Page 5 of The Net 7.0

silent, the silence produced by fatigue.

  - About Dora, do you prefer to turn off the machines, even tonight, or in the morning? - Victor asked quietly.

  - Have you told to all our relatives?

  - Yes, all. Most of them should be arriving tomorrow.

  - It is the right thing and thank you for all. - Ubi concluded, and ended the sentence with a deep sigh.

  - Be strong, my friend! I'm sorry for all this tragedy.

  - What about Hugh? - Ubi asked.

  - Exactly the same way you saw him, his clinical picture remains unchanged. They are trying their best. Several experts are helping online. - Victor paused before continuing. - The problem is the amount of damaged organs in Hugh. Over 60% of his body is working through the machines. I think this will be his biggest problem. Unfortunately it will be difficult to get as many organs for implants quickly.

  - Time... time… - Ubi says thoughtfully. My son does not have much time - his eyes narrow again. These survival cocoons are wonderful, but they can't fool the brain. Nobody has still managed to do so. You know, I specialize in brain surgery, I have read all I could find on the internet about the brain, I have participated in any discussion on this issue, I exchanged ideas with other people, I noticed any experiences, simulations or projects on this subject. And now, right now, I know what I wish not to know, chances, chances are minimal. How to... how can I save my boy?

  Thursday, December 21, 2164. Is born a dark day in the life of Ubi. He had gone to the house at two o'clock in the morning and he slept nothing, despite being very tired. All he did was cry all night. He was constantly haunted by images of Dora and Hugh. In the morning, he met with his relatives, and the next day, December 22, was the burial of Dora, with all the sad aura that is always be. Everybody in black, at cemetery, contrasting with the green grass and trees full of life, and the movement of wind, is so beautiful this afternoon, but the body of Dora went to the grave, while Ubi tried to hide his regret, but tears fell from his eyes and revealed his fragility.

  After the burial, Ubi was at home, sitting on the veranda in a comfortable chair. Some relatives were with him, so he asked for those people that he would like to be alone, despite protests he remained reticent. Everyone understood and left.

  Ubi slowly begins to swing the chair while looking at a tree in his backyard. He realized he had not noticed this big tree in his backyard. It even seemed like magic, like this big thing could be there and he had not noticed about it. Life is really a waste. It was growing inside him a hole.

  “ a strange feeling to look at Earth from space. My girlfriend can be anywhere on this globe. Tanya. Where are you Tanya? With the palm of my hand I can cover Hawaii. Hawaii is entirely in my hand. I am big. Ahah! Now, there are no trees, insects, flying eagles, crowded streets, empty parks, massive buildings, airports, no, I can't see this things, this little things. I am huge. And to think that by this blue ocean swam dinosaur, and the blue whale, and the transatlantic, and the huge oil tankers, and the pirate Bluebeard, and fleets of war. Water, some people managed to cross it, but many could not did; intense and countless histories. But here, you can't see these things. Oceans seem mere puddles. The thing that you can see is the darkness that seems endless. I think this view must be the point of view of a God, not mine, it's definitely not my size. What to say about these things living next to us but we not notice them all...”

  //pn898/division_north/trip.orbital/~usual.passenger.205/ 34ºnight/

  To everyone's surprise, on December 22, day of the funeral of Dora, Ubi shows himself at Hospital in the evening. Everyone was shocked, but kept a discreet resignation. This is camaraderie. Indeed he knows that nobody would oppose his will. The recent tragedy had given him a power status.

  Ubi went straight to the Hugh’s room. He stood there, looking at his son's body being manipulated at every turn by those machines that made a typical noise. He looked mostly to the face of Hugh, who was the one thing he still identified, although swelling and unusual color. Nobody bothered Ubi while he was in a meditative state for more than an hour.

  Everybody saw Ubi as a strong person. He is a person who does not give up ever, an invincible warrior. But a mistake of all, created by the presence of determination that always exhale from Ubi. Indeed deep down he was only human. His face was that of someone who seems able to handle everything, but only the face, because his interior was made of human material.

