E-text prepared by Jim Ludwig

  Note: This is book six of eight of the Submarine Boys Series.


  Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam





  CHAPTERS I. "Do You Speak German?" II. "French Spoken Here" III. The Man Who Marked Charts IV. Jack's Queer Lot of Loot V. Sighting the Enemy VI. Flank Movement and Rear Attack VII. A Lesson in Security and Information VIII. Eph Feels Like Thirty Tacks IX. Jack Plays with a Volcano X. "Mr. Grey" Makes New Trouble XI. Facing the Secretary of the Navy XII. Navy Officers for an Hour or a Day XIII. Commander of a U.S. Gunboat! XIV. The Bow Gun Booms and Eph Puts Off XV. "The Right Boat and the Right Crew!" XVI. The Duel Through the Door XVII. The Last Hour of CommandXVIII. Eph Bets an Anchor Against a Fish-Hook XIX. Jack's Caller at the United Service Club XX. The Girl in the Car XXI. Daisy Huston Decides for the Flag XXII. The Part of Abercrombie R.N.XXIII. "Foreign Trade" Becomes Brisk XXIV. Their Lives Deeded to the Flag



  "Hey, there, Mister!" called out Jabez Holt, from one of the two officewindows in the little hotel at Dunhaven.

  As there was only one other man in the office, that other man guessed thathe might be the one addressed.

  With a slight German accent the stranger, who was well-dressed, andlooked like a prosperous as well as an educated man, turned and demanded:

  "You are calling me?"

  "I reckon," nodded Jabez.

  "Then my name is Herr Professor--"

  "Hair professor?" repeated Jabez Holt, a bit of astonishment showing inhis wrinkled old face. "Hair professor? Barber, eh? Why, I thought youwas a traveler. But hurry up over here--do you hear me?"

  "My good man," began the German, stiffly, drawing himself up to his fullsix-foot-one, "it is not often I am affronted by being addressed so--"

  "There! He'll be outer sight in another minute, while you are arguin'about your dignity!" muttered Holt. "And that's the feller you said youwanted to see--Jack Benson."

  "Benson?" cried the German, forgetting his outraged dignity and springingforward. "Benson?"

  "That's him--almost up to the corner," nodded Landlord Jabez Holt.

  "Run out and bring him back with you," directed Herr Professor Radberg."Be quick!"

  "Waal, I guess you're spryer'n I be," returned old Jabez, with a shrewdlook at his guest. "Besides, it's you that wants the boy."

  Running back and snatching up his hat, Professor Radberg made for thestreet without further argument.

  Moving along hastily, the German soon came in sight of young Captain JackBenson, of the Pollard Submarine Torpedo Boat Company.

  "Ach, there! Herr Benson!" shouted the Professor.

  Hearing the hail, Jack Benson turned, then halted.

  "You are Herr Benson, are you not?" demanded Professor Radberg, as soonas he got close enough.

  "Benson is my name," nodded Jack, pleasantly.

  "Then come back to the hotel with me."

  "You are a foreigner, aren't you?" asked Jack, surveying the strangercoolly.

  "I am German," replied Radberg, in a tone of surprise.

  "I thought so," nodded the boy. "That is, I didn't know from whatcountry you came. But, in this country, when we ask a favor of astranger, we usually say 'please.'"

  "I am Herr Professor--"

  "Oh, barbers are just as polite as other folks," Jack assured him, hislaughing eyes resting on the somewhat bewildered-looking face of theGerman.

  "Then please, Herr Benson, come back to the hotel with me."

  "Yes; if it's really necessary. But why do you want to go to thehotel?"

  "Because, Herr Benson, when we are there, I shall have much of importanceto say to you."

  "Important to me, or to you?" asked Jack, thoughtfully.

  He had no intention of answering a much older man disrespectfully. Butthere was about Herr Radberg the air of a man who expects his greatnessto be recognized at a glance, and who demands obedience from commonpeople as a right. This sort of thing didn't fit well with theAmerican boy.

  "Oh, it is important to you, and very much so," urged the Professor,somewhat more anxiously. "Besides," added the German, with a nowreally engaging smile, "I have met your demand, Herr Benson, and havesaid 'please.'"

  "Then I suppose I'll have to meet your demand," nodded Jack,good-humoredly. "Lead the way, sir."

  "Ach! You may walk at my side," permitted the German.

