Page 2 of Indirection

the Communications Branch,Exploratory Section, Sector Nine.

  At 261.0196, I was on duty in the emergency communications room atIncrement Four. A call came in from Resident Station number fourteen,Planet 3-G3-9/4871, requesting emergency condensation over the immediatestation area. Co-ordinates were not given and I checked the planetaryco-ordinates with the call sign and the Communications List. I addedthese to the message and forwarded the request to the Patrol DutyOfficer for his action.

  There was no visual on the call, but the voice sounded urgent. I relayedthe request without requiring special authentication, since the stationwas precisely on the correct settings, no inimical culture is known tobe operating in this sector, and the coded call was correct. At thetime, I had no way of suspecting that this was not a genuine emergencycall.

  Florand Anremdor Comm. 1/c


  I, Captain Binkar Morancos, am assigned to the 334th Vector, which ispresently under the orders of the Commander, Sector Nine.

  I was assigned as Sector Patrol Duty Officer at 261.0200, when a messagewas relayed from Increment Four, requesting emergency condensation on aplanet in that increment. I checked the co-ordinates and data furnished,consulted the situation chart, and instructed Cruiser P-4730, CaptainKlorantel commanding, to carry out the mission.

  Since the message came through normal channels, I had no doubt as to itsauthenticity, and treated it as routine. I felt that the cruisercommander could deal with the matter at his discretion.

  Binkar Morancos Capt. StG(C)


  I, Captain Corrondao Klorantel, am in command of the Stellar GuardCruiser _Myloren_, number P-4730. I am assigned to duty with the 334thVector, which is operating in Sector Nine.

  The _Myloren_ was on routine patrol in the Fourth Increment at 261.0203,when a message was received from Sector Headquarters, givingco-ordinates on Planet 3-G3-9/4871, with a request for emergencycondensation. I proceeded to the subject planet and took positionoutside the atmosphere. Visual checks failed to show any emergencycondition on the surface, though a burned-out area was noted in theforest a short distance to the planetary south of the station concerned.A call was made to the resident station, requesting clarification of therequest, and the answer proved to be unsatisfactory.

  There was no visual transmission, and the voice was strongly accented.The message gave insufficient data for action, contained noidentification, and was in improper form for station-to-ship contact. Idecided to make contact by other means, and shifted my secondarycommunicator to the guardsman's personal settings, requesting furtherinformation, suitable identification, and confirmation of the request.Guardsman Jaeger immediately informed me that the call was spurious,stating that he was away from his station, and that he would returnimmediately. During the conversation, I noted that full condensation wastaking place to atmospheric limits.

  I called Auxiliary, and Technician Melran stated that his controlcircuits were inoperative and that he was tracing the difficulty. Hecleared the trouble, but condensation had already been established andprecipitation had commenced. I ordered re-absorption, which was startedas soon as repairs had been accomplished.

  At the request of Guardsman Jaeger, we stood by to render aid ifnecessary, maintaining contact with his station. At 0572, Jaegerrequested immediate evacuation for himself and for one other person. Ientered atmosphere, made planetfall with nullified visibility, and tookoff the guardsman and a young native. During the evacuation, I noted anumber of natives armed with various implements, who were attempting tobreak their way into the station. Guardsman Jaeger fired his demolitionsas he left, firing the screen generator with his last flare. For a fewminutes, the natives fell back before the flames, but they were enteringthe station by the time we cleared the planet. It is believed that theinstallation was completely destroyed.

  Corrondao Klorantel Capt. StG(C) Commanding P-4730


  I, Danaeo Melran, am assigned to the Patrol Cruiser _Myloren_, numberP-4730, for duty.

  At 261.0204, I was on duty in Auxiliary Equipment when Captain Klorantelcalled, informing me that a request had come in for emergencycondensation. He told me to set up and await execution order. I presettwo forward radiators for forty kilometers at low condensation, with athree kilometer radius at surface. I then put the controls on automatictrigger, notified the captain, and went on with my normal duties. At0221, we came out of trans-light, and I adjusted my equipment forslow-drive operation.

