Queens of France. First printed in the Yale Review, XXI. 1 (Sept. 1931) 72–85. First licensed production occurred 9 March 1932 at the Hill School, Pottstown, PA, and the Miss Masters’ School, Dobbs Ferry, NY. SF acting edition was published in 1958.

  Pullman Car Hiawatha. First licensed production occurred 19 March 1932 at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, OH. SF acting edition was published in London in 1952.

  Love and How to Cure It. First produced with The Long Christmas Dinner on 25 November 1931 (see above). First licensed production occurred in Washington, D.C., on 17 March 1932 (site unidentified). SF acting edition was published in London in 1932.

  Such Things Only Happen in Books. First produced with The Long Christmas Dinner on 25 November 1931 (see above). First licensed production occurred in Plattsburgh, NY, on 5 March 1932 (site unidentified). Withdrawn from production and print by the author no later, and probably much earlier, than 1946. No acting edition was ever printed.

  The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden. First produced with The Long Christmas Dinner on 25 November 1931 (see above). First licensed production occurred 19 December 1931 at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, OH. SF acting edition, with revisions, was published in 1934. Those revisions are incorporated in this volume’s edition.

  The production licensing information for the six plays cited above was taken from SF’s 25 October 1932 royalty statement to Thornton Wilder.


  “The Seven Deadly Sins”

  The Drunken Sisters (Gluttony). First printed in the Atlantic Monthly, CC.5 (Nov. 1957) 92–95. A revised text was published in The Alcestiad or A Life in the Sun: A Play in Three Acts—With a Satyr Play: The Drunken Sisters by Harper & Row, New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London, in 1977. SF acting edition published in 1978. The SF acting edition of The Alcestiad version was published in 1980.

  Bernice (Pride). First produced in English at the Congress Hall, West Berlin, Germany, in September 1957. Printed in German translation as Berenike in Die Neue Rundschau, LXXI.4 (1960) 585–95. First printed in English in the Yale Review, LXXXV.2 (Apr. 1997) 19–38. American premiere production occurred at “The Thornton Wilder Play Festival” at the Hill School, Pottstown, PA, on 18 February 1997.

  The Wreck on the Five-Twenty-Five (Sloth). The world premiere in English was produced at the Congress Hall, West Berlin, Germany, in September 1957. First printed in the Yale Review, LXXXII. 4 (Oct. 1994) 17–41. American premiere in May 1995 as part of “Marathon ’95,” the Ensemble Studio Theatre series. Reprinted in The Best American Short Plays 1994–1995 by Applause Theatre Book Publishers, New York, London, 1995, and in EST Marathon ’95: The Complete One-Act Plays by Smith & Kraus, Lyme, NH, 1995.

  A Ringing of Doorbells (Envy). First printed here from the author’s manuscripts in the Thornton Wilder Archive of the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (hereafter called TWYCAL).

  In Shakespeare and the Bible (Wrath). First printed here from the author’s manuscripts in the TWYCAL.

  Someone from Assisi (Lust). First produced in New York as one of the three “Plays for Bleecker Street” in 1962. The script, reproduced from typed copy, was distributed by SF in 1964.

  Cement Hands (Avarice). First printed here from the author’s manuscripts in the TWYCAL. World premiere reading was held on 15 April 1997 at the University Club in New York City as part of “A Wilder Evening,” The MacDowell Colony’s celebration of the Thornton Wilder Centennial.

  “The Seven Ages of Man”

  Infancy. First produced in New York as one of the three “Plays for Bleecker Street” in 1962. Amateur licenses became available through SF in 1964. SF acting edition was published in June 1970.

  Childhood. First published in the Atlantic Monthly, CCVI.5 (Nov. 1960) 78–84. First produced in New York as one of the three “Plays for Bleecker Street” in 1962. Amateur licenses became available through SF in 1964. SF acting edition was published in June 1970.

  Youth. First printed here from the author’s manuscripts and typescripts in the TWYCAL.

  The Rivers Under the Earth (? Middle Age). First published in American Theatre, XIV.3 (Mar. 1997) 25–30, and here from the author’s manuscripts in the TWYCAL.



  Thornton Wilder, The Collected Short Plays of Thornton Wilder, Volume I



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