Chapter XIII. My Lord Leaves Us And His Evil Behind Him

  My Lord Mohun (of whose exploits and fame some of the gentlemen of theUniversity had brought down but ugly reports) was once more a guest atCastlewood, and seemingly more intimately allied with my lord even thanbefore. Once in the spring those two noblemen had ridden to Cambridge fromNewmarket, whither they had gone for the horse-racing, and had honouredHarry Esmond with a visit at his rooms; after which Doctor Montague, themaster of the college, who had treated Harry somewhat haughtily, seeinghis familiarity with these great folks, and that my Lord Castlewoodlaughed and walked with his hand on Harry's shoulder, relented to Mr.Esmond, and condescended to be very civil to him; and some days after hisarrival, Harry, laughing, told this story to Lady Esmond, remarking howstrange it was that men famous for learning and renowned over Europe,should, nevertheless, so bow down to a title, and cringe to a noblemanever so poor. At this, Mistress Beatrix flung up her head, and said, itbecame those of low origin to respect their betters; that the parsons madethemselves a great deal too proud, she thought; and that she liked the wayat Lady Sark's best, where the chaplain, though he loved pudding, as allparsons do, always went away before the custard.

  "And when I am a parson," says Mr. Esmond, "will you give me no custard,Beatrix?"

  "You--you are different," Beatrix answered. "You are of our blood."

  "My father was a parson, as you call him," said my lady.

  "But mine is a peer of Ireland," says Mistress Beatrix, tossing her head."Let people know their places. I suppose you will have me go down on myknees and ask a blessing of Mr. Thomas Tusher, that has just been made acurate, and whose mother was a waiting-maid."

  And she tossed out of the room, being in one of her flighty humours then.

  When she was gone, my lady looked so sad and grave, that Harry asked thecause of her disquietude. She said it was not merely what he said ofNewmarket, but what she had remarked, with great anxiety and terror, thatmy lord, ever since his acquaintance with the Lord Mohun especially, hadrecurred to his fondness for play, which he had renounced since hismarriage.

  "But men promise more than they are able to perform in marriage," said mylady, with a sigh. "I fear he has lost large sums; and our property,always small, is dwindling away under this reckless dissipation. I heardof him in London with very wild company. Since his return letters andlawyers are constantly coming and going: he seems to me to have a constantanxiety, though he hides it under boisterousness and laughter. I lookedthrough--through the door last night, and--and before," said my lady, "andsaw them at cards after midnight; no estate will bear that extravagance,much less ours, which will be so diminished that my son will have nothingat all, and my poor Beatrix no portion!"

  "I wish I could help you, madam," said Harry Esmond, sighing, and wishingthat unavailingly, and for the thousandth time in his life.

  "Who can? Only God," said Lady Esmond--"only God, in whose hands we are."And so it is, and for his rule over his family, and for his conduct towife and children--subjects over whom his power is monarchical--any one whowatches the world must think with trembling sometimes of the account whichmany a man will have to render. For in our society there's no law tocontrol the King of the Fireside. He is master of property, happiness--lifealmost. He is free to punish, to make happy or unhappy--to ruin or totorture. He may kill a wife gradually, and be no more questioned than theGrand Seignior who drowns a slave at midnight. He may make slaves andhypocrites of his children; or friends and freemen; or drive them intorevolt and enmity against the natural law of love. I have heardpoliticians and coffee-house wiseacres talking over the newspaper, andrailing at the tyranny of the French king, and the emperor, and wonderedhow these (who are monarchs, too, in their way) govern their own dominionsat home, where each man rules absolute? When the annals of each littlereign are shown to the Supreme Master, under whom we hold sovereignty,histories will be laid bare of household tyrants as cruel as Amurath, andas savage as Nero, and as reckless and dissolute as Charles.

  If Harry Esmond's patron erred, 'twas in the latter way, from adisposition rather self-indulgent than cruel; and he might have beenbrought back to much better feelings, had time been given to him to bringhis repentance to a lasting reform.

