Page 40 of Refiner's Pyre

Typically the henges consisted of two concentric rows of columns; the main outer circle and a lesser inner circle. The outer columns predated the interior set. This henge must be one of the earlier structures.

  Martin; What is the henge used for?

  Terah: It serves many purposes. It is a monument to our community, a meeting place, a place of ceremony, a place of worship, a place of passing, a means of communication and place of celebration.

  Martin; Is it a place of commerce?

  Terah: Certainly not; it is a reflection of who we are. What we are exemplified elsewhere. How do you do it in your time?

  Martin; In my time, who we are is what we are. No sooner then he said it, it sounded uncomfortably inappropriate.

  Terah: How can you blur the distinction? Can a people survive like that?

  At that moment the recollection of Grewer’s set came to mind, power, authority and dominion. Adam’s error crossed his mind, Martin thought had we blurred the distinction between authority and dominion or even obliterated the distinction entirely.

  Martin; I’ll have to think about that some more, Terah. It sounds like an important point.

  People were spread out across the plain, a few here, a few there. It seemed that they stayed clear of the henge by several hundred feet.

  Martin; Do the people stay back from the henge because it is sacred?

  Terah: The people may approach it at any time that they wish. They choose to stay back as an act of respect, and to avoid defiling it.

  As the two strode onto the main path to the henge, Martin noticed that there was a broken stream of people walking to and from the henge. Some carried a variety of things while others traveled empty-handed. As they approached one group of people, Martin realized that they were workers involved in transporting material and tools to the site.

  At that moment, one of the men, a supervisor of sorts, stopped the group and spoke to one of the young lads. He pointed back the way they had come.

  As the boy turned to run, Martin interrupted “don’t forget your water.” He pointed back at the supervisor.

  The boy smiled, hitched and turned back to grasp the filled goatskin held out by the supervisor. The boy snatched up the skin and returned to his task.

  Several other people from the village joined them as they walked.

  Terah began to circumnavigate the congestion, and left Martin several steps behind. Martin looked for an opportunity to catch up with Terah, who seemed unconcerned by the temporary separation.

  As Martin walked he was beset with a pleasant sensation. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it. His gaze fixed on the people ahead. Suddenly it came to him, one of the women in the group stood out; something very familiar about stature and her gait.

  At that moment she turned and glanced back at Martin and smiled. She chuckled as he stumbled.

  “Teal? Teal Marie” he sputtered. It couldn’t be. How could it be. He doubted what he saw and yet, hadn’t she acknowledged him with a smile?

  She slowed her pace and as Martin and Terah approached, Terah stepped around her, leaving the two of them to their own devices.

  “Teal? Your name isn’t. . . “

  “Yes.” She interrupted. “It is I, my dear one.”

  “Don’t be messing with my mind.”

  “I’m not. I’m just checking up on you. You know how you are. I send you to the store for ketchup, and you come back with a lifetime supply of mustard.”

  “You’re messing! You disappeared in 2012. What the heck are you doing here.”

  “Upon request, I was graced with this assignment by the Lord.”

  “The Lord? You mean Mister Big. You’re an angel??”

  “If you are referring to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the answer is “yes”. I am here as a messenger of God. We can manifest in any one of several forms, of which angel is but one, albeit the best known one” she continued. “You are here to study Chokepoint and I am here to make sure you don’t screw it up.”

  “What? ‘Chokepoint’, what’s that?”

  “What do you mean, ‘what’s that’? You are here for the purpose of investigating the possibility of an intelligent influence on the flood, an event in the cause and development of mankind. You even call it Chokepoint.”

  “Yeah I guess so. You’re really checking on me? But what’s that to you and why do you use the term Chokepoint. We just picked that name because it seemed appropriate.”

  “Precisely; you did well. Your project is investigating a valid premise. However the character and virtue of your hypothesis exceeds your expectation. You are actually approaching another chokepoint as you put it. A chokepoint you couldn’t have anticipated. The seventh extinction event as some may call it. And you have successfully negotiated your part in it.”


