Page 16 of Obsidian

  “Why would you go into hot water?”

  “It’s a saying that means trouble. You really were kept secluded and your interaction with the technicians was limited if you don’t know that one. What did they do to you?”

  “Tests. I was given pills and injections. Mostly they wanted 46 and me to breed.”

  All humor disappeared from Moon’s features. “Did it work? Did she conceive?”


  The male sighed loudly. “Good. The thought of them getting a child from one of us is our worst fear. They probably wanted to segregate you and your mate from the rest of our population to see if that would get the results they wanted. One of the Mercile employees said there were rumors that some of the scientists believed a mated pair in love would be able to conceive.”

  “In love?”

  “You know, fiercely emotionally tied to each other.”

  Obsidian looked away, feelings of guilt and sadness filling him.

  “What is it?” Moon stepped closer.

  He finally looked at the male. “We were not in love. 46 rejected a bond between us.”

  Moon cursed softly. “Shit. She was forced?”

  Obsidian straightened, his spine stiffening. “I never harmed her or mounted her without consent.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way. We assumed you two wanted to be mated.”

  “She was brought to my room and left there. She had known another male and pleaded to be taken to him.”

  Moon slumped back against the wall, one hand lifting to run fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry. That must have been hell for both of you.”

  “It was difficult.” He relaxed slightly. “She only agreed to my touch during her need. Life was harsh but I tried to make her happy. She wasn’t.” His chest hurt when he breathed. “We existed together in that room but sometimes…” He couldn’t say it.

  “What?” Moon stared at him with compassion. “I’m your friend. Tell me.”

  “She would purposely provoke the technicians, hoping they’d harm her. I would stop her but she’d fight with me. I had to restrain her until she calmed. I think she wanted to die but I didn’t want to be left alone. She accused me of being selfish and said she hated me.”

  “Fuck,” Moon rasped, closing the distance between them.

  Obsidian braced for the male to attack but instead hands just gripped his shoulders while they stared at each other.

  “I’m so damn sorry. Of course you had to stop her. I would have done the same. Technicians never needed much of an excuse to kill or hurt us.”

  The things he’d told the other male threatened to overwhelm him as guilt, sorrow and regret flashed through his system. The words had burst out before he could prevent them, the relief at being able to confess things too strong to deny.

  “I feel guilt that she died because I let her down and I should miss her but I don’t. That makes me as cruel as the technicians, doesn’t it?”

  Moon didn’t look at him with horror. “I’m going to hug you. It means I care and you are not heartless. You did your best for your mate but it sounds as though her love belonged to another before she ever met you. You didn’t stand a chance. We tend to obsess over one person in our lives and that’s it. You haven’t seen happily mated couples but I have. It wouldn’t have mattered how good you treated her or what you did, trying to make her content. Her mind was always on another and she wasn’t going to give you a chance.”

  The male suddenly jerked Obsidian against his chest, his arms holding on to him and he just stood there, allowing it. It wasn’t exactly a comfortable feeling having another male so close to his body but he didn’t get the urge to punch him. Moon withdrew slightly to meet his gaze.

  “We’ll find you a female who will make you forget all about 46. One who makes you feel alive again. You need to get laid.”

  The image of one woman filled his thoughts and he uttered her name instantly. “Alli.”

  Moon arched his eyebrows. “Ah. Kind of stuck on her, huh?”

  “I want her.”

  “Then practice that puppy-dog look and say what I told you.” Moon released him and stepped back, glanced around, then walked to the edge of the building to peer over the wall. He glanced back. “Luckily for you I know where she lives. How do you feel about a late-night visit? Nobody is going to check on us since Jericho knows I’m with you. Have you ever jumped before? It’s easy from this height. Just watch me closely and do what I do. Land on your feet and bend your knees.” He flashed a grin. “We have an advantage as Species.”

  * * * * *

  Alli finished closing the last box, suffering nostalgia despite only having lived in her home for a few months. It had been the best time of her life. She blinked back tears as she tried to plot out her future. It looked pretty bleak.

  She’d gambled with her career and now it was time to pay the price. It wouldn’t be hard to find employment elsewhere as long as the NSO didn’t file kidnapping charges. Any backwater hospital would be eager to hire her. The computer screen she’d left on drew her attention as she sank into the desk chair. The search results were displayed as she pondered her options.

