Page 4 of Day of the Dragons

Tragic News

  The news of the rock and tidal wave made the first front page international news. It wasn’t long before the U.S. and European satellites picked up a mass of troop transport ships sailing from the China territories accompanied by the Korean Navy. Images gave a stark reminder of just how many ships could possibly be used to transport so many troops and machinery. The commands from the U.S. military were to wait, nothing less and nothing more. It was supposed to be all under control, but it was a terrible gamble; a gamble that put the Dragons Armies against a sophisticated technological trick, but only the I-24 Interstate was fully ready and active while the rest of the interstates were not. There was talk about alternative ways, only talk right now.

  Aaron sat across from Hayden and tried to explain the situation from the view of heaven. “Hayden, you must believe that all of this is scripture. The destruction of so many Chinese-Koreans was part of the plan. I told you about that before. You will have Joseph with you anytime you need him. But I still don’t trust Dar-Raven. He will try, but he won’t succeed.”

  Aaron put his hand on Hayden’s shoulder, and the weight of what happened crushed Hayden as he fell against Aaron’s large shoulder and wept quietly while concerned for his friends in China. At times, it seemed like the United States was not preparing to fight but preparing to run. This was not the country that stood up to the English or went after the Taliban. He was confused but unwilling to tell anyone how he really felt. He was still concerned about his dad.

  Aaron saw his concern and guessed at his thoughts, “Your dad is fine. He has far more protection than you would ever imagine. Of course, he is taking care of a little skateboarder girl who was hurt at the college recently. Both of them are part of the plans. He is doing very well.”

  “Oh, my Lord, Mom was a young kid when Dad married her. Don’t tell me he is after another young pup! Not again.”

  “Hayden, I never said a thing about relationships, only that he was taking care of a young girl. Don’t let your imagination work over time. And what is it to you if he hooks up with a younger person? I fell in love with Irish, and she is over 5,000 years younger than me. What’s age, anyway?”

  “Aaron, don’t preach to me about my father’s indiscretions. He is a dirty old man. Always has been, but I love him just the same. I’m glad he doesn’t have a gun in his hand anymore or crawling around on his stomach teaching others how to do it.”

  “Calm, down, Hayden, and why don’t you pay more attention to your one relationship that makes you happy and forget about your dad’s?”

  “Oh, now you really are meddling. I bet you mean Crystal, right? What do you know about us?”

  “I know love when I see it. It might be a good idea for you to seal the deal and make sure you don’t lose that good one. Don’t let her get away. We have plans for your son when the time comes. He might even end up being a Jesus Priest.”

  “What’s a Jesus Priest?”

  “Ok, enough with my rambling. It’s something that will happen in the future. I think I’m giving out a little too much information. Just pay attention to good things around you. I will go check on your dad for you and get back to you. In fact, I will send Irish since you think he likes beautiful young things. She qualifies.”

  Irish appeared beside Aaron and hugged him sideways portraying the real love that they both felt between them. Hayden pulled back in awe of Irish’s looks. She had a beautiful rainbow aura, and her eyes were radiating with a rainbow colors. She pulled her wings into herself and bowed to Hayden’s instant admiration.

  “I’ll check on your old man. You pay attention to the pearl in your own hand,” replied Irish, then vanished right before him.

  “You guys really are good at that vanishing stuff, aren’t you? Wow, she was beautiful!”

  “Yes, she is my New Jerusalem bride when angels will be able to be together and raise our own children like humans do now. We can’t wait, but first things first,” then he vanished himself, and Joseph appeared for a second, did the okay sign, and disappeared right after.

  Crystal came into the room after knocking while asking, “Who were you talking to. Talking to yourself, now?”

  Hayden commented, “Not this time. Some angels are coaching me on what to do, and I really think that they may be right?”

  “Right about what?” asked Crystal fascinated by Hayden’s angel talk. It was as if angels were common and simply the way it was always supposed to be.

  “About relationships,” whispered Hayden.

  “Oh, whose?” asked Crystal, not realizing it was about them.

  “Well, it’s about us. You are my pearl of great price. You know that, don’t you?” he commented as he tenderly held and kissed her hand.

  “A pearl, us, well maybe, just maybe, okay, I accept that, us, yes. I accept that as long as I’m your pearl,” she answered, then moved close to him and kissed him gently on his forehead, then turned briskly and walked out of the room in a giddy almost schoolgirl way, excited, pleased, and hopeful

  Irish Visit

  Irish appeared on Doc’s back deck just sitting and waiting. Doc was just getting up and made his way to his coffee pot while Nash sat in front of the back-porch, deck window and stared at Irish. He didn’t make a move, just sat. Doc was puzzled. It was time for Nash to go out, and he wasn’t jumping around. What was wrong with him?

  Doc looked out onto the back porch, “Oh, my God!”

  He moved quietly while opening the back door and peeked out, then whispered, “I suppose from the looks of you and all those rainbow colors that you are an angel, right?”

  Irish stood up and spread her wings as an easier way to be identified. Doc grabbed the door sill while Nash ran out to her and sat by her as if he had known her all her life while she gently pet him.

  “How are you doing, Doc?’ she asked, letting her singsong Irish brogue echo back to him in an enchanting way that soothed and nurtured his soul.

  “Well, yes, I guess you have something to say, right?”

  “You son wants to make sure you are okay. What shall I tell him?”

  “Tell him that I am very well. Know exactly what I am doing and where I am going when it all heats up. He knows where. What is your name?”

  “Irish, like your boat, right?”

  “Well, yes,” he answered while squeezing his way out onto the deck to get even closer.

  “How is your little orphan?”

  “She is better. Very needy, but I can handle it.”

  “We know you can. You know, she doesn’t know it quite yet, not completely, but she really loves you. And you aren’t a dirty old man for loving her.”

  “Well, that’s a surprise, but it’s nice to hear what heaven thinks about me. Is this like getting a couple’s blessings from the family?” he commented, thinking warmly about what Irish said, not realizing how deeply he felt about Birdy until that very moment.

  “You deserve to be happy. Don’t let age ruin it for you. You never did with Missy; don’t do it with Birdy. I’ve got to go back to heaven now.”

  “Will I see you again, sometime?” he asked, not knowing whether he should ask how soon.

  “Not for a long time. Isn’t that what you really want to ask?” she answered, then disappeared.

  Birdy came hobbling out and noticed Doc and Nash standing as if frozen in time, not moving on the back deck.

  “What’s up, old man?” she asked.

  “Oh, just an angel came by to talk. I think Nash liked her. How are you feeling today?”

  “Wait!” Birdy shrieked, “An angel came by to talk, and you couldn’t wake me? You’re lying, aren’t you?” she asked not knowing whether he was telling the truth.

  “No, I’m not. Come on Nash; you need to go out now, the angel is gone,” he answered while opening the front door to let Nash scamper out into the front yard towards his favorite brown spots.


  The sermon was full of
power and passion as Thelipsis preached about this all inclusive religion that accepted all shades of religious thoughts and manners. He was amazed at the theatrics that Andre planned with well-staged healings and people being slain under the power of his touch. People were walking out of wheel chairs, and sudden miraculous sounds like rushing wind blew into the auditorium where he was preaching, then tongues of flame appeared on Andre’s and his head. Thousands were flocking to the services, and thousands more were waiting to see and touch them both. It was a frenzy, and at times, almost out of control.

  New World Religion

  Angelica gathered the old religions as they worked out their conflicted and complex problems while ignoring Europe’s attraction to Thelipsis and Andre. They were changing into a united front of a worldly compromise. Angelica was still preaching peace and unity while she was bringing back the old, heathen ancient ways. The black arts infiltrated the services, and it was not even one or another, but all the parts and pieces of all the religions that ever existed.

  No one could buy or sell anything unless they paid her temple fees and taxes. Christians couldn’t buy or sell anything without paying homage to her religion, but they wouldn’t. They were being starved as well as being hunted and killed. She heard about some new Jewish missionaries in Israel preaching Jesus, just the opposite of Thelipsis and Andre preaching their new ways, then hers. These new ways were just a distraction, a manipulation of minds and souls to prevent anyone from thinking about Christ. Christ was the bad word of the day that made others blame Him for all the problems that occurred; it was all his fault. Everyone believed that God was paying back the world for those who didn’t believe in Him; how unfair; it created an additional culture of revenge and hatred towards Christians. Christians were again running to hide in isolated places much like they did in America only years before. There were no markings, but they might as well have been. A Christian wouldn’t deny their faith; and when questioned, admitted whom they believed in. It was immediate cause for arrest, imprisonment, and execution.

  American Ready

  “How many days now?” asked President Tabor.

  “Ten and counting,” answered his general. “The Dragon Maritime forces have stopped over 300 miles away and are waiting. Their troop transports seem to be lagging behind their armada by a couple of days, but the destroyers and nuclear subs are here.”

  Tabor responded, “Let’s have another war meeting. I think I’ve come up an idea.”

  Air Force General Abbott, meeting spokesman, called in all the major players from each armed forces groups with their advisors. They all grimly sat around the large-wood war table. Some had their heads in their hands while others only stared blankly at a large map peppered with different colored pins: pins designating the planned enemy approaches and our defenses from both ground and air resources. All stood up as the President entered.

  “Sit down guys. As you know, we just aren’t completely ready on all interstate approaches except I-24 towards Chattanooga. We weren’t originally given information that the enemy was going to snake their way through five major highways, then set up a line of defenses across the U.S. that end in Mobile, Alabama; Birmingham, Alabama; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Louisville, Kentucky; Indianapolis, Indiana; and Lansing, Michigan. We just didn’t know about the other interstate approaches when we started preparing. What if we did something to encourage them to use the Middle Tennessee approach as their main route rather than some of the other interstates?”

  General Abbott spoke questioningly, “We’ve talked about this before, but the only way to stop an interstate from being used is to bomb it into oblivion, even nuke them. You said no nuking on American soil if I remember right. We’ve so determined not to nuke that we have been just waiting. I personally like the idea of going down with a fight rather than let them roll right over the top of us. What kind of attacks are you thinking about?”

  President Tabor shouted, “Everything!”

  Instantly, the room erupted in cheers and shouts of agreement. “Bravo! Bravo! Everything! Everything! Everything!”

  “Nukes?” whispered General Abbott.

  “Yes, nukes. On our own soil too!” shouted the President as he slammed his fist onto the table.

  There was a long period of silence, then the general asked, “How much nuking and where?”

  “I dreamed about this last night. An angel came to me in the dream and told me to reconsider nuking. I want to have just enough nuking to tear up the other interstates they are going to be use and force them to only use the Middle Tennessee route. I want everything we got to lay down extensive damage: all 21 Stealth Bombers loaded and in action. Every jet, including every old jet pulled out of mothballs and loaded. I want every available pilot, no matter whom, manning those planes. I want the skies to be filled with our forces. I want to attack the ones waiting to land and everything we got up and down the coast before and after the nukes. We can’t do much more harm for the east coast so let’s make it messier. I want them all in our Middle Tennessee CrossHair funnel. I want to make so much racket and so much mess and destruction that no one will even consider their original plan. Again, stealth bombers, jets, drones, and artillery, with a barrage of fire power so great that they will believe they have just walked through the gates of hell. I want to start as soon as they are within 100 miles of our shore and not stop.”

  General Abbott commented, “Oh, by the way, we have 100 Stealth Bombers, not 21; been keeping some things back from public view. Our new technology is the only way to fry them into oblivion all at once. I am sorry for what it will do to anything or anyone else in the CrossHairs. There won’t be a living soul or thing alive when we finish. We have no choice. We just have no choice. I just wanted to explain this Middle Tennessee thing. They must believe that Chattanooga is a center-point from expanding out in multiple directions when they start their next offensive because they really look like they are going backwards when they go from Nashville to Chattanooga.”

  President Tabor joined in, “General Abbott, no one cares about their logic as long as we know where they are going. Right now, our all-out offensive may be the only chance we have to winning this war. I want the Air Force to step up and stage the initial attacks, then I want every carrier, destroyer, and nuclear sub to attack on the backend. I don’t want any ship to make it back to China. I will say that I suspect that the Middle Tennessee approach through Sewanee to Chattanooga may have as much to do with Apollyon’s attitude from his previous failures in that area in the past. It seems like a little payback.”

  A low-ranking advisor asked, “What if we let them know about the technology. They might change their minds, but I guess they would just come back another day.”

  General Abbott answered, “They would fire their missiles deeper into the states rather than just the first 100 miles of our east coast. We really would lose too many people if that happened. Right now we are just losing some hold-outs and the local gangs who are hanging around looting everything. Small consolation.”

  The President answered, “I wondered when you would admit the number of Stealths. I’m not ignorant, but I play that way on purpose sometimes. Got ears everywhere.”

  “For those of our forces who survive the initial launch; what are our orders?” asked Abbott.

  Tabor answered confidently, “Let’s get them to our deep fueling base in Mexico and prepare to hit them again when they are trying to leave back to China. With our Navy and counter air attack they won’t have a chance of getting back alive. I have already contacted the Mexican President. They are one of the only ones willing to provide support. Thanks for some friends.”

  Warning to Dar Raven

  Apollyon sensed a change. He looked at the United States and noticed; from evacuation to immense preparation. He saw every military asset of the U.S. mobilizing in a frenzy that gave him a deep feeling that this was not going to be as easy as he thought. For a long time, he felt that the U.S. had n
o intention of a serious fight for some reason; now something was different. He also was enjoying exactly what Tabor mentioned—payback. He took too much failure from Middle Tennessee near Sewanee in the past. He was going to enjoy this victory.

  “Dar Raven, something has changed. The U.S. is planning a major defensive. They are mobilizing huge amounts of their military to very strategic locations within striking distance of the coast and all the ways we plan to travel. Expect the worst.”

  Dar Raven answered, “I was wondering when this would happen. We have enough men, now, but it depends where they attack and how severe it is.

  Dar Raven’s Spy

  Taint moved within several miles of the Arnold Air Force Base. He stuck his thumb out in a deliberate effort to get a ride. His demean was harmless as well as obvious—Air Force military grunt, E3 classification going back to base. A small truck pulled up to him and offered him a ride.

