They didn’t talk much on the way back. Martin was in the midst of a mental grid-lock. Even ANGL was absent. Martin guessed that Bill had been through this routine before and understood his silence.
Had science suddenly gotten religion some way, some how? Did they see this as a hindrance or a help? Martin tried to reconcile this attitude in the midst of the 666 implant. What was he misunderstanding? Could they be this open? How? Of course, he had noticed Astro-physicists and astronomers in the past, occasionally expressing a belief in a higher power. Most of them seemed to have gained it in the course of their research. But this was a quantum step for science, in general, if not mankind as whole.
It must have come in recognition of the infinite intricacy of creation, at all levels. It was Einstein who was credited with the quote “Given an array of possibilities, choose the likeliest first.” How arrogant must we be, to choose matter as a given and chance the master? It is by no means the first best or even the easiest answer.
“Earth to Mars come in. Over!”
“Oh geez! I’m sorry. Was my mouth open? I wasn’t drooling, was I?”
Bill chuckled. “No. I get that reaction a lot. Some eventually find it comforting and some spit up a little. I’m guessing you to be in the first group.”
“Yeah! I think that’s affirmative.” Martin had come this way before. Bill had no way of knowing. How could Martin tell him? He did not yet know whether Bill could be trusted.
Martin had not seen the pit before though he had been this way before, several times before. But for some reason his memory was partially blanked on the details. He remembered Bill by other names but was spotty specifics.
Martin still struggled with the pieces dealt to him and was reticent to reveal what he knew. Though he would come this way again, he was satisfied to spend this time in innocence; leaving Bill out of the loop.
Bill tapped Martin’s shoulder “You can see the research complex out this side.”
“I didn’t know it was that big. Are all those buildings new?”
“No. In fact, about half of them are vacant. Most the staff is in the admin building. The CME changed the way we do business but we have managed to do a little growing in the last few years. Over there, directly below the mountain peak you might be able to make out the RG Unit. That’s fairly new and we’re doing most of the realm generation research out there.”
“Oh yeah. Tell me a little more about that.”
“You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know something about the current Denver projects so I’ll focus on what lead up to them. One of the scientists, Marty Grewer, worked here in the early days. Everyone called him Guru for short.
He came up with the notion that maybe we wouldn’t have to catalog ever atom in a time translation. He surmised that perhaps we needed to do some mind-expanding games first. He is a quantum physicist. He was into the “eleven dimensions of matter” thingy, and was looking for the unified theory; then again they all are. As a physicist, his vocabulary left him at odds in social situations. No one could understand what he knew, and that included most of the people he worked with. He had a revelation, another one of the religious kind. It was that the key to understanding and communicating the concepts of quantum dimension was to understand in part, the character of God. He had concluded that we have had the answers all along but have been too anti-God to recognize it. The concept of compartmentalizing creation into realms made sense to him. In his world velocity is a realm, force is a realm, mass is a realm, and time is a realm, and these four occupy another realm that we call the physical universe; something like that. These four abiding realms are the four dimensions of the universe as we normally experience it. But it’s not quite the way we ordinarily define it. We normally think of the four dimensions as the individual displacements x, y, z and time. The components of velocity, force, mass and time are not directly interchangeable; or at least not as he saw it. Each is unique in that its attributes are in different units of measure. In concert, they can manifest in numerous ways; the essence of the physical universe. He sees that the other 8 or so dimensions are just as distinguishable from one another. When you boil it down you are left with some off-the-wall but recognizable terms. Terms like mercy, compassion, forgiveness, you get the idea. Each of those characterizes a separate realm, or set of realms. Some are sub realms, but realms nevertheless. They are distinct and immutable.
The physical realm can be quantified and qualified by science. But, that is where science stops. Boolean algebra can demonstrate that even though the four realms of the physical universe can be locked in a relationship defined by E=MC2 , the spirit realm is immune to the rigors of science, even though it can manifest a viable relationship with it. In a Boolean set, the overlap of the physical and the spiritual are not subject to the laws of physics in the way that we understand. And the two sets are common to a higher set, which he calls the 3rd heaven. How about that?”
Martin shook his head slowly “You don’t get out much, do you?”
Bill cheeks hitched up as he broke a smile, “Does it show? Am I boring you?”
“I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist it. Please, go on?”
Bill cleared his throat “The Guru explained that at this point he only knew of the realms, experientially. They tried to quantify them but the answers were just numerical, elementary and virtually meaningless; numbers failed. It’s like being inside a box and having someone throw a handful of items against the side of the box. You can surmise something through the character of the impacts. But, given only that evidence, it might take a very long time to prove their actual existence in any definitive way. Look at it this way. How many gallons of fear does it take to make a quart of thrust? We have demonstrated in the last few years that thought and memory can exist separately from the brain, as can love and hate, along with a few others; and, things like fear and hate are corruptions or imitations of love; false realms without authority. A thing like darkness doesn’t actually exist. Darkness is the total absence of light. Also evil is not the opposite of good it is the absence of good.”
“How is it that evil can demonstrate power?” Martin asked.
“I think you mean, how can it imitate a life force? Well, we don’t think it can. Life, in the physical sense, has some definitive character. I’ll have to call on your biblical training. The bible says that God created man “in His image”. That image was that of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which to current thinking means the essence of power, authority and dominion. Remember, an image is a reflection. Man is created to reflect those attributes. Power is tantamount to the will, authority to man’s physical abilities, and domain to his capacity to conceive and command order. The life force that we demonstrate is by virtue the implementation and interaction of all three attributes. Our Creator, to emulate and reflect his character through the exercise of those attributes, endows us. Love is the character needed to perpetuate these three attributes.
