Pongaudin was no longer safe, as head-quarters for theCommander-in-chief, his family, and guests. The defeats which had beensustained were bad enough; but the defection was worse. Amidst thecontagion of defection there was no saying who, out of the circle ofimmediate friends, might next join the French for the sake of peace; andfor the sake of peace, perhaps, deliver up the persons of theOuvertures, with their wounded friend, Dessalines, and the brave youngofficers who formed the guard of the household. Christophe's lettershad already proved to Toussaint and his secretary, that no reliance wasto be placed on the honour of the French, in their dealings withnegroes. Cajolery in speech, covering plots against their persons,appeared to be considered the conduct appropriate to business withblacks, who had no concern, it seemed, with the usages of war, asestablished among whites. La Plume had fallen by bribery; Clerveaux bycajolery; and both means had been attempted with Christophe. The troopswere assailed on the side of their best affections. They were told thatLeclerc came to do honour to L'Ouverture--to thank him for hisgovernment of the island during the troubles of France, and to convoy tohim the approbation of the First Consul, in papers enclosed in a goldenbox. It is probable that, if they had not heard from Toussaint's ownlips of the establishment of slavery in the other French colonies, theauthorisation of the slave-trade, and the threat to do what wasconvenient with Saint Domingo--all the negroes would have made theFrench welcome, as Clerveaux had done. As it was, large numbersunquestionably remained faithful to their liberties and their chief--enough, as Toussaint never doubted, to secure their liberties at last:but how many, and after how long and arduous a struggle, it remained fortime to show.
Many houses had been offered as a retreat for the household of theCommander-in-chief. The one chosen this day was his friend Raymond'scacao-plantation, Le Zephyr, in the Mornes du Chaos--among the mountainswhich retired above the light bank of the Artibonite. It was a spaciousmansion, sheltered from storms, but enjoying a pleasant mountain air--the most wholesome that could be found, if the retreat should continuethrough the hot season. It was surrounded with never-failing springs ofpure water. There were kids on all the hills, and cattle in everyvalley round. Grain and fruits were in the fields and gardens; and itwas thought that one well-guarded post, at a pass below the Plateaux dela Ravine, would render the place inaccessible to the enemy. To thesatisfaction of Raymond and his daughter, and the delight of Euphrosyne,this, their beloved summer mansion, was fixed on for the abode of thewhole party, provided Toussaint should find, on examination, that itwould answer his purposes as well as was now supposed.
Such was the plan settled presently after the deputation had left thegates--settled among the few confidential friends, whose tastes, as wellas interests, Toussaint chose to consult. Madame Dessalines was amongthose; and one of the most eager to be gone. She engaged to remove herhusband safely to a place where his recovery must proceed better thanamong the agitations of Pongaudin. By one of these agitations herdesire to go had been much quickened. Before the departure of thedeputation, she had chanced to meet Monsieur Papalier in one of thecorridors, equipped for his journey. She could not avoid passing him;and he had greeted her with a significant "Au revoir, Therese."Fervently she prayed that she might never meet him again; and anxiouswas she to be gone to a place where he could not come.
Before noon, L'Ouverture, with Placide riding by his side, and followedby some officers, who were themselves followed by a few soldiers, wasamong the heights which commanded the plain of the Artibonite on oneside, and on the other the valleys which lay between their party and theGros Morne. They had visited Le Zephyr, and were now about to examinethe pass where their post was to be established.
"This heat, Placide," said his father, as the sun beat down upon theirheads, "is it not too much for you? Perhaps you had better--But I begyour pardon," he added, smiling; "I had forgotten that you are no longermy growing boy, Placide, whom I must take care of. I beg your pardon,Placide; but it is so new to me to have a manly son beside me--!"
And he looked at him with eyes of pride.
Placide told how often at Paris he had longed to bask in such a sunshineas this, tempered by the fragrant breezes from the mountain-side. Hewas transported now to hear the blows of the axe in the woods, and theshock of the falling trunks, as the hewers of the logwood and themahogany trees were at their hidden work. He was charmed with the songsof the cultivators which rose from the hot plain below, where they werepreparing the furrows for the indigo-sowing. He greeted every housewifewho, with her children about her, was on her knees by themountain-stream, washing linen, and splashing her little ones in sport.All these native sights and sounds, so unlike Paris, exhilarated Placidein the highest degree. He was willing to brave either heats orhurricanes on the mountains, for the sake of thus feeling himself oncemore in his tropical home.
"One would think it a time of peace," said he, "with the wood-cuttersand cultivators all about us. Where will be the first cropping fromthose indigo-fields? And, if that is saved, where will be the second!"
"Of that last question, ask me again when we are alone," replied hisfather. "As for the rest, it is by no will of mine that our people areto be called off from their wood-cutting and their tillage. To the lastmoment, you see, I encourage the pursuits of peace. But, if you couldsee closely these men in the forest and the fields, you would find that,as formerly, they have the cutlass at their belt, and the rifle slungacross their shoulders. They are my most trusty soldiery."