  “Heading to base, sir?” the man guessed noticing his Air Force uniform.

  “Yes, returning ahead of schedule. I hear there is a lot of commotion going on,” he replied as he swung into the passenger’s side and settled in.

  “Seat belt, young man,” reminded the man whose overalls and plumbing gear in the back seat was a true give away of what he did. The badge hanging from the passenger visor was his military security clearance for base work.

  “What’s a seat belt?” asked Taint, then immediately laughed as if it was a joke when Apollyon slapped him mentally for the goof up.

  “Oh, a joker. That was cute. Where are you from? Don’t recognize your accent. You almost sound like some Sudanese friends of mine from church,” he asked while noticing Taint flinch at mentioning Sudanese. Te Sudanese angels were the largest of the angel armies and even intimidated him.

  “My family was originally homestead in Hellsgate, Southern Africa on the cape. Love the hot weather. The hotter the better,” amused at his own hell humor.

  “Me too. Can’t stand cold weather especially for plumbing. Pipes freeze up and even freeze to my hands. My hands crack like craters and split open wide. Can’t stand it.”

  “I guess I didn’t realize that. Well, I’m just been ordered in for duty from early TDY. What’s going on at the base, anyway?” asked Taint.

  “Big stuff. They are calling in everyone and preparing for something crazy. I‘ve never seen so many personnel on duty at once, and the C127’s, C147’s, and C154’s are coming in every hour on the hour bringing in people and armament. Looks like we are at war. Don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose we are always at war with someone,” responded Taint as he fingered some of his working knives under his clothes in comfort and expectation, but he was thinking about the heavens and angelic battles that took place all the time. He wanted to succeed with this mission to make up for Sinte’s failure so many years ago. He wanted to do it and get out before Aaron or any of his group showed up. He knew that Dar Raven hated Aaron for all his interference on too many occasions. He wondered if he would be so lucky to see Irish. She was so strikingly beautiful that he felt it a special treat to even see her. She was always going where humans needed to be cared for.

  “Isn’t Sewanee nearby?” asked Taint.

  “Sure, it is. The most beautiful place on earth. Right on top of Monteagle Mountain. Have you ever heard of all the stories about the angels fighting all around there? They really have an angelic history. The children escaped Nashville years ago, and the dark angels couldn’t touch them once they got to the top. I guess it was a place that was protected by the Lord.”

  Taint flinched again hearing the word “Lord,” then mentioned in disgust, “Just make believe. Don’t believe everything you hear. Have you ever seen an angel?”

  “No, guess not, but there sure were a lot of rumors and even some fuzzy pictures that looked like angels. Guess you’re right. I was one of those left behinds when the rapture came, but I won’t be next time. The rapture took my wife and two children right before my eyes. I couldn’t believe it. I went and hid in the mountains so I didn’t have to do the marking stuff. But that is all over now anyway. We really clobbered that guy Andre. They say he is the Anti-Christ. Now, some people in Europe are calling him some kind of miracle god of some kind. What do you think?” he replied in staccato fashion barely able to catch his breath.

  “I don’t know, but from what I heard he and that preacher are really getting the crowds excited. A god, maybe, why not. Don’t you think we need a god or two around to look up to?”

  “Not me, I’m not buying it. It’s all that angel crap from the Mormons that caused so many problems before,” he proclaimed faithfully.

  “Oh, him, yeah that angel; I met him before. Pretty nice guy. Very smooth talker,” Taint replied and winked at Sam announcing his sarcasm, which was the truth.

  Sam slapped his shoulder lightly, then quickly backed away as if he had been bit. His laughter at Taint’s comment turned cold as if someone had poured cold water on his heart.

  Sam spoke to himself, “I don’t like this guy. There is something wrong with him. I can feel it. He’s definitely not a Christian. I can’t wait to dump him off.”

  Signs announced the base was one mile away. Taint braced himself for conflict. “Pull over if you don’t mind?” he asked, then as the truck pulled off the road, he pushed Sam out onto the pavement and drove off towards the gate while grabbing his badge off the visor. Sam rolled out to the middle of the road and heard his ankle snap with the impact, then watched his truck disappear over the top of the hill.

  “I knew he was bad news,” commented Sam as he dragged himself to the side of the road.

  Taint talked to himself, “I should have killed him. Why didn’t I? It would have one less Christian to deal with. I have to get this done fast and get out before anyone hears that guy’s story. Now, how in the heck do I work this thing?” The truck gears ground away as he moved forward without Taint knowing exactly how to shift.

  Taint changed his appearance to an officer 2nd Lieutenant and forced the badge picture to match. As he pulled up to the gate, the guards checked him out, then waved him through.

  One guard stopped Taint halfway through the gate, “Hey, officer, is this Sam’s truck?” he asked noticing the plumbing gear, not to mention the sign on the side of the truck.

  “That’s my Uncle. Borrowing his truck. He’s home sick today. I’ll tell him you asked about him. Your name,” asked Taint.

  “Bob Howard,” he knows my brother too. Tell him my faucet needs fixing next time you see him.”

  Apollyon slapped Taint mentally again for being so stupid about the truck sign and incidentals. “Watch what you are doing, Taint,” Apollyon growled. “You aren’t thinking. Do better.”

  Taint ducked from the slap and felt like he had been cuffed behind the back of his head and his ear pulled to get his attention. Taint moved quietly along the long walkways on base nodding at other officers and saluting when needed. He rather liked the feel of this officer’s position and wished that it was the same in hell. He would enjoy being close to Apollyon like Dar Raven, although he remembered the failure results against Dar Raven. That wouldn’t be good. Being a peon had its perks.

  “Excuse, me, where are we keeping our guests from China?”

  An E3 explained, “I guess you mean the Prince Yatzen and Mi, right? Well, got to go to the security office and get a pass, but I guarantee unless you have a top secret clearance, you ain’t getting in. Hey, why don’t you know that stuff if you’re asking about those guys. Do you have a security clearance? You are in a very restricted area right now.”

  Taint reached for his badge and noticed the E3 was a security officer, who was nodding to his own badge and knew Taint didn’t have proper security. Taint could tell the airman was getting overly suspicious.

  Taint heard Apollyon, “I told you to be more careful. Get rid of him and find a place to observe the daily activity for awhile
and stop messing up.”

  Taint grabbed the airman and plunged his hand through his uniform right into his heart. The airman gasped and died instantly before realizing what happened. Taint dragged his body back into a secluded dead-end ally. He gave himself a colonel promotion and walked to an officer’s barracks, then introduced himself to the attending barrack’s liaison.

  “I am newly assigned and was told you had room,” he smiled and gave a short salute to the lieutenant.

  “Yes, Colonel, we have three, two at the end and one right here near the front door with the showers. Take your pick.”

  “Near the front, will be fine. Do you have a map of the base layout for me to look at? I never got one with my new orders.”

  “Here for awhile or just a few days?”

  “Assigned to technical, defense-grid guy,” he smiled and moved past the officer to the selected bed.

  “Oh, another left brainer, good for you,” his sarcasm was personal, but ignored.

  Taint said to himself, “Get in, get out, kill them, leave, go back to Apollyon. Get a better assignment this time. Maybe something where the weather is nice, balmy, with cool breezes. Yes, that’s it. Something with lots of water and beaches. Wouldn’t that be nice,” as he pretended to nap and actually did.

  He woke an hour later surprised that he was able to sleep. He always hated the dreams so just never slept. This time, for some reason, there was nothing but sleep. He thought he may have found the trick by thinking of something pleasant before lying down. It was hard to determine what is pleasant since his heart was so black. He promised he’d remember that trick next time. He did feel refreshed and sat up on the side of the bed thinking about his next step.

  “Wait for morning,” was Apollyon’s voice. “Do your job and sleep more some other time.”

  Getting Comfortable

  “Well, young one, are you feeling better now? You seem to be getting around the cabin easier, now. You know those ankle things make you forget you really are hurt. I guess my foot rubbing may have helped, right? Well, I might try to find a better food wrap for you. I think I have one in the hall closet.”

  She smiled knowingly and hobbled around the kitchen while preparing some breakfast from some scrambled eggs with some homemade biscuits. She kept thinking about the foot and ankle rub last night. She kept swearing to herself that Doc really was a dirty old man but didn’t mind it anyway—could be worse. She was safe, getting attention, reading some of his books from all his old writers and trying to actually figure out all that stuff. She liked Nash, and took special pleasure sleeping with him. She was getting used to treating his ears with ear drops to stop him from his head wagging. Sometimes he would fall off the bed. She was surprised he could even walk after he hit the floor, and he just looked at her like she did it. Most of the time after grimacing, she couldn’t stop laughing from the look on his face.

  “It’s almost time for my son to get back in touch with me, wonder why he hasn’t? Probably going to send another angel. Can’t be much time left. The countdown is ticking. I figure once the attacks start that it will only take the Dragon Armies about three weeks to get in the CrossHairs. Nothing much to do but wait, I guess. Maybe, we’ll change our minds and put a better fight than what I was apprised of.”

  “You know that you speak in short bursts about things. I’m having a little difficulty putting all the pieces together.” “What’s the purpose in full disclosure? If I tell you everything, it won’t change anything.”

  “Well, it might help pass the time a little bit. I am interested in this CrossHair stuff and what you think is going to happen.”

  “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to share more details since it is all coming to an end, but it isn’t that complicated. After the east coast is attacked, it shouldn’t be long. Still, the point is simple. They walk into our microwave trap and are dead. End of story, nothing more needs to be said.”

  False Prophet Again

  “I have never seen so many people worked into a frenzy like that. They were screaming, crying, and chanting, then it kept getting louder. It was almost like they were completely out of control. Sometimes, I could barely understand what they were shouting,” Thelipsis spoke while reviewing the broadcast films.

  “Well,” replied Andre, “there were only 50,000 in this one, but we had over a hundred thousand in the last one. They were shouting something like, ‘Give us a god; give us a lord; give us new salvation; give us truth; give us newness and wonder.”

  “That is what I thought they were saying. It was funny how they put it into that little jingle like that with that tune that sounded more like We Will Rock You. How did they do that so well? I always liked that tune before.”

  “The movement is working. Hundred’s of thousands are pulling away from the traditional churches and coming to the services. They are looking at me at as their savior more each day. It’s working. I have never heard so much praise towards me in my life. We need to continue to turn up the heat and point more towards me. I need them to believe that I am their new and only god.”

  Thelipsis answered, “How did I get involved in something so different and wrong from what started? I just wanted them to know a different gospel that includes everyone and doesn’t exclude anyone. Now, I am purposely lying to them about you. You are no god or son of god. You are just a politician who is in the right place at the right time trying to feed your own ego at others’ expense. You are an ultimate user.” Thelipsis spoke like a robot with no emotion or pathos, just a worn-out disillusioned preacher, but one with a bank account so full of money it would take three lifetimes to spend it all. It was the money that was pulling on him now, nothing more, but it was enough.

  “You are doing this unholy thing because I am unholy and marked just like you. I have seen your arm lately. It is fully marked now, and you are just as dirty as I am. We are committed whether you want to be or not. Dark angels are our partners and not your fancy ideas. Your ideas are just junk to make you feel good. I don’t care whether you feel good or not. I just want you to do what we started to do. I want to be a savior to these people. I will double all the money you have in your bank right now and let you buy an island to live on when we get finished.” Andre was frustrated with Thelipsis’ resistance, but knew the money was working its magic right into Thelipsis’ soul.

  “Double? K,” then he went to rewrite his next sermon to turn up the heat as Andre requested. He had to get the shouting to point more to Andre. After, why couldn’t Andre be a savior? He certainly had enough money to be something other than just a little politician.

  Taint Tricked

  Joseph stood outside of the protective quarters with his arms folded. He heard about the murder of a security guard this morning and knew that something was wrong. It was hard to imagine Joseph’s massiveness and thickness. He was one angel whom Aaron said could lift buildings. Still, Joseph was not at all offended about lifting buildings and being like a bull. He knew that he would always do what mattered when the time was right.

  Taint saw a security guard unit in front of a concrete structure that looked more like a small church than a military compound. It was a previous chapel that was converted into headquarters, then after a secure place for housing special guest that needed extra protection and private quarters.

  The Prince walked up and down complaining about the seclusion and fretted in his impatience, “I feel like I’m in prison. When am I going to discover the freedom that America offers every common man?”

  Mi rebuked him, “You have come all this way to complain that you want to have what Americans call a road trip? Start acting like a prince. This is where we need to be. If we were out there, it would be at the mercy of that Dar Raven guy. We are safe. We are together. We are part of the answer and not the problem of this big mess. We have a chance to do something in the future when our people will probably not. We have been saved for a reason. We have a destiny where millions of our own coun
try men are probably dead or will be by the time this is all over. You are a lucky man, and you have me. You have Jesus. What more do you want?”

  The Prince bowed his head shamefully and approached Mi to hold her while apologizing, “You are right. Now, you know one of the biggest reasons I married you. How I need your fire and sensibility. I will return to China one day to lead our country back to an open and Christian society.”

  Taint moved even closer to the church building as guards paced up and down in front while exchanging a couple nods in passing. Joseph waited just inside the door while watching the pacers, then kept fondling the high hilt of his sword sticking up above his head on his back.

  Something was wrong; he felt it. He smelled something that was odd—sweat, angel sweat. He could smell it a mile away. It was bitter and musty from dark angels like their darkness was from an old closest filled with bitter herbs and onions. He always washed himself after battle to get rid the smell. Certain dark angels had a particular smell, but he didn’t recognize this one. He knew it wasn’t Dar Raven, but he remembered Dar Raven’s promise to kill the Prince, Mi, along with Hayden and Crystal. He was here for just that reason, but expected it. He moved unseen out of the building and started looking for anything that was out of place. For a moment, he thought he saw a shadow of a large figure against a sunlit wall. It was an exceptionally large shadow that appeared, then disappeared as fast as it came.

