Such has been the extraordinary course of events in France and Europe, within

  the last two months, that the more deliberately we survey the scene which has

  been spread out before us, and the more rigidly we scrutinise the conduct of its

  actors, the more confident does our conviction become that the glorious work

  which has been so well begun cannot possibly fail of complete accomplishment;

  that the age of tyrants and slavery is rapidly drawing to a close; and that the

  happy period to be signalised by the universal emancipation of man from the

  fetters of civil oppression, and the recognition in all countries of the great prin-

  ciples of popular sovereignty, equality, and brotherhood,, at this moment

  visibly commencing.

  Will any one be surprised, after this, that seventy-seven of

  the most intelligent young slaves, male and female, in Wash-

  ington city, honestly taking Mr. Foote and his brother

  senators at their word, and believing that the age of tyrants

  and slavery was drawing to a close, banded together, and

  made an effort to obtain their part in this reign of universal


  The schooner “Pearl” was lying in the harbour, and Cap-

  tain Drayton was found to have the heart of a man. Perhaps

  he, too, had listened to the addresses on Pennsylvania Avenue,

  and thought in the innocence of his heart, that a man who

  really did something to promote universal emancipation, was

  no worse than the men who only made speeches about it.

  At any rate, Drayton was persuaded to allow these seventy-

  seven slaves to secrete themselves in the hold of his vessel, and

  among them were six children of Paul and Milly Edmondson.

  The incidents of the rest of the narrative will now be given as

  obtained from Mary and Emily Edmondson, by the lady in

  whose family they have been placed by the writer for an edu-


  Some few preliminaries may be necessary in order to under-

  stand the account.

  A respectable coloured man, by the name of Daniel Bell, who

  had purchased his own freedom, resided in the city of Washing-

  ton. His wife, with her eight children, were set free by her

  master, when on his death-bed. The heirs endeavoured to break

  the will, on the ground that he was not of sound mind at the

  time of its preparation. The magistrate, however, before whom

  it was executed, by his own personal knowledge of the compe-

  tence of the man at the time, was enabled to defeat their purpose;

  the family, therefore, lived as free for some years. On the death

  of this magistrate, the heirs again brought the case into Court,

  and as it seemed likely to be decided against the family, they

  resolved to secure their legal rights by flight, and engaged pas-

  sage on board the vessel of Captain Drayton. Many of their

  associates and friends, stirred up, perhaps, by the recent demon-

  strations in favour of liberty, begged leave to accompany them

  in their flight. The seeds of the cotton-wood were flying

  everywhere, and springing up in all hearts; so that, on the

  eventful evening of the 15th of April, 1848, not less than

  seventy-seven men, women, and children, with beating hearts

  and anxious secrecy, stowed themselves away in the hold of the

  little schooner, and Captain Drayton was so wicked that he

  could not, for the life of him, say “Nay” to one of them.

  Richard Edmondson had long sought to buy his liberty; had

  toiled for it early and late; but the price set upon him was so

  high that he despaired of ever earning it. On this evening he

  and his three brothers thought, as the reign of universal brother-

  hood had begun, and the reign of tyrants and slavery come to

  an end, that they would take to themselves and their sisters that

  sacred gift of liberty, which all Washington had been informed,

  two evenings before, it was the peculiar province of America to

  give to all nations. Their two sisters, aged sixteen and four-

  teen, were hired out in families in the city. On this evening

  Samuel Edmondson called at the house where Emily lived, and

  told her of the projected plan.

  “But what will mother think?” said Emily.

  “Don't stop to think of her; she would rather we'd be free

  than to spend time to talk about her.”

  “Well, then, if Mary will go, I will.”

  The girls give as a reason for wishing to escape, that though

  they had never suffered hardships or been treated unkindly, yet

  they knew they were liable at any time to be sold into rigorous

  bondage, and separated far from all they loved.

  They then all went on board the “Pearl,” which was lying a

  little way off from the place where vessels usually anchor. There

  they found a company of slaves, seventy-seven in number.

  At twelve o'clock at night the silent wings of the little schooner

  were spread, and with her weight of fear and mystery she glided

  out into the stream. A fresh breeze sprang up, and by eleven

  o'clock next night they had sailed two hundred miles from

  Washington, and began to think that liberty was gained. They

  anchored in a place called Cornfield Harbour, intending to

  wait for daylight. All laid down to sleep in peaceful security,

  lulled by the gentle rock of the vessel and the rippling of the


  But at two o'clock at night they were roused by terrible noises

  on deck, scuffling, screaming, swearing, and groaning. A steamer

  had pursued and overtaken them, and the little schooner was

  boarded by an infuriated set of armed men. In a moment, the

  captain, mate, and all the crew, were seized and bound, amid

  oaths and dreadful threats. As they, swearing and yelling, tore

  open the hatches on the defenceless prisoners below, Richard

  Edmondson stepped forward, and in a calm voice said to them,

  “Gentlemen, do yourselves no harm, for we are all here.” With

  this exception, all was still among the slaves as despair could

  make it; not a word was spoken in the whole company. The

  men were all bound and placed on board the steamer; the

  woman were left on board the schooner, to be towed after.

