Page 26 of Coriolanus

  287 One ... another another time will compensate for this one 289 up on

  289 brace pair

  291 'tis ... arithmetic i.e. we are incalculably outnumbered 292 manhood manliness/valor

  292 foolery folly

  293 fabric building

  294 tag rabble

  294 rend tear apart, lay waste

  295 interrupted obstructed

  295 o'erbear ... bear overwhelm what usually contains them (i.e. river banks) 298 in request With required by 299 patched ... colour i.e. mended by any means possible 304 Neptune Roman god of the sea, who traditionally carried a 304 trident (three-pronged spear)

  305 thunder Jove's weapon was the thunderbolt

  305 his ... mouth i.e. he speaks what he feels 310 Tiber Rome's river

  310 What the vengeance! intensifying phrase, similar to "What the hell!"

  311 'em fair to them courteously

  317 rigorous harsh, severe

  318 scorn disdain to offer

  320 sets values

  323 sure on't be sure of it

  326 cry havoc call for slaughter and general devastation 327 modest warrant limited license

  328 holp helped

  329 rescue forcible removal of a prisoner from custody (legal term) 336 leave permission

  341 peremptory resolved

  342 eject him hence exile him

  348 deserved deserving

  348 enrolled recorded

  349 dam mother

  353 Mortal fatal

  358 by at the hands of

  359 suffer permit

  360 brand mark of disgrace

  361 cam crooked, awry

  361 clean cam utterly misleading

  362 Merely totally

  373 unscanned thoughtless

  374 to's to its

  374 process proper legal procedure

  375 parties sides, factions

  378 What why

  380 smote struck

  382 a he

  383 bolted sifted (i.e. refined, considered)

  383 meal and bran flour and worthless husks

  386 Where ... peril where he, his life at stake, shall answer for his behavior through the calm process of a trial 391 Unknown ... beginning unpredictable

  396 attend await

  3.2 Location: Rome (Coriolanus' house)

  1 pull ... ears i.e. destroy everything, crush me 1 present me put me forward for

  2 wheel torture wheel to which the victim was tied and their bones broken before they died 2 at ... heels a form of death in which the victim's limbs were tied to horses that then ran in different directions 4 precipitation steep drop

  5 beam the eyes were thought to emit beams that enabled vision 8 muse wonder (that)

  9 approve support, praise

  9 wont accustomed

  10 woollen i.e. coarsely clothed

  10 vassals servants/slaves

  11 groats coins worth four old pence (suggesting the people are mere petty traders) 11 show bare heads i.e. remove their hats as a mark of deference 12 congregations gatherings

  12 yawn gape

  13 ordinance rank, standing

  19 put ... on i.e. fully gained and exercised your new authority 21 Let go enough

  23 lesser ... dispositions the people would have understood less of your plans/moods (sense is awkward, so many editors emend "things," e.g. to "thwartings") 26 cross thwart

  29 something somewhat

  33 cleave ... midst split down the middle

  35 apt compliant, submissive

  37 vantage advantage, benefit

  39 but were it not

  40 fit attack of illness/seizure

  40 physic medicine

  49 absolute inflexible

  50 therein ... speak i.e. being uncompromising is a noble stance, except in cases of extreme urgency 52 policy strategy/cunning

  52 unsevered inseparable, united

  57 demand question

  58 seem ... not dissimulate, pretend to be what you are not 60 adopt adopt as

  60 less i.e. less honorable

  61 That ... request for policy to be honorable in peacetime as well as in war, given that both situations require it equally 64 force urge

  65 lies you on is incumbent upon you

  66 instruction conviction, prompting

  68 but roted merely learned by heart

  69 Bastards i.e. illegitimate, not genuine

  69 of ... To unacknowledged by

  71 take in capture

  72 gentle honorable/soft, kind

  72 else otherwise

  72 put ... blood put your chances to the test and risk much bloodshed 74 dissemble with disguise

  74 where ... honour in a case where, my fortunes and friends being at risk, honor required me to do so 78 general common