  “Dang it,” he whispered. “Someone is already that close. Aaron, I got contact. I only see one. I don’t know who it is, and I don’t recognize his smell. Well, that is not exactly true. Years ago in an exchange with Sinte Hades, I got a whiff of one of his new trainees. Close but just don’t know. Do you remember a name for that one?”

  Aaron spoke to into his mind, “Taint?”

  “Taint, oh, my gosh. He’s not here on orders only; he’s here for payback for what you did to his mentor. I bet he wishes you were here.”

  “I just might be, Joseph. Keep me updated,” Aaron remarked as Joseph nodded with a smile. A smile that spoke more to the surprise Taint would have with both of them to contend with.

  Taint could see an outline of Joseph that humans could not see. He knew he was waiting for him. He also knew Joseph and didn’t really relish a one-on-one with him. He felt that his own acrobatics gave him an edge with this big bull; but one mistake, and he’d be cut in two from Joseph’s enormous sword-strength. He wouldn’t mind getting a couple swings at Aaron for old time’s sake, but that was one of those payback, revenge surges, not from common sense. Still, if he could sneak in and kill his targets, then get out without harm; it would be far better.

  Suddenly, Taint’s hair stood up on end. He was about to move around to the back of the building and transport himself inside as far from Joseph as possible. He felt hot breath down the back of his neck and pulled his sword, then swung it forcefully in a semi-circle, not knowing exactly who was behind him. There was no one, then he heard the baritone laughter of Aaron’s voice and looked directly above him as Aaron stood almost on his head, then swung his massive sword down, literally slicing Taint’s face off. Taint’s body fell forward in a loud thud, not moving. It would take him quite awhile to repair from the damage.

  Aaron and Joseph picked him up and carried him out to an old abandoned well that went down about 60 feet, then dumped him. Dar Raven saw what happened and flinched hard. He sent some of his lesser guards to have him brought back.

  As he spit in disgust, he commented, “Stupid, stupid, stupid. I guess he will duck sooner next time.”

  Aaron laughed again, “They just never learn, do they? They have been around humans too much. Who would have thought to look up, but he didn’t—his loss. I rather like that hot-breath trick. I was floating while lying flat. I could have kissed his neck before standing up, but he never got it. Well, I guess he did, didn’t he? Remember that one, will you, Joseph?”

  “I was just watching him looking straight at me, and he wasn’t paying any attention to anything else, then I saw him move away towards the back of the building. I figured, if you didn’t nail him before he did a transport; we might stand a chance of him getting to someone. Good timing, I’d say?”

  “Yes, but you never did say how you liked that lateral move of mine,” poked Aaron at Joseph being a little too proud of himself.

  “Okay, okay, but I still can’t figure out how you did that. What a trick. I’d end up flat on my face if I tried it.”

  “Want to practice it?” joked Aaron.

  “No, and I don’t want to ride a bike, either.”

  Aaron remembered when Joseph tried to ride a bike one day on more leisurely days. He ended in a ditch three times before taking his sword and cutting it into pieces while shouting, “Stupid, human invention!”

  Aaron spoke with urgency, “We’ve been called back to heaven. The Lord is preparing to release our angel witnesses.”

  “That means we are to be added to those 144,000 Jewish witnesses already preaching Jesus. I can’t wait to see all of us on earth for a change. That will shake things up.”

  “There are some particular missions for some talented humans that need to take place first,” replied Aaron.

  “Oh, okay, so, who will go? Someone we know,” asked Joseph.

  “No, I’m not familiar with these angels going on these missions. There is one mission that is interesting, though. There is this musician in Nashville who is going to be very surprised very soon; just ahead our mass arrival. That should make for some interesting dynamics.”

  Death of God’s Music

  Jonathan sat at his dining room table with his face in his hands while tears ran down in streams without sobs, just streams. His son, Jacob, was in his room having his own solitary moment. It was six months since Sally died and left the two of them. His Christian music was central and vital to him and others who were blessed with his lyrics and songs. It all stopped; all of it: the music, the blessings, and the joy, gone, all gone.

  Jesus approached Madylinn (Mady) and Christy Lee (Miss C) just as they finished from a quiet walk among one of heaven’s more isolated gardens. Upon seeing Jesus, they bowed to the ground with wings fully extended and spread forward in complete submission.

  Jesus said in a whisper, “Get up my beautiful children. I have something important for you both to do.”

  Mady answered quietly still subjected on the ground, “Whatever Our Lord; whatever Your will.”

  “I have one of my musicians who needs to start writing and playing music again. I need you both to go take care of him. It will awkward at first, but you have time before our angel millions arrive on earth. I believe you have quite an adventure in store for you. Trust me, and whatever you need, ask; I will be listening to provide whatever you need. Just get him going again.”

  Mady and Miss C answered in unison, “Yes, my Lord.”

  Miss C stood up and asked Mady, ‘Have you ever been asked to do something like this before?”

  “No, never, I’ve been around for 3000 years, and you only a hundred, but never have I been asked to do anything like this. Isn’t it exciting?”

  “I’m nervous. I’ve been around angels so much, but I don’t have any experience with humans, do you?” asked Miss C.

  “Actually, no, but I have learned from the stories other angels have told so we should be okay. This sounds like a sad case.”

  “What does Jesus mean, take care of him?” asked Miss C skeptically, with all sorts of thoughts racing through her head, and some were not altogether sane to her angelic ways.

  “I picked up that we are to help him know that Jesus loves him enough to give us to him to care for him and even Jacob. Cook and clean, care for him. Just be there for him, don’t you agree?”

  Miss C remarked sarcastically, “I sure hope that’s the extent of it. We aren’t supposed to kiss and hug on them, do we?”

  “Miss C!” exclaimed Mady, “They don’t have leprosy! They are hu
man. They just look like us except we are eternal, and they don’t have our angelic talents. You actually might like kissing and hugging one if you get a chance.”

  Miss C proclaimed, “Oh no, not me! I’m only 18-years-old in their time. What does an 18-year-old human girl know about that stuff?”

  “Oh, dear, you have some growing up to do. Human girls grow up fast on earth. Kissing and hugging are the least of your worries.”

  “You’re kidding, aren’t you?” she asked while watching Mady laughing at her response.

  “I think this is going to be an interesting visit. Watch out, girl, you might actually enjoy it if you aren’t careful.”

  “You better take care of me, then,” she commanded and reached out to hold Mady’s hand for the trip.

  Jonathan heard the door bell ring, and his large dogs jumped with enough racket to wake the dead. All of a sudden, the dogs sat in front of the door without making a sound. Normally, they fought over which one would get to eat the door ringer. Pizza delivery men already knew what to expect at this house.

  Mady stood in front of the door with Miss C while both held packed backpacks as if they were ready for a camping trip. For all intent and purposes, they looked like sisters. Mady was tall, with a medium cut brown hair that wrapped around her face in a pixie fashion while Miss C let her brown hair fall over her shoulders. Mady stood almost 5’ 11” looking all of human standards of 28 while Miss C was 5’ 7” looking all of human standards of what she called 18, and she was right. Perfection was always more than admirable when angels were wearing it.

  Jonathan backed up in surprise. He was astounded at who was in front of him, “What in the world can I do for you two?” he asked while gasping at how beautiful they were.

  “Hey, Jacob, we got company. Must be Jehovah Witnesses, but I think most of those guys are in hiding lately. They just hate to admit they were wrong with the rapture going on!” He laughed at his own sarcastic humor while Jacob came stumbling out of his room or more like his digital castle, bug eyed from staring at his computer screens.

  Mady answered matter-of-factly, “No Jehovah Witnesses, here. Just angels. We are here to help you. Jesus, our Lord, has sent us to encourage and care for you. You need to start writing and playing music for our Lord, again.”

  “What do you mean, angels? My music or not is my business, no one else’s. Are you two crazy?”

  Jacob slipped up behind Jonathan and said, “Wow! What happened to the dogs? They’ve never acted like that in their whole lives.”

  “Calm down, Jacob, get a hold of yourself,” stuttered Jonathan.

  “Dad, don’t you think we need to let these pretty little people in for visit, whether you believe them or not.”

  “We will talk about your music more in a little bit, but remember it wasn’t your music to begin with. All music starts in heaven first. You were just the vehicle to deliver it, and Jesus wants it to continue.”

  Miss C stated matter-of-factly, “We really would like for you to let us in and just talk awhile. We promise we aren’t criminals or anything, just angels. I am a hundred years old, and Mady, here, is 3000. This is our first earth mission and would love it if you would help us complete it so we can go back to heaven where we belong. Okay?”

  Mady admired Miss C’s direct conversational tone, then Jonathan opened the door, and they watched as their angel visitors eased their way into their living room, put down their bags, then sat down at the living room table, just sitting quietly.

  Jocab ran back to his room and came back with his I-Phone with its camera setting on. If these two are crazies, it still would make good You Tube fodder.

  Jonathan said simply, “Prove it,” then shut up.

  Miss C nodded at Mady, and Mady got up while moving to the middle of the room, then spread her multi-colored wings out from her back almost touching ceiling. Her rainbow colored eyes lit up the room around her. It was enough of a shock that Jonathan fell off his chair, and Jacob ran for the other side of the room, then forgot his I-phone and dashed back to get it while snapping off a dozen pictures before Mady pulled her wings back into her.

  “Okay, is that proof enough?!” she asked sarcastically.

  “Oh, yes, Oh, yes, yes, yes,” answered both Jonathan and Jacob together while sneaking carefully back to their chairs.

  “Well, since we have your attention; why don’t we start helping by cleaning up this dump you live in. Miss C, take the kitchen, and I will start by up picking up trash and doing the laundry.”

  Jonathan and Jacob just stared at them and softly answered, “Okay, that’s a nice start.” Then they turned and went into the study room to talk.

  “Dad, I think Jesus really wants you to start your music again. I know you were happier when you did. Everyone loves what you did when it is about Jesus,” he commented while patting his dad on the shoulder.

  “I was a lot happier about a lot of things in the past; music being only part of it; you know that. I miss your mother just like you do,” he whispered truthfully, and they embraced quietly for the longest time without a word.

  Jewish Witnesses

  It was happening; the Jewish people were hearing the Gospel of Christ preached from every street corner and synagogue in Jerusalem. They were bold and powerful, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Thousands of Jews were turning to Jesus from this witness. It was hard to explain how one day there was no one preaching Jesus, then the next day the sounds of their preaching witnesses were everywhere.

  Shifting Gears

  “Montplier, did you see those people falling to their knees in front of you, tonight? I counted at least 50,000 converts. Did you see those miracles that I was doing? I wasn’t even using made up magic and stuff. I was making people levitate in front of me, healing them, and casting out those demons. Did you see it? We are gods, Montplier. We are gods!”

  “Slow down, son, I am supposed to be the god, not you; don’t forget it. I am tired of all this preaching stuff. I bet we have converted at least three million people to our ways now. It’s enough for me. I’m out of here. I am going to Babylon to be with my wife. Remember, she is our competition too. You would go back to Angelica if you knew here like I did. You can handle it from here. I need to orchestrate this attack on the United States, and I can’t do it being here.”

  “You can’t leave me here by myself! They want to see you! What will I tell them?” he grabbed Montplier’s arm in emphasis, then dropped it when Dar Raven entered the room in a surprise visit.

  “Let him go back to Angelica. He has done enough damage for the time being, and you will just tell them he is preparing for the new millennium in true meditation.”

  Dar Raven was showing himself in full colors and feathers; and they knew where their power came from in a second. This was all about Apollyon; this was all about evil; this was all about the end-of-time and the last days. It was all coming to a head. No matter what anyone wanted to think, they were knee deep in the stink of hell, and all that it meant, bad and very bad.

  “How close are we to the U.S. Coast now?” asked Montplier to Dar Raven.

  “Three hundred miles. Not close enough. Waiting on the troop carriers to get there. We should be ready soon. We will send those ground troops in as soon as the nuclear dust settles. The east coast should end up being a ghost town.”

  “It shall be, soon,” answered Dar Raven

  Too Close

  “What happened outside yesterday? I heard a commotion, then nothing. Is Joseph still close by?” asked Hayden.

  Crystal held her arms around Hayden’s waist and pulled close to him while standing around with the Prince and Mi, then they heard an answer from Joseph, “I’m back. We just had something come up, and we took care of a dark angel that got too close.”

  “Close, close to us this easily?” asked Crystal, surprised it happened so soon, but just as surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

  “That’s what it’s
all about; taking care of you guys,” commented Joseph, then disappeared into the woodwork again. “Don’t worry millions of angels are coming to earth soon. You’ll get pretty tired of seeing all us after a little bit.”

  Crystal moved even closer to Hayden, “Hayden, can we spend some time together, soon.”

  Hayden answered naively, “We are always together, oh, oh, I mean, sure, do you mean it? What do you mean?”

  Crystal looked up at him and kissed him tenderly on his lips as he talked, “I want you to hold me, to be near me, just the two of us, together.”

  “Can we start right now,” he asked, and they moved quietly into the base camp yard and walked near an out-of-sight place under a large Osage Orange tree. They spent most of the time holding each other without saying a word with an occasional kiss.

  Hayden asked meekly, “Like this?”

  Crystal answered, “Yes, just like this.”

  Crystal asked fearfully, “Are we going to make it, Hayden?”

  “You mean America, us, or all of the above?” he answered wondering which it was.

  “Everyone and especially both of us, together, especially both of us,” she answered holding to him even tighter.

  “Oh, Lord, I hope so, especially both of us, for the rest of our lives if you want. I certainly do,” he replied tenderly while trying to look her in the eyes from a tight snuggle.

  She answered knowingly with a slight smile and another tender kiss on his lips looking him square in the eyes, “Yes, us, both of us, for the rest of our lives.”

  Hayden thought the joy he felt was unbounded, but he held still, then nodded to her as if the moment were too precious for words. Enough had been said for right now. He felt he needed to do something more, but didn’t. He was supposed to ask her a question but didn’t.

