Page 24 of Delinquent Daddy

  "He...he what!" Her mouth fell open. "He can't do that."

  She stared hard at Winston until sweat beaded on the shiny top of his head and began to drip down. He squirmed under her intense gaze and dropped his eyes.

  "His advertising firm is our biggest client, Ellie," he tried to explain. "And you know our policy. The client is the most important—"

  "So, you're just going to fire me because I wouldn't sleep with him?" she blurted out, her face heating with indignation.

  "Now, I don't know anything about that," Winston started, lifting a hand to stop her from saying more. "And frankly, I don't want to know. What you do after hours and with whom is none of my business."

  "Except that's exactly why you're firing me," Ellie countered, setting her hands on her hips.

  "Now, don't look at it that way, Ellie. I—"

  "Then how should I look at it, Winston?"

  He flushed. "It's perfectly fine that you rejected him. Ted just...well, he said he's not comfortable having a working relationship with you anymore. It has nothing to with...with..." He motioned blindly with his hands.

  Ellie lifted her brows and waited for him to say it aloud.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  "Damn it, Ellie," he blustered in helpless frustration. "My hands are tied here. I don't want to let you go. You're the best assistant I've ever had."

  "Then don't let me go," Ellie said. "Tell Barnaby to go to hell and find himself different legal representation."

  Winston gaped at her, his mouth dropping in mute shock.

  "Give him over to Mercer," she said.

  "Come on." He laughed incredulously at the idea of giving his partner Ted's business. "You know I can't do that."

  "If I were really that important of an employee to you,"

  Ellie countered softly, "you already would have."

  And with that, she picked up her purse and turned toward the exit.

  "Ellie!" he said in alarm. "Where're you going?"

  "Home," she said without turning around. "You fired me, remember?"

  "But...but..." He scurried to his feet and hurried after her.

  "But I'm giving you two weeks. Ellie!" he nearly screamed after her departing back. "I need you here until I can get a replacement..."

  She didn't hear any more of his sniveling bellyaching.

  She'd already walked out and shut the door between them.

  Nora found her sitting on her back porch, staring across to the yard at Keller and Cassie's empty tree house.

  "You heard?" she asked without glancing over as Nora fell with a groan into the chair next to her.

  "Winston's already called me five times, begging me to talk you into coming back," Nora said, gazing lazily at the empty tree house as well.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  It wasn't even noon yet, and both their children were in school. Ellie wasn't used to being home on a Monday morning. It felt strange, unnatural. But at Nora's words, she glanced over with interest.

  "Permanently?" she asked.

  Her friend snorted and sent her a get-real look. "Just for the rest of your two weeks or until he can find a replacement."

  Ellie actually laughed. Nora's claim sounded so much like Winston, it was actually funny.

  "Why am I not surprised?" She reached up to wipe at her face, hoping to attain some sense of decency. She had stopped crying, but no doubt her face was still red and puffy.

  From the sympathetic look Nora sent her, she could only guess how awful she appeared.

  "I told him to go screw himself if that makes you feel any better," Nora offered.

  Ellie laughed again. "Thanks," she said, only for a fresh wave of tears to grip her. "Oh God, Nora, what am I going to do? I'm barely making the bills as it is. All my credit cards are maxed out, and I have nothing in savings. I can't lose my job."

  "Well, I'd say it's time to call in the secret weapon," Nora said, propping her feet up and laying a hand over her brow to wince at the bright sunlight.

  "And what would that be?" Ellie said, staring at the woman next to her. By all appearances, Nora looked casual and relaxed, like she was enjoying a day at the beach.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  "Seems to me that your baby's daddy has plenty of money to spare."

  Unable to believe her ears, Ellie felt her mouth pop open.

  "You think I should send Cassie to live with Boston?"

  Nora dropped her hand and turned to frown at Ellie. "Hell, no. I'm saying, he's been Cassie's father for nearly ten years now and, save for the past month, he hasn't done one thing to help raise her."

  "But, that's my fault. I—"

  "Doesn't matter," Nora interrupted. "The man owes you years of child support. Think about it, El. Every doctor's appointment, dentist bill, not to mention school supplies, clothes, food. He owes you, and he seems like someone who wouldn't balk too much at paying up. If he's even the slightest bit grateful for the wonderful girl you raised, he'll be more than pleased to reimburse you something."

  "God, Nora, I can't—"

  "Just hear me out." Nora lifted her hand to plead her case, but Ellie sat up in outrage.

  "No," she said. "I refuse to take one penny from Boston.

  He would've been here all along, paying half of everything if I hadn't lied to him. So, the way I see it, I forfeited all rights for child support."

  "And what about now?" Nora asked.

  "What about it?"

  "Now, he knows," Nora murmured. "And he's involved.

  Even if you didn't collect on the past nine years, you can start getting support from now on until she's eighteen. Admit it.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  With his help, you could hold back the debt collectors until you found yourself another job."

  Ellie bit her lip and frowned. "But I don't want to rely on Boston or his money."

