Page 14 of Nephilim Wars

  Chapter 13

  God's New Nephilims

  Young Herod moved briskly through Rome's airport. He looked at the embassy address while trying to memorize it and kept his passport papers in his coat pocket, then fingered them occasionally to make sure they were still there. He didn't have luggage, which helped him move more quickly. He jumped in the first cab to pull up and asked for the Pope Jerusalem Hyatt. After getting to his room, he fell on the bed, not wanting to eat, not wanting anything except to let his mind drift away and trying to forget it all. Just before he drifted off, he saw his phone light blinking.

  He called the front desk and asked, "Do you have a message for me?"

  "Yes, Jezzz called. She said she knew you'd stay at the Hyatt. Call her at this number, please?" replied the clerk.

  Seconds later, he heard the sleepy voice of Jezzz on the other end. "This is the Tabor residence, Jezzz speaking."

  "You've got to be kidding. You're with Abigail? This is absolutely unbelievable! Are you okay? Is she okay?" he rattled off at her.

  "Everyone's fine. We are having the time of our lives. Abigail is wonderful! Young Herod, are you sitting down?" she asked nervously, not knowing how he'd respond.

  "Yes, I'm flat on my back in a king size bed. What's up? Is something wrong? Is Judas bothering you?"

  "Everything is wonderful," she answered; her voice was full of warmth and love.

  "You sound great. You sound better than ever. What's really going on, Jezzz?" he asked as he, got agitated with her bubbling over.

  "I got saved. I gave my life to Jesus! Oh, Young Herod, I've never been so free! It was and is wonderful! I'll talk to you about it when I see you!"

  "I don't know what to say. We talked about this before, but I don't know what to say. Was it hard?" he asked.

  "No, not once I decided to do it. Something dark in me tried to stop me. It was terrible and dark, but the Lord pulled it out of me. I want to run up and down the street telling everyone about it!" she spoke enthusiastically.

  "Don't tell Judas, girl! Don't let on! Have you called him yet?" he asked.

  "Yes, just before I went to visit Abigail. He was pretty upset about the Agrippa twins. He asked about you. I told him you were in the bathroom. He said for us to hurry up, find the girls, and get back. He actually thanked us for sticking it out. I believe he's under a lot of pressure to come through for the Europeans. He sounded terrible."

  "Good, then it seems, we'll have some slack from that monster. We need it. Is there anything else I should know?" he asked while sensing something else.

  "Yes, an angel named Caleb, the girls' real Dad, and an angel called Irish, appeared shortly after I got saved. Caleb is going to help you. Aaron is letting Caleb send you an angel, named Joseph, to watch over you. You may not need help, but he's there, trust me."

  "Do you really believe that God would send an angel to help a dark Nephilim? Don't be ridiculous, Jezzz," he replied sarcastically.

  "Stop that, Young Herod! A day ago, we'd laugh at a dark Nephilim getting saved too," she fired back.

  "You're right, I'm sorry. I'll call and leave a message on this number each day about the contacts. Take care, Jezzz. You'll be seeing your Lawrence shortly, I promise," he comforted before he hung up.

  Jezzz breathed in deeply; and for the first time in her life, she felt living was worth it. She felt she was at the beginning of a great and wonderful adventure. She got up to take her contacts out; and as she looked in the mirror, she fell back in shock.

  "Abigail, Abigail, come here, Abigail, hurry!" she shouted, then jumped up and down in one spot.

  "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Abigail asked as she stumbled through the dark to her room. As she flung the door open, she saw Jezzz jumping around excitedly.

  "What's going on, sweetie?" she asked again.

  Abigail turned to her and pointed to her eyes. They were like two bright sparklers on the Fourth of July. She had white star eyes, and her red stars were gone.

  "See, see. God gave me angel eyes. I can't believe it! I can't believe it! They're just like Caleb's, but smaller, but just as bright. I love them. I absolutely love them!" she shouted, then hugged Abigail joyously.