  79 a fawn flattery

  80 inheritance acquisition

  81 want lack (i.e. of their loves/of flattery)

  83 salve heal, remedy

  84 Not not only

  87 bonnet hat

  88 stretched it held it out to them

  88 here ... them go this far in humoring them/on this point, give them what they want 89 bussing kissing

  91 learned i.e. responsive

  91 waving shaking or bowing (in repentance and humility) 92 stout proud

  94 hold withstand

  95 broils turmoil, battles

  96 soft sociable/gentle

  97 fit as fit

  98 asking asking for

  98 frame adapt, make

  99 forsooth in truth

  100 person personal authority, influential presence 102 Even ... speaks exactly as she describes

  103 free freely granted

  108 bower arbor/boudoir

  111 make gather

  111 party faction, side

  117 unbarbed sconce unarmed head

  120 plot piece of earth, i.e. body

  121 mould earth/frame

  124 discharge to th'life perform convincingly

  132 harlot's beggar's/whore's

  132 throat of war i.e. soldier's voice

  133 choired sang in harmony

  134 Small high-pitched

  135 babies lull lulls, soothes babies

  136 Tent encamp

  136 take up occupy

  140 alms charitable gift

  141 surcease cease

  143 inherent permanent, abiding

  147 feel experience, undergo the effects of

  148 stoutness obstinacy

  149 heart i.e. courage

  149 list please

  151 owe own

  154 mountebank use trickery to win

  155 Cog cheat

  161 arm prepare

  165 word watchword, password

  166 by invention with invented charges

  3.3 Location: Rome (the marketplace)

  1 charge him home press home your accusations

  1 affects seeks out/is drawn to

  3 Enforce urge against/attack/constrain

  3 envy malice

  4 spoil got on booty won from

  11 catalogue list

  13 by th'poll by head, individually

  15 tribes divisions of the populace of Rome

  17 presently immediately

  22 old prerogative traditional rights (of the people) 23 i'th'truth o'th'cause in the justice of the case 25 cry cry out, shout

  27 present execution immediate carrying out

  31 hap happen

  33 Put ... straight rouse him to anger straightaway 34 worth of contradiction full share of answering back, pennyworth of defiance 35 chafed roused, angered

  37 looks looks likely, promises

  38 us i.e. our assistance

  40 ostler stable groom

  40 piece coin

  41 bear ... th'volume put up with being called knave any number of times/endure any degree of ill treatment from a knave 41 Th'honoured may the honored

  43 among's among us

  44 shows ceremonies

  49 List listen

  49 Audience listen, pay attention

  52 this present with this present allegation

  53 determine be settled

  54 demand ask

  56 Allow acknowledge

  57 censure judgment

  68 accents ways of speaking/words

  70 envy you display malice toward you

  90 I ... the that with which I pray to the

  74 very very same

  76 Answer to us i.e. you have no right to ask the questions 77 so to do so, i.e. answer to you

  78 contrived plotted

  79 seasoned established (or perhaps "qualified, moderate" as opposed to 80 tyrannical) wind insinuate

  82 How? What?

  84 fold in enfold, encircle

  85 their traitor traitor to them

  85 injurious insulting, wrongful

  86 Within Even if within, i.e. whatever you might do to me 89 free frank/honest/unrestrained

  94 put add

  97 strokes blows, assaults

  99 capital i.e. worthy of the death penalty 102 prate chatter, babble

  109 pent imprisoned

  109 linger barely survive, linger on

  112 check restrain, curb

  113 have't have it (i.e. the people's mercy)

  114 For that because

  115 in him lies he possibly could

  116 Envied against shown malice toward

  117 as inasmuch as (he has)

  118 not not only

  123 precipitation being thrown

  136 estimate reputation, honor

  136 womb's ... loins i.e. children 144 cry pack

  145 reek stench/foggy vapor

  148 remain may you remain

  150 plumes feathers on a helmet

  151 have may you have

  151 still always

  153 finds ... feels only learns through experience 154 Making ... yourselves trying only to protect yourselves/having banished everyone except yourselves 155 Still ... foes always your own worst enemies 156 abated humbled, beaten down

