“He was married to Dottie for three years. They had twins, a boy and a girl, blond-haired, blue-eyed, both taking after their dad, though they have their mother’s smile, curiosity, and friendliness. They were a year old when he split. So he’s been gone for nearly two and a half years. They’ll be four in November. He didn’t look anything like that blurry picture Travis took.”

  “Butch’s a master of deception. His hair was dark brown and he wears brown contacts. But when I saw him more recently fishing at the river, he was a blond, his hair shaggier. He’s been into arms dealing all this time.” Then Leyton had another concern. “He hasn’t returned to see Dottie since he left, has he?”

  “Just once. She’d divorced him for abandoning her and the kids. He’d tried to convince her to leave Yuma Town and reconsider leaving him, meaning, he wanted to work things out and remarry her. He really wanted her back, but he wouldn’t tell her why he left her in the first place. She wasn’t buying it. You don’t just leave your wife and kids if you truly love them. I figured he got anxious about having to raise a couple of twins, only a year old, panicked and took off. But when he didn’t return? That was another story. She had loved him once and it was hard on her to see him with the kids. They were shy to begin with, then had fun playing with him, she’d told me. But it was over between them when he’d left her in a real financial bind without word. Still, she couldn’t deny him seeing his own kids as long as she was right there with them.”

  “Probably his criminal dealings had caught up with him, which was the reason for him running in the first place.”

  “Yeah, now that we know what he’s been involved in, I’d say that is a good bet. When I learned she was about ready to lose her home—she’d kept his abandoning her a secret from everyone, but the banker made me aware of her troubles and the imminent foreclosure on her house—my dispatcher decided it was time for her to retire, and I gave Dottie the job. Everyone stepped in to help watch her kids while she works. We’re a community of cougars who will do anything to help one of our own. She’s great at her job too. Gave her the confidence she needed to get back into the mainstream.”

  “So why don’t you marry her? You’re not married, are you? Or have had a bad experience with a divorce, ex-girlfriend, or something?”

  Dan gave him a quelling look.

  “You’ve given me the third degree about Kate and my intentions. So what’s the deal?” Leyton wasn’t letting go of the issue. Dan obviously had real affection for the woman, much like his own for Kate, and he’d decided when he had met her, and got to know her, he wasn’t giving up on the issue of claiming the she-cat.

  “Dottie had a lot to work out on her own after her husband left. She was upset because she was about ready to lose the house and had two little ones to provide for. She needed the self-assurance that she could manage fine on her own. She didn’t need another man taking over her life at that point. Just for someone to be there as a friend if she needed someone.”

  “Seems to me there’s more going on than you want to let on. Are you afraid of taking on the responsibility of a readymade family?” Leyton thought even if Kate had a whole slew of children, he’d be fine with it—now. Kids hadn’t appealed in the beginning, but Kate just gave him a totally different perspective about life in general. Which was another reason he felt he needed her in his life—permanently. She did something to him that no other woman ever had.

  “No, the kids are great.”

  “Then what? Commitment phobia?”

  “I have a wife already, damn it!”

  Leyton stared at him for a moment, then said, “Oh.” He should have kept his mouth shut after that bit of revelation. But he couldn’t help it. Part of it was owing to having the natural curiosity of a cat. But part of it was his law enforcement training. “Dottie knows about it, right?”

  When Dan just sat there staring out at the road looking gloomy, Leyton figured the worst. No one in Yuma Town knew Dan had a wife. Sure-fire way to kill a new blossoming relationship. He was sure glad he didn’t have any skeletons in his closet like that.

  “You’ve got to tell her, Dan. If this is leading anywhere between the two of you, you’ve got to tell her.” Then Leyton, feeling exhausted all over again, leaned his head back against the seat and fell asleep, thinking of holding Kate’s naked body in his arms.