  "And I don't want a husband who cheats on me with every willing woman that comes along." Nora shrugged and sent Ellie a sad smile. "Sometimes, we do what we need to, to get by. For our child's sake."

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The building of EarthNet looked like some kind of space station more suited for the next millennium. Ellie sucked in a breath as she neared it. She couldn't believe Nora had actually talked her into doing this, couldn't believe she'd come all this way to ask for Boston's help. But she didn't know what else to do. She needed

  Since it was nearly seven in the evening, she'd gone to Boston's home first. The three-story brick building had been enough to intimidate her without seeing where he worked.

  Boston lived in a friggin' mansion. No wonder Cassie was so excited to visit her dad again.

  But Boston hadn't been home. Knowing he worked long hours, she'd decided to try his office next. Ellie should've called, but she was afraid he'd refuse to see her. He hadn't looked too receptive when he'd stared at her through the car window of his Infiniti as he'd dropped Cassie off the night before... God, had that only been last night? So much had happened since then.

  He was no doubt still mad at her for going out with Ted in the first place. If he knew that good old Ted had gotten her fired, he'd probably laugh in her face. As it was, he was going to hate her when she told him she wanted to start receiving child support. Her shot for a new beginning with him was more than likely blown to hell.

  There was no way he would want to be with her after she flaunted another guy in his face one night and then 298

  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  demanded money from him three nights later. Ellie groaned and ran her hands through her hair. She had to have the worst timing ever, or the most rotten luck.

>   It just wasn't meant to be for them. That's all there was to it. She and Boston weren't destined to be together. The sigh she let out came from the depths of her soul.

  EarthNet was eight stories tall. Ellie dragged her feet so badly on the way to the entrance, she'd taken the time to count each one. Cameron had tried to explain to her at Thanksgiving what exactly his and Boston's jobs at EarthNet entailed, but she still wasn't too certain. She knew he bought businesses that were already established and then he either fixed them up or merged them to other businesses before selling them again for a profit. She had no idea how that constituted the need for eight floors of offices, but they obviously had the profit to afford them, so who was she to question it?

  The front doors slid open automatically when Ellie reached them. She jumped a step back, not expecting such a welcome, before she cautiously eased into the huge lobby.

  The velvet red carpet looked like it belonged in a high-star hotel. But the single reception desk resembled something that would be in a trust fund building on Wall Street.

  The woman sitting there lifted her face as the chilly December breeze entered the building with Ellie. A security guard who'd been patrolling the room also glanced over. He paused and watched her curiously as she moved toward the front desk. Besides the receptionist and guard, no one else 299

  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  was in the huge cathedral-shaped entrance. If the floor hadn't been carpet, her footsteps would've echoed like crazy.

  "I'm sorry," the receptionist told her before she'd even reached the desk. "But all of our offices are closed for the evening. If you'd like to make an appointment with someone, you'll have to come back tomorrow when we're open. Our office hours are..."

  Ellie zoned out as the women droned on. She just wanted to know if Boston was here.

  "Actually," she interrupted, leaning forward and giving the tight-lipped woman an apologetic smile for interrupting, "I just need to see Boston Kincaid if he's here. It's not a business call."

  She glanced around the large room for some kind of sign or directory that gave employee names or where different departments were located.

  "I'm sorry," the woman said again. "But all our offices are officially closed for the evening. I suggest you come back tomorrow and—"

  "You can't even tell me if he's here?" Ellie asked, her annoyance growing. She'd come all this way, knees knocking the entire distance. She couldn't not talk to him tonight.

  She'd lose her nerve.

  "I'm sorry, ma'am. It's against policy to give that kind of information after hours. If you'd like to speak to Mr. Kincaid, I suggest you come back—"

  Tomorrow...yeah, yeah, yeah. Ellie didn't need a recorded message. She needed to know if Boston was here or not.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  But thank God a familiar voice called out, "Ellie?" or she might have strangled the aggravating receptionist.

  Ellie spun around and saw Cameron, Chinese takeout in tow, approaching her with a wide, welcoming smile.

  Oh, thank God.

  Shoulders slumping in relief, Ellie stepped from the receptionist's desk and moved toward him.

  "Wow, you're a sight for sore eyes," he told her and, to her surprise, enveloped her in a warm, one-armed hug. "Couldn't stay away from me, huh?" he finished with a friendly kiss on her cheek.

  But she was so nervous and focused on accomplishing her mission, she couldn't even answer or rebuke his tease. "Do you know where Boston is?"

  He paused, gaze turning worried. "He's taking a client to supper," he said, reaching out to take her arm. "Is everything okay?"

  Unable to speak a lie aloud, she merely bobbed her head yes. But he didn't believe her silent reassurance. Keeping a hold of her elbow, he said, "Let me show you where his office is." Then he glanced at the receptionist. "Patricia, could you have an unrestricted pass made up for Miss Trenton? She's allowed to visit Boston or me at any time."

  Patricia's gaze sliced curiously toward Ellie, but she answered with a curt, professional, "Certainly, Mr. Banks."