  158 For because of

  163 despite disdain, contempt

  164 vexation torment, mortification

  4.1 Location: Rome (near the city gates)

  1 leave cease

  3 ancient former

  3 used accustomed

  4 extremities extreme circumstances, crisis

  5 common chances ordinary events

  7 Fortune's ... cunning when fortune strikes hardest, it takes noble skill to bear one's wounds like a gentleman 11 conned learned, memorized

  14 red pestilence red sores were characteristic of the plague 15 occupations trades

  17 lacked absent/missed

  18 wont accustomed

  19 Hercules legendary Greek hero who achieved twelve seemingly impossible 20 labours 22 Droop look downcast, despair 25 venomous i.e. stinging, causing inflammation 25 sometime former

  28 fond foolish

  28 strokes blows, afflictions

  29 wot know

  30 still always

  31 Believe't not lightly do not doubt this

  32 fen swamp

  34 or either

  34 exceed the common outdo ordinary men, exceed ordinary expectations 35 cautelous ... practice deceitful snares and plotting 39 exposture exposure

  40 starts leaps up

  42 follow accompany

  45 repeal recall from exile

  47 advantage the advantageous opportunity

  51 wars' surfeits excesses of military service

  52 bring accompany

  54 noble touch noble qualities/proven nobility (as the quality of gold is proved with a touchstone) 61 one seven i.e. seven

  63 foot step of the way

  4.2 Location: Rome (a street)

  1 home go home

  8 ancient former

  13 mad furious/wild, high-spirited/mentally disturbed 16 Th'hoarded the stored-up

  16 requite repay

  22 mankind masculine/furious (Volumnia replies to the sense of "human") 24 foxship sly cunning

  30 would wish

  31 Arabia i.e. the desert (a suitably lawless place for death, and one with nowhere for the enemy to hide) 31 tribe supporters/family

  31 before in front of, facing

  34 posterity descendants

  39 unknit untied for

  40 knot bond between him and Rome

  43 Cats i.e. wretched creatures (contemptuous) 48 brave splendid/courageous (sarcastic)

  50 meanest poorest, humblest

  54 baited With harassed by

  58 'em i.e. the tribunes

  60 to't on it

  61 told chastised

  61 home thoroughly

  62 sup dine

  63 meat food

  64 starve with feeding i.e. consume myself/starve from not eating actual food 65 faint puling feeble whining

  66 Juno-like like the supreme Roman goddess, Juno; her merciless fury is described in Virgil's Aeneid

  4.3 Location: on the road, between Rome and Antium

  5 'em i.e. the Romans

  9 favour ... tongue identity is confirmed by your voice 9 favour appearance/face

  10 note i.e. of instruction

  20 ripe ready

  21 glowing smoldering

  22 mature ready

  26 them i.e. the Volscians

  30 of from

  31 choose do otherwise (than appear well)

  34 this this time, now

  37 centurions officers, each in charge of one hundred men 37 charges i.e. troops

  38 distinctly billeted individually enrolled

  38 in th'entertainment on the payroll, employed

  41 present immediate

  43 part role, words

  4.4 Location: Antium (outside Aufidius' house)

  4.4 mean humble, poor

  3 'fore my wars in the face of my attacks

  6 puny inexperienced

  7 Save God save

  10 lies lives

  16 slippery turns fickle, treacherous changes

  16 fast firmly

  17 double two (plays on the sense of "deceitful")

  19 still always

  21 dissension ... doit dispute over something trivial 21 doit Dutch coin of small value

  22 fellest fiercest, most cruel

  23 plots ... other plots to capture one another have kept them awake 25 trick trifle

  26 interjoin their issues unite their fortunes/join their children in marriage 29 give me way allow me to go freely/grant my request 4.5 Location: Antium (inside Aufidius' house)