  The explanation of their capture was this:--In the morning

  after they had sailed, many families in Washington found their

  slaves missing, and the event created as great an excitement as

  the emancipation of France had, two days before. At that time

  they had listened in the most complacent manner to the an-

  nouncement that the reign of slavery was near its close, because

  they had not the slightest idea that the language meant any-

  thing; and they were utterly confounded by this practical

  application of it. More than a hundred men, mounted upon

  horses, determined to push out into the country, in pursuit of

  these new disciples of the doctrine of universal emancipation.

  Here a coloured man, by the name of Judson Diggs, betrayed

  the whole plot. He had been provoked, because, after having

  taken a poor woman, with her luggage, down to the boat, she

  was unable to pay the twenty-five cents that he demanded. So

/>   he told these admirers of universal brotherhood that they need

  not ride into the country, as their slaves had sailed down the

  river, and were far enough off by this time. A steamer was

  immediately manned by two hundred armed men, and away they

  went in pursuit.

  When the cortege arrived with the captured slaves, there was

  a most furious excitement in the city. The men were driven

  through the streets bound with ropes, two and two. Showers

  of taunts and jeers rained upon them from all sides. One man

  asked one of the girls if she “didn't feel pretty to be caught

  running away,” and another asked her “if she wasn't sorry.”

  She answered, “No, if it was to do again to-morrow, she would

  do the same.” The man turned to a bystander and said--“Han't

  she got good spunk?”

  But the most vehement excitement was against Drayton and

  Sayres, the captain and mate of the vessel. Ruffians armed with

  dirk-knives and pistols crowded around them, with the most

  horrid threats. One of them struck so near Drayton as to cut

  his ear, which Emily noticed as bleeding. Meanwhile there

  mingled in the crowd multitudes of the relatives of the captives,

  who, looking on them as so many doomed victims, bewildered

  and lamented them. A brother-in-law of the Edmondsons was

  so overcome when he saw them that he fainted away and fell

  down in the street, and was carried home insensible. The sorrow-

  ful news. spread to the cottage of Paul and Milly Edmondson;

  and knowing that all their children were now probably doomed

  to the Southern market, they gave themselves up to sorrow.

  “Oh, what a day that was!” said the old mother, when describ-

  ing that scene to the writer. “Never a morsel of anything could

  I put into my mouth. Paul and me, we fasted and prayed before

  the Lord, night and day, for our poor children!”

  The whole public sentiment of the community was roused to

  the most intense indignation. It was repeated from mouth to

  mouth that they had been kindly treated and never abused;

  and what could have induced them to try to get their liberty?

  All that Mr. Stanton had said of the insensible influence of

  American institutions, and all his pretty similes about the cotton-

  wood seeds, seemed entirely to have escaped the memory of the

  community, and they could see nothing but the most unheard-of

  depravity in the attempt of these people to secure freedom. It

  was strenuously advised by many that their owners should not

  forgive them--that no mercy should be shown; but that they

  should be thrown into the hands of the traders, forthwith, for

  the Southern market--that Siberia of the irresponsible despots

  of America.

  When all the prisoners were lodged in jail, the owners came

  to make oath to their property, and the property also was re-

  quired to make oath to their owners. Among them came the

  married sisters of Mary and Emily, but were not allowed to

  enter the prison. The girls looked through the iron grates of

  the third-storey windows, and saw their sisters standing below in

  the yard weeping.

  The guardian of the Edmondsons, who acted in the place of

  the real owner, apparently touched with their sorrow, promised

  their family and friends, who were anxious to purchase them, if

  possible, that they should have an opportunity the next

  morning. Perhaps he intended at the time to give them one;

  but, as Bruin and Hill, the keepers of the large slave warehouse

  in Alexandria, offered him four thousand five hundred dollars

  for the six children, they were irrevocably sold before the next

  morning. Bruin would listen to no terms which any of their

  friends could propose. The lady with whom Mary had lived

  offered a thousand dollars for her, but Bruin refused, saying he

  could get double that sum in the New Orleans market. He

  said he had had his eye upon the family for twelve years, and

  had the promise of them should they ever be sold.

