Page 6 of Oak Do Hate

able to take charge. Differel insisted on staying until she was reassured her people were okay, but once it was clear there would be no lasting effects from their ordeal, Penbryn informed her he could wait until the morning to take her report. He then instructed Vlad to return her to the house, over her objections, and before she could order him to stand down, the Vampire transported her and Aelfraed to the children's bedroom. Faced with the fait accompli, she ordered him to check out the coup, then went into her bathroom to change back into her pajamas. When she came out she saw that Aelfraed had made her bed and turned down the covers. He tucked her in, but sat down on the edge of the bed.

  "May I have a word, Madam?"

  "Of course. What's on your mind?"

  "You realize you took an unnecessary risk tonight. You should have sealed yourself in the shelter. The staff and I are expendable; you are not." Despite his words, though, his voice was gentle.

  "Perhaps, but I can't run the Order without any of you. Besides, you're part of my responsibility. Technically I may have to send any one of you to your deaths, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't protect you if I can. If anything, I shouldn't have jumped in with both feet without knowing what had happened, but I can't imagine how I could have found out any other way. I had to take a chance, and I figure that will be inevitable no matter how much I try to prevent it."

  "That's certainly true enough, Madam, and I don't wish to appear ungracious. The staff and I are very grateful you rescued us. Frankly, there were members who doubted you had what it would take to be Director."


  "Unfortunately yes, Madam, but after tonight I doubt there will be any further misgivings."

  "I appreciate that; thank you."

  "Don't mention it. And now, I think you should get some sleep."

  "Before you leave."

  "Yes, Madam?"

  "Arrange a time tomorrow morning when I can present my report to Sir Edward. Also, I'd like you and Mr. Holt to be there as well. There is something important we need to discuss afterwards."

  "Certainly. Will that be all?"

  "For now, yes. Thank you, Aelfraed, and good night."

  He nodded his head. "You're welcome, Madam. Good night, and pleasant dreams." He switched off the light on the nightstand and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  She lay awake for some time, thinking about the evening's adventure. It had been her first solo mission, impromptu and unofficial as it was, and she was proud of the way she had handled it. Her previous encounters with Mandy and the Fomorian nurse had not gone well, and she would have been killed except for the timely interventions of Vlad, Mr. Mistoffelees, and Giles Holt. Even her battle with the Daalsi in Grimmwalde House was fought with the aide of the Royal Marines on hand. They had left her wondering if she had what it took to be Director of the Order, or if she would always have to rely on others to help her. Granted, she had nearly succumb to panic, but when she realized her people were depending upon her she arose to the occasion like she figured a Director should, she faced down a powerful paranormal being, and she managed to save the day without having to resort to fighting. The success made her think she just might be able to pull it off after all.

  {I knew that from the moment I first saw you.}

  Thanks for the vote of confidence, Servant.

  {You are welcome, My Master. You are justified to feel proud; you did well for one so inexperienced, but do not succumb to overconfidence. There is still much you need to learn.}

  Of that I have no doubt. Report: what did you find?

  {In the morning, Director; it can keep until then. Now you must sleep.}

  Do not presume, Thrall.

  {Never, My Master.} There was enough impudence in his voice that she imagined him leering at her in an insolent manner.

  Oh, shut it, you bloodsucking wanker.

  {Good night, Madam Van Helsing.}

  Good night, Tepes Drakulya. And she felt his presence slip from her mind.

  She rolled over onto her side and snuggled into the blankets. Her brief conversation with Aelfraed echoed in her thoughts, but while she believed he was largely right, she was also certain he was wrong on one critical point. It wasn't herself that wasn't expendable, it was the Order. Its survival was paramount; it had to continue no matter the cost, and anything that had to be sacrificed to keep it going needed to be without hesitation. That included her staff, Vlad, even herself. And yet the Order couldn't exist without all three of those elements. As such, it was also critical that they all be protected, no matter the cost, because the loss of any one meant the others couldn't survive. Therefore, she knew that in future, if Vlad or her staff were ever in danger again, she would risk everything, including her life, to save them.

  Without them, she was nothing.


  For more information on Sir Differel Van Helsing and the Caerleon Order, see the official site [].

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  About the Author

  Kevin L. O'Brien was born with a pen in his hand.

  Well, not quite, but he has been writing for as long as he can remember, at least since First Grade. Writing has always been his first, true love, but it hasn't always been his career. He worked for 15 years as a biomedical researcher, then for 3 years as a web designer. However, after 30 years of trying to be published in print with little success, he has decided to try his hand at self-publishing. Most of his works will be sold as ebooks through various online retailers, but he also plans to make some available for free exclusively on Goodreads.