  It was two in the morning when they arrived at Dottie’s house. Hal greeted them and Leyton offered, “I know you’re going to take turns watching over Dottie. And I’d liked to help. Howdy, ma’am,” he said. “Sheriff?”

  “Hal, take him back to the clinic.”

  “No, wait, I need to do this.”

  “You need to rest. And that’s an order.” Dan’s stern look meant he wasn’t changing his mind about this.

  Neither was Leyton.


  As soon as she got a call from Leyton, telling her he was back in the clinic, per her orders, Kate was on her way over there. She couldn’t help it. Even though it was three in the morning and she had to go into work at six, she wanted to see him and learn what had happened.

  “Thanks, for coming back here,” she said, standing beside his bed, the privacy curtain drawn around them, trying to keep her voice low so as not to disturb Travis.

  “I didn’t have a choice,” Leyton said. “Dan ordered Hal to bring me back here and stand guard.” Leyton pulled her closer for a kiss, and she obliged, tongues dancing, deepening the contact. He groaned. “I’ve got to get my place set up pronto.”

  “I’ll let you out of here in the morning.”


  She shook her head. “You rest until I can release you. Maybe we can get together after I’m through with work.”

  “Okay.” He sounded like he was backing off, afraid she felt he was trying to move too fast with her.

  “Dan let everyone know that Dottie’s ex, Jeffrey Brown, is back in the area and to call if anyone spots him, but to let the police handle it. He’s going under the alias of Butch Sanders, but he might have a new one by now,” she said.

  “Yeah, he might not intend to go near her place, afraid he might get caught.”

  Kate shook her head. “I wouldn’t count on it. If you didn’t know his true identity, he may figure no one else will realize he’s the same man.”

  “True, but he’s also been using the cabin for a while, knows the area, and that may be the only reason he’s in the area.” Leyton held her hand and rubbed it tenderly with his thumb. “I just want you to know that if Dan had permitted it, I would have been taking turns watching over Dottie and her kids.”

  “Then I’ll have to thank Dan for sending you back here. You need to recuperate before you tackle that man any further.”

  “I just want you to know I’m not giving up on the notion.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to. I’m sure if they need you, Dan will call.” Kate leaned over and kissed Leyton again. “See you on morning rounds.”

  Before she could leave, he pulled her in for another devastating kiss and left her breathless.

  “That’s so you don’t forget about me.”

  She licked her lips and smiled. “Doubt that would ever happen.” Then before she moved him to her bed, she said goodnight for what was left of it, said goodnight to Hal sitting outside the room, and then headed back home. And wished Leyton really was there when she went inside.

  * * *

  The next morning, Kate came by to discharge Leyton and Travis, to his relief. He would have already left the clinic if it wasn’t that he wanted his good morning kiss from her.

  He’d been dressed and ready to go while Travis was grumbling, “Can’t a body get any sleep in a place like this?”

  “I was afraid you might have left already, so I came here first,” Kate said, greeting them.

  “Nah, waiting for my good morning kiss.”

  Kate smiled at him, then he looked at Travis, who yanked his privacy curtain shut.

  Kate chuckled and wrap
ped her arms around Leyton’s neck. “You’re almost as addictive as chocolate.”

  “Almost?” He slid his hands up her waist, wanting to just sweep her away and take her right back home. But he had to set up his place and check with Dan about serving a guard shift at Dottie’s today, because tonight, he was keeping his time open for Kate.

  She smiled. “I’m releasing you. As soon as Elsie can bring a wheelchair for Travis…”

  “I’m on it.”

  “Hospital procedures would dictate that you have one also.”

  He snorted. “I’ve already left the clinic so many times already, I’m just a visitor.”

  “Just as long as you don’t end up back in that bed.”

  He watched her leave and smiled. Travis used his crutches to join him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with the hots for a woman like that before.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “Not in the least.”

  Leyton dropped Travis at the empty house and dumped their bags. “Dan has put an alert out on your stolen vehicle, if someone didn’t tell you already. We’ll have to get some of our things from our homes up north. I’ll get the furniture arranged so we have some place to sleep tonight.”