  As my lord and his friend Lord Mohun were such close companions, MistressBeatrix chose to be jealous of the latter; and the two gentlemen oftenentertained each other by laughing, in their rude boisterous way, at thechild's freaks of anger and show of dislike. "When thou art old enough,thou shalt marry Lord Mohun," Beatrix's father would say: on which thegirl would pout and say, "I would rather marry Tom Tusher." And becausethe Lord Mohun always showed an extreme gallantry to my Lady Castlewood,whom he professed to admire devotedly, one day, in answer to this old jokeof her father's, Beatrix said, "I think my lord would rather marry mammathan marry me; and is waiting till you die to ask her."

  The words were said lightly and pertly by the girl one night beforesupper, as the family party were assembled near the great fire. The twolords, who were at cards, both gave a start; my lady turned as red asscarlet, and bade Mistress Beatrix go to her own chamber; whereupon thegirl, putting on, as her wont was, the most innocent air, said, "I am sureI meant no wrong; I am sure mamma talks a great deal more to Harry Esmondthan she does to papa--and she cried when Harry went away, and she neverdoes when papa goes away; and last night she talked to Lord Mohun for everso long, and sent us out of the room, and cried when we came back, and----"

  "D----n!" cried out my Lord Castlewood, out of all patience. "Go out of theroom, you little viper!" and he started up and flung down his cards.

  "Ask Lord Mohun what I said to him, Francis," her ladyship said, rising upwith a scared face, but yet with a great and touching dignity and candourin her look and voice. "Come away with me, Beatrix." Beatrix sprung uptoo; she was in tears now.

  "Dearest mamma, what have I done?" she asked. "Sure I meant no harm." Andshe clung to her mother, and the pair went out sobbing together.

  "I will tell you what your wife said to me, Frank," my Lord Mohuncried--"Parson Harry may hear it; and, as I hope for heaven, every word Isay is true. Last night, with tears in her eyes, your wife implored me toplay no more with you at dice or at cards, and you know best whether whatshe asked was not for your good."

  "Of course it was, Mohun," says my lord, in a dry hard voice. "Of course,you are a model of a man: and the world knows what a saint you are."

  My Lord Mohun was separated from his wife, and had had many affairs ofhonour: of which women as usual had been the cause.

  "I am no saint, though your wife is--and I can answer for my actions asother people must for their words," said my Lord Mohun.

  "By G----, my lord, you shall," cried the other, starting up.

  "We have another little account to settle first, my lord," says LordMohun. Whereupon Harry Esmond, filled with alarm for the consequences towhich this disastrous dispute might lead, broke out into the most vehementexpostulations with his patron and his adversary. "Gracious Heavens!" hesaid, "my lord, are you going to draw a sword upon your friend in your ownhouse? Can you doubt the honour of a lady who is as pure as Heaven, andwould die a thousand times rather than do you a wrong? Are the idle wordsof a jealous child to set friends at variance? Has not my mistress, asmuch as she dared to, besought your lordship, as the truth must be told,to break your intimacy with my Lord Mohun; and to give up the habit whichmay bring ruin on your family? But for my Lord Mohun's illness, had he notleft you?"

  "Faith, Frank, a man with a gouty toe can't run after other men's wives,"broke out my Lord Mohun, who indeed was in that way, and with a laugh anda look at his swathed limb so frank and comical, that the other dashinghis fist across his forehead was caught by that infectious good humour,and said with his oath, "---- it, Harry, I believe thee," and so thisquarrel was over, and the two gentlemen, at swords drawn but just now,dropped their points, and shook hands.

  _Beati pacifici._ "Go, bring my lady back," said Harry's patr
on. Esmondwent away only too glad to be the bearer of such good news. He found herat the door; she had been listening there, but went back as he came. Shetook both his hands, hers were marble cold. She seemed as if she wouldfall on his shoulder. "Thank you, and God bless you, my dear brotherHarry," she said. She kissed his hand, Esmond felt her tears upon it: andleading her into the room, and up to my lord, the Lord Castlewood with anoutbreak of feeling and affection, such as he had not exhibited for many along day, took his wife to his heart, and bent over and kissed her andasked her pardon.

  "'Tis time for me to go to roost. I will have my gruel abed," said my LordMohun: and limped off comically on Harry Esmond's arm. "By George, thatwoman is a pearl!" he said; "and 'tis only a pig that wouldn't value her.Have you seen the vulgar trapesing orange-girl whom Esmond"--but here Mr.Esmond interrupted him, saying, that these were not affairs for him toknow.