  2 fellows fellow servants

  7 Whence from what place

  8 go ... door i.e. leave

  9 entertainment hospitality, reception

  12 companions rogues

  17 brave defiant

  18 anon in a moment

  23 avoid leave

  30 station place to stand

  31 Follow your function get on with your job

  31 batten grow fat

  31 cold bits i.e. leftovers

  36 canopy i.e. the sky

  40 kites and crows birds of prey, scavengers

  42 daws jackdaws, proverbially foolish birds

  44 meddle concern yourself, interfere (Coriolanus then shifts the sense to "have sex with") 46 prat'st speak insolently/to little purpose

  46 trencher wooden serving dish

  49 but were it not

  61 grim fierce, cruel/forbidding, severe

  62 command authority

  62 tackle gear, equipment--i.e. clothing (plays on sense of "ship's rigging") 63 show'st seem to be

  67 particularly in person, individually

  68 mischief injury

  68 thereto ... Coriolanus which is attested by my honorary surname, "Coriolanus"

  69 painful arduous, diligent

  72 memory memorial/reminder

  76 dastard cowardly

  77 forsook rejected, abandoned

  79 Whooped jeere
d, hooted

  83 in mere out of pure

  84 be ... of fully pay back

  86 wreak vengeance

  87 maims of shame shameful wounds 88 through throughout

  92 cankered corrupted, diseased

  93 under-fiends hell's devils

  94 prove more fortunes try your fortunes further

  97 ancient long-standing

  100 tuns barrels

  109 where against against which

  110 grained ash strong spear (made of straight-grained ash) 111 clip embrace

  112 anvil i.e. Coriolanus, who has been struck by Aufidius'

  112 sword as an anvil is hit with a hammer

  118 dances sets dancing, excites

  118 rapt enraptured

  120 Bestride step across

  120 Mars Roman god of war; may pun on "Martius"

  121 a ... foot an army mobilized

  122 target shield

  122 brawn muscular arm

  123 out outright, fully

  124 several separate

  126 down together fighting with each other on the ground; the speech betrays a perhaps unconscious homoeroticism, with many of its terms having sexual connotations (hotly, encounters, half dead) 127 helms helmets

  127 fisting clutching, throttling; also slang for "breaking wind," so anal connotations are not impossible 128 waked I have waked

  130 muster all recruit all men

  133 o'erbear't overwhelm it (Rome)

  136 am prepared have forces drawn up

  139 absolute incomparable, perfect

  141 commission authority/those in my command

  141 set down determine

  145 rudely violently

  146 ere destroy before destroying them

  147 commend introduce (favorably)

  153 gave told

  156 set up set spinning

  163 rarest most exceptional/most splendid

  165 he ... on you know who (i.e. Aufidius)

  168 it's ... for never mind about

  169 on of

  169 him in the following line, this may refer either to Coriolanus or to Aufidius 169 him like 175 slaves rogues/servants

  179 as lief rather

  180 Wherefore? Why?

  181 was wont used

  189 on't of it

  189 scotched slashed

  190 carbonado meat scored for cooking

  191 An if

  191 given inclined

  194 on much of

  195 upper end o'th'table i.e. in the place of honor 196 but ... bald without them standing hatless (a mark of respect) 198 sanctifies ... hand touches Coriolanus' hand as if it were holy 199 bottom essence, bottom line

  202 sowl roughly seize

  204 polled stripped bare (literally, with the branches lopped away) 210 directitude a nonsense word; perhaps the Third Servingman means "discredit"

  212 crest cockerel's crest/feathers on a helmet

  213 in blood in good condition, full of life (hunting term) 213 will will come

  214 conies rabbits

  216 presently immediately

  217 parcel part

  219 stirring lively, active

  223 audible noisy/keen of hearing (like a hunting dog) 223 full of vent full of shouts and noise/has picked up the scent of a hunted animal 224 apoplexy paralysis

  224 mulled numbed, stupefied

  225 getter begetter, conceiver

  228 ravisher rapist

  229 cuckolds men with unfaithful wives

  233 rising i.e. from the table

  4.6 Location: Rome

  2 His ... tame the remedies needed to get rid of Coriolanus (i.e. the protesting people) are quiet 4 hurry commotion, urgent activity