  While the girls remained in the prison they had no beds nor

  chairs, and only one blanket each, though the nights were

  chilly; but understanding that the rooms below, where their

  brothers were confined, were still colder, and that no blankets

  were given them, they sent their own down to them. In the

  morning they were allowed to go down into the yard for a few

  moments; and then they used to run to the window of their

  brothers' room, to bid them good morning, and kiss them

  through the grate.

  At ten o'clock, Thursday night, the brothers were handcuffed,

  and, with their sisters, taken into carriages by their new owners,

  driven to Alexandria, and put into a prison called a Georgia

  Pen. The girls were put into a large room alone, in total dark-

  ness, without bed or blanket, where they spent the night in

  sobs and tears, in utter ignorance of their brothers' fate. At

  eight o'clock in the morning they were called to breakfast,

  when, to their great comfort, they found their four brothers all

  in the same prison.

  They remained here about four weeks, being usually per-

  mitted by day to stay below with their brothers, and at night

  to return to their own rooms. Their brothers had great

  anxieties about them, fearing they would be sold South.

  Samuel, in particular, felt very sadly, as he had been the prin-

  cipal actor in getting them away. He often said he would

  gladly die for them, if that would save them from the fate he

  feared. He used to weep a great deal, though he endeavoured

  to restrain his tears in their presence.

  While in the slave-prison they were required to wash for

  thirteen men, though their brothers performed a great share of

  the labour. Before they left, their size and height were

  measured by their owners. At length they were again taken

  out, the brothers handcuffed, and all put on board a steamboat,

  where were about forty slaves, mostly men, and taken to

  Baltimore. The voyage occupied one day and a night. When

  arrived in Baltimore, they were thrown into a slave-pen kept by

  a partner of Bruin and Hill. He was a man of coarse habits,

  constantly using the most profane language, and grossly obscene

  and insulting in his remarks to women. Here they were for-

  bidden to pray together, as they had previously been accustomed

  to do. But, by rising very early in the morning, they secured

  to themselves a little interval which they could employ, unin-

  terrupted, in this manner. They, with four or five other women

  in the prison, used to meet together before daybreak to spread

  their sorrows before the Refuge of the afflicted; and in these

  prayers the hard-hearted slave-dealer was daily remembered.

  The brothers of Mary and Emily were very gentle and tender in

  their treatment of their sisters, which had an influence upon

  other men in their company.

  At this place they became acquainted with Aunt Rachel, a

  most godly woman, about middle age, who had been sold into

  the prison away from her husband. The
poor husband used

  often to come to the prison and beg the trader to sell her to his owners, who he thought were willing to purchase her, if the price

  was not too high. But he was driven off with brutal threats

  and curses. They remained in Baltimore about three weeks.

  The friends in Washington, though hitherto unsuccessful in

  their efforts to redeem the family, were still exerting themselves

  in their behalf; and one evening a message was received from

  them by telegraph, stating that a person would arrive in the

  morning train of cars prepared to bargain for the family, and that

  a part of the money was now ready. But the trader was in-

  exorable; and in the morning, an hour before the cars were to

  arrive, they were all put on board the brig “Union,” ready to sail

  for New Orleans. The messenger came, and brought nine

  hundred dollars in money, the gift of a grandson of John Jacob

  Astor. This was finally appropriated to the ransom of Richard

  Edmondson, as his wife and children were said to be suffering

  in Washington; and the trader would not sell the girls to them

  upon any consideration, nor would he even suffer Richard to be

  brought back from the brig, which had not yet sailed. The

  bargain was, however made, and the money deposited in Bal-


  On this brig the eleven women were put in one small apart-

  ment, and the thirty or forty men in an adjoining one. Emily

  was very sea-sick most of the time, and her brothers feared she

  would die. They used to come and carry her out on deck and

  back again, buy little comforts for their sisters, and take all

  possible care of them.

  Frequently head-winds blew them back, so that they made

  very slow progress; and in their prayer-meetings, which they

  held every night, they used to pray that head-winds might blow

  them to New York; and one of the sailors declared that if they

  could get within one hundred miles of New York, and the slaves

  would stand by him, he would make way with the captain, and

  pilot them into New York himself.

  When they arrived near Key West, they hoisted a signal for

  a pilot, the captain being aware of the dangers of the place,

  and yet not knowing how to avoid them. As the pilot-boat

  approached, the slaves were all fastened below, and a heavy

  canvas thrown over the grated hatchway door, which entirely