  There was a voice from near them that seemed like a breeze or whisper or both, “About time,” said Joseph, chuckling that he actually said it out loud.

  Run and Hide

  “I haven’t heard from my son, and I have to return to the college to hand back the finals for my class. I really need to let my students know that it would be a good idea to hide until this is all over. It’s hard to know just how much to say when I know so much.”

  “I still can’t go with you. I am getting around good here, but I’d be on my face in a second if I tried to go too far.”

  “I noticed you have been eyeing my Jucuzzi. Would you like me to fill it up and maybe get that foot wrap off for a long soak? Probably make you feel a little better. If I go to the college, I would be taking the bike, not my jeep, so I agree with you. I also have to find out exactly where Hayden is and that it’s safe.”

  “I’d like the Jucuzzi idea, but you have to promise to keep massaging my legs like before. You have no idea how great it feels, even if it is from a dirty old man,” she replied sarcastically.

  “You know, I know plenty of women that would give their right arm to be taken care of by me like I care of you. Even the leg rubbing, even from a dirty old man,” he chuckled and thought just how much he liked being around her and enjoyed massaging her as much as he did. It was a memory thing as with Missy.

  “Okay, I will take off for town to see what I can find out and deliver those finals, then see how effectively I can warn everyone without completely letting the cat out of the bag,” he said while grabbing his helmet, then said as he shut the door, “Yes, coming back to rub and get your hot Jucuzzi percolating.”

  “You’d better! I need you!” she shouted, then thought just how true this was, and it made her feel warm inside, then she whispered quietly, “And I really like you too, a lot, a whole lot,” then smiled while feeling warm inside again. Why was she feeling this way about an old man? What was wrong with her?

  Jonathan’s Angels

  “Well, what do you think of the house? We ought to start a maid service, right?” Mady laughed seeing the sparkle on floors and the kitchen with no dirty dishes.

  Miss C asked simply, “We need a place to pray for you and Jacob. We don’t sleep. I would like to take some time and talk to Jacob. Jacob, is that alright?”

  “Would you like to pray here or go to our church just a block away?” asked Jonathan.

  “Both!” answered the girls in unison.

  “There is the study that we keep clean and do our own praying and studying. It’s Sally’s place too. She loved it in there. I haven’t used it since she died. Really miss it. I can take you to the church to start with if you want?”

  “Not to church quite yet; we will take Sally’s place for right now, to keep the power of prayer in this house,” answered Mady.

  He really did miss his morning prayers. It was the place where the Lord reached him, where lyrics were born and exposed right from heaven. That was the place he was missing so much right now. It was such an urge in him, and he knew it was God working through His Spirit and through the special attention of His angels. How significant it was that God thought his singing was important enough to bring him His angels. There was something else. He really liked Mady. In fact, he had to keep his imagination down a little. He kept day dreaming what it would be like to have her around all the time. He’d slap the side of his head and tell himself to stop it.

  The New Ones

  The Lord met with Aaron and asked him if he was ready for the next phase of His plan. Aaron was skeptical at first after he heard about the plan and asked about it.

  “We have the Jewish Witnesses, all 144,000; we have millions of our own angels preparing a mass invasion of earth to preach the Word too. Now, the New Ones. Jesus, My Lord, this isn’t written anywhere that I know of?”

  “The story of salvation is dynamic. I love being unpredictable. It makes everything so interesting, don’t you think?” He commented while placing His hand tenderly on Aaron’s shoulder in a good-luck pat.

  “If you think it is important to make it interesting, then so do I. Do you have any suggestions?” he asked, not exactly knowing all the details about this part of Jesus’ plan.

  “Just watch what happens. There will be so many New Ones preaching that the world will be turned on their heads. I have a Christian pastor chosen who will be dying shortly. Watch what happens.”

  Sam was in the doctor’s office getting his annual physical. Dr. Carmen just finished her basic workup and questions. She was commenting to Sam about losing some weight and to keep taking his blood pressure medicine.

  “Sam, for 75 you are doing great. Your blood pressure is way below, and perfect. You must be walking again, right?”

  “Yes, I am. I walk out at Radnor Lake every chance I get, but I cheat and get that baloney sandwich with corn chips and a quart of milk. Hate the bad stuff, but that stuff is too good to turn down.”

  “I think your walking is keeping the bad stuff at bay. You retired years ago, but I understand you have been doing some writing. It’s good to keep active.”

  “Actually, I write articles for The Christian Times of Southern Sudan as well as the Juba Post, then I work with the Rescue Mission too. A preacher can’t really retire. We can’t leave the calling that easily. Got to go all the way to the end and go out in flames.”

  “Well, my job is to keep you from going out in flames before your time, right.”

  They both laughed about their flame talk, then Sam felt strange. He felt sick at his stomach at first, then dizzy. Dr. Carmen turned to leave the exam room for a minute, then watched Sam fall over on the exam table, out cold, and not breathing.

  “Code Blue! Code Blue! Exam Room Seven! Call EMIs” she yelled while trying to resuscitate with no success. She had him on a heart monitor and kept up CPR waiting for the EMI guys to get there. Nothing worked; he wasn’t breathing; he was cold already to her touch; she knew he was gone, way gone.

  Dr. Carmen heard the EMIs rattling their gurney and almost busting down the door, then loading him up and taking over for her while trying to get him down the te
n floors of the physicians building to the emergency room and hospital.

  One of the EMI’s said it simply, “I’ve seen dead before, but this guy is gone.” They continued to try to bring him back, but it was impossible. He was really going out in flames.

  Sam was officially announced dead an hour later and carried down to the morgue and slid into a cold keeper. Sam’s wife and son were brought into to view him one last time. Mary, his wife, was almost be carried out by their pastor. Joe just stood stunned by it all, trying to answer the age old question, “Why?’ with no answer, just his question. It was hard for someone who was only 21 with a 75-year-old father, and he always dreaded that this might happen before he got too old himself. His own fears were very real.

  The memorial services were four days later while Sam was still in the keeper, then Sam woke up. He felt the cool metal on his back and legs, then shook his head to understand just where he was. Outside his keeper, the staff was preparing for his cremation, right on schedule. Sam pushed at the top of the keeper, and it slid noisily out from the wall. The staff turned to see Sam sit up.

  “Jiminy Christmas, guys, does anyone have some clothes for me. I’m freezing in this thing.”

  Two of the staff passed out while a young assistant ran to a pile of old clothes and started throwing them at him, not wanting to get any closer. Sam grabbed at what he could and made an admirable attempt at dressing.

  He thought, “Not bad for hodge-podge,” then he turned and looked at where he was, flushing red in acknowledgement.

  “Oh, oh, I think I know where I’m at,” he commented while feeling a warm surge flowing through his body as his circulation returned and as he walked wobbling across the morgue floor towards the door. Two administrators came running down and gasped at what almost happened. Ten minutes later, Sam would have been burnt toast.

  Sam asked, “I would like to go home. Can someone get me a cab, and does anyone have a cell phone I can use?”

  There was some immediate effort to appease Sam while Sam could only think about one thing, preaching. He felt so filled with the Holy Spirit that all he wanted to do was go to the first street corner and preach. He was overwhelmed and compelled to witness about Jesus to everyone he met.

  Angelica Poison

  Angelica steamed in anger at Montplier’s success in Europe. “You weren’t supposed to show me up! You did better than I did! I only got a bunch of heathen nations to adopt a sworn oath to the ancient gods while getting them to give up their silly allegiance to their petty beliefs. I promised them glory and control over the masses for their duty. You on the other hand got them to worship you. I got them to worship other things except the Holy one. I should have done what you did. I can’t stand this competition!”

  “Give it up, Angelica. We have things to do with the attack against the United States. Both of us have done so much damage that nothing but God Himself intervening will make a difference anymore. Our success proves He isn’t as powerful as everyone says. History is on our side; we have them all on the ropes”

  “We better have them on the ropes, but we don’t have ‘Him’ on the ropes. You know how He does things unexpectedly. Just can’t trust His innovation, especially when it comes to protecting His own.”

  “Well, there will be a lot less of His own than before after we get through with them. I need to speak to Dar Raven about some additional next steps. You just relax now for a little bit.”

  Angelica shuddered at his mention of Dar Raven. How she hated him, and his intentions to her were too obvious. “Sure, relax when there are commands for missile launches to be made. I want to be one of the button pushers.”

  “Join the button pusher club; okay, with me?”

  Montplier turned to the TV reporting additional impacts of his work in Europe with worshippers falling out under the preaching of his man, then watching pictures of them storming his stage to touch him in the name on Montplier. Montplier giggled in conceited pleasure, then watched Angelica rush over, knock the TV to the floor in a jealous rage, and broke the screen in a swift boot kick that sent glass and TV parts all over the room and over Montplier.

  Montplier brushed them off casually, then smirked as he mentioned, “Got you top bonnet screwed on a little too tight today, don’t you?”

  “Get out of here and leave my top bonnet out of it, you jerk!”

  “Just, winning, just winning,” he commented while ducking a lamp thrown at him from across the room. He dashed for the door and slipped out before she could find anything else to throw at him.

  Warning Students

  As Doc approached Tullahoma, he could see some of his students running for the first scheduled class from the Spring break. He felt lucky that the Spring break worked so well with the accident and Birdy recovering. He carried in a stack of graded papers and hoped for a full class today. He needed to warn them without causing a panic. Still, he knew that this area would be notified soon enough, but he wanted them to have a head start.

  As he walked into class, he noticed it was almost full, then saw some observable giggles and knew exactly what they were talking about—his house guest.

  Putting down his stack of graded papers, he asked two on the first row, “Mike and Sandra, will you hand out these papers without sneaking a peek at the grades. Everyone did very well. I’m proud of you.”

  After the bell ran, several more wandered in, and Doc was actually pleased that he was only missing two. He mentioned to them, “I hope you enjoyed your Spring Break. As I promised in the beginning of the course, I don’t do testing; and if I do, then I would let you review the exam before I gave it so you could prepare. After all, how can you test adequately on anything when we have covered so much? It’s a waste of time. So, this is why I prepared you for this writing project, as promised; and why, you all did so well.”

  The students started clapping, and a few cheers were heard among the “Right ons!” and “Great!” and “You’re awesome!”

  Doc sat on the front of his desk waiting carefully to give his warning. A student in the back called Mophie asked the unspoken question, “What happened to that little girl that got hurt? I heard you took her home.”

  “Okay, to set the record straight, yes, I did. She is still recovering and probably won’t be able to put her full weight on it in spite of the glove cast she has for a week or two. Yes, I’m the one that took out Jonsey outside and would do so for any of you. Now, I need to talk to you about something. How much do any of you know about what’s going on overseas with China, Korea, and Europe?”

  Melinda in the front row answered, “We just know that something big is getting ready to happen from those guys. Do you know?”

  “Yes, I do. So I am going to say this as carefully as I can. I would make a suggestion that all of you move as far away from this Middle Tennessee area and its major interstates as possible. If you were the Chinese-Koreans and wanted to take over the United States, what would you do?”

  “I’d nuke us!” answered Ralph, one of the school football players.

  “Nuke, how much, all, some, and what would you do after that? Walk away and go home?”

  Another student barged in, “I’d start with the east coast and use a land invasion directly into our heartland as far as I could go before our forces stopped them. You know like that movie Red Dawn.”

  “Actually that movie was very close to what I thought might happen too. So, how would you get your army all the way into the midland of the U.S.? Which way would you go?”

  “Interstates with tanks and artillery and stay away from back roads to avoid the Good-Ole-Boys. My dad would be one of those,” commented Ernie.

  “Good for your dad, but there would be millions of them. Nothing a couple Good-Ole-Boys would do would help, would it?”

  “Okay, but what would you do, Doc?”

  “Hide. Wait for a better way. Plan for a counter attack that would make taking pot shots at them from beh
ind trees a better chance. I’d go as far up in the mountains of Tennessee as possible, as far from interstates as I could get. I wouldn’t even stay here in Tullahoma. Anything near an interstate makes you sitting ducks. Don’t give them a chance,” announced the Doc, and he saw some acknowledging looks that told him he was getting through.

  “What will our military be doing, Doc?”

  “From what I know, waiting for one of the biggest ambushes known to mankind; but if there are too many citizens in the line of fire, it might make that ambush difficult and at least unfortunately more deadly for us. I don’t know if there is anything else planned.”

  “What do you want us to do, Doc?”

  “I want to convert this class to online only and send you home for the next four months. I figure that Ralph is right and so is Ernie. I think they plan to attack the east coast and work their way inland as far as they can. I’m going to hide so well that they never will find me. Some of us have built shelters for just times like that. Ralph, you live way out in the country, and your dad has an extensive old bomb shelter converted underground tornado protection?’

  “Yes, but he hasn’t cleaned it up in a couple years.”

  “Don’t you think you might do that?”

  Another student started crying, “You are scaring us, Doc. You are saying something is going to happen, aren’t you?”

  “I’m so sorry, yes. I don’t want to hear about any of you staying near Middle Tennessee if you don’t have protected sanctuary around somewhere. Trust me when I say that our military will take care of it. Anyone in the cross hairs of this particular planned ambush will die. You have to trust me. Get the heck out of dodge.”

  “Any questions, now!” shouted Doc jolting the students into action. “Just leave me your email addresses on this paper, and I will send you updates on your homework. I have a site you can go to get assignments, and I will send you passwords to get on that. Okay, guys, see you hopefully in four months.”

  Students stumbled over each other and were on their cell phones trying to tell everyone they knew about what might happen: a little panic, but an educated one. Everyone thanked him for his honesty and wished him luck, including with his house guest.

  Sweet Affection

  Miss C started hanging out with Jacob more each day. She started relying on his human understanding of things far more than what she ever imagined. She liked his quiet ways and his tender manners. She never imagined a human could be quite like Jacob; just plain nice to be around, and it was starting to tell.

  After two weeks of staying with Jonathan and Jacob, Jonathan started writing music again. It was beautiful to hear the sounds of heaven echo through the house. He was finding his place in God’s kingdom. He was finding that as he prayed for the right words the music was flowing from him in torrents, just overpowering him and driving him into the best music he ever produced. He was starting to share it with the local churches and watched the instant righteous responses for his art.

