rough water conditions for, 94, 243, 245, 258

  rudders and steering in, 90, 139, 340, 344–45, 348

  saltwater, 197

  season for, 18, 22, 84–85, 127–28, 131, 218, 229–31, 358

  seating positions in, 47, 49, 50, 90, 179

  shells used in, 2, 13, 15, 18, 48, 53, 71–72, 77, 87–89, 109, 111, 125, 135–41, 165, 181, 186, 213–15, 234, 240–41, 247, 257–58, 291, 310, 337, 348, 366

  slides in, 185, 223, 229, 330

  speed in, 50–51, 53, 87, 90–94, 105, 128, 136, 137, 139, 140, 161–62, 178, 196–97, 240, 248–49, 256–57, 266–73, 280–82, 343, 348–51

  sprints in, 40, 109, 151, 162, 197, 220, 223, 232, 240, 256–57, 265, 266–73, 277, 278, 310, 323–24, 344, 345, 347

  stake boats in, 115, 116

  starting line and signal for, 92–93, 97–98, 115, 166–67, 188, 247, 256, 264, 266, 267, 278, 280–81, 329–30, 340–41, 343

  stroke count or rate in, 85, 90–91, 93–94, 97, 98–99, 105–6, 112, 116, 152–53, 162, 166, 167–68, 178, 224, 231, 240, 241, 247, 248, 253, 256–57, 265, 266–73, 277, 278, 281–82, 312, 313, 323–24, 330–31, 344, 346, 347, 348–51

  stroke length in, 43, 47–48, 89, 330–31, 348

  stroke position in, 49, 50, 158, 161–62, 163, 178, 179, 183, 234, 238, 247, 248, 322–23, 339

  stroke pull in, 2, 47, 50, 89–90, 109–10, 158, 280–81, 310

  surges in, 152–53, 197, 256–57, 266–73, 278, 330–31, 348–51

  swamping in, 164, 234, 243

  “swing” in, 161–62, 165, 187, 229, 230, 247, 275, 326, 331

  synchronization in, 49, 50, 78, 89–90, 93–94, 153, 161–62, 155, 187, 234–35, 237, 281–82, 321

  tanks for, 151

  teamwork in, 2–3, 41–42, 125, 149, 158, 177–78, 207, 234–35, 237, 240, 241, 246, 283, 297, 311–12, 321, 355

  tempo (cadence) in, 89, 161–62, 167, 178, 269, 282

  training for, 15, 39–40, 43, 48–51, 71–72, 91, 129, 136, 177–78, 204, 258, 290, 297, 303, 326

  trophies for, 99, 116–17, 127, 283

  victories in, 88–89, 105–6, 117–18, 188–91, 196–97

  weight in, 53, 93, 137, 231, 247, 258, 303, 310, 328

  workouts in, 48–51, 71–72, 77, 89, 114, 135

  rowing machines, 111, 302–3

  rudders, 90, 138, 340, 344–45, 348

  Rutgers University, 116

  SA (Sturmabteilung), 21, 76, 100–101, 143, 144, 297, 316, 324–25

  Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 332

  Sackett, Ada, 304

  San Francisco Chronicle, 85, 95, 167, 358

  Saxton, Lloyd, 281–82

  Schacht, Bud, 130, 245

  Schmeling, Anny, 261

  Schmeling, Max, 259–61, 360

  Schmidt, Herbert, 350

  Schmidt, Willard, 291–92

  Schnatterly, John M., 31–32

  Schoch, Delos, 130, 245

  Schulte, Buzz, 86

  Schwartz family, 53

  sculling, 43–45, 157, 199–200, 230, 293, 368

  Seabiscuit, 113, 243, 358

  Seattle, Wash., 7–10, 8, 15, 17–18, 19, 35, 47–48, 53–61, 66–68, 71, 72–75, 78, 79–80, 83, 94, 95–100, 116, 121, 128, 140–42, 148, 150–51, 158, 160–61, 163, 169–74, 188, 193, 197, 199–200, 209, 211, 223, 238, 240–41, 242–43, 244–45, 255, 278, 279, 284–86, 339, 349, 351, 353, 357, 358, 363

  Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7, 10, 11, 17–19, 39, 74, 91, 128, 150, 174, 175, 180, 190, 257, 258, 263, 285, 353

  Seattle Reds, 173–74

  Seattle Times, 117, 128, 158, 162, 169, 174, 175, 176, 180, 212, 248, 249, 271, 286