  Travis sat on the floor and propped his leg up on one of Leyton’s bag, his back against the wall. “You’re wearing me out just thinking about it.”

  “I’ll bring breakfast back in a jiff. You just relax.”

  “See you in a bit.”

  Then Leyton was off to the donut shop, picking up cinnamon buns for the hospital staff, though he didn’t have a chance to see Kate, and then headed back to his place. He carried in the cinnamon buns and a coffee maker.

  “That was quick,” Travis said.

  “Yeah, just wanted to grab a quick breakfast, some coffee, and then I’m out of here.”

  Leyton spent the day shopping, asking Hal if he could deliver some pieces in his truck rather than wait for a delivery date later. Stryker helped too, and before long, well, most of the day was gone when they had some semblance of a furnished house—wraparound sofa, two beds, a couple of desks, a kitchen table and chairs. They’d have to get the rest later.

  “Hey, Stryker, I was wondering if I could pull guard duty soon at Dottie’s house to relieve the rest of you. I take it he hasn’t come by, or I would have heard something.”

  “Yeah, no word on anything. Dottie wants to have a barbecue tomorrow. Maybe you can do it after that. After all the work you’ve done today on your place and the injury you sustained, you’ve probably had enough of a workout.” Stryker sounded like he thought Leyton couldn’t handle facing another confrontation with Butch and protect Dottie.

  Leyton was disappointed and damn if Butch did show up, he wanted to be there to take the bastard down once and for all. But then he thought about the kids. Hell, no way could he kill their daddy in front of them, unless he was hurting her or the kids.

  “Tomorrow then.”

  Hal jerked his thumb at Travis. “We’re taking him to dinner. You were out getting the T.V. off the truck at the time. Want to come with us?”

  “No, but thanks for asking. And thanks for taking Travis out.”

  “Are you sure?” Stryker asked.

  “Yeah. I’ve got a date.”

  Stryker nodded, looking like he was kind of accepting the inevitable.

  As soon as the guys left, Leyton got busy again. Forget making beds or doing anything else. He had to go to the grocery store again and pick up special fixings for dinner to share with Kate—so he could fulfil his promise to her to make it up about the camping trip. At least, this was one of many occasions he had planned.

  * * *

  Kate curled up with Sheba on the couch, trying to concentrate on a Sci-Fi adventure story in space on T.V., but all she could think of was Leyton, and his kiss, and that he wanted to stay here near her. That he wasn’t leaving. He was setting down permanent roots. She’d been so upset when she’d heard from him in the gold mine, recognized his calm voice that said no matter how drastic the situation was, he wasn’t going to give up, or act like he was in dire straits.

  She stroked the top of Sheba’s head and listened to her contented purring, wishing she could have taken Leyton home with her, but this was for the best. They’d taken off running as far as the relationship went, needing each other when they had the car wreck, but now it was time to take this more slowly. Really get to know each other. What if the two of them weren’t suited to each other in the long run?

  In the short run, she wanted him here with her now. But they both had jobs to do. They’d take it slow and easy.

  She needed to think about having something for supper, but she just wasn’t hungry. She couldn’t believe it when Leyton and his friend had been injured in the gold mine. And how serious his wound was this time because of all the blood loss. And what was he doing? Heading out of the clinic to buy a place so he could stay near her, not making assumptions that he could just move in either.

  She smiled. She couldn’t help appreciate him for who he was. Hal had called her earlier in the day to update her on Dottie’s situation, all quiet on that front, and just mentioned he and Stryker were helping to move furniture in to the new field office. He told her that he really believed Leyton was overdoing it and if he wasn’t careful, he’d be back at the clinic.

  That had worried her, but when she had called Leyton to check on him, he didn’t pick up.

  She heard something on her back patio and Sheba instantly jumped off her lap and ran for the door. Then she meowed, wanting out.