Life is the capacity to effect orderly and hopefully meaningful change. Plants can imitate life except it is not clear that they have the capacity or will to choose perpetuation. Their life force mechanisms don’t demonstrate the manifestation of spirit that would be expected. It seems that, without the actual intervention of an appropriate spirit, monkeys will never build a spaceship. There is, of course, more to the spirit than that, but that is, nonetheless a game changer.
To extend that line of thinking, evil does not have explicit authority. It can only demonstrate the illusion of life, by stealing another’s authority; yours, or mine. Adam, who initially was given full authority and dominion over this earth, unwittingly relinquished a significant part of his authority in this realm to the serpent. It appears that God, either before or after the advent of man, cast Lucifer out of heaven into the physical realm. He was a spirit and had a will, but without the authority to exercise them. That is why he stole it by deception f
rom Adam. That’s why the he had to be given authority in order to harass Job. Authority is not inherent in the devil’s make-up.
He operates among us by deception. He is called the spirit or the prince of lies. He holds us hostage by using our own authority against us.
It occurred to Grewer that another distinction that should be made is that the attributes of will, authority and spirit are not of this realm. As I mentioned earlier, this realm is the physical realm, and the equation E=MC2 describes the sum total of the physical reality here. Grewer’s set, as it is called, is akin to the elements in this equation.
In concert with the physical realm, the spiritual realm represents a footstool for God. He placed man here temporarily, for some purpose only he knows. In our ignorance or disobedience, we choose to inhabit or become one with this realm in a way that has bound us. We enslaved ourselves to the flesh in such a fashion as to condemn ourselves to death, which is the natural cycle of this realm. It is our unintended imprisonment in the realm.
Christians believed that Jesus Christ bridged the gap; paid the price and paved the way for our spirit beings to be reinstated into the proper order of creation. He essentially allowed us one foot back into right standing with God. Upon death, the believers would then escape this realm, and return fully to the proper spiritual realm. I think it was Paul who called it the “seventh heaven”.
Back to the story; and to make a long story even longer, if we can identify these realms and learn how they function we may be able to provide advantage to ourselves. As it happened this was the trail of thinking, that Grewer followed. He finally came up with the notion that the realms provided a way to move from one complex set of consequence to another. Providing you don’t break the laws that govern the realm, you may be able to accomplish an incredible variety of actions. Things like visiting a Black Hole and seeing how it relates to the “Big Bang” of a new universe.
Brewer managed to devise a temporary realm that allowed the circumnavigation of time and distance. In a manner of speaking, he found out where wormholes reside.
By defining a realm that encompassed a volume, and then changing the clock on the entire volume, it was theoretically possible to exit that realm and enter another in a different time. The problem was to identify precisely where that realm will reappear and forcing that destination volume to trade places with the only discontinuity in the physical realm: that being the hole you left in this time.
The problem of realm definition still involved a massive data base, and impossible processor speeds. It wasn’t until he unraveled the trinity disaster that he found the key. That is still classified, and these new experiments will take advantage of that knowledge.
Because of the velocity and time delta errors, the farthest out that they dare translate the first objects was about a hundred years. We could, with relative accuracy, calculate the location of the earth one hundred years ago. Even with that it was deemed unsafe for human trials.
Another breakthrough came, when one of Grewer’s colleagues thought to measure the surface roughness of the sphere. They had bounced some lasers off the sphere. To their amazement, the integrity of the reflection, or deviation from the theoretical result, was immeasurable. To further check their results, they lowered a device down to the sphere to make a direct measurement. They could not detect any surface irregularity. In addition to that, the surface is quite inert.
The conclusion he somehow came to, was that the natural origin of the realm was its center, and that the boundary was a function of the speed of light. The realm formed about a finite point, and proceeded outward at the speed of light until it encompassed the exact amount of mass needed to match the intruding mass. Since the realm definition is not physical, it has no mass and therefore no inertia and could then terminate at the exact boundary.
That is where he threw the black cloth over his findings. We can only surmise that he discovered a way to seed the destination realm and define the point of origin of the source mass. In any case that building you see houses the first experiment.”
“What was the first mass translated?”
“It was a silica mass, a bag of sand if you will.”
“Did he succeed? What came back?”
Bill looked at Martin and knitted his brow, “You did.”
ANGL; What is he talking about?
Martin; Beats me. I’m not remembering any of this.
“I thought you said that there haven’t been any human trials yet.”
“Well, there hasn’t; at least not that we know of. Like I said, he sent a bag of sand. We don’t know where you came from. But the suit you were wearing seemed right for the task. It’s just that it wasn’t ours. Let’s leave it at that. You’re here to help us understand what might be going on. You’re the scheduled speaker this afternoon but you’ll just have to answer questions. It should be pretty straight forward.”
The silence seemed too long and yet not long enough. Martin backpedaled. Was I sleeping? Did I miss something? Should I high tail it? Do they know everything? Maybe my hiding is over? Who am I hiding from?
Bill waited for Martin to take breath.
* * * * *
Chapter 19 – The Alligator
To be the last one eaten by the alligator is not a good survival strategy.