  Mady kept close; and everywhere he went, she went. She became his best supporter. She would always sneak into his sessions, place a hand on his shoulder, pat him gently while watching him turn and smile, then watch him open up to even more of the Holy Spirit. The Lord especially needed his music to get into the hearts of his people.

  Mady asked Miss C, “How is it going with Jacob? You seem to be spending a lot of time together. Getting used to human ways, right?”

  Miss C flushed and didn’t say anything for a minute, then carefully said, “I really like him. I didn’t know humans could be so nice. He makes me feel good to be around him. Is there something wrong with that?”

  Mady answered, “No, that’s the way good things happen sometimes. That’s the way it is with Jonathan and me. I think we just like being around each other. Some humans would call it being like an old shoe.”

  Miss C, “An old shoe, that doesn’t sound right.”

  Mady responded, “It’s a metaphor; it means comfortable, very comfortable. I’m just as surprised as you are it feels that way. I wonder if the Lord planned it this way. I haven’t asked Him but will soon. Has Jacob kissed you yet?”

  Miss C flushed again, then turned her eyes away from Mady’s, then said, “No, I don’t know what I would do if he did that. He held my hand as we walked at the duck park yesterday. I really liked that. How come I liked it so much?”

  “What you do if he kisses you is kiss him back, and the reason you like it so much is that you really do care for him more than just this assignment, just as I am beginning to do with Jonathan. Why don’t we promise to talk about this more as we go through it? We might help each other sort it all out a little quicker if we do. What do you think?”

  “That would be nice. I’m going to Radnor for a walk with him today. What if I kissed him first? Can I do that?”

  “Wow, haven’t you turned the corner on humans. Well, why not, but what happens if he doesn’t kiss you back?”

  “Oh, I think I’m beginning to learn a little about his body language. He will kiss me back,” she replied smiling sneakily, then skipped out of the room to go meet Jacob.

  “Lord,” prayed Mady, “what have we got ourselves into? Is this part of the plan?”

  The Lord answered coyly, “Maybe, you don’t want me to ruin all the surprises, do you?’

  Mady smiled, then spoke happily, “Surprises are nice, very nice, amen.”

  Hayden News

  Doc returned only partway home, then detoured to find out about Hayden. He turned down an old dirt road and went several miles to what looked like was an abandoned house, except this abandoned house had new dirt dug up from the drive way all the way to the front porch. When he pulled up, he could hear a low-ebb siren from deep underground. He was always told if he needed to get information that he needed to come here. He couldn’t do the same with the facility by him unless someone else would be watching. Contact must to be away from living places. A little paranoia can be helpful. Just here, this house, and now him, and the sirens.

  Doc walked up to a small box on the porch post, tapped, then popped the buttons open to dial his code, then waited. Several minutes later there came a couple of military dressed officers holding him plainly at gun point.

  “Doc, we told you not to do this unless there was an emergency. I don’t know anything about any emergency. Why are you here? You need help massaging your little student’s feet. I think you have that handled very well.”

  “I figured you all were watching, or at least, guessing. I would. It’s simple. I haven’t heard from my son, Hayden, in over two weeks. I just needed to check one more time about how he is doing. Patronize me, Captain Carlos. If I remember right, your dad was one of my students in martial arts training years ago.”

  The officer laughed, “Doc, that sure was my dad. Quite a look alike, huh? He is about as hard headed as you are. Stay here and I will make a call and see what I can find out. Like your bike.”

  The officer moved behind the house and was gone about 15 minutes. Upon coming back he stated, “Your son is fine. He has been requested to stay at Arnold Air Force Base and being moved into a more protected place soon. He will be nowhere near the CrossHairs, as we call them.”

  “Wonderful, just wonderful! Well, do you have an ETA on the start of the attack?”

  “Days and counting. The armada seems to be waiting on troop arrivals. It will take them no less than two months to get this far. Doc, we aren’t going to sit by and do nothing. We have an attack plan. Middle Tennessee is still the same, though. By the way, there are some major Christian movements in Israel. You remember, the 144,000?”

  “Oh, those guys, sure. I expect a lot of things happening as we draw down to the end of this age, don’t you?”

  “As a biblical person, I expect all hell to break lose before it is all over. Have you heard about all those people being raised from the dead? All those pastors and missionaries that were dead are alive again doing their th
ing. They have been nicknamed the New Ones. Kind of a funny name, huh? We will win, Doc! We will win!”

  “God will win! We are just around for the ride as crazy as that ride might be. New Ones. That’s rather catchy. Anything else?”

  “We heard that angels are starting to appear all over the place. It’s almost an invasion. There are so many of them in some places that they outnumber the humans.”

  “Well, the New Ones aren’t exactly biblical, but the angel invasion and the 144,000 preachers in Israel sure are. Guess it doesn’t have to be written to make it true. Are people turning to the Lord because of all this?”

  “Millions, hundred’s of millions.

  “Expect it! You mentioned us fighting back. How much?”

  The officer shouted as Doc walked towards his bike, “Everything! Everything we got!”

  Doc whispered to himself, “Now, that’s the America I know.” He was now excited to see what was going to happen. This was better than watching one of his old war movies.

  Birdy heard Doc coming and was watching out the window for him. When she heard him, she ducked so as not to be seen, but was, then moved to the couch and curled up like she was asleep without a care in the world. Doc came in to be greeted by Nash with a yelp and her with a yawn like she hadn’t been seen.

  “Enjoyed your nap?” he asked, then smiled knowingly at her sneakiness.

  “Oh, yeah, just lying around. Did you find out about your boy?” she asked and wondered why Doc was smiling so much.

  “What’s up with you and all that smiling?” she asked challengingly.

  “Oh, that, I saw you peeking. You missed me, didn’t you?”

  She blushed and pulled her face away a little to keep him from seeing it. Something came over her; a little serious look like she was debating asking a question, then stopped, then changed her mind.

  “I want to ask you a stupid question. Don’t laugh at me.”

  “Okay, Princess Gimp, ask away,” he said, not knowing exactly what could make her take on such a serious tone. He sat across from her in his favorite recliner, then Nash jumped up in his lap almost covering him, leaving just enough room for him to give her direct attention while scratching at Nash’s ears.

  “I have been thinking about something. You know I’m young, okay, that’s a duhh; and you are old, another duhhh. Can people like you and me be nothing more than young-girl, old-man friends?”

  Doc stopped his ear scratching and flung Nash off of him, then leaned forward staring at her so intensely that it made her want to run away.

  “I’m sorry,” she almost shouted, “I take it back! I take it back! I shouldn’t have said that! I am so sorry! I take it back!” She was almost in tears by what she said.

  He kept staring at her, then answered very softly, “Of course.”

  In his weakest moments, he day dreamed about it and kept reminding himself, in order to reign himself in, to snap himself out of it. After all, it seemed almost ridiculous; although, he thought it was a rather delicious and stimulating idea.

  Still, he made himself stop thinking about it and would say to himself, “Stop it, old man!” while pushing at the air like he was pushing away a branch as he walked through the woods. He was good at pushing bad thoughts out of the way like that.

  “Really?” she answered feeling better now. “Okay, I don’t take it back then. How do you feel about that?”

  He got up and moved to the floor next to the couch and reached up to carefully touch her face, “That’s not the way we should approach this. I’m the old man. What do you think? How does the young girl feel about this? I would be an old man who might have a very close, very young person as a friend; and you would be a young girl who would have a very old person like her grandpa as her very close friend. How does ‘this’ young girl feel about that?”

  She reached up and held his hand to her face, then gently kissed his fingers and squeezed them for emphasis. She knew how she felt, and she couldn’t believe how she felt. It felt so wrong, but it felt so right.

  “I would love the old man as much as I would love a young man, no matter what anyone thought. I would care for him and hold on to him as long as life let us. I wouldn’t let go, no matter.”

  Doc didn’t move for a long time and just watched her lips trembling and a tear welled up from his own. He knew his imagination was more than a good day dream. He cared for her and would do anything for her if asked. He also knew she was getting the wrong end of the stick on this thing, but was willing to. He also knew that how they felt was enough, and it was not about what others thought. Nothing mattered but what they thought.

  He thought to himself, “I am one heck of a dirty old man,” but was excited about it.

  “You have no idea how much I care for you. I have to admit that I have been thinking about this already. Every time I see you; I feel good. I love being with you. I wake up every morning looking forward to having you around. I can’t imagine not having you around. I lo..lo..,” then he stumbled not believing what he was about to say to this little girl who could be his granddaughter.

  “You love me?” she asked shaking in excitement but not believing what he was trying to say. She sat straight up and reached out and hugged him so tight he almost couldn’t breathe. “Oh, please tell me you love me. Please!” she squealed into his ear, “I know I love you, don’t you understand?”

  “Oh, Birdy, this is all so strange almost confusing, but yes, I love you, but I don’t know what to do about it?”

  “I do!” she said loudly, then kissed him passionately on the lips while he returned it to her.

  “You must understand, My Lord, I am so traditional in my old age that I can’t give myself any room to even think about the next step.”

  “I do!” she said again loudly, then kissed him again.

  “Birdy, I’m serious; and as much as I’m enjoying this, we need to hold back a minute. I’ve had only one woman ever in my life, and we did it all by the book. Especially, since I’m a Christian now. Don’t you understand how difficult this is regardless how much I don’t want this end?”

  Birdy threw herself into the couch cushion crying uncontrollably. She didn’t understand what was going on. She felt she was being pushed away. What was wrong? If she could run away on two good legs, she would have, but she couldn’t.

  “Birdy, stop crying. Listen to me. I know how to solve this next step. It sounds crazy, but you have to listen. Will you marry me?”

  Birdy stopped crying, sat straight up, then grabbed and kissed him again, then only Doc pulling himself away to give himself a chance to breathe, then he heard her say, “Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

  She pulled herself away this time and asked, “How?’

  “Oh, that’s easy. Each of the larger underground stations, like the one here on my property, has their own ordained pastor to lead their units in church and prayer. I talked to this one about six months ago by short wave. There hasn’t been any changes in staff and won’t be until it is all over. You see. Are you sure?”

  “Very sure! I just have one question.”


  “After, do you care what I wear when I run around the house?”

  “You are asking this dirty old man that? What do you think the answer to that is?” he replied laughing at his own humor. “Just make sure we don’t have house guests when you do.”

  “Very funny. Shall we blind fold Nash, then.

  “I imagine he won’t understand being locked out of my bedroom after all these years of sleeping with me, but he will just have to get used to it.”

  Doc pulled out a shortwave radio, set it up, and switched to his encoded signals. After a second or two after stating the right codes, the underground operator came on while recognizing Doc’s passcodes.

  “Doc, you haven’t called us in about six months. This must be some serious business with what’s coming. You could have called us about Hayden, you know
? I know protocol, right? You didn’t need to go all the way out to talk to Carlos. Still pulling your strings, I see. Are you going to be moving to a safer location soon?”

  “Yes, I could have, but that conversation could be picked up by my neighbors on short wave too, and the woods have eyes. Not taking a chance. This conversation is all about romance, so no one cares. Yes, I will be okay. I need to watch what I say, guys. I want to talk to your pastor. I would like for him to do a marriage ceremony. What do you think about that?”

  “Wow, who is the lucky lady?”

  “Oh, the lucky girl, well, Birdy what’s your last name”?

  “The corporal laughed, then asked, “Shot gun wedding? And the way you said ‘girl’ makes me ask. One of your students? But we spotted her on video feed some time ago. Same bride?”

  “Yes, same. She is 20, and I’m 70.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line, then the sound of clapping and shouting, then a chorus of “Bravo, to the dirty old man! Bravo, to the dirty old man!” He figured that would be the response and was enjoying the envy while Birdy rolled her eyes in protest.

  “Don’t worry, girl. Just a guy thing.”

  The pastor came on and commented, “Doc, are you sure about this? There are a ton of women your age who would love to have you around.”

  “Pastor, I don’t need someone to cook apple pies for me and to share a wheel chair together. I have other things in mind. I have to admit that I love this little girl. I just have to make it legal. In spite of who and what I was in the military, I am a Christian, now. I guess I’m too traditional for my own good, but this is the only way I can do this. So, are you willing to help us out? I’ll invite you to your first child’s birthday; how about that?”

  Birdy squealed, “Kids! Oh Lord!”

  “I’m just joking with him,” he whispered and winked at her at the same time.

  Birdy rolled her eyes again, then did a whew sign with her face in relief, then started thinking, “Kids, babies, my kids, my babies, well maybe,” and got a warm feeling in her chest just thinking about it.

  The pastor laughed as he stated, “You are one heck of a rascal! Okay, let’s do this for you.”

  Angelic Love

  Miss C walked quietly up to Mady while she folded clothes on the dining-room table. Miss C could smell a roast cooking in the kitchen and was always amazed how grown angels could do everything so well. She just wished she could grow up faster. She felt she needed that wisdom right now, but that came with just being alive longer.

  Miss C said quietly, “Mady, I need to talk to you. Do you mind?”

  Miss C was very subdued, and Mady noticed. She put down the clothes and pointed to an open chair while she sat down and folded her hands in her lap, then waited. Something was wrong, and Miss C had her mind closed to her, then the Lord was not sharing anything with her even though she asked for a hint.

  “Miss C, what’s on your mind?”

  After seeing a tear run down Miss C’s face, Mady asked again, “Miss C, what’s on your heart?”

  “I did it, you know?” she said with her head looking at the floor.

  Mady panicked for a minute, “You did, what?”

  Quickly, Miss C, said, “I kissed him.”


  “He didn’t kiss me back.”


  “He said he didn’t think he was supposed to kiss an angel.”


  “I told him to quit that kind of crap and just kiss me.”

  “Did he?”



  “I felt crazy inside. I have never felt like this before. Is this what humans have to feel? Is this what you call love.”

  “Something like that. Did you pray about it?”