"Because they love you best, and owe most to you. What has Vincentdiscovered below there--far-off? Have you your glass, father?"
"The deputation, perhaps," said Toussaint.
"Yes: there they are! They have crossed the Trois Rivieres, and theyare creeping up towards Plaisance. What a mere handful the party looksat this distance! What mere insects to be about to pull the thunderdown upon so many heads! What an atom of space they cover! YetVincent's heart is on that little spot, I believe. Is it not so,father?"
"Yes! unless some of it is, as I fear, with the fleet beyond the ridge."
"He will be missing, some day soon, then."
"For his own sake and Aimee's, I trust not. This step of hers hasdisconcerted me: but no harm can be done by detaining Vincent in honournear me, till the turn of events may decide his inclinations in favourof Aimee's father, and of his own race. Detained he must be, for thepresent, in dishonour, if not in honour: for he knows too much of myaffairs to be allowed to see Leclerc. If Aimee returns to us, or if wegain a battle, Vincent will be ours without compulsion. Meantime, Ikeep him always employed beside me."
"This is the place for our post, surely," said Placide. "See how therocks are rising on either hand above this level! No one could passhere whom we choose to obstruct."
"Yes: this is the spot; these are the Plateaux," replied his father,awaiting the officers and soldiers--the latter being prepared withtools, to mark out and begin their work.
While the consultations and measurements were going on, Placide's eyewas caught by the motion of a young fawn in the high grass of a lawnyslope, on one side of the valley. He snatched the loaded rifle whichone of the soldiers had exchanged for a spade and fired. The passionfor sport was instantly roused by the act. Kids were seen here andthere on the rocks. Marks were not wanting: and first Vincent, and thenone and another, followed Placide's example; and there were severalshots at the same instant, whose echoes reverberated to the delightedear of Placide, who was sorry when the last had died away among themountain-tops.
"Your first and last sport for to-day," observed Toussaint. "You havegiven the game a sufficient alarm for the present."
"We must find our game, as we have shot it," exclaimed Vincent. "My kidis not far-off."
"After it, then! You will find me under the large cotton-tree yonder.The heat is too great here, Placide, between these walls of rock."
man of the party was off in pursuit of his game, except Placide,who remained to ask his father, now they were alone, what was to happenat the season of the second indigo-cutting. They threw themselves downbeneath the cotton-tree, which with its own broad shades, deepened bythe masses of creepers which twined and clustered about it, and weighedit down on every side, afforded as complete a shelter from the shower ofsun-rays as any artificial roof could have done.
"The second indigo-cutting is in August, you know," said Toussaint."August will decide our freedom, if it is not decided before. August isthe season when Nature comes in as our ally--comes in with her army ofhorrors, which we should not have the heart to invoke, but which willarrive, with or without our will; and which it will be the fault of theFrench themselves if they brave."
"Foul airs and pestilence, you mean!" said Placide.
"I mean foul airs and pestilence. All our plans, my son--(it is acomfort to make a counsellor of my own son!)--all the plans of mygenerals and myself are directed to provide for our defence till August,certain that then the French will be occupied in grappling with adeadlier foe than even men fighting for their liberties."
"Till August!" repeated Placide. "Nearly six months! I scarcely thinkthe French could hold their footing so long, if--but that--"
"If what? Except for what?"
"If it were not for the tremendous reinforcements which I fear will besent."
"I thought so," said his father.
"All France is eager to come," continued Placide. "The thousands whoare here (about twelve thousand, I fancy; but they did what they couldto prevent our knowing the numbers exactly)--the thousands who are hereare looked upon with envy by those who are left behind. The jealousywas incredible--the clamour to gain appointments to the Saint Domingoexpedition."
"To be appointed to pestilence in the hospitals, and a grave in thesands!" exclaimed Toussaint. "It is strange! Frenchmen enough havedied here, in seasons of trouble, to convince all France that only intimes of peace, leisure, stillness, and choice of residence, haveEuropeans a fair chance of life here, for a single year. It is strangethat they do not foresee their own death-angels clustering on ourshores."
"The delusion is so strong," said Placide, "that I verily believe thatif these twelve thousand were all dead to-day, twenty thousand morewould be ready to come to-morrow. If every officer was buried here, thechoicest commanders there would press forward over their graves. Ifeven the Leclercs should perish, I believe that other relatives of theFirst Consul, and perhaps some other of his sisters, would kneel to him,as these have done, to implore him to appoint them to the new expeditionto Saint Domingo."
"The madness of numbers is never without an open cause," said Toussaint."What is the cause here?"
