holy Spirit of God,
whose name we mention with reverence and fear, make that de-
spised form His temple?--Let that also be put down in the esti-
mate of his market value, and the gift of the Holy Ghost shall be
sold for money. Is he a minister of God?--Nevertheless, he has
his price in the market. From the church and from the commu-
nion-table the Christian brother and sister are taken to make up
the slave-coffle. And woman, with her tenderness, her gentle-
ness, her beauty--woman, to whom mixed blood of the black and
the white have given graces perilous for a slave--what is her
accursed lot in this dreadful commerce? The next few chapters
will disclose facts on this subject which ought to wring the heart
of every Christian mother, if, indeed, she be worthy of that
holiest name.
But we will not deal in assertions merely. We have stated
the thing to be proved; let us show the facts which prove it.
The existence of this fearful traffic is known to many, the
particulars and dreadful extent of it realised but by few.
Let us enter a little more particularly on them. The slave-
exporting States are Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North
Carolina, Tennessee, and Missouri. These are slave-raising
States, and the others are slave-consuming States. We have
shown, in the preceding chapters, the kind of advertisements
which are usual in those States; but as we wish to produce on
the minds of our readers something of the impression which has
been produced on our own mind by their multiplicity and
abundance, we shall add a few more here. For the State of
Virginia, see all the following:
Kanawha Republican, Oct. 20, 1852, Charleston, Va. At the
head--Liberty, with a banner, “Drapeau sans Tache.”
The subscriber wishes to purchase a few young NEGROES, from 12 to 25
years of age, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. A few lines
addressed to him through the Post Office, Kanawha C. H., or a personal applica-
tion, will be promptly attended to.
Oct. 20, '53.--3t. Jas. L. Ficklin.
Alexandria Gazette, Oct. 28:
I wish to purchase immediately, for the South, any number of NEGROES
from 10 to 30 years of age, for which I will pay the very highest cash price. All
communications promptly attended to.
West End, Alexandria, Va., Oct. 26.--tf. Joseph Bruin.
Lynchburg Virginian, Nov. 18:
The subscriber, having located in Lynchburg, is giving the highest cash prices
for negroes, between the ages of 10 and 30 years. Those having negroes for sale
may find it to their interest to call on him at the Washington Hotel, Lynchburg, or
address him by letter.
All communications will receive prompt attention.
J. B. McLendon.
Nov. 5.--dly.
Rockingham, Register, Nov. 13:
I wish to purchase a number of NEGROES of both sexes and all ages, for the
Southern market, for which I will pay the highest cash prices. Letters addressed
to me at Winchester, Virginia, will be promptly attended to.
H. J. McDaniel, Agent for Wm. Crow.
Nov. 24, 1846.--tf.
Richmond Whig, Nov. 16:
D. M. Pulliam. Hector Davis.
The subscribers continue to sell Negroes, at their office, on Wall-street. From
their experience in the business they can safely insure the highest prices for all
negroes intrusted to their care. They will make sales of negroes in estates, and
would say to Commissioners, Executors, and Administrators, that they will make
their sales on favourable terms. They are prepared to board and lodge negroes
comfortably at 25 cents. per day.
Those who wish to sell slaves in Buckingham and the adjacent counties in Vir-
ginia, by application to Anderson D. Abraham, Sr., or his son, Anderson D.
Abraham, Jr., they will find sale, at the highest cash prices, for one hundred and fifty
to two hundred slaves. One or the other of the above parties will be found, for
the next eight months, at their residence in the aforesaid county and State. Ad-
dress Anderson D. Abraham, Sr., Maysville Post Office, White Oak Grove,
Buckingham County, Va.
Winchester Republican, June 29, 1852:
The subscriber, having located himself in Winchester, Va., wishes to purchase a
large number of SLAVES of both sexes, for which he will give the highest price
in cash. Persons wishing to dispose of Slaves will find it to their advantage to
give him a call before selling.
All communications addressed to him at the Taylor Hotel, Winchester, Va.,
will meet with prompt attention.
Elijah McDowel,
Agent for B. M. and Wm. L. Campbell,
Of Baltimore.
Dec. 27, 1851.--1y.
For Maryland.
Port Tobacco Times, October, 1852:
The subscriber is permanently located at Middleville, Charles County (im-
mediately on the road from Port Tobacco to Allen's Fresh), where he will be
pleased to buy any Slaves that are for sale. The extreme value will be given at
all times, and liberal commissions paid for information leading to a purchase.
Apply personally, or by letter addressed to Allen's Fresh, Charles County.
John G. Campbell.
Middleville, April 14, 1852.
Cambridge (Md.) Democrat, October 27., 1852:
I wish to inform the slaveholders of Dorchester and the adjacent counties
that I am again in the market. Persons having negroes that are slaves for life
to dispose of will find it to their interest to see me before they sell, as I am deter-
mined to pay the highest price in cash that the Southern market will justify. I
can be found at A. Hall's Hotel, in Easton, where I will remain until the first
day of July next. Communications addressed to me at Easton, or information
given to Wm. Bell, in Cambridge, will meet with prompt attention.