  It all seemed a bit strange, but Captain Jack Benson had been throughmore strange experiences than had most Americans of twice or thrice hisage. Besides, as he walked beside Herr Professor Radberg Jack imaginedthat he had guessed at least an inkling of the other's business. TheGerman had announced himself as a professor; probably, therefore, he wasa scientist. Being a scientist, the Professor had very likely invented,or nearly invented something intended for use in connection withsubmarine torpedo boats, and wanted to interest the concern by which theyoung submarine skipper was employed. Though this guess was areasonable one, it soon turned out to be the wrong one. The Professor'sreal reason for seeking this interview was one that was bound to takethe submarine boy almost off his feet.

  Readers of the preceding volumes in this series need no introduction toCaptain Jack Benson, nor to his chums, Hal Hastings and Eph Somers.Such readers recall, as told in "_The Submarine Boys on Duty_," howJack and Hal drifted into Dunhaven just at the right moment to fight foran opportunity to work themselves into the submarine boat buildingbusiness. How the boys helped build the first of the now famous Pollardsubmarines, and afterwards learned how to man her, was all told, togetherwith all their strange adventures in their new life.

  In the "_The Submarine Boys' Trial Trip_" was related how Jack Bensonsolved the problem of leaving a submarine boat when it lay on theocean's bottom, and also the trick of entering that submerged boatagain, after diving from the surface of the water. The attempt ofshrewd business men to secure control of the new submarine boat companywas also described, together with the manner in which the submarineboys outwitted them. Through a successful trial trip, and CaptainJack's ingenious ways of arousing public interest, the government wasforced to buy the "Pollard," as the first of the submarines was named.

  In "_The Submarine Boys and the Middies_" was narrated how the submarineboys secured the prize detail of going to the Naval Academy at Annapolisas temporary instructors in submarine boating. Many startling adventures,and some humorous ones, were related in that volume.

  Then in "_The Submarine Boys and the Spies_" was shown how the young mensuccessfully foiled the efforts of spies of foreign governments to learnthe secrets of the Pollard craft.

  In "The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise" the adventures of these clever,enterprising boys were carried further. In this book, was told how theboys were trained in the handling of the actual torpedo of, warfare. ThePollard boats, "Benson" and "Hastings" were entered in officialgovernment tests in which the submarine craft of several other makescompeted. The desperate lengths to which the nearest rival of thePollards went in order to win were told with startling accuracy. Theresult of all these tests was that the Pollard company received fromthe Navy Department an order for eighteen submarine torpedo boats, the"Benson" and the "Hastings" being accepted as the first two boats onthat order.

  By the time the present narrative opens it was near the first of May.Over at the shipyard, where facilities had been greatly increased, twoof the submarines had lately been finished, and four more were under wayin long construction sheds. Work on the government's order w
as beingrushed as fast as could be done while keeping up the Pollard standards,of high-class work.

  Of late Jack and his young friends, though their pay went on, had littlework to do. Whenever a new boat was completed it was the task of thesubmarine boys to take her out to sea and put her through all manner oftests in order to determine her fitness. But there were days and dayswhen the submarine boys had naught to do but enjoy themselves as theirfancy dictated.

  "Shall we sit down here?" asked Jack, as he and the tall German enteredthe hotel office.

  Jabez Holt stood behind the desk, bent over the register, on which theProfessor's name had been the only new one in a week. The old landlordpretended to be busy, but he was covertly watching and listening.

  "Sit here?" repeated Professor Radberg. "Ach, no! Come along with me."

  There was something rather disagreeably commanding in the German'sinvitation, but Jack merely smiled quietly as he followed in thestranger's wake. Up the stairs they went. The Professor unlocked adoor, admitting himself and his guest to the outer of a suite of tworooms. Once they were inside Radberg locked the door behind them.

  "Come to the other room, Herr Benson," directed the Professor. The doorof this inner room the German also locked, remarking:

  "Now, if the man, Holt, chooses to follow and listen, he can hearnothing."

  "All this sounds mighty mysterious," laughed Jack Benson, good-humoredly.

  However, the submarine boy went and stood by a chair near the window andthen waited until he saw that the stranger was about to seat himself.

  "Now," asked Jack, stretching his legs, "what's the business about? Ihaven't a whole lot of time to-day."

  "Listen, and you shall hear, as soon as I am ready," came, stiffly, fromthe stranger. "You are a boy, and I am Herr Professor--"

  "Oh, you told me all about being a hair professor before," smiled Jack."Now, see here. Whether you're really a barber, or whether you're justamusing yourself with me, we want to have one thing understood. I camehere, sir, as a matter of courtesy to you, and you will have to treatme with just as much courtesy. Otherwise, I shall wish yougood-morning."

