I passed an entire year under the command of Captain Meyer, duringwhich time I may say I committed no more--nor less, evil than mycomrades. I do not hold it necessary to mention the seven mortal sins,of which all soldiers are guilty when in the enemy's country--thosesins become virtues then.
Were I to enumerate the pillaging, homicides, conflagrations, in whichI took active part, it would be rather a _captatis benevolentiae_ thanan enforced confession. This much, however, I will confess: Theregions visited by Captain Meyer's corps never expressed a desire forour return. A whole year of such a life was quite enough for me; and,as I had enlisted for only a twelve-month, at the expiration of thattime I asked for my discharge.
The captain expressed regret at my wanting to leave him; but made noobjection when I gave him my reason for quitting the service; I washome-sick, and wanted to see my poor old mother and father. The oldfolks lived in Andernach, near which we were quartered. I had notseen them for full ten years; and I decided that I would spend therest of my days with them.
The gold and silver I had once counted on taking to them, to solacetheir old age, was not now in my possession: Satan, through whose aidI had obtained it, had taken it away from me again.
But, if I could not give my parents curse-laden wealth, I was able tooffer them two strong and willing arms which, after so many years ofsinful struggling, longed for the honest toil that would call down ablessing from heaven.
I would adopt my father's trade; become a pious believer, and try tobe of some use to my fellow-creatures.
Before I could do this, however, I should be obliged to commit aforgery--as the world would call it.
The burgomaster of Andernach, and the manager of the tannery in thatplace, were so very scrupulous, that they wanted to know all about myantecedents, before they would consent to receive me as a citizen, andjourneyman.
Not for the world would I have forged an entire testimonial forhonesty, and respectability; but I did not think, that to add a singlecipher to the honorable discharge I had received from Captain Meyerwas anything out of the way. A tiny, innocent, worth-nothing,insignificant cipher, that could harm no one, take nothing fromanyone! And I did not place it in front of the figure 1 either--thusgiving it the precedence over the more valuable numeral. If thehonorable, and high-born gentlemen will but look at it from adifferent point of view from that usually taken, I feel confident theywill not think my transgression so heinous after all. Heaven knows!_Ten_ years' service under Captain Meyer contained sufficient tortureto purge the most hardened criminal, and make him fit for citizenshipin any respectable community!
This, your highness, and honorable gentlemen, is the forgery to whichI plead guilty.
"Humph!" ejaculated his highness. "It is not worth mentioning! Whowould take the trouble to notice such a trifle? Proceed to theindictment next on the list--"
"On which there is still another crime less!" grumbled the chairimpatiently.