  Secor, Harry, 61, 125, 237

  Sequim, Wash., 52, 53–69, 73, 75, 80, 116, 125, 135, 145, 160, 161, 171, 209, 210, 219, 221, 224, 279, 286, 357, 367

  Sequim Press, 57

  Shack Town, 199, 202, 203

  Shakespeare, William, 135, 213

  shantytowns, 7–9, 79–80, 141

  Sheridan Beach, 96, 245, 249

  Shoudy, Loyal, 112–13, 264, 284

  Simdars, Edith, 63–65, 73, 80

  Simdars, Joyce, see Rantz, Joyce Simdars

  single sculls, 44–45, 157, 293, 368

  Slater, Bill, 336, 339

  Smith, Charles, 121, 169–70

  Smith, Tom, 243

  smoking, 16–17, 130, 204, 213, 277, 305, 324, 363

  Soap Lake, 204–5

  Sousa, John Philip, 27, 307

  Speer, Albert, 143, 144

  sperm whale oil, 337, 348

  Spokane, Wash., 26–31, 32, 122, 204–5, 219, 221

  Sportsman Handicap, 43

  SS (Schutzstaffel), 144, 311, 315, 321–22, 333

  Stanford University, 47, 87, 111, 112, 321

  Stanley, Ed, 175

  Stanley, Henry, 42

  Stanley Cup, 174

  “Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 353, 354–55

  stock market crash (1929), 9, 57, 60, 122, 135, 199, 238

  Strauss, Richard, 317, 319

  Stürmer, Der, 297, 332

  Suzzallo Library, 51, 158–59, 276

  Switzerland, 324, 334, 337, 345, 346, 348

  Syracuse University, 13, 23, 115–17, 136, 187, 189, 196, 267, 268

  Tamanawas, 188, 189

  Tampa, 185

  Tellwright, Mrs., 209–10, 266

  Ten Eyck, Jim, 115, 182, 279, 358–59

  Thames River, 42–44, 47, 111, 323, 358

  Thompson, Willis, 75

  three-mile courses, 92, 156, 180–81, 187–88, 190, 241, 242, 254

  tides, 110, 242, 263

  Time, 305

  Timpson, George, 272

  Titanic, 111

  Tokyo Imperial University, 312–13

  Triumph of the Will, 142–44

  Tunisian, 44

  two-mile courses, 92–93, 97–100, 115–17, 128, 166, 180, 187–88, 245, 264

  two-thousand-meter courses, 40, 196–97, 220, 223–24, 240, 255, 256, 273, 279, 328–29

  Ulbrickson, Al:

  background of, 15, 113, 150, 264, 267

  Ebright compared with, 85–86, 95, 242–43, 247, 249, 254–55, 256, 258, 260, 264, 270, 273, 275, 279, 285

  as head rowing coach, 15–17, 16, 19, 22–23, 38, 39, 49, 50, 67, 77–78, 83, 84–85, 89–90, 95, 105–6, 113, 117–19, 128–30, 131, 141, 142, 149–71, 196–97, 204, 212–13, 215, 220, 221, 223–24, 229–31, 233, 234, 240–49, 253–73, 277, 278–79, 284–86, 290, 320, 358–59, 363–64

  at Olympic Games (1936), 300, 303, 307, 310, 312, 313, 320, 322, 323, 326, 327–28, 331–35, 338–39, 346, 347–48, 349, 350, 353, 354, 355

  at Olympic rowing trials (1936), 273, 275–86

  Olympics as goal of, 118–19, 149–50, 152, 167, 170, 177, 188, 196, 211–12, 229, 230–31, 238–39, 240, 241, 242, 249, 253, 267, 273, 275–86

  at Poughkeepsie regatta (1934), 117-19

  at Poughkeepsie regatta (1935), 176–77, 180, 181–91, 196

  at Poughkeepsie regatta (1936), 253–73

  press coverage of, 149, 231, 240–41, 243, 258, 264, 283, 322, 364

  reputation of, 16–17, 22–23, 149, 188–91, 196–97, 231, 240–41, 244, 258, 264, 279, 283, 322, 363–64