  This was said with a flash of the eye which warned Radberg that, in hisrather overbearing way, he was going too for.

  "Oh, my dear young friend," he replied, persuasively, "you don'tunderstand. In Germany I am--well, perhaps what you would call arather distinguished man. At least, my neighbors are good enough tosay so. And, in Germany, when a herr professor talks, others listenrespectfully."

  "Just the same way with the hair professors in this country," chuckledJack. "When an American barber gets wound up and started, all a fellowcan do is to listen. It's no use trying to run away from a barberanywhere, I guess. He has you strapped down to the chair."

  "Barber?" repeated Professor Radberg, in disgust. "I don't understandyou."

  "Oh, it isn't necessary," laughed Jack. "It's a sort of Yankee joke.And I beg your pardon, Professor, if I am wasting your time. Now, goahead, please, and tell me why you invited me here."

  There was something of salt water breeziness and crispness about Jack'sspeech that caused the German's brow to cloud for an instant. Then,after a visible effort to compose himself, Radberg leaned forwardto ask:

  "Do you speak German?"

  "No, sir." Jack shook his head.

  "Ach, that is too bad!" muttered the German, in a voice suggestingsevere disapproval of one who hadn't mastered his own native tongue."However, you will soon learn."

  "Yes; if there's a big enough prize goes with it," agreed Jack.

  "Prize?" repeated Professor Radberg. "You will say so!"

  Then, leaning forward once more, and speaking in his most impressivevoice, Herr Professor Radberg continued:

  "Herr Benson, we are going to take you into the German Navy!"

  The Professor now leaned back to watch the effect of his words.

  "Are you going to do it when I'm awake?" asked Jack, curiously.

  "Nein! I do not understand you."

  "Are you going to take me in by force, or wait until you catch measleep?" questioned Captain Jack Benson.

  "Ach! Do not be silly, boy!"

  "I might say the same to you, Professor," replied Jack Benson,composedly, "but we'll let it pass. How are you going to get me intothe German Navy, and what are you going to do with me after you get methere?"

  "How?" cried Professor Radberg. "Why we are going to pay you a veryhandsome sum of money, and we are going to give you a most honorableposition in our imperial service. And--"

  Here Professor Radberg leaned forward once more, lowering his voiceconsiderably.

  "There are three of you boys, all experts at the Pollard works. Well,we are going to take all three of you into the German navy, and we willdo something very handsome for you all."

  "The other fellows will be delighted when I tell 'em what's coming theirway," smiled Captain Jack.

  "Ach! So? Of course."

  "Now, what do you propose to do with us in your navy?" Jack went on."Are you going to make officers of us?"

  "Officers?" repeated Herr Professor Radberg, slowly. "Well, no, HerrBenson. We could not exactly do that. Our officers are, as you willunderstand, very--what is your English word?--aristocratic. Theycould not be quite persuaded to take American commoners as their brotherofficers. That you would not expect, of course."

  "Certainly not," young Benson agreed. If there was a slight tinge ofsarcasm in his it was lost on the German, whose brow cleared as he wenton, heavily:

  "No, no, my young friend; not officers. But you shall all three havevery honorable positions, and handsome sums of money to pay you forentering our service. We in Germany know the rank which you young menhave won as submarine experts, and we shall not be niggardly, for wehave determined to have you in our service."

  "I hope you'll pardon me," proposed young Benson. "There is just onepoint that has been overlooked. You tell me that you are authorizedto come to Dunhaven and kidnap my friends and myself. But, really,how do I know that you have such authority from your own side of thewater?"

  Radberg looked a bit puzzled, for a moment. Then, as he seemed tobegin to comprehend, he replied, heavily:

  "Herr Benson, I have already told you that I am Herr Professor--"

  "Now, don't hang out the striped pole again, please," urged Jack, hisface as sober as that of a judge. "Come right down to the points ofthe compass. How am I to know that you really do represent theGerman government?"

  "Ach! I comprehend," nodded the German. "Of course you will understandthat, on an errand of this kind, I do not travel with too many papers.But I shall take you and your two companions on to Washington to-morrow,I think--"

  "To-morrow ought to do as well as any time," replied Jack, ironically.

  "Yes; I think it will be to-morrow," continued the German. "I shalltake you to our German Embassy, and one of our officials there willprove to you that I have been acting with authority."

  "That'll be right fine of him," agreed Jack, placidly.