  He writes primarily speculative fiction--fantasy, science fiction, horror, and their sub-genres--but he also likes to try his hand at thrillers, suspense, mystery, and even westerns. However, his stories tend to have a fantasy element, no matter how subtle.

  Most of his stories involve the following three main characters:

  Medb hErenn []--One-time queen of Ireland, she is over 3500 years old. A warrior and a sorceress, she cannot be harmed by any weapon made by the hand of man.

  Eile and Sunny, Team Girl []--They are two adorable, vivacious, fun-loving young women whose motto is ONWARD TO ADVENTURE!!! Yet trouble follows them like a love-sick puppy wherever they go.

  Sir Differel Van Helsing []--The descendent of Abraham Van Helsing and King Arthur, she heads the Caerleon Order, the premier monster-hunting organization of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. She commands Dracula, the most powerful vampire extant, and the greatsword Caliburn, better known as Excalibur.

  He also writes a series of sword & sorcery stories set in an alternative universe known as the Lands of the Dreams of Men.

  Kevin lives in Denver with his family and 4 cats.

  For more information, see the Songs of the Seanchai [].

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  Sample Excerpts

  From "Man Friday"

  Differel awoke. Her tiny portion of the convalescence ward was dimly lit by a single fluorescent lamp above and behind her head. One of the nurses stood beside the IV holding an empty syringe.

  She must have just injected me with something. That's probably what woke me up.

  She tried to turn her head to ask for a drink
of water, and discovered that she couldn't move. Her heart raced as she realized her body was completely paralyzed except for her eyes. She couldn't cry out; she was helpless.

  "Ah, you're awake."

  That voice; I know it from somewhere.

  The nurse stepped into her field of vision, and her gut clenched when she recognized her as the nurse Mandy hired to look after her stricken father. The same nurse who helped Mandy try to infect her with the embryonic Fomorian!

  "I hadn't anticipated that, but perhaps it's fortuitous. You should know what's going to happen to you. It will make your demise all the more devastating."

  She moved out of her field of vision. "I've injected you with a paralytic. Not enough to stop your breathing, just to keep you quiet." She reappeared by the IV and held out another syringe for her to see, this one filled with an amber fluid. "This will stop your heart, but leave no trace. Even after an autopsy, the only conclusion a doctor could reach will be that your heart gave out due to your injury. Your staff may suspect foul play, but they will have no proof. In any event, once you're dead, the Vampire will be released, and without him there will be no need for the Caerleon Order. If it will give you comfort, consider this: you will never have to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, for your hour upon this stage will have come to its end."

  She grasped the IV line and poised the needle against the injection port, preparing to push it in.

  Dear God, I've got to do something! Vlad! Where are you?!

  Even as she inserted the needle, a burst of shadow appeared behind her. A red-gloved hand grabbed the syringe hand and forced her to let it go before she could depress the plunger. Vlad then dragged her away from the IV as he secured her arms behind her back.

  "Let me go! Help! The Vampire's trying to kill me!"

  The curtain that closed her bed off from the rest of the ward was pulled aside and LCpl. Holt looked in. When he saw the nurse in Vlad's grip he pulled his pistol and aimed for his head.

  "Let her go!"

  "No," he replied in his deep, resonate, bass voice, "she wishes to kill Sir Differel."

  "That's a lie! I'm trying to save her life! If she doesn't receive that injection in the next few minutes she'll die!"

  Differel could see that Holt was uncertain, but she figured he would believe a Human over a Vampire.

  "Ma'am, is this true?"

  Bloody hell, I can't respond!

  "She's unconscious. Please, there isn't much time left!"

  "She gave her a drug to induce paralysis. Sir Differel is very much awake, but unable to speak."

  "That's another lie!"

  "Listen, I understand you were locked away for thirty years, but medicine has advanced considerably in that time. A syringe doesn't mean it's lethal."

  "You fool. I heard her gloat of her intentions. She said the injection would stop her heart."

  "What?! No, I said no such thing; I didn't say anything!"

  Holt shook his head in frustrated confusion. "How could you hear her? The last report I had five minutes ago placed you in the library."

  "Sir Differel heard her, and I heard her thoughts."

  Differel's mind skipped a track. He can read my mind!?

  {Naturally, My Master.}

  Holt looked shocked. "You can read minds?"

  "Only Sir Differel's. Whatever she thinks or experiences, I know, but I cannot read her memories, unless she plays them for me before her mind's eye."

  "That's impossible." But he didn't sound very certain.

  Vlad, tell him to test me!

  "Sir Differel commands me to have you test her."

  "Don't listen to him! He's lying! For God's sake, make him let me go before it's too late!"

  Holt licked his lips and sweated as his eyes darted from Differel to Vlad and back. She realized he didn't know what to do, and it agonized him.

  What if he takes her side!?

  "What's going on here?" Aelfraed appeared behind Holt. He