  Ulbrickson, Al, Jr., 272

  Ulbrickson, Hazel, 211–12, 266, 267, 272, 358

  Undine Barge Club, 293

  University of Washington Daily, 75, 76, 145, 150, 151, 152, 159

  Vancouver Rowing Club, 44–45

  Vanni, Edo, 174

  Varnell, George, 117, 128, 158, 180, 248, 271, 272, 285, 286

  Varsity Boat Club, 254, 366–67

  Versailles, Treaty of, 10, 76, 251

Victory of Faith, 103

  Viking Rowing Club, 310

  Virginia V, 141

  Völs, Gerd, 348, 350

  Wagner, Richard, 316

  Wallace, Henry, 120

  Walling, Dow, 112

  Wallis, Ben, 86–87

  Washington, 293

  Washington, University of, 10–11, 51, 72–73, 95–100, 121, 141, 158–59, 173–74, 233, 244, 249

  Washington, University of, rowing team:

  academic performance and, 13, 14–15, 23, 41–42, 51, 130, 369

  alumni support for, 112–13, 151, 253, 264, 284

  anniversary rows of, 364–66, 365, 368

  assistant coaches of, 14, 21, 71–72, 106–7, 110, 131, 137, 141, 190–91, 196

  banquet for, 112–13, 264, 284

  in Berlin Olympics (1936), see Olympic Games (Berlin) (1936)

  camaraderie of, 72–73, 78–79, 84, 108–9, 141–42, 150, 152–53, 155, 177, 184–85, 219–21, 234–35, 240

  course records set by, 99, 106, 107

  coxswains of, 18, 48, 50, 78, 79, 85, 89–90, 92–93, 94, 98–99, 104–6, 110, 115, 117, 130, 140, 152–53, 157, 158, 167, 168, 182, 184–85, 188, 189, 197, 224, 231–33, 247–48, 265, 266–73, 278, 283, 324, 325, 329

  crew rosters (“boatings”) of, 130–31, 150, 165, 229, 238, 239, 241

  equipment for, 87–89

  first boats of, 77–80, 83, 84–85, 91, 107, 141, 149, 156, 157, 162–63, 220, 229, 230–31, 234, 238

  freshman crews of, 11–15, 19, 21–22, 25, 39–42, 48–51, 70, 71–80, 83–100, 105–19, 127–28, 130, 151–52, 157, 162, 166, 177, 186, 199, 220, 230, 239, 240, 259, 264–65, 273, 358, 369–70

  funding for, 18, 19, 112–13, 241–42, 243, 284–86

  gold and purple as colors of, 113, 166, 170, 245, 264, 284, 367

  head coaches of, 45–47, 77–79, 86–87

  as “Huskies,” 17, 112, 118

  intramural races of, 152–53, 230

  jerseys worn by, 41, 51, 92, 116–17, 149, 159, 220, 302, 338, 357

  junior varsity (JV) of, 83, 92, 93, 97, 115, 117, 128, 129, 130, 150, 152–53, 157, 158, 162–63, 164, 165, 166–67, 169, 176–77, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186–88, 201, 220, 233, 239, 245–46, 254, 259, 265, 266, 273, 358, 363

  launch of, 84, 85

  logbook of, 85, 155, 156, 158, 165, 169, 234, 240

  “lucky hat” for, 97–98, 115, 186, 264, 271, 280, 338

  middle seats (“engine room”) of, 90, 167, 179

  mixed crews of, 149, 153–54, 158, 163, 220, 229, 238–40

  newsreel footage of, 230, 283, 285, 293, 351, 353, 354, 357

  oars used by, 13, 14, 17, 49, 71, 84

  photographs of, 6, 16, 38, 70, 152, 172, 228, 283, 294, 301, 302–3, 306, 310, 312, 320, 329, 351, 352, 365, 365, 366

  post-Olympics years of, 357–70

  press coverage of, 14, 16, 17–19, 22, 39, 80, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94–95, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117–19, 128, 149–50, 158, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168–69, 170, 177, 180–81, 182, 183–85, 186, 187–88, 190–91, 197, 211–12, 230, 231, 238, 240–41, 243, 246, 248, 249, 255–56, 257, 258, 263, 266, 271–72, 273, 278, 279, 282, 283, 285, 293, 294, 351, 353, 354, 357, 365, 366

  public support for, 18–19, 94–100, 107, 112–13, 116, 117, 128, 241–42, 243, 284–86

  racing season of, 18, 84–85

  racing shells of, 12–13, 14, 41–48, 49

  seat one (bow seat) of, 90, 130, 229, 238

  seat two of, 90, 130, 154, 157, 199, 201, 220, 238

  seat three of, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 129, 130, 154, 229, 238, 271

