Page 38 of Shades of Grey

  “The best plans are always the simplest,” observed Tommo with a smile. “Let me explain. We’re going to rest up for the day, discard all our gear and a shoe or two, rip our clothes and then stagger back into town whimpering incoherently about swans and Riffraff. Everyone’s a hero, we get excused from Useful Work for a month, receive seven hundred merits each and clean up on the sweep I’ve got going back home. There’s no risk, we don’t have to do squiddly and no one has to walk their feet off—or come back dead.”

  He found something in the mound of dirt he had been prodding, and held it up. “Guys?”

  Courtland shook his head, but Violet nodded.

  “Blue,” she said in a grumpy tone.

  “And what about the report?” I asked. “We don’t get a bean unless we actually reach the town.”

  He shrugged. “We’ll claim we reached the outskirts. You can make up something suitably vague: ‘pre-Epiphanic ruins, entwined with the roots of mature oaks,’ then add a bit about ‘vibrant color lying half buried in the leaf mold.’ That will do it.”

  “We could do the same thing next month,” said Violet, “and the month after that.”

  “And without prefects to check up on us,” added Courtland, “there’s no risk.”

  “So you’re with us on this, right?” said Tommo. “No sense in risking certain death when you can make good money with a little harmless subterfuge.”

  I stared at them all. Ordinarily I might have entertained such an action, especially with two prefects-in-waiting already signed up. With me onboard, there would be three-quarters of East Carmine’s future Council in agreement, which would be enough to keep it hidden forever. But it didn’t bode well. If this was the level of corruption before they were in power, I dreaded to think what it might be like when they took office. Besides, I didn’t like being pushed. Not one little bit.

  “Why don’t you guys just stay here?” I suggested. “I’ll walk over there on—”

  “We really have to be together on this,” said Violet. “We’ll be debriefed. They’ll see through it.”

  Courtland got up and walked toward me. I dearly wanted to take a step back, but I thought I’d fare better with him knowing I wasn’t frightened of him, so I stood my ground.

  “Listen,” he said once he was uncomfortably close, “we’re not expected back, so if we lose a member no one will be surprised. We can do this with you or without you. Do it our way, and it’s a heap of cash and certain life. Do it your way, and it’s certain death and no cash.”

  “Kill me and Violet’s dynasty goes all to Blue.”

  “I think I’m okay in that respect,” said Violet, patting her stomach. “If I marry Doug on Sunday night no one will look too carefully at the calendar.”

  I could feel my heart sink. “Two grand up front,” I murmured, suddenly realizing what was going on.

  “I’m afraid you’re right,” said Tommo. “As your father will no doubt attest, I am a fine negotiator. With the High Saffron excursions sporting a one hundred percent fatality rate, he was wise to at least make something from you. And he gets a grandson—even if he can’t ever tell anyone. Don’t judge him too harshly. It was his best option. And he got deMauve to agree in writing that the boy would be called Eddie.”

  I didn’t know what annoyed me more, being threatened with death or having my own father sell our Chromatic heritage without my knowledge. Dad must have shown Violet the ovulating shade, too. DeMauve had gotten a lot for his money.

  “He didn’t know about the not-going-to-High-Saffron plan, did he?” I asked.

  “No,” said Tommo, mustering a shred of decency. “As far as he was concerned, it was simply the deMauves hedging their bets against your disappearance.”

  It was consolation of sorts. At least I knew my father’s actions had been fiscal rather than personal. There was a long pause in which we all stared at one another.

  “So what’s the deal?” asked Violet, who was growing impatient.

  Courtland was bluffing. He wouldn’t kill me in front of Violet. She’d have leverage over him at every single future Council meeting and would never keep something this serious under her hat.

  “There’s no deal. I’m going on.”

  “You Russetts!” screamed Violet. “So nauseatingly self-righteous!” She folded her arms and glared, not at me but at Courtland and Tommo. “Honestly, boys, I thought you said you’d gotten this all sorted out. If I get into trouble over this, I’m going to really make you burn when I’m head prefect.”

  “We had sorted it out,” explained Tommo meekly. “We just hadn’t thought Russett here would be such a party-pooper-prefect’s-pet.”