  "Well, you made a choice, didn't you? Just like your real dad made a choice when he was cast from heaven. He lost his white star eyes, and you got them. You got what he couldn’t. It makes prefect sense to me," she announced while enjoying looking at them as much as she enjoyed looking at Caleb's.


  Big Joseph

  "Okay, Joseph, if you are real, why don't you show yourself! I still don't believe God would do this; but if Jezzz believes it, I believe it!" he said loudly.

  A voice replied, "Not so loud, Young Herod. I'm not deaf, you know?"

  "Oh, boy! Oh, boy! I'm losing it! It's true! It's really true! Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! You'd better have a big sword!" he spoke softer this time and moved his hands through the air where the voice came from.

  "Is this big enough?" asked Joseph, then placed the point of his massive sword between Young Herod's feet as he appeared before him.

  "Man, you scared the pee out of me. You're about the same height as me, but you look like a human bull. What do you lift to get that big, buildings?" he responded in shock and admiration.

  Joseph laughed, "I've been called worse. I'm over 5000 years old. I was alive when Goliath, that Nephilim dog, no offense, was killed by King David. I'm a dear friend to Aaron, commander over the angel legions. Remember the stories of Aaron fighting Dar-Raven. They're all true. So, who's your dad?" he asked and smiled broadly, then put out a large hand for a shake.

  "My dad? My dad? He was… He was Cephas. Do you know him?" he stuttered, still stunned this was happening and the question. No one had ever asked him that before.

  "Yes, I've fought him before. It was thousands of years ago. He was trying to prevent a legion of our angels from getting Paul out of prison. He put up a good fight. He has a great style. You know something about Cephas?" he announced as he got ready to tell a secret.

  "What's that?" asked Young Herod while expecting an arrogant criticism.

  "When we used fight, he'd always give me a little bow, although he'd lose, and say, 'See you next time, Old Joseph. See you next time.'"

  "You're kidding. He sounds rather decent for a dark angel. Oh, by the way, you keep mending, right? I saw something about a Nephilim's ability to do that, recently."

  "In answer about Cephas, yes, that's what I'm saying. He was always at least more polite than the rest. Wouldn't surprise me that Nephilims can mend somewhat too. There's a lot about Nephilims that we're just now learning. Nothing surprises me, anymore. I'll be near when you need me. Don't worry. I'll know when the time is right. Don't do anything too stupid and keep your wits about you. I believe you'll make a wonderful saved Nephilim. I really do," he said and disappeared.

  He called Jezzz again, "Jezzz, don't say a word. Joseph was here talking with me. You were right. We really need to talk about this salvation thing. First thing when I get back, okay?"

  "Yes, how wonderful!" she exclaimed joyously; but before he hung up, she continued, "I got star eyes, white star eyes now! God gave me angel eyes! I'm so excited! Get your job done and hurry back! I want you to have them too!"

  After Jezzz hung up, Abigail stated, "You've been busy tonight. Young Herod, huh?" she asked with her nose poked in Jezzz's room. It was the way Abigail said it that was more like, "You and Young Herod, huh?"

  Jezzz just smiled at Abigail's suggestive question. She imagined for just one second that it was true and felt good about it, then felt guilty, and waved the thought away. The pups were piled on Jezzz's bed, snuggled into her blankets. They growled at her as she got back under the covers and disturbed them.

  "I think the pups run this house. At least, they think they do," replied Abigail laughing.

  "Young Herod said that Joseph is there. Do you know him?" she asked.

  "I met
him only once when they brought Sal in from West Virginia. He's as big as a bull. Has a neck that's all shoulders. He'll take care of Young Herod. Don't worry," she comforted.

  "Young Herod wants to talk about salvation. Can you imagine? Are we seeing the beginning of some new movement, Abigail?"

  "Yes, and it's all God, every bit of it. One hundred percent God," she said as she turned out the light and went back to her room.