  “Yes, I asked the Lord about it.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said figure it out.”

  “Are you? I mean are you going to figure it out?

  “I hope so. I really want to be with him. I can’t stand it when he is away from me.”

  “Join the club,” Mady stated flatly.

  “What club?”

  “Angels in love with humans club?’

  “You too?’

  “Yes, but he kissed me and said he loved me.”


  “I didn’t say a word. I didn’t even kiss him back.”


  “I prayed about it.”


  “He told me to figure it out.”

  “How do you feel about it?”

  “I have a lot of mixed up emotions like you do.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “We do nothing. We can’t. Righteousness rules. We kiss. We embrace. We stop and do nothing more. We can’t.”

  “That really bothers me, you know.”

  “It should. But it is the real world that we come from. It is what we are. Nothing can change that.”

  “Are there any choices?”

  “Yes, marriage. Commitment. Honor, Righteousness.”

  “Does he have to ask me about that?”


  “The heck with that! I’m asking!” she almost shouted, turned, and ran off to find him.

  “Great, now what do I do? I wish you wouldn’t let us figure it out so much, Lord.”

  “Sorry, that’s half the fun,” spoke Jesus tenderly.

  Mady got up but not before putting her face in her hands and pressing hard on her eyes like she was trying to push out the negative like kneading bread, then she took a deep breath with a final sigh.

  “Well,” she said, “I guess Miss C has the right idea. The heck with that!” She turned to run off and find Jonathan.

  Crystal and Hayden

  Hayden was sitting next to the Prince while quietly confiding in him, “Prince, I know you and Mi are so close and love each other so much. Crystal and I have alluded to being together the rest of our lives. But now, we are stuck, neither of us is moving much. I have never ever had a girl friend before. I guess it’s up to me to do something, right? What if she won’t respond? Well, she has already, but I should have continued to follow up better. I’m scared you know. Scared that she won’t completely love me and I will screw this relationship up. What would you suggest?”

  The Prince looked inquisitively at him, then for some reason just answered, “Figure it out.”

  “What? That’s all, figure it out?”

  “Yes, I think you know what to do.”

  “What do you see that I don’t?”

  “Two people in love; figure it out.”

  “You are right; you’re a genius. Thank you.”

  Hayden ran off, but Crystal was with Mi. She cried a little as she talked about Hayden and her. She was needing some advice. As she talked about their relationship and how she felt, Crystal finally asked the question.

  “What shall I do? I think we are stuck.”

  Mi answered, “Figure it out.”

  Crystal was astounded, “I’m coming to you for advice, and you are throwing me a pitch ball like that?”

  Mi answered, “I don’t know what a pitch ball is, but you need to figure it out between you two and do it as soon as possible. You know, I don’t exactly know where that thought came from, but it is true, and you must believe it.”

  Crystal got up and knew exactly what to do as she ran out to find Hayden. They both saw each other from across the compound and ran at a dead sprint towards each other. They met in an embrace that was all about their need for each other. They didn’t speak but just held each other. The Prince and Mi walked out together hand in hand.

  As they looked at each other and at the couple, the Prince asked, “Did he ask you your opinion?”

  Mi said, “Yes, did he ask you your opinion?”

  The Prince said, “Yes, and it came from what Americans
call left field.”

  Mi was struck by his statement and a clear thought came to her deep in her intuition. She said, “You told him to figure it out just like I did, didn’t you?”

  The Prince laughed, “Yes, how about that?”

  Mi said while laughing, “Yes, how about that. Thank you Lord God.”

  A voice deep within them both was clear and almost loud, “You’re welcome. Anytime.”

  Joined at the Heart

  “Jacob, I want to talk with you about something,” Miss C said in a whisper while they walked together at Radnor again.

  Jacob took a chance and put his arm around her waist as they walked while pulling her closely to him. He heard an audible gasp that was more like a sigh from her. He pulled his arm back defensively.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry,” he replied regretfully.

  Miss C grabbed his arm and put it back around her waist and pulled closely to him. “I’m not. I like it. I really love it. I really love you.”

  They both stopped in mid stride, and Jacob turned her around to face her, then hugged her close with her responding in a hold that told much of how much they cared for each other.

  She stated, “This isn’t wrong, Jacob. Don’t you understand? This is right. This is more right than anything that has ever happened to me since my creation. I love you and want to be with you. I need you with me. I can’t stand to be away from you. I want you with me.”

  Jacob trembled in confusion, “I can’t go back to heaven with you. You know that.”

  “I’m not asking you to. I want to stay here with you. I don’t want to leave when this mission is over, don’t you understand?”

  She reached up and kissed him hard, then begged him, “You must understand. Tell me you understand, please,” with tears running down her face.

  “I want that too. Will Jesus let you stay with me?” he asked doubtfully.

  “Jesus told me to figure it out, and I have figured it out this way. Please let me stay with you.” She was sobbing into his chest as he held her.

  “That’s all I’ve ever wanted from the moment I met you. I love you too. I want you to stay with me, please, stay,” he answered.

  A voice spoke to them both in comfort and confirmation, “Well, done, my children. You have figured it out.”

  Jacob answered for both of them, “I think we have figured it out. So now, what do we do?”

  “Let’s give your dad and Mady time to figure it out too. It won’t be long. I promise,” she chuckled while they walked closely together to finish their walk.

  Mady approached Jonathan as he prayed through his music. She put her hand on his shoulder, and he knowingly reached up and patted it gently.

  “Well, your mission is about over. I’m writing and making music again. So now what do you do? Go back to heaven?”

  “Not quite. All of Nashville is moving away into the country pretty soon to get away from the terror that is coming. It’s just a matter of time before we get through all this tough stuff, then I go home. If, you want me too,” she replied while looking directly into his eyes.

  “What, want you too? Are you kidding? Why would I want you to leave? Since when is something like that up to me? I love having you around. Even though you don’t like being kissed, I still love having you around.”

  Mady kept looking directly at him and smiled, “Maybe you need to try again.”

  “Try, again, oh, oh, are you saying,” he stumbled.

  “Stop talking and kiss me,” she demanded while pulling him up from his chair with her angelic strength and holding herself next to him.

  After a passionate kiss, he replied, “I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay with me.”

  “Well, okay, as a cook, a maid, just a pretty face?” asked Mady.

  “As a, as a, as my, my bride!” he finally spit out.

  “You have to tell me you love me first, then I will answer you.”

  “I love you, oh Lord, I love you.”

  “And I love you, music man, and I accept your proposal. Now, what do we do?’ she answered knowing the answer.

  “Find a priest, a preacher, a judge, and ship’s captain, now, soon, why wait?” he replied joyfully.

  “Why wait? Now, let’s see how Miss C is doing first.”

  “What’s Miss C got to do with it?”

  “She’s in love with Jacob, and she’s is on her Jacob mission right now if I know her.”

  “Jacob, what in the world! Oh my gosh! Oh, my gosh! What a strange turn of events.”

  “Love is strange, but I just figured that out and wouldn’t have it any other way,” she answered happily.

  Gone False Prophet

  Dar Raven approached the sanctuary where Thelipsis was preparing for the next service. He walked in and looked around at pictures of people and groups holding hands while holding up pictures of Montplier. They were in all positions of worship, and even then, Dar Raven snarled at the implications that almost made them look like Christians. How he hated the similarities, but he knew the similarities were necessary for Apollyon’s plans.

  Thelipsis wasn’t needed anymore; it was almost over. Thelipsis was going retire and be pushed to the back of the line for other things more important, the attack on the United States. It was better for the world to be looking at what was going to be taking place there and not these other places. The Jewish witnesses bothered him, the New Ones, did the same, while the continuous turning of millions to Jesus bothered him even more. He wanted this over and his angels to rule. He was tired over the mess and looked forward to the darkness that should be falling soon all over earth once this real big nut was cracked, the United States and their so called righteous allegiance to Christ, not Apollyon. He would lead his dark angels to rule with an iron fist that would make every Christian worshiper wish they never ever heard of Jesus and His Father.

  “Well,” remarked Thelipsis, “this is a surprise. What do I deserve for this visit? I must be doing something right, right?’

  “Actually, no, you are going to retire now and walk away from all this junk. You will burn just like we will if we don’t win. I promise that. If we don’t win, we all will be thrown into the fire and the mass of earth will rise up and cap our doom from God’s own fingers.”

  “What are you talking about! I’m doing God’s work here; you know that!”

  “Sure, and as if you didn’t know; you are doing Apollyon’s work on behalf of Montplier. You are screwed when it comes to God as you call Him and His people. I mean you are really screwed. Do you understand me?”

  Dar Raven pushed Thelipsis back and spread his dark wings in all directions. His appearance was skeletor, and the dark wings again slung his dark feathers like darts in all directions.

  Dar Raven shouted, “You stupid, idiot! You have been playing church with Montplier and soaking up people’s praise for the last three months. You are as guilty of carnal, desperate sin as any man on earth. You are damned and better know it. You better hope we win this battle, or you won’t have a chance in hell of making out alive. You are going to retire and disappear until this is all over. You are going to pray to whoever you serve that we win while you hide your butt away from everything till we get done. Do you understand?”

  “I am not a bad person. I am not a bad person, don’t you understand?”

  “I don’t have to understand, and I don’t care. Bad is good to me, so figure it out.”

  Thelipsis fell back against a pew and watched Dar Raven over the top edges. Dar Raven concentrated for a moment, then everything burst into flames: the walls, the pews, and the altar flamed up at the same time. It was an inferno that made Thelipsis to run for his life and roll out onto the front lawn while watching the building being consumed. He was so scared that he ran to his car, and luckily with his keys still in his pocket, started the car and raced away. Where would he go? He didn’t care. He wanted to hide and had an U
ncle with a cabin in the Black Forest. He raced to it as if it were a lifeline. It was for the time being.

  All the time, he prayed, “I don’t want to burn, but I don’t want to lose.”

  Angelica Transfers

  Angelica was looking the news of the sanctuary burning. She watched with some satisfaction since Thelipsis and Andre built it to encourage Andre worship. She was pleased. Now, she figured that she could start pushing again for her world religion. After all, someone must be upset with Montplier’s activities, and this was just an opportunity. She thought how proud Apollyon must be of her inroads. After all, she was pulling Christians and others away from the true God too. He must be happy. This was a good day for her.

  Dar Raven stepped into the room without Angelica noticing and scared her when he spoke, “Looks like someone must be upset with your competition.”

  “Oh, man, Dar Raven, you scared me! What are you doing here?” She started backing away from him and again watched as he changed into his hellish form. She was alone with him and didn’t have anyone around or place to run. This was not good.

  “I have a message from Apollyon for you,” he spoke and laughed as he snarled.

  “Why can’t he tell me himself if he wants too? He always has?”

  “He felt that I might enjoy this in my own way. And I will and am.”

  “What’s the message that is so important that the captain of his armies has to come to tell me?”

  “You are to retire. You are to quit everything you are doing and get out of the way. Montplier is taking orders from Apollyon now and knows it. You aren’t needed anymore. If we don’t win, then you will burn like the rest of us. So maybe you need to think about sending good thoughts our way.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Oh, that is easy. I will cut you into so many pieces that nothing will let you repair and come back. Think of what happens when you use a blender.”

  “You got to be kidding! After all that I have done to make Montplier the Anti-Christ, and you are going to throw me to the curb and out with the trash just like that!” She was seething and even thinking of taking on Dar Raven herself: a final desperate act of defiance.

  Dar Raven knew it and stepped towards her while watching her back away. “Apollyon thought you might feel that way so I guess you leave me no choice.” He pulled his sword from its sheath and took another step forward.

  “The scriptures say that the Harlot of Babylon is cast into the lake of fire with the false prophet and the Anti-Christ in the end times. How can you go contrary to the scriptures that you hate so much? You are messing with the future whether you like it or not. I want you to win, but you can’t change everything. You have to let me play my part.”

  Dar Raven sheathed his sword and was confused. “We are trying to change the outcome. What makes you think you burning or not makes any difference to me? I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

  Apollyon spoke to him, “We must all play our part, at least for now. I like Angelica. Let her alone. She has done great things for us. Send her to the female scorpion tails in my domain to have her train them to fight. I need a captain of the guard like her down here. Let her go. Her logic is puzzling, and I need to think about it a little more.”

  Dar Raven started to speak and was interrupted by Angelica, “I heard him. I’ll take that assignment. Give my regards to Montplier. Good thoughts, huh. That’s a good one.” She disappeared and showed up in a part of hell only reserved for female demons and dark angels. She watched them gather around her as if she were their snack until Apollyon interrupted.

  “She is your new commander. Prepare for battle and the end times.”

  They backed and crawled away from her in their jealous hatred, then soon started gathering for something other than her destruction—war—Armageddon.

  Escape to the Lake

  Doc and Birdy packed up everything they could get their hands on. They hooked up an old lawnmower cart with food goods and essentials: toilet paper, paper towels, soups, goods. They looked more like a couple of gypsies rather than Doc with his young bride. Nash jumped into the back of the old jeep and barked at the squirrels till Doc shouted at him to shut up.

  Doc admitted that he could get protection underground but didn’t like enclosed spaces and loved his privacy too much. His boat was still his best choice. Birdy was managing better with her cast with one of Doc’s walking sticks. As they pulled out onto the Tullahoma Highway, Doc looked back with some regrets.

  “I hope we are doing the right thing. Well, I know we are. It is getting ready to come down on us all. I left tons of supplies on the boat for just an occasion like this. Call it my paranoid ways. Maybe God made me paranoid. Just like Him to do this. I have solar panels all over the boat and even an air conditioner on one of the major hatches. We should be fine.”

  Birdy was excited more from the adventure than anything. She commented, “Doc, I love you, but all this is a little overpowering to me. I know we made the right decision between us, and the boat adventure is really making me crazy. This is just so much unknown, isn’t there? I have never felt like this in my life. I feel so alive, so up, so absolutely happy. This is just so great!’