  seat four of, 90, 106, 130, 220, 238

  seat five of, 90, 130, 157, 218, 238

  seat six of, 90, 93, 130, 220, 238

  seat seven of, 90, 91, 93, 97, 98, 130, 158, 220, 238, 239

  seat eight (stroke oar) of, 85, 90–91, 93, 118, 130, 150–51, 152, 157, 166, 220, 238–39, 247, 248, 251, 256–57, 269, 270, 281, 282, 283, 324, 326, 330–31, 332, 335, 338, 345, 347, 354

  shell house (boat house) of, 6, 12–14, 19, 21–22, 25, 40–43, 48, 51, 72–73, 77–78, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 92, 95, 106, 109, 110, 115, 116–17, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134–35, 138, 140, 141, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 159, 166, 176, 182–83, 185, 209, 212, 213, 215, 219–20, 229, 239, 257, 273, 276, 277, 280, 309, 311–12, 337, 340, 353–54, 365, 368–70

  shells used by, 13, 15, 18, 48, 71–72, 77, 83, 87–89, 109, 112, 125, 127, 135–41, 165, 181, 186, 214, 215, 240–41, 247, 364, 366

  slumps of, 89–91, 92, 106–7

  sophomore crew of, 127–31, 141, 149–71, 176–77, 180, 181–91, 220–21, 233, 266

  timings and time trials of, 84–85, 89–91, 92, 93, 97, 99, 106, 107, 109, 114, 156, 157, 158, 163, 164, 165, 176, 180–81, 184, 190, 230, 234, 240, 241, 242, 243, 254, 258, 259, 278, 281–82, 310, 321, 334, 350–51

  training barge (Old Nero) used by, 48–49, 70, 71–72, 83, 84, 127

  at Travers Island, 286–91

  varsity crews of, 22, 48, 51, 71, 75, 83, 84–85, 92, 97, 105–6, 111, 112–13, 117–18, 128, 129, 130, 141, 150–51, 152, 153, 156, 162–63, 165, 167–69, 176–77, 180–85, 215, 219–20, 230–31, 233, 237, 239, 240–41, 242, 246–49, 253–54, 258, 261–73, 275–86, 358–59, 363

  victories of, 95–100, 112–17, 162–71, 219–21, 271–73, 275–76, 282–84, 321, 358–59

  “W” as letter for, 12, 41

  weather conditions for, 41, 71, 84, 85, 91, 92, 94, 99, 107, 109, 110, 116, 141–42, 149, 151–52, 158–59, 162, 163, 165, 167, 181, 185, 186, 188, 223, 230, 234, 243, 245, 246, 248, 258, 266–67, 277, 310–11, 321, 322, 334–35, 340–41, 344, 345–46, 347, 348

  Washington Athletic Club, 170–71, 285

  Washington State, 121, 122–23, 141–42, 193–94, 282–83, 339

  watermen, 42–44, 47, 110, 323

  Watson, Emmett, 18

  wave conditions, 94, 109–10, 142, 155–56, 182, 245, 246, 340–41, 348

  Western Union, 117, 282

  West Side Rowing Club, 294

  White, John, Sr., 200–201

  White, Johnny, 157, 186, 199–205, 207, 211, 218, 220, 221, 228, 237, 238, 239, 254, 255, 258, 263, 271, 279, 287, 292, 303, 310, 311, 319, 321, 324, 326, 328, 357, 363, 366

  White, Maimie, 200

  White, Mary Helen, 292, 363

  Whiteside, Charlie, 262, 264

  Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, 208

  Williams, Joe, 271, 275

  Willman, Judy Rantz, 1, 2–3, 361, 366, 367

  Windsor, Froggy, 358

  Wingate, Richard, 308–9

  Winslow, Wink, 182, 187

  Wong, Harry, 203

  Woo Dip Kitchen, 203, 204

  World War I, 10, 19, 48, 62, 211, 324, 333

  World War II, 76–77, 323, 359, 360–61

  Wray, Jim, 279

  Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 25

  Wyman, George Adams, 25–26

  Yale University, 13, 18, 22, 23, 48, 86, 110–11, 184, 262, 285

  YMCA, 73, 135, 155, 218, 222, 246, 254

  Zamperini, Louis, 303



  Daniel James Brown, The Boys in the Boat



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