  "Ellie's the newest member of our family," Cameron elaborated with a proud grin Ellie's way. "I don't think either Bos or I have gotten around to informing you of the addition.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  Oh! And while you're at it, could you make up a pass for her daughter, Cassidy, as well?"

  "Cass—" The receptionists eyes went wide, and she gaped at Ellie in a new light. Now, there was a name she obviously recognized. "Oh," she breathed out in new understanding.

  "I'm so sorry," she said in a rush. "I didn't realize—"

  "Quite all right, Pat," Cameron interceded as he turned and ushered Ellie toward a bank of elevators. "This way, El."

  After pressing the elevator button with his elbow, he glanced at Ellie. He seemed to take in everything at once. But he drowned the worry in his eyes by grinning at her.

  "Have you eaten supper yet? I've got plenty here to share."

  Ellie didn't think she'd ever be able to eat again. "Ah, no.

  But thank you."

  Cameron nodded and turned to watch the lights above the elevator with her. When the doors finally opened, he motioned for her to precede him inside. "It won't bother you if I eat in front of you then, will it?" he asked once they were closed alone in the metal box.

  Ellie shook her head.

  Cam's shoulders deflated in relief. "Thank God. I'm starving. Haven't eaten since breakfast. We've been swamped around here. I was actually supposed to be the one taking the client out to dinner tonight, but I had other things to do. So, I forced the job on Boston. He hates social schmoozing, so that made it even sweeter." He grinned at Ellie and winked. "It makes my day when I get to piss him off."


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  "If he's not going to be in a good mood, maybe I should just come back—"

  "Nonsense," Cameron cut in happily. "He's always in a pissy mood. That's just our Bos for you. Ah, here we are," he said as they stopped. The number above the opening door read Eight.

  "He shares the top floor with me," Cameron explained as he turned right and led Ellie toward an opened doorway. "This is his side."

  His side? As in, the entire half of the eighth floor was his office?

  Ellie could only gape in amazed wonder as she followed Boston's cousin into his side. It was beyond extravagant, and she had to question how she'd ever become acquainted with someone like Boston Kincaid in the first place. He lived so far above anything she was used to.

  "There's a wet bar behind here if you're thirsty," Cameron offered, pressing a panel until part of the wall slid open.

  "Television's here," he continued, opening another wall.

  "Bathroom in there. And...there's a phone in here or one on the secretary's desk. I'm extension 801 if you need anything.

  Well..." he started to back toward the exit. "I've got to get back to my work. Want to get home to Livy before she falls asleep."

  Ellie wrung her hands as she glanced around. "Are you sure it's okay for me to wait for him myself?"

  Cameron paused and gave her a funny look. "Why not?"

  "Well, I..." Ellie just gave him a blank stare.


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  When she couldn't come up with a verbal reason not to wait for Boston here, Cameron sent her a slow grin. "Good luck," he murmured and then winked, disappearing out the door before she could say anything else.

  Letting out a little sigh of frustration, Ellie ran her hands through her hair and turned in a slow circle. She went about closing all the wall panels Cameron had just opened. Then she returned to the secretary's outer office and sat in one of the black leather waiting chairs.

  Boston showed up less than five minutes later. She could hear his voice mixed with a stranger
's as soon as the elevator doors opened down the hall. Clasping her cold hands together in fear, she waited until he and his client, an older gray-haired man, appeared in the door before she pushed to her feet.

  "Ellie?" Boston said and stopped dead in his tracks.

  "Hello," she said, sending an apologetic look his client's way. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. Cameron said I could wait here until—"

  "Nonsense," Boston's companion told her. "I was just popping in to schedule another meeting with Kincaid here.

  Then I'll be on my way. We just got back from dinner," the stranger explained as if he thought Ellie should be privy to everything Boston did.

  "Cassie?" Boston asked, looking concerned as he stepped toward her.

  "She's with your mother?"

  That news stopped him cold. "My mother?"


  Delinquent Daddy

  by Linda Kage

  "Diane seemed more than happy to watch her for a few hours."

  It took a second, but Boston finally treated her to a slow smile. "I'm sure she was," he murmured. Then he realized he still had a client standing there, watching them.

  "I'll be right with you," he said quietly, giving her a slightly concerned look before turning back to his job and flipping open a datebook that lay on the secretary's desk.

  But just as the two men began to hash out their schedules, the phone rang. Boston frowned at it and looked indecisive for a moment before he turned the datebook toward his client.

  "Just pencil in any free spot during the weekdays," he told the man and quickly started for the open door of his office. "I have to get that."

  The man waved him on distractedly as he studied the open dates.

  Wondering if she should just go, Ellie stood there fidgeting.

  The client finally chose a time and after writing it in, he glanced her way. "Could you tell him I picked the fourteenth at ten?"

  Ellie offered him a warm smile. "Sure," she said.

  He nodded and left.

  Boston was still on the phone, looking engrossed in his conversation. Ellie bit her lip. This was a bad idea; she should go.

  But before she could turn her hide around and get out of there, the phone in the reception area of his office rang again.

  Ellie glanced at it and then into the doorway at Boston.