  “Then I’m bailing on this monumental farrago,” remarked Violet as she came rapidly to a decision. “I think I’ve just twisted my ankle and am unable to proceed.” She looked daggers at me. “And if you commit the discourtesy of surviving so I have to marry you, I will strive to make you unhappy for the rest of my life.”

  Violet got to her feet and shouldered her bag before turning to face us. “What’s our story?”

  “Simple,” said Courtland, still staring at me. “We stopped here for a break, and you stumbled on the way out on some rubble, then headed back.”

  “What if Russett blabs that this was all a merit scam?”

  “Don’t worry,” replied Courtland, “he’ll come around. Won’t you, Eddie?”

  “All I want to do is to complete the expedition,” I said, staring back at Courtland. “Other than that, I don’t give a ratfink’s bottom.”

  “There,” said Courtland, “he agrees.”

  And Violet walked off at a brisk pace without another word.

  “This is all very well,” said Tommo once we had gathered up our belongings, “but this means we actually have to go to High Saffron!”

  “What’s the matter?” asked Courtland. “Frightened?”

  “Too bloody right. I think I might have twisted my ankle, too—or something.”

  “You’re coming with us,” said Courtland in a voice that didn’t invite contradiction. “You got us into this stupid mess, so you can certainly see it through.”

  “Right you are,” said Tommo without enthusiasm, “overjoyed.”

  “We’re moving out,” I said. “The next rest break is in an hour.”

  I saw Tommo and Courtland exchange glances. If Tommo had gone with Violet, I would have felt disagreeably ill at ease. Courtland was capable of almost anything, but not, I reasoned, with Tommo about. Toady that he was, Tommo could stand to earn serious merits for snitching on Courtland if he tried anything stupid. Even so, I knew I would have to be careful.

  Before leaving, I wrote on a sheet of paper torn from my exercise book that Violet had turned back, added the time, signed it and laid it in the middle of the road with four stones stacked in a pyramid on top of it.

  We walked out, and I mused to myself that this expedition was much like any other I had been on—full of arguments, and running anything but smoothly.

  On to the Flak Tower Ovaltine may not be drunk at any time other than before bed.

  The going was harder and the road less distinct as we trudged on. It didn’t look as though vehicular traffic had moved down this way since the Perpetulite spalled. Much of our time was spent wending our way through thick rhododendron to avoid the occasional yateveo, and trying to keep to the track as best we could. At times the heavy canopy made the forest so dark that it was almost impossible to see. At one point I lost the path of the old road entirely, and only picked it up again once the forest had thinned out and been replaced by open grassy moorland.

  I walked with a sense of heightened nervousness, but relaxed as soon as I heard Courtland and Tommo talk about mundanities. Tommo asked him if grass looked yellow to him, and Courtland responded by saying that all green looked yellow, since it was the only component of green a Yellow could see. After about half a mile of open ground and a slight incline, we came across the
lumpy remnants of a village, the only aboveground feature a stone meetinghouse that was almost consumed by two yew trees. I checked the time and sketched a plan of the village in my notebook. On one side of the crossroads was another deeply rusted land crawler swathed in brambles and coarsened by a heavy overcoat of lichen, its tracks now choked with a profusion of primroses, celandines and meadowsweet. Although similar to the Farmall crawler we had seen earlier, in that they shared the commonality of tracked locomotion, this was considerably larger and more heavily built—the outer shell was fully four inches thick in places. It was also badly damaged. The vehicle looked as though someone had attempted to turn it inside out; the steel was jagged and split like a shattered pot.

  “Can we take a break?” asked Courtland.

  “Five minutes, then.”

  I walked across to examine an old mailbox, almost consumed by a mature beech that had grown around it. The small door had split with the force. I opened it easily, and amid the abandoned birds’ nests and dry leaf mold I found the remnants of things that had been posted but never collected. A glass pendant, a few coins and a wireless telephone in remarkably good condition.

  “Whoah!” said Tommo, pointing in the direction we had just come. “I just saw someone!”