  "Ach! It is settled, then," replied the German, all but dismissing thematter with a wave of his hand. "Yet you must bring your two comradeshere. They must understand just what is wanted of them. And now, HerrBenson, do you wish to understand what is to be paid to you to transferyour services to our German flag?"

  "Why, yes; that will be mighty important--if we go under the Germanflag."

  "If you go?" repeated the Professor. "Why, that is all settled!"

  "Then I must have missed something, by not watching you closely enough,"murmured Jack. "I shall have to sit up straighter and keep my eyeswider open. When was it all settled, sir?"

  "Why, did you not tell me--"

  "Haven't had a blessed chance to tell you anything," replied Jack,looking astonished. "You've been doing all the telling."

  "But you'll go with me, of course, to Washington?" uttered Radberg,looking much taken aback.

  "I doubt it," muttered y
oung Benson, shaking his head. "In fact, sir,I may as well tell you that it's waste of our time to carry this lineof talk any further."

  "Ach! You are cunning," smiled Professor Radberg, no longer nonplussed."That is as it should be, too, for you are a clever young man, HerrBenson."

  "A thousand thanks," murmured Captain Jack.

  "But, instead of talk," pursued the German, "you wish to see some money.Quite right! I should, were I in your place, Herr Benson. Well,then--ach! Look at this."

  Thrusting a fat hand down deep in a trousers pocket, Herr ProfessorRadberg brought up into view a big roll of money. He held this up sothat the submarine boy could feast his eyes on it. Jack looked,composedly.

  "Did you ever see anything like this--you, who are such a young boy?"smiled the German, teasingly.

  "I--I don't know, really," responded Jack, thoughtfully, thrusting ahand down into his own trousers pocket. Young Benson brought up intothe light a very comfortable looking handful of banknotes, rolled andsurrounded by a broad elastic band. "Let's measure the two, Professor,and see how they compare."

  "Ach!" muttered the German, regarding Jack's money with some displeasure."Where did you get all that?"

  "Oh, now, Professor!" cried the young submarine captain, reproachfully."I didn't ask you where you got yours!"

  "Ach! This is all so much foolishness!" cried the German Professor,returning his money to his pocket.

  "That's what I think, too," agreed Jack, following suit. "It's what ourEnglish cousins call 'bad form,' to go to comparing piles of money."

  "Now, sit down, Herr Benson, and I will tell you what a very handsomesum of money, and what excellent wages, the German government will payyou to enter our imperial naval service."

  "How much money is there in Germany?" interrupted the submarine boy,thoughtfully.

  "How much, in all Germany?" demanded the Professor. "Nein! How shouldI know?"

  "You expect me, of course, to turn my back on this country for good, totell you Germans whatever I may know about submarine secrets, to drillwith your navy, and be prepared to fight in your navy if war comes?"

  "Ach, yes! of course," replied Radberg. "Now, we are beginning tounderstand one another."

  "Professor," interrupted Captain Jack Benson, "we've had enough ofjoking."

  "Joking? I assure you--"

  "Professor," once more broke in the submarine boy, "_I wouldn't sell outmy country's flag for all the money you ever saw!_"

  For a few moments the Professor's face was a study in consternation.Then he broke forth, angrily:

  "Ach! You are a fool!"

  "I guess so," nodded Jack, without resentment. "That's just the kindof fools we Americans are generally."

  Herr Radberg was a good enough reader of human faces to realize that,at all events, there was no use in continuing the conversation atpresent.

  "Very good," he growled. "You can go. I shall see your friends,instead."

  "When you get through with 'em you'll think they're idiots," grinnedCaptain Jack Benson.

  Herr Radberg wasn't a fool. Neither was he a rascal, expert in offeringbribes. Brought up within the wall's of a German university, he wouldhave been willing to lay down his life instantly for the good of theFatherland. Yet he couldn't understand that men of other nations couldbe just as devoted to their own countries. From Herr ProfessorRadberg's point of view Germany was the only country in the world thatwas fitted to inspire a real and deep sense of patriotism.

  "No harm done, Professor," said Jack, moving toward the door, andturning the key to unlock it. "I'm sorry you had all the trouble andexpense of coming to Dunhaven on a useless errand. Good-bye!"

  "Ach! You may go, but you will come back," scowled the other. "Ifnot, your comrades will, I hope, prove to be young men of better senseand judgment."

  "Oh, they'll listen to you," smiled Jack. "Good-bye!"

  "I shall have two of you, anyway," were Radberg's last words before thedoor of the outer room closed and Jack's footsteps sounded in thecorridor.

Victor G. Durham's Novels