"Clear and plain enough. The representations of the emigrants coming inaid of the secret wishes of Bonaparte, have, under his encouragement,turned the heads of his family, his court, and after them, of hispeople."
"The emigrants sigh for their country (and it is a country to sighafter), and they look back on their estates and their power, I suppose;while the interval of ten years dims in their memories allinconveniences from the climate, and from the degradation of theirorder."
"They appear to forget that any form of evil but Oge and you, father,ever entered their paradise. They say that, but for you, they mighthave been all this while in paradise. They have boasted of its wealthand its pleasures, till there is not a lady in the court of France whodoes not long to come and dwell in palaces of perfumed woods, marbles,and gold and silver. They dream of passing the day in breezy shades,and of sipping the nectar of tropical fruits, from hour to hour. Theythink a good deal, too, of the plate and wines, and equipages, andtrains of attendants, of which they have heard so much; and at the sametime, of martial glory and laurel crowns."
"So these are the ideas with which they have come to languish onTortuga, and be buried in its sands! These emigrants have much toanswer for."
"So Isaac and I perpetually told them; but they would not listen toanything said by an Ouverture. Nor could we wonder at this, whenpersons of every colour were given to the same boastings; so that Isaacand I found ourselves tempted into a like strain upon occasion."
"It appears as if the old days had returned," said Toussaint; "the daysof Columbus and his crows. We are as the unhappy Indians to therapacity of Europe. No wonder, if mulattoes and blacks speak of thecolony as if it were the old Hayti."
"They do, from Lanville, the coffee-planter, to our Mars Plaisir. MarsPlaisir has brought orders for I do not know how many parrots; and forpearls, and perfumes, and spices, and variegated woods."
"Is it possible?" said Toussaint, smiling. "Does he really believe hisown stories? If so, that accounts for his staying with you, instead ofgoing with Isaac; which I wondered at. I thought he could not havecondescended to us, after having lived in France."
"He condescends to be wherever he finds most scope for boasting. OnTortuga, or among the ashes of Cap, he can boast no more. With us hecan extol France, as there he extolled Saint Domingo. If August bringsthe destruction we look for, the poor fellow ought to die of remorse;but he has not head enough to suffer for the past. You can hold outtill August, father?"
"If Maurepas joins us here with his force, I have no doubt of holdingout till August. In these mornes, as many as will not yield mightresist for life; but my own forces, aided by those of Maurepas, mayeffectually keep off the grasp of the French from all places but thosein which they are actually quartered. A few actions may be needful,--morally needful,--to show them that the blacks can fight. If thislesson will not suffice, August, alas! will exterminate the foe. Whatdo I see stirring among the ferns there? Is it more game?"
Placide started up.
"Too near us for game," he whispered; and then added aloud, "Shall wecarry home another deer? Shall I fire?"
At these words, some good French was heard out of the tall, tree-likeferns,--voices of men intreating that no one would fire; and twoFrenchman presently appeared, an army and a navy officer.
"How came you here, gentlemen? Are you residents in the colony?"
"If we had been, we should not have lost ourselves, as you perceive wehave done. We are sent by the Captain-General to parley, as a last hopeof avoiding the collision which the Captain-General deprecates. Hereare our credentials, by which you will discover our names,--LieutenantMartin," pointing to his companion, "and Captain Sabes," bowing forhimself.
"It is too late for negotiation, gentlemen," said L'Ouverture, "as thenews from the south will already have informed the Captain-General. Iregret the accident of your having lost your way, as it will deprive youfor a time of your liberty. You must be aware that, voluntarily orinvoluntarily, you have fulfilled the office of spies; and for thepresent, therefore, I cannot part with you. Placide, summon ourattendants, and, with them, escort these gentlemen to Le Zephyr. Ishall soon join you there, and hear anything that your charge may haveto say."
The officers protested, but in vain.
"It is too late, gentlemen. You may thank your own commanders forcompelling me to run no more risks--for having made trust in a Frenchofficer's honour a crime to my own people. You may have heard and seenso much that I am compelled to hold you prisoners. As I have no proof,however, that you are spies, your lives are safe."
In answer to Placide's shout--the well-known mountain-cry which he wasdelighted to revive--their followers appeared on all sides, somebringing in their game, some empty-handed. The French officers saw thatescape was impossible. Neither had they any thought, but for a passingmoment, of fighting for their liberty. The Ouvertures were completelyarmed; and there never was an occasion when a man would lightly engage,hand-to-hand, with Toussaint or his son.
Half the collected party, including Vincent, accompanied Toussaint toPongaudin. The other half escorted Placide and his prisoners up themorne to Le Zephyr; these carried all the game for a present provision.
Placide observ
ed an interchange of glances between his prisoners as theypassed the spades, pick-axes, and fresh-dug earth in the plateaus. Hehad little idea how that glance was connected with the romancing he hadjust been describing; nor how much of insult and weary suffering itboded to his father.