  At 0223, my indicators showed activity on the forward radiators. Ichecked and discovered that full power was being applied. Attempts tooverride the automatics were unsuccessful, and while I was attempting toclear the trouble, the captain called again, saying that the request wasfalse, and asking why I had turned the radiators on. I told him that thecontrols were jammed, and he instructed me to make repairs and set upre-absorption.

  I discovered a short between the automatic trigger and the ship'ssecondary communication antenna. After clearing this, I found trouble inthe control section of the condensation driver. The automatic triggerhad become fused, and the control paths were shorted to full-drivethroughout. The sub-assemblies were replaced and trouble cleared by0300. I then set up re-absorption as ordered.

  Danaeo Melran Eq Tech 3/c


  I, Franz Jaeger, am Resident Guardsman at Station Fourteen, Planet3-G3-9/4871.

  I have been assigned to my station for eight planetary years for surveyand observation duty. During the past five years, I have employed ElwarForell, the son of a local peasant, to keep the living quarters cleanand to do general work about the station. I have never discussed thepossibilities of extra-planetary civilization with him, and I have beencareful to exclude him from knowledge of my technical equipment, which Ihave kept in a secure room in accordance with regulations. I havepresented myself to him, as well as to all the villagers in my area, asa scholar, tired of city life, and desirous of a quiet existence.

  There has been a drought in part of my area for the entire season. Wehave suffered from one forest fire and there is a strong possibility ofothers. Crops are doing very badly, and the peasants have beencomplaining bitterly. This is not an unheard-of situation, but it hascaused considerable discomfort and worry, since there is a very definitethreat of famine. There have been numerous attempts to obtain rain byoccult means, and I have been personally approached on the matter. Forsome time, the villagers in the immediate area of the station haveregarded me as a sorcerer, and I have been asked to cast a spell tocause rain.

  I had considered a request for light condensation, but had hesitated tomake such a request, since I felt that rain closely following thevillagers' petition to me would confirm their supernatural beliefs,which I have attempted to discourage.

  At 261.0223, I was on a routine tour of my area. I received a call fromthe cruiser _Myloren_, Captain Klorantel commanding, asking for furtherinformation on a request for emergency condensation. I informed him thatI had made no such request, adding that a light rain would be desirableif he were in position and prepared to radiate.

  During the conversation with Captain Klorantel, I noted that the sky wasdarkening. There were several flashes of lightning, and I felt the signsof imminent, heavy rain. I promptly started back to my station.

  Upon my arrival, I discovered that Elwar had managed to open thecommunications room and had been using the equipment. He was extremelyfrightened, and made incoherent remarks about talking to a demon. When Iattempted to question him as to how he had opened the room, and where hehad learned the operation of the communications equipment, he becamehysterical and I could find out precisely nothing.

  By this time, it w
as raining violently. There was a high wind. Severaltrees had been blown down and lightning was frequent. A flood wasstarting down the mountainside toward the village, threatening severedamage. It was quite apparent that crops, such as they were, would bealmost completely destroyed.

  At the time, I could do little to remedy the situation. I re-establishedcontact with the cruiser, informed Captain Klorantel of the situation,and requested that he stand by. I then turned on my viewsphere to keepwatch on the village from the communications room. Since Elwar had beenin the room on several previous occasions, I saw no reason for excludinghim. On the contrary, I thought it would be advisable to keep him withme, since I felt that he would be seriously injured if he were turnedloose in the village. I do not believe he would have survived the furyof the villagers, who had taken shelter, and were watching thedestruction of their crops.

  The flood had become a torrent, which overflowed the banks of thevillage brook, tore at the bridge, and swept through the lanes. In thefields, grain was beaten into the ground and it was clear that