  My lord's gentleman came in to wait upon his master, who was no sooner inhis nightcap and dressing-gown than he had another visitor whom his hostinsisted on sending to him: and this was no other than the Lady Castlewoodherself with the toast and gruel, which her husband bade her make andcarry with her own hands in to her guest.

  Lord Castlewood stood looking after his wife as she went on this errand,and as he looked, Harry Esmond could not but gaze on him, and remarked inhis patron's face an expression of love, and grief, and care, which verymuch moved and touched the young man. Lord Castlewood's hands fell down athis sides, and his head on his breast, and presently he said--

  "You heard what Mohun said, parson?"

  "That my lady was a saint?"

  "That there are two accounts to settle. I have been going wrong these fiveyears, Harry Esmond. Ever since you brought that damned small-pox into thehouse, there has been a fate pursuing me, and I had best have died of it,and not run away from it like a coward. I left Beatrix with her relations,and went to London; and I fell among thieves, Harry, and I got back toconfounded cards and dice, which I hadn't touched since my marriage--no,not since I was in the duke's guard, with those wild Mohocks. And I havebeen playing worse and worse, and going deeper and deeper into it; and Iowe Mohun two thousand pounds now; and when it's paid I am little betterthan a beggar. I don't like to look my boy in the face; he hates me, Iknow he does. And I have spent Beaty's little portion; and the Lord knowswhat will come if I live; the best thing I can do is to die, and releasewhat portion of the estate is redeemable for the boy."

  Mohun was as much master at Castlewood as the owner of the Hall itself;and his equipages filled the stables, where, indeed, there was room inplenty for many more horses than Harry Esmond's impoverished patron couldafford to keep. He had arrived on horseback with his people; but when hisgout broke out my Lord Mohun sent to London for a light chaise he had,drawn by a pair of small horses, and running as swift, wherever roads weregood, as a Laplander's sledge. When this carriage came, his lordship waseager to drive the Lady Castlewood abroad in it, and did so many times,and at a rapid pace, greatly to his companion's enjoyment, who loved theswift motion and the healthy breezes over the downs which lie hard uponCastlewood, and stretch thence towards the sea. As this amusement was verypleasant to her, and her lord, far from showing any mistrust of herintimacy with Lord Mohun, encouraged her to be his companion; as ifwilling, by his present extreme confidence, to make up for any pastmistrust which his jealousy had shown; the Lady Castlewood enjoyed herselffreely in this harmless diversion, which, it must be owned, her guest wasvery eager to give her; and it seemed that she grew the more free withLord Mohun, and pleased with his company, because of some sacrifice whichhis gallantry was pleased to make in her favour.

  Seeing the two gentlemen constantly at cards still of evenings, HarryEsmond one day deplored to his mistress that this fatal infatuation of herlord should continue; and now they seemed reconciled together, begged hislady to hint to her husband that he should play no more.

  But Lady Castlewood, smiling archly and gaily, said she would speak to himpresently, and that, for a few nights more at least, he might be let tohave his amusement.

  "Indeed, madam," said Harry, "you know not what it costs you; and 'tiseasy for any observer who knows the game, to see that Lord Mohun is by farthe stronger of the two."

  "I know he is," says my lady, still with exceeding good humour; "he is notonly the best player, but the kindest player in the world."

  "Madam, madam," Esmond cried, transported and provoked. "Debts of honourmust be paid some time or other; and my master will be ruined if he goeson."

  "Harry, shall I tell you a secret?" my lady replied, with kindness andpleasure still in her eyes. "Francis will not be ruined if he goes on; hewill be rescued if he goes on. I repent of having spoken and thoughtunkindly of the Lord Mohun when he was here in the past year. He is fullof much kindness and good: and 'tis my belief that we shall bring him tobetter things. I have lent him Tillotson and your favourite Bishop Taylor,and he is much touched, he says; and as a proof of his repentance--(andherein lies my secret)--what do you think he is doing with Francis? He isletting poor Frank win his money back again. He hath won already at thelast four nights; and my Lord Mohun says that he will not be the means ofinjuring poor Frank and my dear children."