  “Most of what you do here will not materially effect the future. When you return to the future you will see no significant change as a result of your intervention here. However there are many strings of events and occurrences that do matter and they all intertwine and weave together to form the fabric of history. Those strings cannot be violated or disrupted without seriously impacting the outcome of history. And for the most part there is little chance of that in the grand scheme of things. Your presence here is not a random occurrence. It was ordained to provide a bias adjustment in history; the boy with the water. The one you stopped from forgetting his goat skin.”


  “He is one of the key players, though he is unaware. The water he carries with him isn’t for satisfying his thirst, but to slake the thirst of a wayfarer who he will encounter on his journey to his destination. That man has not had a drink in two days. His journey takes him into an area where he won’t see water for another two days. Were it not for that drink from the boy, he would not have made it to his destination. He is carrying a message, which in turn will be a defining point in history. Your intervention with the supervisor was the result of God’s leading. God chose you because you’re a good listener.”

  “Me!; a good listener? God doesn’t talk to me that I know of.”

  “Yes he does and you generally do what he asks. You are blessed. Dull but blessed.” She spoke without rancor, in a matter of fact tone and manner.”

  “Why didn’t you stop the boy yourself?”

  “That is not the way things are done. The authority here on earth belongs to man. He would have had vastly greater use of that authority, had Adam not given most of it away.”

  “Do you mean by Adam, the one in the Garden of Eden?”

  “Yes. When Adam submitted to Satan’s enticements, he took a devastating step backward. He bowed to Satan, and forever allowed a separation to stand between himself and God. That separation, which you call sin, can only be overcome by the appropriate atonement. The perfect atonement in this realm is the shedding of blood from one of higher authority than the accused. That higher authority is God himself. When you leave this earth you will return to God but only if you associate yourself with Christ’s love and atonement through acknowledgement and acceptance of his forgiveness. His blood sacrifice is the only payment on your behalf that Satan can extract. With it, your freedom has been purchased. Without it, you will be subject to the default relationship with your creator; that being eternal separation and eternal subjection to the ways of the natural world. Like any inheritance, you can deny its existence and fall short of its favor, or you can acknowledge, accept and enjoy its benefits. I am here for the purpose of encouraging you, and doing battle for you if it is required.”

  “I don’t seem to be threatened in any way.”

  “It is true that you are not threatened physically, except for the bomb hidden in your britches; the britches that you left in the woods. The real threat comes from the powers, authorities and principalities at play. Remember, this isn’t just about you.”

Hmm. Does that mean that you will be leaving soon?”

  “Not until I make sure that the boy delivers the water.”

  “But what about me?”

  “What about you? There isn’t any danger; you abandon the britches and even if you die now, you will never be lost from the Lord’s hand. Besides you have an angel to watch over you.”

  “You mean ANGL?”

  ANGL: I don’t think so.

  “ANGL is right. I’m not referring to that. I’m referring to an angel of God assigned to protect you.”

  “Oh that angel, I heard about him just this morning.”


  “Can I talk to him?”

  “No, not in your present frame of mind; he is available for your protection. Besides why would you want to talk to him, when you have the Holy Spirit to talk to?”

  “Do you mean I can talk to the Holy Spirit directly?”

  “Yes of course, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity. Why does that surprise you? Don’t you ever listen to your self? You spend a good share of your time talking to ANGL, and it has no life at all.”

  ANGL: ????

  “No life?”

  “Correct. The true definition of life is the presence of power, authority and dominion through the Lord. To lack any one of the three is to lack life. Remember God created you in his image, that of power, authority and dominion. As a member of God’s flock, you are called to reflect that triune image and in its proper order.

  When Adam gave his authority to Satan, or a good share of it, he sentenced himself to death. ANGL has only the authority that you give, and no dominion, or should I say spirit. It is not a living entity. Not even close.

  Start addressing the Holy Spirit by the authority purchased for you through the shed blood of Christ”

  “Explain power, authority and dominion further?”

  “Simply put, power is the motive force for change; the will of God. Authority is the presence and ability to effect change, therefore, the Son of God. Dominion is the order of change; the spirit of God.

