Page 31 of Nephilim Wars

  Chapter 30

  The Irish Present

  The private Cessna airstrip was vacant of any planes. It looked abandoned. All five of them sat on the runway looking at their watches and for any susceptible rides.

  "Stalin, did you say they didn't have anything taking off? How come? This has to be impossible. Where is everyone?" whined Attila.

  "Here we are getting close to an hour from meltdown with no way to get away from ground zero. You said that there was going to be a plane leaving. You said that's what they told you that last night when you called."

  Stalin was angry at being accused and spouted back. "They said there was a cargo plane leaving a couple minutes from now. I swear to you all. We were set to go. I gave them permission to take a transfer of 100,000 dollars worth of silver certificates as a deposit to have the whole plane. Something happened!"

  "Look, there's a cargo plane taxing down the runway towards us. Look!" shouted Mussolini.

  They all started applauding as the four-propeller cargo plane coasted up to within 100 feet of them. The pilot waved at them from the window, and the passenger door was thrown open wide. Over a loud speaker was a lady's voice welcoming them on.

  "Hey, a lady pilot. Let's go, guys. Let's get out of here!" yelled Mussolini.

  They all scrambled on, practically falling over each other. After only a couple minutes, they taxied out to the runway and started to make the long run for the take off. The props wound into high gear, and the plane lifted off slowly. They cheered for almost 15 minutes.

  The pilot received a flight plan that took them well out over the open ocean with the next stop in Spain several hours later. Several noticed that the direction seemed wrong. They were headed too far away from the mainland for a Spain stop.

  "Why are we going so far out? We should be hugging the coast at least as long a there is a mainland. Must be a weather front," stated Stalin.

  When they had been in route for about 30 minutes, the pilot appeared from the cockpit. They were all struck with how beautiful she was. She walked back and motioned to the front, "Auto pilot."

  "Thank goodness for auto pilot," Stalin laughed.

  "Oh, by the way. We're carrying some precious cargo. If you wouldn't mind, I'll show you,” stated Irish very calmly.

  Irish went to the back beside a large food tray near the bathroom and pushed a cart full of shiny cases directly in front of them. There was a moment of silence and cold realization. Irish spread her wings out in front of them, blazing them with her colors.

  "Okay, boys, here you go. This one's broken. It says that it will go off in less than a minute. That elevator must have shook up the timer when it hit the basement level. See you! Have a good life. What's left of it," she said and laughed, then disappeared before them. A large wailing went skyward just before the plane exploded in a giant mushroom cloud.

  There was an announcement on TV that a massive nuclear explosion was seen far out at sea off the coast of Israel. According to the news, unusual Westerly winds harmlessly carried its radioactive debris far from any populated areas. One commentator stated that it was a miracle that the winds blew that direction this time of year. Judas saw the newscast and stared in disbelief. He knew that he had been betrayed, but he didn't know by whom.

  Just at that moment, Joseph walked through the front doors of the hotel with Isaac beside him. Their swords were drawn and wings exposed. They walked through the crowds and pushed their way through. They watched dark Nephilims parting in front of them like the Red Sea while holding their breaths with anticipated fear. They all were wondering whether these angels were here to kill them.

  Behind them, without their contacts, were Jezzz and Young Herod. The word shot up to Judas' penthouse. He felt the wrath of God closing in on him. He knew exactly why they were here—for him. He ran out of the room and down the stairwell. Joseph and Isaac took the elevators while Jezzz and Young Herod took opposite stairwells.

  Halfway up his stairwell, Young Herod heard the fast, stumbling feet of someone coming down. He pushed himself into the wall to be unseen, and he became part of the brick and mortar. He could feel himself melting into the cracks in the wall. He saw Judas racing down the stairs. Judas' Nephilim alarms caused him to stop in front of Young Herod. He looked around for its source and felt the fear building up in him making him feel like he would explode.

  Suddenly, the wall came alive as Young Herod reached out and grabbed Judas by the throat from behind. Judas managed to twist around towards the wall. All he saw were two eyes with bright, white stars in their centers and a pair or arms that had him locked in a vice-like grip. Nothing helped Judas get away from him. He kicked at the wall, and each time, came back with more broken toes. Nothing he did helped him break away.

  Finally, Young Herod spoke, "For my Abele. For my precious Abele," replied Young Herod. The-Young-Herod realization in Judas' purple face was full of surprise and astonishment. He recognized Young Herod's face and was astonished at seeing his white stars just before his neck snapped in Young Herod's powerful grip.

  Before Judas left his suite, he knew the abyss alarms to the five-minute count down had already been activated. By the time he saw Young Herod, the submarine fired its nuclear missiles at the volcano, and the C147 flew over it minutes later dropping its nukes dead on target. The cloud of nuclear debris broke the mountain into pieces, and dark angels left in hordes by the hundreds of millions. Apollyon escaped first with a hundred of his best legions. They made it to just over 25,000 feet above the abyss. As they cheered about their freedom, they knocked the charred remains of their own burnt flesh from them. Suddenly, the sky became dark. An immense shadow passed over them. The shadow had fingers, a palm, and was blazing with the glory of heaven. Jesus stood on and filled up the horizon before them; and watched, as Father God pushed His gigantic hand from heaven over Apollyon and his dark angels. He shoved them into the fiery abyss, down into its deepest depths. God thrust them into the molten lava and squeezed and pushed at the mountaintop until it closed upon them. His hand pushed the landmasses into a new form that again rose between his fingers and sunk beneath the power of His glory. It was finished again.


  Live Long and Prosper

  Caleb held tightly to his girls. He saw Hayden walking from the hotel where he had been praying and getting ready for another speech. Caleb kissed Star lightly and nodded it was okay. Star ran to Hayden's arms. Riley only made it but another couple feet before Day did the same. Caleb nodded to them lovingly.

  "Live long and prosper," said Caleb, with his fingers doing a Star-Trek-Spak sign of a peace while laughing lightly at his humor. "Girls, I'll see you much later. I'm proud of you both. Raise me some grandchildren, okay? The next time I want to see you all is at a family reunion in New Jerusalem," he commanded, then disappeared with Aaron and Irish.

  Star and Day raised their hands into the air as if toasting at a grand party and shouted, "To New Jerusalem! Praise be to God!"

  The End

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