  "And in God's name, what do you return him for this sacrifice?" askedEsmond, aghast; who knew enough of men, and of this one in particular, tobe aware that such a finished rake gave nothing for nothing. "How, inHeaven's name, are you to pay him?"

  "Pay him! With a mother's blessing and a wife's prayers!" cries my lady,clasping her hands together. Harry Esmond did not know whether to laugh,to be angry, or to love his dear mistress more than ever for the obstinateinnocency with which she chose to regard the conduct of a man of theworld, whose designs he knew better how to interpret. He told the lady,guardedly, but so as to make his meaning quite clear to her, what he knewin respect of the former life and conduct of this nobleman; of other womenagainst whom he had plotted, and whom he had overcome; of the conversationwhich he Harry himself had had with Lord Mohun, wherein the lord made aboast of his libertinism, and frequently avowed that he held all women tobe fair game (as his lordship styled this pretty sport), and that theywere all, without exception, to be won. And the return Harry had for hisentreaties and remonstrances was a fit of anger on Lady Castlewood's part,who would not listen to his accusations, she said, and retorted that hehimself must be very wicked and perverted, to suppose evil designs, whereshe was sure none were meant. "And this is the good meddlers get ofinterfering," Harry thought to himself with much bitterness; and hisperplexity and annoyance were only the greater, because he could not speakto my Lord Castlewood himself upon a subject of this nature, or venture toadvise or warn him regarding a matter so very sacred as his own honour, ofwhich my lord was naturally the best guardian.

  But though Lady Castlewood would listen to no advice from her youngdependant, and appeared indignantly to refuse it when offered, Harry hadthe satisfaction to find that she adopted the counsel which she professedto reject; for the next day she pleaded a headache, when my Lord Mohunwould have had her drive out, and the next day the headache continued; andnext day, in a laughing gay way she proposed that the children should takeher place in his lordship's car, for they would be charmed with a ride ofall things; and she must not have all the pleasure for herself. My lordgave them a drive with a very good grace, though I dare say with rage anddisappointment inwardly--not that his heart was very seriously engaged inhis designs upon this simple lady: but the life of such men is often oneof intrigue, and they can no more go through the day without a woman topursue, than a fox-hunter without his sport after breakfast.

  Under an affected carelessness of demeanour, and though there was nooutward demonstration of doubt upon his patron's part since the quarrelbetween the two lords, Harry yet saw that Lord Castlewood was watching hisguest very narrowly; and caught signs of distrust and smothered rage (asHarry thought) which foreboded no good. On the point of honour Esmond knewhow touchy his patron was; and watched h
im almost as a physician watches apatient, and it seemed to him that this one was slow to take the disease,though he could not throw off the poison when once it had mingled with hisblood. We read in Shakespeare (whom the writer for his part considers tobe far beyond Mr. Congreve, Mr. Dryden, or any of the wits of the presentperiod) that when jealousy is once declared, nor poppy, nor mandragora,nor all the drowsy syrups of the East, will ever soothe it or medicine itaway.

  In fine, the symptoms seemed to be so alarming to this young physician(who indeed young as he was had felt the kind pulses of all those dearkinsmen), that Harry thought it would be his duty to warn my Lord Mohun,and let him know that his designs were suspected and watched. So one day,when in rather a pettish humour, his lordship had sent to Lady Castlewood,who had promised to drive with him, and now refused to come, Harrysaid--"My lord, if you will kindly give me a place by your side I willthank you; I have much to say to you, and would like to speak to youalone."

  "You honour me by giving me your confidence, Mr. Henry Esmond," says theother, with a very grand bow. My lord was always a fine gentleman, andyoung as he was there was that in Esmond's manner which showed that he wasa gentleman too, and that none might take a liberty with him--so the pairwent out, and mounted the little carriage which was in waiting for them inthe court, with its two little cream-coloured Hanoverian horses coveredwith splendid furniture and champing at the bit.

  "My lord," says Harry Esmond, after they were got into the country, andpointing to my Lord Mohun's foot, which was swathed in flannel, and put uprather ostentatiously on a cushion--"my lord, I studied medicine atCambridge."

