Every boy who reads one of the splendid adventures of Motor Matt, whichare making their appearance in this weekly, is at once surprised anddelighted. Surprised at the generous quantity of reading matter that weare giving for five cents; delighted with the fascinating interest ofthe stories, second only to those published in the Tip Top Weekly.

  Matt has positive mechanical genius, and while his adventures areunusual, they are, however, drawn so true to life that the reader canclearly see how it is possible for the ordinary boy to experience them.


  1--Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel.

  2--Motor Matt's Daring; or, True to His Friends.

  3--Motor Matt's Century Run; or, The Governor's Courier.

  4--Motor Matt's Race; or, The Last Flight of the "Comet."

  5--Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot.

  6--Motor Matt's Red Flier; or, On the High Gear.

  7--Motor Matt's Clue; or, The Phantom Auto.

  8--Motor Matt's Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward.

  9--Motor Matt's Air Ship; or, The Rival Inventors.

  10--Motor Matt's Hard Luck; or, The Balloon House Plot.

  11--Motor Matt's Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady.

  12--Motor Matt's Peril; or, Cast Away in the Bahamas.

  13--Motor Matt's Queer Find; or, The Secret of the Iron Chest.

  14--Motor Matt's Promise; or, The Wreck of the "Hawk."

  15--Motor Matt's Submarine; or, The Strange Cruise of the "Grampus."

  16--Motor Matt's Quest; or, Three Chums in Strange Waters.

  17--Motor Matt's Close Call; or, The Snare of Don Carlos.

  18--Motor Matt in Brazil; or, Under the Amazon.

  19--Motor Matt's Defiance; or, Around the Horn.

  20--Motor Matt Makes Good; or, Another Victory for the Motor Boys.

  21--Motor Matt's Launch; or, A Friend in Need.

  22--Motor Matt's Enemies; or, A Struggle for the Right.

  23--Motor Matt's Prize; or, The Pluck that Wins.

  24--Motor Matt on the Wing; or, Flying for Fame and Fortune.

  25--Motor Matt's Reverse; or, Caught in a Losing Game.

  26--Motor Matt's "Make or Break"; or, Advancing the Spark of Friendship.

  27--Motor Matt's Engagement; or, On the Road With a Show.

  28--Motor Matt's "Short Circuit"; or, The Mahout's Vow.

  To be Published on September 6th.

  29--Motor Matt's Make-up; or, Playing a New Role.

  To be Published on September 13th.

  30--Motor Matt's Mandarin; or, Turning a Trick for Tsan Ti.

  To be Published on September 20th.

  31--Motor Matt's Mariner; or, Filling the Bill for Bunce.

  To be Published on September 27th.

  32--Motor Matt's Double-trouble; or, The Last of the Hoodoo.


  At all newsdealers, or sent, postpaid, by the publishers upon receiptof the price.

  STREET & SMITH, _Publishers_, NEW YORK

  Transcriber's Notes:

  Added table of contents.

  Retained some inconsistent hyphenation; in many cases, words arehyphenated when used as adjectives but unhyphenated when used as nouns.

  Italics are represented with _underscores_, bold with =equal signs=.

  Front and rear covers, accent is missing from "Role" in original;retained inconsistency.

  Page 1, corrected ? to ! after "Howdy, Dutch!"

  Page 3, corrected "shimiiy" to "shiminy" in "Py shiminy grickets!"

  Page 4, corrected "Wiley" to "Wily" in "Go back to your job, Wily."

  Page 6, removed stray single quote after "going to keep it."

  Page 8, added missing quote before "I'm the one."

  Page 9, corrected typo "minues" in "Inside of five minutes."

  Page 11, removed unnecessary quote before "Yes, he decided." (Adding aquote after "Yes" would also have been an option; however, this seriesusually does not quote thoughts).

  Page 16, changed "doin 'a" to "doin' a."

  Page 18, changed "go" to "got" in "What have you got to do with thishouse?"

  Page 19, changed "he" to "the" in "the loss o' that Hindoostanee."

  Page 21, changed "foolishnes" to "foolishness."

  Page 22, changed "fair to asume" to "fair to assume." Changed "every"to "ever" in "on my mind ever since."

  Page 24, expanded oe ligature to "oe" for this text edition. Ligatureretained in HTML version.

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Stanley R. Matthews's Novels