Page 6 of The Princess

  Rafe would never have let his son go had he realized how much he had upset Nikolai or how dark the storm was that brewed inside.

  With a schedule change that would be easier to discuss with both the prince and the princess, Murdock had asked Shelby to wait in Nikolai’s office. Shelby had never been in this room before and wasn’t even comfortable sitting down, but she liked the colors and the way the prince had things arranged. She stood just five feet inside the door and let her eyes do the walking. Some of the bookshelves were full of leatherbound volumes, and there were tall oak file cabinets too. It all looked so neat and important that for a moment, Shelby felt a bit insignificant.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  The prince’s voice startled Shelby so much that she jumped and spun, her face looking guilty for no reason. She watched the prince come into the room, his face showing his disapproval. Her thoughts scattered, Shelby began to back toward the door.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly, bumping into the doorjamb before she found the actual doorway to the anteroom. Once outside, the office door was shut, and Shelby looked around in dismay. She knew she’d handled it badly, but he had so taken her by surprise. Debating what to do next, Shelby decided to take a seat in the anteroom and wait for Murdock. She had been waiting only a few minutes when the office door opened.

  “You could have told me Murdock asked you to wait here,” the prince began without preamble, his voice still agitated. “He just called to explain he would be late.”

  “I’m sorry,” Shelby said again, and without thinking the prince took his anger out on his wife.

  “Are you always such a little doormat?” he asked suddenly.

  Shelby blinked. “No.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Nikolai muttered as he turned away, shooting an angry glare in her direction.

  At a loss, Shelby moved against the wall and stood still.

  What in the world have I done? What am I doing here? I don’t even know this man.

  Working hard not to overreact, Shelby wished she could stop shaking. She heard a phone ringing and started to move but realized she was headed back toward the office door. She had just begun to head in the right direction, toward the door to the hallway, when the prince spoke her name again. Shelby turned swiftly to see him coming toward her. She froze, not knowing if he was still upset, but he didn’t even notice her stricken face.

  “Murdock has been tied up and needs to meet us in the kitchen.” Nikolai said these words without even looking at his wife. He simply led the way, and Shelby, not knowing what else to do, followed in his long-legged wake.

  “Thank you for coming,” Murdock began the moment he saw them. “Let’s see . . . Friday night—” the house minister began but stopped suddenly. “Princess Shelby, are you all right?”

  “Yes,” she said, her voice unnaturally pitched.

  “Are you certain?” he asked, bending a little to look into her face.

  Shelby could only nod, and although she didn’t look at Nikolai, he noticed her face for the first time. Her lipstick stood out like a child’s crayon mark, so pale were her features. She kept her eyes glued to Murdock or the floor as the minister told of the weekend plans, but the prince could barely take his eyes from his wife’s face. What he saw alarmed him. He had done this. He had frightened her. He knew he had to make it right. He determined to do so the moment Murdock was finished, but that man had a few more details for him. By the time he was finished, the princess had slipped away. Nikolai went to her room to speak to her, but Arlanda was there alone and told him the princess had remembered an appointment and left immediately.

  Nikolai could have kicked himself. He had appointments of his own and knew he would be tied up for the rest of the day. The next day was no better. Nikolai was determined to see Shelby in person but was told she had gone out of town.

  Shelby, who had been dreading the trip she had been scheduled to make to Yelverton, now found herself comfortably away from the prince and more at peace with every mile. She knew she couldn’t run forever, but right now she was feeling too fragile to face him. All too soon she would be going back, and by then, she hoped she would have her emotions under control.

  What Shelby failed to remember was that she wasn’t due back until late afternoon on Friday, just a few hours before the King’s Ball, the first official event where she was expected to make an appearance as the princess of Pendaran.


  Prince Nikolai, you have married the sweetest woman in the world. If the prince had heard this once, he’d heard it a dozen times since he walked into his father’s ballroom. The King’s Ball had been in full swing for more than 45 minutes, but he had yet to see his wife. Indeed, one of the staff told him she hadn’t made an appearance yet. He’d stopped at her bedroom door before he’d come down, hoping to clear the air between them, but there had been no answer to his knock.

  “You’re taking me into dinner,” Erica said, suddenly appearing at her son’s side and slipping an arm through his.

  “That works for me,” he replied, smiling as he leaned to kiss her cheek. “Who is seeing to Shelby?” he asked, his voice a study in nonchalance.

  “Your father gets that honor tonight.” This said, Erica studied him for a moment. “You look very nice tonight, Nicky. Has Shelby seen you in this tux?”

  “As a matter of fact, no. I haven’t seen her at all today.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Your Aunt Paige was having trouble with her hair. Shelby is giving her a quick trim.”

  “Shelby cuts hair?”

  “Yes. Fran and Arlanda say she’s a marvel. Oh, there’s Toby. I must speak to him. Find me for dinner.”

  “I will.”