  “Yes, great. That’s one word for it. I just feel very, very lucky. Lucky to be alive; lucky to have you; lucky to have a place to go; sad about those that are in the CrossHairs. Nothing is going to be able to live through those CrossHairs, nothing at all, but it has to be done. I hope my students took my advice. At least, I know that Hayden and his nurse friend are okay.”

  As they pulled out onto the highway, a car approached them loaded with goods like theirs. It was one of his students waving at them as they passed.

  “Bravo, it’s Sam Rutledge and his family. That makes me feel better!”

  As they slipped through Tullahoma on the way to the lake, there was this eerie feeling of being on an alien planet. The streets were abandoned; there wasn’t a soul around. Doc thought how the word must have got out. The gossip vine must have worked better than he thought. “Good for them.”

  It didn’t take long before the Tims Ford Lake entrance to the cabin grounds came into view. They made their way down to a row of docks where power boats in covered slips were on the right and a mixed array of sailboats of all sizes peppered the large arena. His 45 sat calmly on the end pier, the only place big enough to handle his boat. It still looked good but could stand a washing and scrubbing down. No time for that.

  When Birdy saw the boat, she started shouting with excitement, “Alright, now that’s what I call a boat! Great Scott that thing is big! Where in the world did you get something that big in a Tennessee Lake?”

  “Oh, that, well we found one on Kentucky Lake from some family in an estate sale. He lived in it for years before he died. We paid $3,000 to Leslie Transport to have it brought in with his 100 foot crane. It really made a splash so to speak. No one around expected something quite that large to be around here. She really is beautiful. It took us a year to clean up the insides and spruce it up with the woman’s touch. My Missy was quite the interior decorator.”

  “I never dreamed of living on something like that. This is absolutely great!” she exclaimed.

  As they unloaded the supplies, Nash jumped out knowingly and ran to the boat, then jumped on like it was home. He remembered. He barked excitedly while Doc pushed open the hatches, and Nash ran to a forward section on the boat that used to be his bed when he was a pup. He clawed at the bedspreads to make it comfortable, then laid down with a silly happy look on his face.

  “Well, look at that,” commented Doc, “he remembered his bed.”

  Doc opened every hatch and hoped the enclosed stale smell would leave; it did. “Welcome, home, Birdy!”

  Birdy made it into the boat with a little help and jumped excitedly into the Doc’s arms. “Oh, old man, I love you so much, and I love this boat. You know, I knew this girl Shelby once that said th
ere are a lot of ways for a man to be handsome. She said there are men that are good looking, then there are those who are handsome because they have money, a nice car, and even a boat. So you really are handsome!”

  Doc laughed at her excitement, “Well, I suppose if that works for you, then it works for me. Well, I love you both.”

  Armed and Ready

  The Chinese-Korean armada stopped just 100 miles off the east coast of the United States and prepared for attack. They couldn’t understand why the United States hadn’t acted against them. They received word that the east coast was evacuated from their satellites, but they thought for sure there would be an all out attack against them by this time. They were not wrong; it was coming. There were at least 50 nuclear subs along with over a 1000 nuclear-enabled battleships. Surprisingly, there were very few aircraft carriers—all a matter of military choices. Behind that were the troop carriers along with thousands of equipment carriers loaded with tanks and standard armament equipment. It was like the whole of the Chinese-Korean armies were there waiting.

  Dar Raven spoke, “Now, I know they knew we were coming. They have to be up to something. They aren’t attacking us, yet, but according to Apollyon’s warning; it is coming.”

  Montplier replied as he talked to Dar Raven, “They have something in mind. A country like the United States isn’t going to just sit back and let us roll over them that easily. It is not, if, but when, and how?”

  U.S. Counter Attack

  President Tabor ordered the attack. The best of the Air Forces’ armed jets, all 25,000 of them, then another 10,000 older F104s, F105s, and even some antique World War II vintage all amounted to over 40,000 and took off at the same time from different locations spearheading over the whole of the east coast region. They started bombing every major interstate from 400 miles out all the way to the coast. Only when they got within 100 miles of the coast did the Dragon artillery respond. Just behind the first wave came the Stealth Bombers laden with bunker busters and each one had at least one nuclear missile to launch exactly within the 300 mile range. There wasn’t a single piece of interstate pavement left intact. The U.S. lost over half their first wave from Dragon defenses as they entered closer to the coast. The Stealths were far easier targets and only ten managed to survive. Still, they laid such destruction without directly attacking the Dragon forces that they did enough to make a game change. The bombing amounted to more armament in one day than all the bombs dropped in both World War I and II.

  Dar Raven stood in awe at the bombings. He talked to Apollyon, “When you said they were up to something, you really meant it! They have totally destroyed every chosen path we decided to use leaving us only one major interstate system. They haven’t even attack our ships yet, but I bet that is coming.”

  Apollyon answered, “There is something rather strange about their strategy. Well, prepare for more.”

  President Tabor was given the news of the casualties of the first wave of attacks. He put his head in his hands and wept openly. “Oh, Lord, why have we lost so many? Why has it come to this? We have actually nuked our own land and suffered so much, so, so much. What have we done so wrong to deserve this?”

  He rose up from the war table and excused himself. He turned to General Abbott and his officers, “I need to be alone for a minute or two. Do you mind?”

  “Let the President into his oval office without anyone else,” Abbott ordered.

  Tabor knelt at his office chair and prayed to the Lord, “Please, Lord, help us fight this great evil. Give us some sign that we are doing right.”

  Aaron spoke to him with his sword pulled and thrust it into the floor in front of the President in emphasis, “You have the whole of heaven at your disposal. You have done everything you can except launch another attack on the ships waiting to launch their missiles. Your logic is perfect. Probably because I came into your dream to tell you want to do, right?”

  “Oh, Aaron, I remember you from years ago. I did recognize you in my dream. Tell me this is right?”

  “Yes, they haven’t figured it out. Attack the ships, especially the ground troop carriers in the back of the fleet of ships. They have 1.7 million, but whittle them down a little. Your country can handle this. We will meet soon enough after this part is over and fight with all of you to protect Israel in the Battle of Armageddon. You are doing the right thing. Lead them by the nose right up to Monteagle Mountain before they reach Sewanee, Tennessee. Your CrossHair technology will eliminate what they have left there. After, do what you promised, send everything you have left for the ships going back to China. Follow them all the way and don’t stop until not a one is left floating and are kissing the bottom of the ocean.”

  “Thanks, Aaron, have you seen Caleb lately? His girls are so special to us. I’m surprised you didn’t send him to talk to me.”

  Aaron spoke assuredly, “Well, he made a promise to let you raise the girls by yourselves. He is watching and gave me a message for you to take your family and go to a secure place. He didn’t want to have to worry about you all with everything going on.”

  “Consider it done,” replied Alex.

  Aaron disappeared, and Alex stood up, straightened his jacket, then shouted, “General, order the attack on the ships! Aim for the troop carriers first, then have our forces fly down to Mexico for the backend defenses. We are doing the right thing!”

  “President, we need to get to our underground shelters as soon as possible,” warned an Air Force officer as the President walked out of the oval office.

  “Yes, get my wife and daughters into the Washington underground and let’s evacuate what’s left of Washington.

  “It’s survival, sir, nothing more. Those who live will have cause for celebration regardless of the casualties”

  “Sir, it is time to go.”


  “The United States just launched another attack. They will be here in less than 15 minutes,” announced Dar Raven.

  “Are we ready?” asked Montplier.

  “More than ready!” shouted Dar Raven.

  “Go ahead and launch our nukes. Let’s get them off the ground and on their way before they get here.”

  “Yes, sir,” spoke Dar Raven proudly, and they both pushed the go button. Over 1000 nuclear missiles were launched at once. Even if the U.S. second wave were able to start firing, the nukes were gone and nothing could stop the onslaught.

  American jets flew over watching as the nukes flew below them knowing what was about to happen. Just as they reached the armada for attack, they were able to look back as mushroom clouds formed about the east coast cities. There were over 20,000 piloted aircraft heading for the attacking armada.

  One pilot stated, “This is a waste of time. It is all over, now. Look at all those nuclear missiles going to our coast. What good can we do?”

  Another stated, “Nothing except our job. We have been asked to lay down damage on troop carriers. Our information is that there are only about 4000 troop carriers so let’s trim them down a little. We will be headed to our Mexico base for another attack later.”

  There was a unified agreement, and jets went up to 50,000 feet, then attacked behind the battle ships directly into the troop ships. It would not be enough, but there was a sense that it at least was something. Chinese-Korean missile defense could not keep up against so many attacking at the same time. Andre lost over half his troop carriers before the Americans turned away and flew south towards Mexico. American jets lost 7,000 of their own. Andre considered his losses to still be acceptable.

  An American pilot stated, “I feel like a coward.”

  “Why for living to fight another day? Get over it.”

  Dar Raven exclaimed, “What did they do that for? They didn’t even attack our front line? They sure whittled us down. We have only 850,000 ground troops left from all of this. We have to use the Middle Tennessee corridor now. It’s our only choice!”

  Binding and Join

  President Tabor stated, “It has begun. You know what we have to do. Notify all the CrossHair sites to sit back and wait. Nothing else can be done right now except wait. We did a good job. We really did.”

  At Arnold Air Force Base, there was the anticipated round up all base personnel with prepared precision to deep underground shelters, then they were filled and sealed from the inside to wait, just wait.

  An Air Force officer walked up to Hayden, “There was another message from a pastor at one of our other sites that your dad got married.”

  “Married, you have to be kidding. To who?

  “A little girl named Birdy.”

  “Birdy, what kind of name is that? Oh, no, I got a strange feeling that dad has hooked up with another young one, right? That girl he was taking care of, right?”

  “There was some mention that Birdy is about 20 years old. Isn’t your dad about 70?” laughed the captain.

  “Yes, oh, Lord. I always thought he was a dirty old man, but got to admire him. I’ll never let him forget this. So my dad marries a 20-year-old and disappears out on the lake in our old-45 for his honey moon. Man, he must have planned all this.” Hayden started laughing as Crystal’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

  “I guess you guys got some strong genes going on to be active that old,” she remarked and watched Hayden’s eyes roll upward while shaking his head in disbelief.

  “See what you have to look forward too,” he commented as Crystal moved close to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  She commented again, “Sounds good to me. Aren’t we next?

  “Next? Oh, oh yeah, next! Is there a ship’s captain out here?”

  The Prince laughed heartily, “I’ll be that best man.”

  Joseph appeared beside Hayden, “I thought I’d be the best angel. Does that work for you two?”

  Hayden and Crystal were surprised but answered in unison, “Yes!”

  Hayden remarked, “I suppose Jesus is near by too, right?”

  Jesus whispered to them both, “Of course, why not, be blessed,” while both of them jumped in surprise and joy.

  Angel Unions

  Miss C and Jacob came into the house holding closely to each other. In a moment, they saw Mady sitting on Jonathan’s lap kissing his neck, surprised for being caught.

  Miss C exclaimed, “Hey, guys, no fair. We haven’t got that far yet.”

  Mady replied, “Well, you better hurry up and catch up because we want to tie a knot before Nashville is evacuated. What about you two. Ready?”

  Miss C replied enthusiastically, “Heck, yeah. I know what that knot means. Ready?” she asked looking at Jacob.

  “Let’s tie the knot,” replied Jacob.

  “Where?’ asked Mady.

  “Our priest is still packing to leave. Let’s get it done.”

  They all piled into the van and drove over to the church. The priest heard the sanctuary doors open, then he looked up to see all four strolling in.

  “Hey Jacob, Jonathan, girls. I hope you are packed and heading out to the country. I’m trying to get all the church vestments and holy things loaded. Got to have church wherever we go, right?’

  “Sure,” replied Mady. “We will help you, but we all need to have the sacrament of marriage performed before we do.”

  The priest stood up briskly and in a surprised tone, “Marriage, my goodness. What a strange time to ask for that. We need to counsel you first.”

  “I’ve been counseled by Jesus. Is that good enough?” Mady replied.

  “Well that’s nice, but we have methods and special things to do first. I’m glad Jesus is talking to you.”

  Mady was frustrated, “Father, put down your boxes and do this right now!” She spread her wings as did Miss C and the rainbow colors of heaven flooded the church sanctuary.

  “Oh, my gosh! You have to be kidding. Angels and humans married in my church. Where is a camera when I need one? Okay, I give; who am I to fight heaven?” he said laughing.

  “Do you have a witness and best man or angel,” he asked looking around carefully.

  From the cross above the altar came Jesus descending until he stood in front of them. He looked more like an Israel commando fighter with His uneven beard and wearing blue jeans and a white dress shirt with New Balance sneakers.

  “I’d like to be a witness,” he spoke as they all fell to the floor from his heavenly appearance and radiant light covering Him.

  “I’d like to be their best man,” spoke Aaron appearing right behind Jesus.

  “Please get up, Father. You can’t do this marriage while on the floor. All of you. Glad you figured it out, girls. I knew you would.”

  Trembling, the priest stood up, then ran to get a prayer book. He gathered the couples best he could almost afraid to get near Jesus. The glory was showering the sanctuary with a brilliant light that made it difficult to focus. His emotion over this gathering made him almost speechless as well as Jonathan and Jacob. Both of them held on to each other while the girls held tightly to them.

  Mady replied, “You see what you have to look forward to?”

  Aaron commented, “I’ve asked Irish to be here if you don’t mind. Just to remind her of what we have to look forward to.”

  Irish appeared, and her rainbow colors were far more intense than Mady and Miss C. Her beauty filled and mingled with the white glory of Jesus making a kaleidoscope array, dazzling, full of splendor.

  Irish came up to Aaron and wrapped her right wing and arm around him in an intimate embrace. “You are my love, Aaron. Our time will come, big guy. Soon, enough.”

  Jesus commented, “Yes, it will, my children. Yes, it will.”

  The priest gave the vows, then Jesus Himself gave the bread and wine to Jonathan and Jacob while the girls crossed their hands across their chest. Communion was for humans, and they still realized it.

  The communion words that Jesus said were a little different than the prayer book, “My body, bread of life; my blood, life of salvation.”