  “Claptrap,” replied Courtland, with slightly less confidence in his voice than he might have liked. “There’s no one out here but us.”

  “They were just next to that tree over there, peeking over the wall.” He pointed at a dilapidated section of wall about thirty yards away, back in the direction from which we had come.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Clear as day. Do you think it might be . . . Riffraff?”

  We all looked at one another. Even Courtland appeared ill at ease, despite his usually brash exterior.

  “Only one way to find out,” I murmured and sprinted up the road toward the wall and looked over. In the field beyond I saw a couple of alpacas, which stared at me with a bored expression and went back to their grazing. There was no one visible, but the gorse-pecked hill offered an abundance of good hiding places. There might have been a hundred Riffraff for all I knew, and my stomach turned uneasily. I stood there for several minutes listening and staring, and after hearing and seeing nothing, returned to the crossroads.

  “Nothing but a couple of alpacas,” I reported. “Couldn’t it have been them? I mean, no one has reported Riffraff in this area for, what? Twenty years?”

  “Thirty,” said Tommo, “but then most people who have come this far never came back. And they eat the brains of—”

  “Just button it, Tommo, you’re not helping,” said Courtland.

  “I second that,” I said. “Shut up, Tommo.”

  “What do we do?” asked Courtland, once we had been standing there doing nothing for a few moments. “The Rules state that if we encounter even a hint of Riffraff, we abort.”

  “I didn’t see anything,” I said, trying to be positive.

  “You and your stupid ideas,” Courtland said to Tommo. “And speaking personally, I’m too valuable to the community to be lost on some dumb expedition.”

  “You agreed to it readily enough last night,” replied Tommo defiantly.

  “Then why don’t you just go home?” I suggested. “No one’s stopping you.”

  But Courtland, arrogant as he was, was no idiot. If he sneaked home early and I returned later on, everyone would know he had chickened out. He wanted the village to know that he was not just the next Yellow prefect, but a selfless resident, willing to risk his life for the good of the village.

  “Let’s all just calm down,” I murmured. “Tommo, are you positive it was someone?”

  He took a deep breath and looked at both of us in turn, then shrugged. “It could have been alpacas,” he replied. “In fact, that must have been what it was.”

  “Then I’m going on,” I murmured. “What about you two?”

  Courtland gave Tommo a slap on the back of the head. “Idiot! Yes, I’m still coming—and so is porridge brains here.”

  I jotted another note to the effect that Tommo had thought he had seen someone, added the time, tore out the page and left it under a small pile of stones as before. I made a similar note in my log, and we walked on, this time with a more nervous gait and with frequent looks over our shoulders.

  After ten minutes or so we reached the top of the hill and entered a grove of beeches. Their heavy canopy was draped with creepers, and the occasional moss-covered fallen trunk blocked our way. Considering that we were less than two hours from the village center, it seemed odd that we were walking in a place almost completely unvisited for five centuries, yet was somewhere I could visit and be back by eleven. If I was so inclined. Being in the Outfield was exciting, but worrying, too. I could feel my heart beating faster, and my ears twitched at every sound.

  After twenty minutes more of easy walking across a grassy plain with only giraffe, elk and deer for company, we entered a small spinney near another land crawler, then walked out the other side and came to an abrupt halt.

  “Munsell in a canoe,” whispered Tommo.

  “What is this doing here?” said Courtland. “I mean, why would anyone build a pipeline that goes from nowhere to nowhere squared?”

  “I don’t know.”

  In front of us was a good-sized oak. But not the usual drab grey variety. This one was bright, univisual purple. The bark, leaves, acorns, branches and even the patch of grass beneath it were full edge-of-gamut magenta. We stared at it for a while, as none of us had seen anything so large bearing such an inappropriate color. This was a chromoclasm—a fracture in the magenta pipe of the CYM color feed, where the dye had soaked up through the soil and stained the surrounding foliage. National Color doesn’t like anyone knowing anything about pipeline routes, partly because of the potential for damage by monochrome fundamentalists, and partly because local villages would ask for costly spur lines. But Courtland was right. It didn’t make any sense. We weren’t on a route that went from anywhere to anywhere, nor was there any way to tell in which direction the pipeline ran. But it looked as though we had found the breach the Colorman had been looking for.

