good it is, what matters is always the next attraction, we are the TV generation. Even today the art could not overcome it, may never do.
- What can I say. I think I have to agree. Except that I still like "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. Although now when I hear it, I feel a despair that had never felt before, there's always something different about everything, even something that apparently had become commonplace.
Ubi realizing he was talking with ease about something too personal, he restrained himself, changing the line of conversation.
- Now let's talk something else. I couldn't prevent, Frances will see you again.
- Oh no! That crazy woman again.
- Unfortunately.
- There must be something you can do. I don’t have to endure it again.
- It is court order, they understand that way. I'm in the dark here. The worst is that it is a damn mess. I could not liberate you. I don't know when they will release you. I could do the certificate that you are in good health, but no longer I'm who will decide this.
- What they want? How long must I stay here?
- We have to fight, we must fight.
“... the recent court decision regarding Hugh must be considered in the interest of humanity has numerous consequences, one is that the whole process will be referred to the international scope, and go to the jurisdiction of the UN. A national judge will remain as president of this international court that will be formed. It's actually a huge problem. It begins with the decision of the nature of right upon Hugh now. They will have to speak on the thorny issue of the legal entity. And this is only the beginning. We have never seen such a sharp division between personality rights and the rights of the body. Again the question about the limits of legality of actions aimed at saving lives. It is such a problem that can’t even imagine the whole range ...”
“... Knight to c3...”
"... it is not surprising, it is common. We must take into account what happened. At the beginning of the visit of Frances, Hugh tried to stay calm, going all the time explaining to her that he wasn't his son Louis, but the stubborn refusal of her was putting him increasingly on the defensive, he walked away every time she tried to touch him, which is quite understandable. The moment he loses control is quite identifiable because of what she said, after that emotional force took over from Hugh, and it was natural that without an exit, he fainted. What I thought that was overkill were the attitudes of doctors, of course it was not necessary to do a whole battery of tests on him, and they were all looking at him for days, it is an overreaction, any psychologist would have understood what happened. Nobody would bear a stress of ..."
- Pull yourself together and calm down, Hugh.
- But why? Why do I have...
Anne put her hand over the lips of Hugh.
- Shhh! Relax. Don't bother yourself with these things. Think of yourself, just think on you, okay.
- But Anne, do you know what is on the Internet? It's absurd. How dare they? There's a place saying I'm killing Frances. Nonsense!
- I have not seen. I do not like.
- Do you see me on the Internet?
- No, I don't! Hugh.
- Why?
- I don't like. Why would I need to think of you if I saw you in these cameras? Sometimes I just imagine you. What would you possibly be doing at one moment or another?
- But you would not know the truth? Why wonder if you can look and be sure?
- It is not difficult to understand, is it?
- I can block the cameras now, if you want.
- Do you think it's the best? Do you think is good shut them down?
- After what happened I guess I'm not going to leave inter-O, this option "open" it grieves me now. I hope they understand. I need to say something to you Anne but before I will implement controls to level C.
So for the first time that room began to stay out of sight of the Internet. Protests, of course, and support and understanding, too, but the vast majority did not react, just went to see something else, like looking for another attraction. Somewhere on Internet was a simulation program based on a complicated probability of human behavior, trying to describe what would have happened between Hugh and Anne, it was news beat, and presenting the method systematic, scientific and mathematical as it was based, led many people to believe that would be true. In another part of the Internet, in a site of ghost writers, there were texts written by those who wished to participate, they has been described numerous love scenes between Anne and Hugh, some of them has undeniable emotional qualities, but there were some in which all was breaking down, and ended in a terrible fight between the lovebirds. Of course, many sites showing simulations, mock, and falsehoods about the sexual encounter. Sites of soothsayers, tarots, astrologers, and many others, were also very popular.
When the cameras turned to show images of the room, Anne had already left to the hall and Hugh was alone. He lay down and was briefly looking at the ceiling, then closed his eyes, seeming to take a nap.
“... -Yes they did - is gaining preference with 61.32% ...”
“... CHUG was officially closed yesterday...”
“... Extra! Extra! Granted request for withdrawal of Ubi. Ubirajara, the doctor, who performed a brain transplant on his own son was put away from the group that monitors the transplant patient, Hugh, from now on he can no longer...”
“... pawn advances...”
Ubi was communicating to Hugh in person, as he entered the room, he asked his son to hide your images from those cameras.
- But why Dad?
- Something bad was happening. Justice granted the request of my removal. I need to talk with you, but not in public, I want privacy.
- But if it happened, leave it on would be good because all these people can provide feedback and help us. I think we should not fight alone.
- I know, but I need to talk to you as a parent, something just for you. Please, son.
Hugh agrees and the images disappear. This time the protests were much more numerous. The images come back after a long waiting time, which causes great concern among Internet users. Hugh seems visibly worried, and Ubi is already leaving the room with his slow walk and his hard expression.
“... Miraculous_Juno the hacker managed to get hold of images of Hugh during the visit of Ubi. They are images of the monitoring group of doctors that keeps their constantly vigilance on the patient. Interesting are the indicators that reveal the patient's emotional state, such as heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure, molecules of expiration that reveal the state of the stomach and digestion ...”
“... well, linking data of Miraculous_Juno with the program developed to give a series of simulation that can bring us closer to possible dialogues between Hugh and Ubi. I think some of them can truly be the truth of what happened...”
“... we have to increase security. It's a disaster of proportions not yet analyzed...”
“... I did this song thinking about Hugh, it is about of a phoenix flying through the sky...”
“... we did this play thinking on this relationship between Ubi, Frances and Hugh. Although the main theme is the relationship between child and parents, we have emphasized a social intervention and its pressure, its degeneration, its...”
“... Ubi loses. Was
not accepted the arguments of lawyers for the repeal of Ubi impediment to rejoin the group of doctors who take care for Hugh. And to make matters worse, the argument by the prosecution of the UN was accepted to be restricted visits to Hugh from Ubi just one per fortnight. Further, the date was extended on the decision of how long Hugh still be under observation...”
- Father, I start to not feel well>
- Has taken the drugs son>
- Yes I have, it is impossible not to take, the staff never let me forget>
- Some pain then son?>
- No, just sadly>
- Be strong>
- That is getting harder and impossible not to see, hard to deceive. I am a prisoner, if wasn't Anne's visits I...”
“... next best move would be to take the bishop...”
Days go by. Hugh sleeps a lot. He seems less and less interested in accessing the Internet, and the huge-screen window, which mimicked summer days, almost static, began to show speed, paths followed by trains, planes, cars, racing cars, skiers, skydivers, mountain bikers coming down, and elsewhere always with these images of speed, and it was chosen by Hugh himself. Hugh uses the connection to communicate with only his father and Anne, sometimes pressing, sometimes voice, image and voice at times.
“...hooooootttteest: Decision at court placed Ubi under house arrest...”
“... please help my father.