  Nikolai was delighted that an older couple claimed his attention, or he might have begun searching the palace like a madman. He listened, his head bent with proper courtesy, but whenever he had a chance to glance around the king’s ballroom, he took it. The couple was just moving off when he spotted her. Shelby was with her parents, both she and her mother talking and signing with ease. Nikolai had never seen her do this, and for long moments he watched in fascination. He was still staring when they spotted him. Without discussion, Mr. Parker headed his way, his wife just behind him. Nikolai felt relief flood him until he watched Shelby catch her mother’s arm, say something, and then move in the opposite direction. She didn’t even look at him. He managed to keep the discouragement from his face as his in-laws neared.

  “Good evening, Prince Nikolai,” Josiah began. “I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to speak to you before now; our meeting at the wedding was so brief.”

  “It’s a pleasure to see you both. Your dress is very beautiful, Mrs. Parker. You look wonderful.”

  “Oh, thank you, Prince Nikolai. Shelby helped me pick it out.”

  “You both have good taste then, and please call me Nick.”

  “You must call us by our given names as well,” Josiah spoke up. He was so eager to get to know this young man. Shelby had said things were going well, but there was a strain in her face that he hadn’t seen before. He knew she was busy and wanted to believe it was only that. He thought getting to know this man might put his mind at rest.

  “I want to extend an invitation to you, Nick,” Josiah continued, trying the name for the first time. “You’re welcome to visit us in Henley anytime. We plan to have you and Shelby to dinner very soon, but we want you to know you’re welcome.”

  “Thank you. I’ll plan on stopping. As a matter of fact, I have a friend who works in Henley at the post office.”

  “That would be right across the street from my shop.”

  Nikolai nodded. “I’ve seen your barbershop many times. If I recall, you’ve been in business there for years.”

  “More than 20.”

  “And I understand Shelby has inherited your skill with scissors.”

  Both Parkers laughed and Daria answered, “She told us she’s been called into service here at the palac
e. She loves doing it.”

  “May I interrupt?” a female voice broke in at Nikolai’s side. He looked down to see his aunts, Paige and Marla. “Erica said you were talking to Shelby’s parents, and we wanted to meet them.”

  “Of course,” Nikolai replied as he graciously turned. “Josiah and Daria Parker, please meet two of my mother’s sisters, Paige Marshall and Marla Simms.”

  Nikolai stayed quiet for a time and listened to the four of them talk about his wife. Both his aunts had been delighted to meet her and, yes, her parents thought she was very sweet too; she always had been. They were still in deep discussion when he spotted the object of their exchange and slipped away. He would have caught up with her too, but another group caught her attention first. Nikolai stopped and watched her.

  At one point Shelby glanced up and noticed Nikolai watching her. It was all such a mess. She had not had time to even see him, and if he approached her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the tension from her face. This was her first official public appearance. The thought of doing something to bring shame to the crown was abhorrent to her. If her husband approached, she might show her uncertainty, and in her estimation that would be unforgivable.

  She was still mulling it over when the gong sounded for dinner. The king found her just a minute later, and she smiled up into his kind eyes.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “A little,” Shelby said honestly, “but mostly nervous. It’s all a bit new.”

  The king placed his free hand on hers. “You’re doing beautifully, and you look lovely. That blue is wonderful on you.”

  “I’ve never had a reason to wear a formal gown before. It’s quite fun.”

  The king’s smile was huge. There was something so likeable and guileless about this woman that his heart turned over in his chest. For a moment he begged God to let Shelby and Nikolai find love. He thought of the relationship he shared with his own precious wife and wanted nothing less for these two dear young people.

  “Your parents seem to be having a good time,” the king said as they found their seats in the huge dining room at the long table.

  “It was so kind of you to include them,” Shelby said, her look a bit anxious. “I was so glad when Mother called to say she’d received the card.”

  For a moment Rafe was struck dumb. Had she really thought that they would be excluded? Again he was reminded about how new this was for her, and also how little she expected from all of them. He glanced down at her to see that she’d spotted Nikolai and Erica at another long table. He was still observing the scene when Nikolai’s gaze rested on her. Shelby’s eyes dropped in an instant, and Rafe’s heart knew a moment of heaviness.

  He still believed that God had a hand in this marriage and that Shelby was a gift from Him, but how long it would be before things were as they should be, only He knew.

  Shelby told herself not to panic. Her husband was just 30 feet away on the rim of the dance floor and had finally caught her eyes with his own. Not taking any chances, he lifted his hand and beckoned to her with one finger, even as he worked to close the distance between them. Shelby felt rather than saw someone coming up from the other side. She glanced and saw that it was Toby.

  “Hello, Mr. Newbury,” she said too loudly, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Well, Shelby, you’re not dancing.”

  “I was waiting for you,” she improvised.

  “Well, by all means then, let’s dance.”

  Shelby allowed herself to be led onto the dance floor. The waltz was half over, but Shelby forced herself to relax and, even though she was tired, accepted the next dance with Toby as well. They were talking on the subject of the Royal Care Center when Nikolai cut in. It was done so smoothly, Toby bowing away with a huge smile on his face, that before Shelby knew what was happening, she was dancing with her husband. She couldn’t bring herself to look higher than his tie, but Nikolai did not hesitate.

