Transcriber's Note: The original edition did not contain a table ofcontents. A table of contents has been created for this electronicedition.
The use of quotation marks in the original text was irregular and notalways consistent. Some words, especially proper names, were alsospelled inconsistently. Except as noted below, spelling andpunctuation have been left as they originally appeared.
On the title page, "MAURUS JOKAI" was changed to "MAURUS JOKAI".
In Part I, Chapter I, a single-quote (') was changed to a double-quote(") after "It would make the carrying on a war an easy matter."
In Part I, Chapter II, "Prisoners: I was a member of a band ofrobbers" was changed to "Prisoner: I was a member of a band ofrobbers", and a missing quotation mark was added after "diabolicumimplicitum".
In Part II, Chapter I, quotation marks were added after "Kto tam?Stoj!" and "not a man of your word", "you shall have this koltuk-denigenegi"was changed to "you shall have this koltuk-dengenegi", and "Incendariiambitiosi comburantur" was changed to "Incendiarii ambitiosicomburantur".
In Part II, Chapter II, "cities, castles, and monastaries" was changedto "cities, castles, and monasteries", and a quotation mark was addedafter "not the other one!"
In Part III, Chapter I, a quotation mark was added after "what yourcrutch contains!", "I don't wan't brandy" was changed to "I don't wantbrandy", and a quotation mark after "the tongue in which demonsspake--" was removed.
In Part IV, Chapter I, a quotation mark was added before "This wine,Malchus", a quotation mark was added after "homicidium", "Qui benedistinquet" was changed to "Qui bene distinguit", and "deeply incensedby the impiety of the donnenritter" was changed to "deeply incensed bythe impiety of the dornenritter".
In Part V, Chapter II, "Que bene distinguit" was changed to "Qui benedistinguit", a period and quotation mark were added after "thetwo-thousand you owe me", quotation marks were removed after "seal thebargain with a kiss" and "bought with the money her son had givenher", and "the same geneological tree" was changed to "the samegenealogical tree".
In Part VI, Chapter I, "worth-nothing, insignificent cipher" waschanged to "worth-nothing, insignificant cipher", and a missing periodwas added after "in every city in the land".
In Part VII, Chapter I, a quotation mark was removed after"respectable God-fearing man".
In Part VIII, Chapter III, "mantained direct communication" waschanged to "maintained direct communication".
In Part IX, Chapter I, a quotation mark before "During a calm" wasremoved, and "how is it posible that such a storm" was changed to "howis it possible that such a storm".
In Part X, Chapter II, "all were against, me" was changed to "all wereagainst me".
In Part XI, Chapter I, "cast from me every fear" was changed to "Icast from me every fear", and "David's battle with Goliah" was changedto "David's battle with Goliath".
In Part XI, Chapter II, "Sint ut sunt aut nou sint" was changed to"Sint ut sunt aut non sint".
In Part XIII, Chapter I, a single quote (') was changed to a doublequote (") before "Why do you wish to exchange?" and "Do you stillbelong to the satyrs?", and a quotation mark was added before "Theleader has ordered it" and after "such outrageous fables".
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