Page 19 of The Net 7.0

about this hand? He felt suffocated. The hand becomes more and more tremble as out of control, and he looked at his body, and he felt suffocated at deep. The feeling of being buried in a body that was not his own body, has spread throughout his soul. Somehow he understood what was wrong and he couldn't find an exit of that creepy feeling. Every nerve and muscle in his body went into spasms and he fainted.

  Ubi triggered the emergency. Potent drugs were injected into Hugh. Again he was forced back to coma. He was taken to a cocoon of survival, and tubes and other paraphernalia of robots and machines did tests on his body. Again Ubi looked at Hugh like he was been transformed just in statistics on screens.

  “... easy to understand. This proves that there is brain power that can really command the body like a ruthless dictator do. Seems that the brain have power to shut down the body, as it does in catatonia, or even kill, as has been reported in cases of ill patients die when they want to die, in the other hand, contrary to the logic of a body severe wounded, they survive because they want more life. I think what happened with Hugh was that even though his brain is able to dominate the new body, and this is a miracle almost unbelievable, but when the brain was found that it was in another body, despotic brain, triggered by its own will the demolition of its control over the body, it is strange to have had respiratory and cardiac arrest, the brain apparently does not control such systems. Only the drugs of brain activation could prevent the worst...”


  Ubi did not sleep, he was tired, exhausted. But Hugh, his body, his brain, namely, Hugh, was recovering very quickly. All signs and tests pointed towards the normal health of Hugh. The next day, Ubi decided to leave Hugh at the cocoon of survival until Ubi had told all about the transplant. If there was another crisis would be easier to control it. Hugh awoke slowly because Ubi had administered a certain amount of drugs that inhibit reactions more excited by his son. Yet Hugh gazed straight to his father, who fortunately did not see anger or despair or contempt in this look. But a dose of doubt plagued Ubi, after all he has not familiarized himself with the new face of Hugh.

  - I know it's difficult for you, son, but I want you to look at that screen.

  Ubi would not have the courage to tell in his own words and thus adopted this strategy. He began to run the file AIC2112 on the screen. Faced with images of the transplant Hugh kept quiet, perhaps was the medication, maybe resignation. Once finished, Hugh remained static. Hugh finally reached out to his father, and Ubi immediately approached to him and held his hand, Hugh firmly held his father's hand.

  - Am I gonna live?

  Hugh asked the question directly and bluntly. Ubi looked at his son with the doctor's face and as a doctor he knew he had no answer to that question.

  - Yes you will, of course you will.

  “... I do not think we have much more to investigate, everything is very clear now. I'm ready to quit and make the final report. I will highlight the problem of the Internet, despite the difficulty, if not impossibility, but there must be a control over the information that circulates at internet, this case comes to exemplify very well the danger we face as a society. I await your confirmation. Sophie.”


  While Hugh rests comfortably and healing, increasingly demonstrating the performance of the miracle, ran a number of actions in court about the life of Hugh. Ubi was hanging by a thread, only still in charge on the Hugh's treatment by pure bureaucracy of justice, certainly he would not continue in this position.

  Ubi still doing tests and tests with Hugh, all indicated that the memory of Hugh had been preserved very well, although Ubi can identify certain minor memory lapses, but nothing that could compromise. He also went on to examine the personality of Hugh, with help from psychologists, they won't miss such opportunity, but preliminarily they found nothing serious. Now only time can tell. Ubi was happy with these results, he knew it was time to bring Anne into Hugh's room.



  Who is dating? Anne will see Hugh, the bride, the beloved, she goes see her beloved. Their eyes meet, they will hold hands, their lips in a passionate kiss, a hug, a pat on the cheek, the awakening of sexual heat. See, all this are references to the body but what body will find Anne? So where in that body she will find her beloved? Who loves, loves beyond the body? Let's see, let's see...