  “Good job Violet isn’t here,” said Tommo. “The brightness would give her a migraine in a flash, and you know how ratty she gets when she’s having a headache.”

  “What’s that?”


  Courtland didn’t answer and instead walked into the purple grass and picked up a human femur. It too had been stained magenta. He looked around and found another bone, this time the left half of a pelvis, and tapped them together. They made the dullish thud that fresh bones make, and not the ringing click of the long dead.

  “What do you think, Court?”

  “Couple of years.”

  We were all looking around then, to find something that might give a clue as to who it was or where they were from, but the bones had been scattered by animals. We didn’t find the skull, but I did find a single brogue, a belt buckle and a celluloid collar. It had a postcode and a name scratched on it: Thomas Emerald. Courtland and Tommo didn’t know him.

  “A lot of Rebootees were lost out here,” said Courtland. “They never stayed long enough for us to learn their names.”

  “He had three spoons on him,” said Tommo, picking them out of the soil and rubbing the magenta mud off so that he could read the codes engraved on the back, “and none of them were his. Do you think the codes are registered to anyone?”

  “They’d be worth a small fortune if they’ve got clear title,” said Courtland. “Let me see.”

  So Tommo handed them over, and Courtland put them in his pocket and grinned avariciously at him.

  “Nice one, Court,” said Tommo. “Thanks for that.”

  “Why would he take spoons with him on a toshing trip?” I asked.

  “Maybe he didn’t,” remarked Courtland, with a greedy gleam in his eye. “Maybe he pulled them out of the soil at High Saffron.”

  We looked at one another and walked on.

  We came to a river and, after wading across, walked past the five-arched bridge that had once carried the roadway, now sitting rather pointlessly over a grassy dent. The mutual anxiety we were feeling had momentarily cleared the bad air, and we walked along side by side for a while, talking nervously.

  “So,” said Tommo with forced bonhomie, “what was Violet like?”

  “Exactly as you might imagine.”


  Courtland voiced what we were allreally thinking about. “Why didn’t we find Thomas Emerald’s skull?”

  We suddenly stopped and looked nervously about, the unspoken horror of having our brains eaten by Riffraff suddenly making us more than jumpy. But no matter how hard we stared, it was simply an empty landscape with trees, wildstock and grassland. And aside from the occasional pwoing of a bouncing goat, it was quiet, too—oppressively so. We were utterly alone. At least, we hoped we were.

  “Okay,” said Tommo after I had told everyone to move off, “what do we do if we see a Riffraff?”

  “Run,” I said.

  “Fight,” said Courtland.

  “You fighting is good,” said Tommo. “While they’re occupied with you, Ed and I will be activating the ‘run like a lunatic’ plan.”

  We passed through a grove of beech trees that had grown over the track in happy profusion, then came across some grass-covered earthworks, a few bramble-filled pits and a deep, grassy ditch that zigzagged away to the left and right of us. We paused for a moment on the edge of the open moorland and stared at the road, which carried on in a straight line until it vanished over the summit. It was the loneliest section of the route, a two-mile stretch without any sort of cover at all. I looked up at the sky to confirm that the likelihood of lightning was low, then set off at a brisk walk.

  The course of the road was easily delineated by the flat profile and two low, grassyridgesabout thirtyfeet apartthat might once have been walls. The landscape up here was different, as the road had been disrupted by several large pockmarks, some of which had filled with water and might have been natural dew ponds but for their uniform roundness. Here and there we could see rusty scrap and twisted aluminum poking out of the turf like a metallic harvest that no one had troubled to remove, and the wildstock were considerably tamer. As we approached the isolated herds that drifted across the upper pastures, they parted languidly to let us through, with only the mildest sense of curiosity. It portended well, as they spook easily, and Riffraff were known to kill and eat them. I even spotted an antelope I hadn’t seen before. It was a dark reddish color with stripes down its front and back legs, the latter doubling as a convenient place to display its bar code. I jotted down as much of its Taxa as I could before it turned away.