  At no time his companions believed that Ubi might do something crazy. Nobody even thought about it, which is a testimony of how they see him. No one understood what Ubi was thinking as he looked thoughtful for Hugh. Nobody expected what he was planning at this moment. The doctor won the human father. Maybe it was the opposite. The human father pushed hard the doctor. A plan had been elaborated in feeling and technique, and would be executed by Ubi, doctor and father, in perfect coordination.

  On December 24, Ubi says he wants to be on duty at Christmas. So he convinces each of his fellow doctors, arguing that he needed his job, because he not bears to stay home at Christmas, this was enough for everyone to agree. As was customary, will stay at hospital just he and other nurse, while the others would remain alert, one click and they will be on the way. It was standard procedure for Christmas.

  At 9:00 pm just Ubi remains at the hospital, besides a nurse at the lobby. The technology has brought a great cost reduction at hospitals.

  There are cameras in all rooms and halls of the hospital, all on the Internet 24 hours a day. It is a wonder of the cybernetic human eye. This became the standard procedure for all hospitals.

  The whole plan of Ubi was there, in these cameras, executed line by line, recorded second by second. It was exposed to all, and no one to see. Santa Claus was more important.

  Through extensive advertising on the Internet, the incidents of Christmas had been reduced to a minimum. Christmas has always been the scene of great bustle in hospitals. Drinks, party, and exalted feelings, are resulting in many accidents. Anyway it was a small town. Therefore, only two people arrived with slight wound to the hospital that even the nurse took care of everything, without even contacting Ubi.

  Ubi appeared in the lobby just before the end of his duty. Connect with his friend who should replace him and said he'd rather spend one more shift. The friend recalled that it was against the procedure, but Ubi was adamant and made good use of his current plight, which turned out to convince his friend. Ubi appeared on the screen like an image very strong and vigorous, his friend had no chance to refuse the proposal. After all, why not take another day off to spend with family, and just at Christmas.

  December 25 is a cloudy day. Ubi, covered up in a sort of dim shadow, ends his plan. Whatever it was, was done. Around eleven-thirty on that evening, Ubi is exhausted. In his small laboratory, he was contemplating what he had done. He made the reading of computer screens and he saw what is being shown at the equipment of surveys. Yet everything seemed unreal and intangible for him. These numbers are like fiction, as fiction as the numbers in fact are. Actually mathematics exists only in the human mind.

  Time, everything is about time. Ubi could not go back anymore.

  Sophie Mastergate was one of the elite commissioners working at UN ethics office. On January 3, 2165, she was awakened at four in the morning by a phone call from his boss, Moniah Moabel, requesting their presence at 5:30 pm at office. She hung up the connection, and promptly got up, took a nice cold bath, and then a cup of coffee for breakfast. At exactly half past five she was immaculate, wearing a black skirt, waiting in the anteroom of her boss. Just as a very efficient person. Equally, her boss was ready to receive her. So Sophie was introduced in the room on time.

  - Thank you for coming, Sophie. - Moniah said in courteous tone. And she continued always refined in tone, as befits diplomats.

  - Sophie I need you so much. I'm still not sure what that mission is, but I think you are the only one can handle it. I think it will be good for your career. Maybe it's the point to make you stron
g as my natural successor.

  - That is a hot potato, isn't it? - Sophie said in a mocking tone.

  - Very hot! - Moniah confirmed.

  - And what exactly are we talking about?

  - It is serious, or seems so. A country doctor, he may have exceeded genetic limits.

  - The old genetic fear! It never leads to anything. At the end will be what? An animal genetically transmuted? Honestly, who cares?

  - Not this time Sophie. I have proof that there is a human involved as a guinea pig. I need you to go to unravel the whole mystery.

  - A human being? - Sophie said thoughtfully, and continued. - In that case, maybe it worth a look.

  - Yes it will! I promise full coverage via the Internet. Everything will be disclosed. It can be very valuable for your career.

  That definitely has convinced Sophie. The arrangement was made, so she would be the president of an ethics commission to investigate the case Hugh.

  In the afternoon, and after numerous Internet connections, she had gathered the whole committee that should move to the small town of Warm River.

  That commission, at end, would be made; by Sophie, who would represent the interests of the powerful UN Agency Ethics. Omaha Gandhi, a man 57 years old, Asian, secretary of the UN prosecutor, representing the legal interests. Devalson Kublisheski