  Well, I do not see anything unusual, the meeting of these two is like to us, is virtual. We communicate for so long that I know you very well, CICADA, I know a lot about you, but unless the silhouette that you have chosen when you joined the forum, I've never seen you, never saw your body, your silhouette is like a man, but you could be a woman. The silhouette of your face is young, but you could be a grown man. The eye color of yours silhouette is blue but it could be brown? So, everything is icons. The body is actually an icon.


  By the way, do not you think it is time to know each other better? After all we've done everything, well at least our silhouettes, I've asked you a kiss and you agreed, we already simulated spend all the night together, even sex have done our icons. What do you think?



  Ubi updated his conversation with Anne when he talking excitedly about the recovery of Hugh, he made the invitation to her to go see Hugh. But strangely Anne showed apprehensive, Ubi thought it's right, after all she was in a dilemma, she certainly rejoiced at the salvation of Hugh, but at other hand she had to face this new situation, Ubi realized that it would be odd to her imagining kissing Hugh, the fact that her lips had to touch the lips of another man, it is hard to say and understand what it really meant to Anne.

  - Anne - Ubi spoke slowly - I do not really know what to say, do not even know how I can help you. Unfortunately I think you're alone in this. I think nobody ever had it. It's weird, a subject as exhausted as the love between a man and a woman, where much has been written, where seemingly everything has been written, it is true, here and there appears an original way to address this issue, but only in form at substance there is no originality, and suddenly this. If there was a way I can help you? I think you can handle it. But if you feel you shouldn't go. It's Okay. I can understand this.

  Ubi was silent as if he waiting for an answer from Anne, but she remained apprehensive. In a teenager gesture she gnawed a fingernail.

  - Anne, the good news is that apparently the memory of Hugh is intact. He certainly will remember you.

  Strangely these words do not comforted Anne, but achieved the reverse effect, Ubi did not expect this. He didn't know what else to do. He would be straightforward with her.

  - I do wish there was a way softer, more natural, a meeting that could be more casual between you and him, but unfortunately can’t be, I still need to confirm if you will visit Hugh. You understand, do you?

  - Okay, I will.

  Anne responded more on impulse than from reflection. Maybe she had found the strength to cope. Ubi would say something about his joy for her decision, but shut up, he understood perfectly well that there was nothing to celebrate.

  “... What fascinates me are her lips – GEORGE-K

  ... to me those thighs. - SILA

  ... the big tits. - LOVELY-BABY

  ... her hair, especially when long. - VALKYRIE-FROM-LESBOS

  ... that chubby butt. - LELO-ROOSTER

  ... their feet, Uau! those little feet. - AFRONIO

  ... nothing like the skin, that skin. - WILLING

  ... her back, that photo of her back, uhh! - LILY

  ... hands with those nails, go scratch me? - LITTLE-BEAR”


  “... what should concern us at present, is not about the body of Hugh, but what was left of his personality. I defend a thesis that suggests that personality is more effect of body type and proportions of body at each one, than the events of outside w
orld that form the memory. It is the body and genetics of each body that makes the important aspects of the personality of each one. Because we are; tall or short, thin or fat, muscular or weak, having long or short arms, having ability to fast calculate or not, these are the aspects that form our personality. So the personality of Hugh, that was the result of the body that he had, can’t continue in the new body. This personality will change so much that he no longer be Hugh there is coming a resurrection of Louis...”


  “... to take urgent measures to verify the possibility of manipulation of personality...”


  Anne visibly nervous entered in the room of Hugh. Hugh immediately looked at her and this only made things worse to her. Hugh stood and felt strange about that figure. Anne slowly approached him.

  - Hi Hugh.

  There was a bit of fear in the voice of Anne, a certain gentleness showed itself on his face when he answered.

  - Hi!

  There was a long pause.

  - Who are you?

  Hugh said looking at her for more details, while she looked like confused, though she continued to stare at him.

  - Don't you remember me?

  Another pause, while Hugh tried to do a search within the memory.

  - No. I think not. Although... maybe...

  - You don't remember me!

  There was sadness in the