  "Indeed, Parson Harry," says he: "and are you going to take out a diploma:and cure your fellow student of the----"

  "Of the gout," says Harry, interrupting him, and looking him hard in theface; "I know a good deal about the gout."

  "I hope you may never have it. 'Tis an infernal disease," says my lord,"and its twinges are diabolical. Ah!" and he made a dreadful wry face, asif he just felt a twinge.

  "Your lordship would be much better if you took off all that flannel--itonly serves to inflame the toe," Harry continued, looking his man full inthe face.

  "Oh! it only serves to inflame the toe, does it?" says the other, with aninnocent air.

  "If you took off that flannel, and flung that absurd slipper away, andwore a boot," continues Harry.

  "You recommend me boots, Mr. Esmond?" asks my lord.

  "Yes, boots and spurs. I saw your lordship three days ago run down thegallery fast enough," Harry goes on. "I am sure that taking gruel at nightis not so pleasant as claret to your lordship; and besides it keeps yourlordship's head cool for play, whilst my patron's is hot and flusteredwith drink."

  "'Sdeath, sir, you dare not say that I don't play fair?" cries my lord,whipping his horses, which went away at a gallop.

  "You are cool when my lord is drunk," Harry continued; "your lordship getsthe better of my patron. I have watched you as I looked up from my books."

  "You young Argus!" says Lord Mohun, who liked Harry Esmond--and for whosecompany and wit, and a certain daring manner, Harry had a great likingtoo--"You young Argus! you may look with all your hundred eyes and see weplay fair. I've played away an estate of a night, and I've played my shirtoff my back; and I've played away my periwig and gone home in a nightcap.But no man can say I ever took an advantage of him beyond the advantage ofthe game. I played a dice-cogging scoundrel in Alsatia for his ears andwon 'em, and have one of 'em in my lodging in Bow Street in a bottle ofspirits. Harry Mohun will play any man for anything--always would."

  "You are playing awful stakes, my lord, in my patron's house," Harry said,"and more games than are on the cards."

  "What do you mean, sir?" cries my lord, turning round, with a flush on hisface.

  "I mean," answers Harry, in a sarcastic tone, "that your gout is well--ifever you had it."

  "Sir!" cried my lord, getting hot.

  "And to tell the truth I believe your lordship has no more gout than Ihave. At any rate, change of air will do you good, my Lord Mohun. And Imean fairly that you had better go from Castlewood."

  "And were you appointed to give me this message?" cries the Lord Mohun."Did Frank Esmond commission you?"

  "No one did. 'Twas the honour of my family that commissioned me."

  "And you are prepared to answer this?" cries the other, furiously lashinghis horses.

  "Quite, my lord: your lordship will upset the carriage if you whip sohotly."

  "By George, you have a brave spirit!" my lord cried out, bursting into alaugh. "I suppose 'tis that infernal _botte de Jesuite_ that makes you sobold," he added.

  "'Tis the peace of the family I love best in the world," Harry Esmond saidwarmly--"'tis the honour of a noble benefactor--the happiness of my dearmistress and her children. I owe them everything in life, my lord; andwould lay it down for any one of them. What brings you here to disturbthis quiet household? What keeps you lingering month after month in thecountry? What makes you feign illness and invent pretexts for delay? Is itto win my poor patron's money? Be generous, my lord, and spare hisweakness for the sake of his wife and children. Is it to practise upon thesimple heart of a virtuous lady? You might as well storm the Towersingle-handed. But you may blemish her name by light comments on it, or bylawless pursuits--and I don't deny that 'tis in your power to make herunhappy. Spare these innocent people, and leave them."

  "By the Lord, I believe thou hast an eye to the pretty Puritan thyself,Master Harry," says my lord, with his reckless, good-humoured laugh, andas if he had been listening with interest to the passionate appeal of theyoung man. "Whisper, Harry. Art thou in love with her thyself? Hath tipsyFrank Esmond come by the way of all flesh?"