I will be at John Bradshaw's Hotel, in Cambridge, every Monday.
Oct. 6, 1852.--3m. Wm. Harker.
The Westminster Carroltonian, October 22, 1852:
The undersigned wishes to purchase 25 LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, for
which the highest cash prices will be paid. All communications addressed to me
in Baltimore will be punctually attended to.
Jan. 2.--tf. Lewis Winters.
For Tennessee the following:--
Nashville True Whig, October 20, '52:
21 likely Negroes, of different ages.
Oct. 6. A. A. McLean, Gen. Agent.
I want to purchase, immediately, a Negro man, Carpenter, and will give a good
Oct. 6. A. A. McLean, Gen. Agent.
Nashville Gazette, October 22:
SEVERAL likely girls from 10 to 18 years old, a woman 24, a very valuable
woman 25 years old, with three very likely children.
Oct. 16, 1852. Williams & Glover, A. B. U.
I want to purchase Twenty-five LIKELY NEGROES, between the ages of 18
and 25 years, male and female, for which I will pay the highest price in cash.
Oct. 20. A. A. McLean, Cherry-street.
The Memphis Daily Eagle and Enquirer:
We will pay the highest cash price for all good negroes offered. We invite all
those having negroes for sale to call on us at our mart, opposite the lower steam-
boat landing. We will also have a large lot of Virginia negroes for sale in the
fall. We have as safe a jail as any in the country, where we can keep negroes
safe for those that wish them kept.
je 13--d & w. Bolton, Dickins & Co.
A good bargain will be given in about 400 acres of Land; 200 acres are in a
fine state of cultivation, fronting the railroad about ten miles from Memphis.
Together with 18 or 20 likely negroes, consisting of men, women, boys, and girls.
Good time will be given on a portion of the purchase money.
Oct. 18.--1m. J. M. Provine.
Clarksville Chronicle, December 3, 1852:
We wish to hire 25 good steam-boat hands for the New Orleans and Louisville
trade. We will pay very full prices for the season, commencing about the 15th
McClure & Crozier, Agents.
S. B. Bellpoor.
Sept. 10, 1852.--1m.
The Daily St. Louis Times, October 14, 1852:
On Chesnut, between Sixth and Seventh streets, near the city jail, will pay the
highest price in cash for all good negroes offered. There are also other buyers to
be found in the office very anxious to purchase, who will pay the highest prices
given in cash.
Negroes boarded at the lowest rates.
jy 15--6m.
BLAKELY and McAFEE having dissolved copartnership by mutual consent,
the subscriber will at all times pay the highest cash prices for negroes of every
description. Will also attend to the sale of negroes on commission, having a jail
and yard fitted up expressly for boarding them.
Negroes for sale at all times.
3 A. B. McAfee, 93 Olive-street.
Having just returned from Kentucky, I wish to purchase, as soon as possible,
one hundred likely negroes, consisting of men, women, boys and girls, for which
I will pay at all times from fifty to one hundred dollars on the head more money
than any other trading man in the city of St. Louis, or the State of Missouri. I
can at all times be found at Barnum's City Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.
je 12d&wly. John Mattingly.
From another St. Louis paper:--
I will pay at all times the highest price in cash for all good negroes offered. I
am buying for the Memphis and Louisiana markets, and can afford to pay, and will
pay, as high as any trading man in this State. All those having negroes to sell
will do well to give me a call at No. 210, corner of Sixth and Wash streets, St.
Louis, Mo.
Thos. Dickins,
of the firm of Bolton, Dickins, & Co.
Having just returned from Kentucky, I wish to purchase one hundred likely
negroes, consisting of men and women, boys and girls, for which I will pay in cash
from fifty to one hundred dollars mor
e than any other trading man in the city of
St. Louis or the State of Missouri. I can at all times be found at Barnum's City
Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.
je 14d&wly. John Mattingly.
Is prepared to pay the highest prices in cash for good and likely negroes, or will
furnish boarding for others, in comfortable quarters and under secure fastenings.
He will also attend to the sale and purchase of negroes on commission.
* Negroes for sale at all times.
We ask you, Christian reader, we beg you to think, what
sort of scenes are going on in Virginia under these advertise-
ments? You see that they are carefully worded so as to take
only the young people; and they are only a specimen of the
standing season advertisements, which are among the most
common things in the Virginia papers. A succeeding chapter
will open to the reader the interior of these slave-prisons, and
show him something of the daily incidents of this kind of trade.
Now, let us look at the corresponding advertisements in the
Southern States. The coffles made up in Virginia and other
States are thus announced in the Southern market.
From the Natchez (Mississippi) Free Trader, November 20:--
The undersigned have just arrived, direct from Richmond, Va., with a large and
likely lot of Negroes, consisting of Field Hands, House Servants, Seamstresses,
Cooks, Washers and Ironers, a first-rate brick mason, and other mechanics, which
they now offer for sale at the Forks of the Road, near Natchez (Miss.), on the
most accommodating terms.
They will continue to receive fresh supplies from Richmond, Va., during the
season, and will be able to furnish to any order any description of negroes sold in