Page 20 of Mr. Brass

  Chapter 15

  Richie was glad he knew a route around Ringsetter because, while it wasn’t exactly a one-horse town, it was small enough that it wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility to run smack dab into Rog himself or (almost as bad) ride past someone who knew Rog and would just happen to mention to him in good-natured conversation, Hey, I saw your ex-boxer of a store clerk driving your wagon around yesterday evening. What do you make him work so late for? Hahahaha.

  It wasn’t likely, but Righty wasn’t interested in “not likely” right now. He knew when you’re already pushing your luck to the breaking point any avoidable small risks need to be avoided like the plague. Sure, it would take him an hour to go around Ringsetter, but that was a price he was willing to pay.

  Then, suddenly he realized he was going to have some serious making up to do as far as time was concerned. He was expected back in a couple days, and he had already spent the better part of today doing a little gardening work.

  He felt in his pockets and experienced mixed feelings as he realized he had a little Smokeless Green there. He hadn’t used it since his first time, but going off a hunch he had kept the remainder with him as well as the small measuring spoons the botanist had given Janie. He had them marked by the hour. Seeing that it was long past 1 p.m. (which the botanist had recommended as the latest time during the day when one should take it), and in fact the sun looked like it was around the 8 p.m. position, he realized that per the botanist’s advice he shouldn’t have any today.

  But this was no ordinary day. In fact, he knew perfectly well that this was a defining moment of his life, and he had no choice but to ride all night. He decided to compromise. After bringing the horses to a halt, he took out the biggest measuring spoon—the one the botanist had said corresponded to a 6 a.m. dose. He marveled at how small it was, as he was tempted to just sniff whatever could fit into his nostrils.

  Instead, he stuck the measuring spoon into the little pouch he had of Smokeless Green, pulled it out, and then sniffed.


  It hit him almost instantly, but he realized—partly to his relief—that this wasn’t like the last time, which had made him feel like he was shot out of a catapult and went flying amongst the stars. He felt a raw, powerful energy pulsating through his body and a sharp mental focus coming on. He felt more in control than he did the last time, when, frankly, he had felt a bit overwhelmed.

  “Yaaaaaa!!” he yelled out the horses and gave them a slap with the reins.

  They took off.