  “You don’t go outside,” Kate said, heading into her bedroom to get her gun. She hadn’t really thought she’d ever need it, but that had all changed when Leyton had barged his way into her life.

  A knocking at the back door startled her. No one would have come knocking at her back door after work, unless he or she had called ahead first.

  She grabbed her gun and opened the blinds on the door and saw Leyton, with packages in hand, smiling. But subdued, and she was afraid he was hurting. She wondered how bad off he was, this time.

  “I thought you might be busy tonight, trying to set up your place to impress me,” she said, ushering him in, then locked the door.

  He carried the groceries into the kitchen. “We talked about having steak and the works when we got back from our wild hike in the wilderness. I was going to buy you dinner out. But we were going to have room service and chill out until someone came and picked you up.”

  “You were going to buy me dinner when we were up north?” she asked, dying to see what he had bought and if he was not going to listen to the doctor about taking it easy, so be it. “As I recall you didn’t have any money.”

  “Yeah, slight technicality. I wanted to do this right. You know, wait until I had a place and had you over for a date.” He looked up at her. “But hell, Kate, I couldn’t wait. I’d be killing myself trying to get ready for you and it would probably take more than a few days to furnish the place and get everything ready for you.”

  “So you picked up steaks and…omigod…” She came around the counter to see the steamed lobster. “You drove to the city to get these?”

  “Had to. They didn’t have any at the local grocers and I told you I wanted to make it up to you.”

  She began helping him prepare the rest of the food. “Sit down and I’ll fix it.”

  “But I meant to do the cooking.”

  She took his good arm and forced him to sit on a dining room chair. “Sit. I’ll fix this or I’m calling the sheriff’s office and having you confined to the hospital bed again…”

  He rose from the chair pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I’ve been thinking about what you said in the hall of the clinic about me being in your bed.” And then he kissed her again. “Let’s eat. I should have held off on getting fresh lobster this time around, but…”

  “I love that you did.” She pulled away and prepared the feast, but instead of fixing it for the
dining room table, she took a tray and set it up for them on tray tables so they could have dinner and a movie like they planned, except not in bed. She knew that’s where they’d be headed next. And for the moment, she wanted to just share a meal and a movie…first. “Travis said he warned you to take it slow with me.”

  “Yeah, well, Travis shouldn’t have said anything about it. Besides, I don’t want you to believe everything my horoscope says.”

  “What’s that?”

  He smiled as they got comfortable on the couch.

  She held up her phone. “I can check it out myself.”

  “That it’s rare for me to make the first move.”

  She was happily eating her lobster, then dipped another piece of lobster tail in his butter because she’d run out of in her dish, and laughed.

  “And, that it takes me a long time to figure on settling down.”

  “Now that, I can believe.”

  They finished their meals and then took their dishes into the kitchen.

  “I don’t want to take that long.” Leyton pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her. He broke free for a moment, their hearts beating faster, their breathing labored. “I mean it. I’ll take however long you need to say yes, but I’m not giving you up for anything. All I thought of while I was chasing down Butch was you. Everything about you. Our fireside chats and holding you close, dealing with the weather and the bears. Settling down for long summer naps. Hiking out of there. I couldn’t put you out of my mind even if I’d wanted to and I sure as hell didn’t want to. When I arrived back at Travis’s place, got cleaned up, and ate, it was so late and I realized I didn’t have any way to call you, I figured I’d try to get hold of you first thing in the morning. Then the boss called and said Travis could be in trouble.

  “When I learned he’d been down in your neck of the woods, I knew then it was providence. I headed down to rescue him, and when your clinic was open, I tried calling you, desperate to let you know how much you mean to me. And how much I want you in my life. Believe me, when I’m tracking down a suspect, I am totally focused on the mission. Nothing else. So for me to keep thinking about you when I was trying to track down clues of where he went? Well, I knew there was more than just hot chemistry between us.”