  To say that you are the image of God is not to say that you are God; only an image of God. You are mere reflections of those virtues, in the physical realm. When you reenter the realm or Kingdom of God, the proper order of things will be reestablished. You will be one with God in a similar fashion as you were one with me.”

  “What do you mean by proper order?”

  “The intended order is that you are a ¬spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. Adam disrupted that order somewhat. Initially the order was correct and he walked with God, face to face. When he bowed to Satan’s enticements he caused the disruption in that order by placing the desires of the flesh ahead of the wisdom of the spirit, and the soul. What he was, became more important than who he was.

  That is why God’s question to Adam is so important, ‘Where are you Adam?’, God knew precisely where Adam was. He wasn’t seeking Adam’s location, as much as he was calling Adam to account. Adam’s answer should have been “I am here Lord”, but instead he said “I was afraid because I was naked.” His self-identity had changed from who he was, to what he was and why. Terah mentioned that to you. That is what he asked you about.

  Adam had placed a formidable barrier between himself and God. How often do we call shame upon ourselves by calling attention to the kingdom of self, and away from our heavenly identity? Adam, in his sin, plucked out his own spiritual eyes, and hid within his flesh. His flesh became boss, and yes, he was then naked, and that will continue until the flesh dies and the spirit is returned to God. God in his mercy will replace your body of flesh with a new and incorruptible body clothed in a righteous white robe, made white by the Blood of the Lamb.”

  “That’s what Grewer was trying to say; the ‘Grewer set’.”

  “Grewer is saddened by the fact that his colleagues never did get the point.”

  “You know Grewer?”

  “Yes. When he was here on earth he had shared his revelation with everyone who would listen. He wanted them to make the connection with the love of God on their own. Most saw it as a stepping-stone for science. In fact, it was a means of escape from the bonds of science. It was a passport to salvation and away from the destiny of this realm as you call it.”

  “What is the destiny of this realm.”

  “The infinite transposition of energy. It is a crucible of God. It is the Refiner’s Pyre. It is where he refines the gold of heaven, and it is also the repository of the dross of humanity”

  “Then what is the Gold that he refines?”

  “He is refining the human soul, spirit and body as one would refine gold. He refines mankind as individuals and as a community of man.”

  The ‘chokepoint’ that you were to be researching is part of this process. The flood removed an evil and wicked generation, which contained no redeemable character aside from Noah and his family. It served to remove an unclean element in one fell swoop. It is but one of the refiners steps.”

  “What were God’s other steps of refinement?”

  “What do you think they are, Martin?”

  “If the flood was one, Adam eating the apple might have been one; Abraham and Isaac on the mount; Israel in the desert; the holocaust; and maybe Armageddon; the CME; oh, and the advent of Christ.”

  “Close and well said. It is not mine to tell you these specifics but you are on the right track.”

  “Are the henge ceremonies valid. Are they worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, or is it some kind of pagan worship?”

  “Again I am not here to answer those specifics. I can only encourage you to petition the Holy Spirit, and ask for Wisdom, Discernment and Grace. If you can see His love showing through all of these filters, then you have done all that you can do. If you do not see His love, then walk away unless He directs you to do otherwise.”

  She paused as if listening. “The boy has given the traveler the water that he needs. It is time for me to go.”

  “Wait, what about the bomb in my britches? What was that all about? Tell me, will I make it?”

  Teal smiled “I told you. No specifics! Some things must be left to His doing. He is faithful to complete the work He has started. God be with you, and now quit whining.”

  Before Martin could decide whether it would be proper to kiss an angel, she was gone.

  As Martin’s attention returned to his walk he was stunned to see that but a step or two of time had passed, barely a heart beat.

  Suddenly and without any warning a concussion resounded across the plain. Martin turned to see a plume of smoke near the spot where he had entered the plain the previous day. “What the hell. There goes my outfit. Someone was trying to set me up.”

  Terah returned to where Martin stood watching the plume. “Does this have anything to do with the garments you shed?”

  “I guess so. But I’m afraid I’m at a loss to explain what it was intended for.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 28 - Ceremony

  If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

  Albert Einstein

Taylor Strop's Novels