  The minute the communion was over, Jesus with Aaron and Irish disappeared, but the wedding party stayed at the altar in prayer and worship.

  Finally, the priest stated, “Well, thanks for inviting me into this experience. I will never forget it. Now, guys, let’s get packing. By the way, where are you guys heading?”

  Mady looked puzzled, and Jonathan noticed. “Well, I guess; I guess. Heck, I don’t know. Got any idea, girls?”

  In a moment, Mady knew. Miss C heard it too, “Go to Sewanee on top of Monteagle Mountain. It is a place that is under the palm of My hand. Tell Sister Bernard’s niece that you need a place to stay. Tell her that Aaron sent you. If she needs proof, Aaron and Irish can come on a moment’s notice.”

  “Sewanee!” replied the girls in unison. They were so emphatic that no one could deny they heard something that no one else had.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s help Father get packed and do some of that ourselves.”


  Almost a million Chinese-Korean soldiers marched in full radiation gear 20-wide like waves of the sea until it took two days until the last one was off the ships. The transport trucks carried over half of the troops right to the halfway point some 375 from Nashville within the first day, then ground troops were hitching rides on tanks and supply trucks just to catch up. Much of the supply sources were sunk in the second wave attack leaving the Dragon armies just fending for themselves.

  When exits appeared, there were mad dashes for more fuel, but the good-old-boys where far more organized than imagined. They were making it far too difficult to get additional supplies without losing valuable men. Orders were finally given to ride as far as they could but stay on the interstates and walk if necessary. Finally, the front line waited in Nashville for the main force of the Dragon armies to arrive. It would take the remainder of the force two weeks to get there. Now, it would be straight shot to Chattanooga up I-24.
  Dar Raven talked to Montplier, “There is something terribly wrong. We aren’t getting very much resistance. I have a very funny feeling that we are walking into a trap, but it never comes. We have almost a million making our way through Middle Tennessee with nothing stopping us. It’s like they gave up, but I still don’t trust them. What are these Americans doing? This isn’t like the Americans I know: the ones who fought the British and won two world wars, including defeating the Japanese. What in the world is going on?”

  “Where are you now?” asked Montplier getting one of those uneasy feelings himself.

  “I am leading the front line right now waiting in Nashville. I know this place believe me. We could be at Monteagle Mountain in full force in about five days if we get the rest of our troops here. Got a lot of straight up mountain roads to tackle. I know all of this area. At Monteagle, I fought a battle with Aaron years ago. Yes, it was a tie and on the other side I fought a battle with Aaron and got into a mess. Now, would you remind me why we didn’t bring more gasoline for the troop transports again?”

  “Their second wave destroyed a lot of the equipment ships that were sailing too close to the troop transports. Just make do with what you have. We have to get to Chattanooga to establish our first major line of defense.”

  “You know. We should have planned better about those idiots who were shooting at us from pick up trucks and their hunting jeeps. We finally gave up getting fuel because of them. You should have let us lay waste the towns up and down these interstates with our some air back up. We could have made it so costly they would leave us alone.” Dar Raven was furious at the stupidity that was causing him to have to walk and hitch rides. This was ridiculous.

  Montplier fired back, “Apollyon has for whatever reason given charge to me! So for the time being until he says stop, I’m in charge. I don’t want you to stop until you get to Chattanooga. There we will set up a line of defense.”

  “Defense from what, crows? There is nothing here. I’m telling you that something strange is going on!” shouted Dar Raven again.

  Montplier answered, “Do what you’re told Dar Raven! Think of it this way, you’re winning, right?”

  “This is not winning. This is taking a stroll before we have a nap!”

  Sister Sally

  The new couples made it to Sewanee and were already sitting and having coffee and cookies with a very old Episcopal nun who could not get enough talk about her favorite angel friends, Aaron and Irish. She heard all of Sister Bernard’s stories about them from the time of the saving of the children years ago. She was even a child participant of helping the children climb Monteagle to avoid being killed by the dark angels.

  “You should have seen us in action. Aaron was challenged by Dar Raven like two big bulls while Irish help protect Sister Bernard from a terrible dark angel assassin, Sinte Hades, one other time. These guys are so much my friends and heroes.”

  Mady asked, “Yes, I’ve known both of them for thousands of years. I love them both. Sister Sally, is there a place for us to sleep and rest?”

  “Oh, my, yes. I have several private cabins on the campus that are a little dusty, but they are still quite cute. Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” Mady said, “private is nice,” thinking casually that this was really her honeymoon.

  Jonathan and Jacob answered together, “Yes, private is nice.”

  Miss C chimed in, “Very nice,” then giggled and flushed red from her own thoughts.

  “Oh, my, gosh! I forgot. Oh, sure, enough of an old nun’s babbling. Here, take some cookies. I will take you right now to your privacy, as you called it. I understand,” as she giggled herself.

  Prepare to Duck

  Doc looked at his watch and checked the calendar. He turned to Birdy heading out to the ship deck for another sunning, “I’m guessing that it’s about to happen, Birdy. Keep your eyes on the skies. When you hear a high-pitched scream like metal on metal blasting your ear drums, come back inside for a little. The sounds will break every window within a thousand miles before it’s all over.”

  Get Ready

  President Tabor asked the best question, “All in the CrossHairs?”

  The General answered, “All in the CrossHairs. They just made it to the bottom of Monteagle Mountain.”

  President Tabor ordered, “In the name of Jesus, activate the CrossHairs!”

  Dar Raven heard a scraping sound that was more like rock tearing tock. From his vantage point, he saw large metal towers coming up from the ground in all directions. Towers lined the Interstates every 100 feet, then filled the countryside in all directions.

  Dar Raven jumped to his feet saying, “Oh, Apollyon! I think we have been had.”

  Apollyon answered, “You are right. Get out of there. I don’t know what the technology is, but you bet it isn’t for your good.”

  Skipping across the tops of the ocean were the all of the 13,000 returning American jets flying under radar a hundred feet above the water while kicking up a sound spray that almost covered them. The Dragon defenses didn’t have a second to turn around before the attack started. Ships were burning and erupting from thousands of missiles being launched from every direction. It was hard to imagine so many sinking ships, so many exploding balls of fire as over half of their armada went down.

  Everyone at Arnold’s Air Force Base heard the announcement and cheered, “We got them! We got them! We got them!”

  The high pitched scream came from the towers just as Dar Raven moved himself back into hell to stand beside Apollyon. They both watched as the towers emitted such a piercing blast that everything with flesh melted to the ground in burnt clumps. It would last for only 15 minutes, but long enough that everything alive would be destroyed.

  Birdy covered her ears and dived into the boat as Nash howled in the pain of his sensitive ears. Doc lunged for a drawer and grabbed ear plugs for Nash and Birdy’s ears. He finally got Nash calmed down, but the ringing in their ears almost killed them. It was so loud and so piercing that even ear plugs were barely working. Doc looked out and saw birds flying miles away falling from the sky in burning flames. He saw bursts of flame coming from far away trees while squirrels fell from them. Just a half mile away he saw fish floating to the surface in their own death throws until turning black and burnt. He almost made a wrong decision because where those fish floated was where he was originally planning on anchoring; but at the last minute, he changed his mind. It was from a dream that he took as a warning.

  Next, came the smell. It was so overpowering that even underground at the base as well as on Tims Ford, no one thought they would ever eat micro-waved food again.

  President Tabor announced that he wanted no one to leave their protected places for a month. It would take that long for U.S. military clean-up crews to finish scraping the remains of the Dragon armies off the concrete, then purging and sanitizing the areas. This is probably the worst but most joyous assignment in the military, but trained specialist prepared for this moved in with unbelievable speed and efficiency.

  Andre ordered his ships to retreat, but with just a struggling portion of his massive fleet, the American Navy started their assault. Every battleship, carrier, and nuclear sub pounded what was left of the Dragon armada. They were retreating but didn’t make it but a hundred miles before none were left except some escaping nuclear subs that decided to find somewhere safe to hide until it was all over: every man for themselves.

  The announcement of the American victory spread all over the world. There was great excitement, but the Arab league now knew what they needed to do. They prepared a complete assault on Jerusalem and were joined by the additional millions of the Dragon Armies. Apollyon sent his dark angels back to the Euphrates just before the returning American jets caught the Chinese-Koreans by surprise. After Andre ordered the east coast retreat, he was transported before Apollyon and joined with Dar Raven in hell, and this even surprised Montplier. He stood before Apollyo
n and watched him turn red in his rage for the current loss.

  “You have one chance now. Lead the Arab League already on the move towards Jerusalem. I want Israel wiped from the face of the earth while these Americans are sidetracked with their recent victory. Israel will never have a chance to defend themselves. It should only take the Arab League a week to get in position. Lead them, or I will send you to the flames right now.”

  Montplier went to his knees, “Yes, Master.”

  In that next moment, he was in the Arab League war room to the surprise of the generals who were meeting to shape the attack already in progress.

  “Apollyon sent me. We don’t want a soul to be left alive in Israel.”

  A general asked, then commented, “I don’t know who Apollyon is, but you have no worries about anyone left alive in Israel.” The rest of the generals agreed.

  Full Circle

  President Tabor stated, “We know the Arab League is on the move. I want every Christian that can go to go to Jerusalem as a symbolic gesture of our support. I’ve had a dream that shows that the angels of God will be there to march with us against the Arab-Chinese armies. These are the last days that will lead us to the new millennium of God.”

  He prepared his own wife and daughters to go to Jerusalem to join his stand. Thousands of passenger planes from every airlines loaded up Christians for the journey. When they arrived, they were given palm leaves and for days they all stood in front of the walls of Jerusalem waiting for the angels. Indeed, they came. Millions of them came from every part of heaven with swords ready while standing with the humans. Among them, were Mady and her new husband Jonathan with Miss C with Jacob along with Sister Sally. The Holy Spirit moved over them in waves as they sang Victory in Jesus.

  The false prophet hid in a closet, not moving for days after hearing about the American victory. Dark angels found him and took him directly to the front lines of the forthcoming battle. Angelica prepared her demons to join the Arab League with other female dark angels against Jerusalem. Apollyon ordered that Turkey turn off the flow from their damn that stopped the flow of water through the Euphrates. Armies moved quickly within days of its drying heading for the Valley of Armageddon. The thundering of tanks moved into the valley of Armageddon covering the ground from one side of the valley to the other.

  The Battle of Armageddon

  Everyone there remembered the glory light of heaven that swept over them as they surrounded Jerusalem. They remembered the touch and feel of God's presence, and all knew they were loved and protected. They also knew without a word that they would not be harmed and the Dragon armies would finally be destroyed. As they raised their hands in praise, believers all around passed out from the awesomeness of God's glorious power as there was thunderous sound of millions of angels taking to the air and pulling their massive swords from their back-sheaths, including Aaron, Caleb, Joseph, and Isaac.

  After God's angels launched their attack, all the believers started singing and praising God again. On the horizon, they saw the sky blackened with angels from both sides in a mixed brawl of vicious fighting. It was soon after that the earth shook so much that it was almost impossible to stand. Believers found out later that terrible earthquakes opened gigantic chasms in the desert swallowing much of the Dragon armies.

  Soon after that, the earth shuttered violently again, and God's own hand came from heaven. It reached down through the bloody mayhem and grabbed the Anti-Christ, the Harlot of Babylon, and the False Prophet in a tight grip. Other dark angels saw it happen, and a great wailing-shrieking pierced the battle noises as dark angels turned to flee. Suddenly, Jesus descended from heaven with a wrestler's grip and encircled Apollyon in His arms. Nothing prepared Apollyon's dark angels for such a double, Godly intervention. In a large swoop like a whirlwind, the other hand of God caught the escaping dark angels and swept them off to the South American coast.

  Later, believers heard that God opened up the Volcano Fernandian in the Galapagos Islands with a mighty step into its fiery depths, and Jesus unlocked Fernandian’s bottomless pit just before thrusting Apollyon into it. God threw Apollyon's dark angels in after him. The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet were next. They dissolved in balls of flame before ever reaching the liquid lava. Apollyon and his dark angels weren't as lucky. They were suffering the terrible pain of being burned alive but never dying. God himself capped the top of Fernandian with a single hand that made high ridges form between His fingers. Right after that, the Dragon forces that were left went quiet, not knowing what to do, but knowing that even they couldn't battle against such power.

  They were surprised and puzzled to see millions of birds coming from all directions, but God's angels knew. The birds were commanded by an announcing angel, "Come and gather together for the supper of the great God." These birds were sent by God to eat the flesh of the Dragon armies who were to die in battle.

  The light angels moved into the massive Dragon tank divisions accompanied by the CAP armies. The light angels slashed open tanks with their swords that let the CAP armies whittle them to pieces as they tried to escape. They chased and ran against the Dragon army while forcing it along the coast of the Mediterranean until they were little more than a small band of no more than 5,000. They tried escaping and hiding in nearby Egypt to no avail. Light angels tracked them down, every one of them, till not a one was alive.

  The victory celebration in Jerusalem went on for a week. Believers remembered the dancing in the streets and the great Eucharist celebration that angels helped administer. Believers remembered watching Jesus descend on the place where the previous temple was rebuilt, and subsequently, destroyed. The previous temple let the Dome-of-the-Rock shrine remain and stood near where The Dome of the Tablets had been. Jesus arrived just after His angels destroyed all remnants of Muslim worship and artifacts. There would be no compromising this time. They prepared a place for what was to be called Jesus' Glory Throne. Jesus would rise from His throne and walk lovingly through the people for hours. He never seemed to tire of holding and embracing everyone He met.


  He knew he must have revenge against this terrible failure. He started by sending thoughts to those who were as much a part of him as his own dark angels. He sent rescue thoughts from his hellish place. He sent thoughts to his dark Nephilim children to save him, release him, rescue him. It may take years before they start listening to his thoughts, but he knew they would sooner or later. He was planting his thoughts deep into the dark Nephilim children’s minds and hearts knowing it will grow deceitful and dark thoughts and subversion.


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