  "My lord, my lord," cried Harry, his face flushing and his eyes filling ashe spoke, "I never had a mother, but I love this lady as one. I worshipher as a devotee worships a saint. To hear her name spoken lightly seemsblasphemy to me. Would you dare think of your own mother so, or suffer anyone so to speak of her! It is a horror to me to fancy that any man shouldthink of her impurely. I implore you, I beseech you, to leave her. Dangerwill come out of it."

  "Danger, psha!" says my lord, giving a cut to the horses, which at thisminute--for we were got on to the Downs--fairly ran off into a gallop thatno pulling could stop. The rein broke in Lord Mohun's hands, and thefurious beasts scampered madly forwards, the carriage swaying to and fro,and the persons within it holding on to the sides as best they might,until seeing a great ravine before them, where an upset was inevitable,the two gentlemen leapt for their lives, each out of his side of thechaise. Harry Esmond was quit for a fall on the grass, which was so severethat it stunned him for a minute; but he got up presently very sick, andbleeding at the nose, but with no other hurt. The Lord Mohun was not sofortunate; he fell on his head against a stone, and lay on the ground deadto all appearance.

  This misadventure happened as the gentlemen were on their returnhomewards; and my Lord Castlewood, with his son and daughter, who weregoing out for a ride, met the ponies as they were galloping with the carbehind, the broken traces entangling their heels, and my lord's peopleturned and stopped them. It was young Frank who spied out Lord Mohun'sscarlet coat as he lay on the ground, and the party made up to thatunfortunate gentleman and Esmond, who was now standing over him. His largeperiwig and feathered hat had fallen off, and he was bleeding profuselyfrom a wound on the forehead, and looking, and being, indeed, a corpse.

  "Great God! he's dead!" says my lord. "Ride, some one: fetch adoctor--stay. I'll go home and bring back Tusher; he knows surgery," and mylord, with his son after him, galloped away.

  They were scarce gone when Harry Esmond, who was indeed but just come tohimself, bethought him of a similar accident which he had seen on a ridefrom Newmarket to Cambridge, and taking off a sleeve of my lord's coat,Harry, with a penknife, opened a vein in his arm, and was greatlyrelieved, after a moment, to see the blood flow. He was near half an hourbefore he came to himself, by which tim
e Doctor Tusher and little Frankarrived, and found my lord not a corpse indeed, but as pale as one.

  After a time, and when he was able to bear motion, they put my lord upon agroom's horse, and gave the other to Esmond, the men walking on each sideof my lord, to support him, if need were, and worthy Doctor Tusher withthem. Little Frank and Harry rode together at a foot pace.

  When we rode together home, the boy said: "We met mamma, who was walkingon the terrace with the doctor, and papa frightened her, and told her youwere dead----"

  "That I was dead?" asks Harry.

  "Yes. Papa says: 'Here's poor Harry killed, my dear;' on which mamma givesa great scream; and oh, Harry! she drops down; and I thought she was dead,too. And you never saw such a way as papa was in: he swore one of hisgreat oaths: and he turned quite pale; and then he began to laugh somehow,and he told the doctor to take his horse, and me to follow him; and weleft him. And I looked back, and saw him dashing water out of the fountainon to mamma. Oh, she was so frightened!"

  Musing upon this curious history--for my Lord Mohun's name was Henry too,and they called each other Frank and Harry often--and not a littledisturbed and anxious, Esmond rode home. His dear lady was on the terracestill, one of her women with her, and my lord no longer there. There aresteps and a little door thence down into the road. My lord passed, lookingvery ghastly, with a handkerchief over his head, and without his hat andperiwig, which a groom carried, but his politeness did not desert him, andhe made a bow to the lady above.

  "Thank Heaven you are safe," she said.

  "And so is Harry, too, mamma," says little Frank,--"huzzay!"

  Harry Esmond got off the horse to run to his mistress, as did littleFrank, and one of the grooms took charge of the two beasts, while theother, hat and periwig in hand, walked by my lord's bridle to the frontgate, which lay half a mile away.

  "Oh, my boy! what a fright you have given me!" Lady Castlewood said, whenHarry Esmond came up, greeting him with one of her shining looks, and avoice of tender welcome; and she was so kind as to kiss the young man('twas the second time she had so honoured him), and she walked into thehouse between him and her son, holding a hand of each.