  “You’ve been avoiding me, Shelby.”

  “I suppose I have,” she admitted, her voice soft and breathless. “I find I’m not up to pretending everything is fine, and I didn’t want to ruin the king’s party.”

  “No one has ever expected you to pretend anything, least of all me. I owe you such a great apology.”

  This brought Shelby’s eyes to his for a moment, so Nikolai felt emboldened to continue.

  “I’m not sure how I’ll convey to you how deeply I regret my words and actions to you, but I’m going to try. I am deeply ashamed, Shelby, that you are now frightened of me.”

  Again Shelby looked up, this time for a bit longer.

  “I suppose I shouldn’t be so quick to try to please everyone,” she said in a small voice.

  “You’re talking as though you’ve done something wrong. I was angry with my father and took it out on you. I can only hope you will forgive me.”

  “Of course I will,” Shelby said in an instant. It never occurred to her to do otherwise, but that didn’t change the unsettledness inside. She knew all about bad moods and anger and what they could do to a person’s disposition, but that didn’t alter the fact that his response to her had given her second thoughts. Every time Shelby saw his face, she remembered his angry gaze.

  The dance ended, but Nikolai still wasn’t certain where he stood. Choosing for the moment to proceed as if nothing had happened, he said, “Thank you for the dance.”

  “Thank you,” she replied in return.

  “Did you enjoy dinner?” he asked, hesitant to leave things alone.

  “I did. The staff did such a good job with everything.”

  “I see someone I need to speak to, Shelby,” the prince told her honestly. “Would you excuse me for a moment?”

  “Of course.”

  Nikolai started away but came right back. “I’ll find you for the last dance,” he said, bending low to speak into her ear.

  “All right.”

  Shelby stood for a moment, trying to dispel the feeling of unreality. She had just danced with the prince, who was also her husband and who scared her in no small measure.

  Fear is a sin, Shelby. He apologized. You’re going to have to get over it.

  She knew it would be easier to acknowledge than accomplish, but that didn’t excuse her from trying. She was still thinking about it and asking God for help when her father asked her to dance. For the moment she would enjoy this time with Josiah Parker and do as she was asked—keep herself free for the last dance.

  Nikolai and Shelby walked together back to the north quadrant. The ball was over, hailed as a success by all, and the royal family could finally seek their rest. The newly married couple did not speak as they walked, but Shelby had no more said goodnight and shut her door when the phone rang.

  “It’s Nick,” her husband said into her ear. “Can you work me into your schedule in the morning?”

  “I think so. Shall I check my book?”

  “If you would, please.”

  Shelby left the phone long enough to find the book on her desk. She came back and sat on the edge of the bed before picking up the phone.

  “My day is clear.”

  “Can I meet with you about nine?”

  “Yes. Where should I find you?”

  “I think in our parlor. I’ll knock on your door about then.”

  “All right.”

  “Thank you, Shelby.”

  “You’re welcome. Goodnight.”


  And it was a good night for both of them, but for very different reasons. Shelby fell sound asleep and stayed asleep the whole night, something she needed very much. Nikolai spent many hours lying in his bed and praying, confessing to God the poor choices he’d made and sins he’d committed against his wife in the last six weeks and then discussing with Him all the things he needed to tell her in the morning and asking for strength to do just that.

  Did you have a good time? Shelby typed on the teletype machine she used for phone calls to her father.
br />   We had a wonderful time, he replied. We spoke with Nikolai for a while and told him we wanted to have the two of you to dinner. We’ll have to do that soon. You looked a little tired at times last night. Did you enjoy yourself?

  Yes. I had something on my mind that I found stressful, so I imagine this was what you saw in my expression.

  It was hard not to ask you last night.

  I’m all right, Fa, thank you. By the way, tell Brice he missed a great party.

  We already did, but I could tell he was glad he’d kept to his original plans. He did say he wants to come see you soon. I think he said something about skating or biking.

  Tell him to come. I would love it. Do you have my extension?

  Yes. I’ll pass the word along.

  Someone knocked on Shelby’s door just then, so she told her father she had to go. They said goodbye with some regret. It seemed like their time together these days consisted of brief snatches on the run.

  “Good morning,” Nikolai said as soon as Shelby opened the door. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” Shelby took in the prince’s jeans and T-shirt and was glad she hadn’t dressed up.

  Nikolai noticed her attire as well. He had yet to see her looking anything but nice, but like this, in white jeans and a pale peach blouse, she looked so at home she might have been living in the palace for years. Telling himself to keep his mind on the task ahead of him, he led the way to the comfortable sofas in the private, forest green parlor they shared and waited for her to sit down.

  “I won’t keep insulting you by apologizing, Shelby, but I feel we need to talk a little more about what happened.” It did not escape his notice that although Shelby had sat down, she was not at all relaxed.

  “All right,” Shelby said, thinking she’d been right about why he wanted to see her.

  “I frightened you quite badly, didn’t I?”