  An image of Obsidian distracted her when she closed her eyes. No regret surfaced over taking him from Homeland. It had saved his life. He was recovering quickly physically. She could attest to his strength.

  Her hand lowered to her hip where a slight bruise had formed. It had resulted when he’d hooked her around the waist before tossing her on the bed. There was no pain but she was more than aware of it. She wished her emotions could heal as quickly as the contusion would. In a matter of days the physical mark would disappear but she had a feeling the memory of him would stay with her for the rest of her life.


  She relived the memory of him pointing to the door, demanding she leave his room. It was for the best. Part of her knew that but another part refused to accept it. He needs me. No. He just wants to use me. It’s all about sex. Damn. She blinked back tears.

  “Stupid,” she whispered aloud. I should know better than to get personally involved with a patient and I had to go and fall for him. He was damaged in so many ways yet it just made her want to be with him more.

  The doorbell pulled her from her tortured moral debate. She tried to calm her racing heart, afraid that Justice North had sent someone to return her to Security. They’d had to spend money and resources to send the task team after her. She hoped they would just escort her off NSO property. The other option would mean her job search had been wasted.

  Dread froze her by the door, her hand on the doorknob but not turning it. The concept of going to prison scared the shit out of her. She wasn’t tough and had never been in a fistfight in her life. Her parents had sheltered her from other kids by homeschooling her and later she’d gone directly to med school where violence wasn’t exactly commonplace among the students. Prisoners were going to eat her alive and she’d be lucky to survive a week unless her medical degree offered her some kind of special privileges. She could hope they needed her to work in the prison hospital as free labor to keep her out of general population.

  The doorbell buzzed again and she straightened her shoulders. She’d face the consequences of her actions with her chin held high. Her head lifted as she twisted the doorknob to jerk it wide open.

  Obsidian stared down at her. His hair was a tangled mess flowing over his bare chest but she barely noticed, too surprised at finding him on her doorstep.

  “I want to come inside.” He took a step closer and completely blocked the opening. “Move back.”

  She stumbled a little as she did what he demanded. He entered her house and shoved the door closed firmly behind him. His gaze left her to travel slowly around the living room.

  “How did you get out of Medical? Do they know where you are? You could have been hurt or gotten lost.”

  Dark eyes fixed on her. “Be silent. I came to talk and you will listen.”

  Her lips sealed as she
stared wide-eyed at him, flabbergasted.

  He blew out a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. She wondered why he hadn’t put on a shirt. She glanced down to find he also hadn’t donned shoes. Grass stains were on his knees as if he’d been sliding in it.


  She focused on his face and gasped. He looked to be in pain with his eyes wide and his lips pursed out. He blinked rapidly and she grabbed at him, sure he was about to pass out. Her hands flattened on his chest and pushed him against the door behind him, knowing full well that she wasn’t strong enough to catch him if he pitched forward. She could only hope to pin him upright until he regained his equilibrium. His head hit the wood hard enough to make her wince at the noise.

  “Why are you attacking?” He looked surprised. “Are you still that angry with me?”

  “Where does it hurt? Are you dizzy? Lightheaded?”

  “You didn’t push me that hard.”

  “You looked sick.”

  A soft snarl passed his parted lips. “I was attempting a puppy look.”

  “A what?” She was puzzled as she stopped pressing her hands so tightly against him to keep him against the door.

  “I walked here from Medical to say I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Scaring me? I thought you were going to faint just now. Are you sure you’re all right?” She eased back, glancing down at his knees. “Did you fall? Strike your head somehow? Your knees look banged up.” Her gaze held his, trying to see his pupils.

  “I jumped off the building from the roof. I didn’t land as smoothly as I intended but I’m in no pain.”

  She was horrified at of his words. “You what? Why would you do that?” She clutched his arm. “Come here.” She pulled, urging him to her couch.

  He didn’t limp as he took hesitant steps forward and she pushed a little, urging him to sit. His big body dwarfed her cream-colored couch—a vast contrast between his masculinity and the feminine décor. Alli slid to her knees in front of him and reached for the ankles of his pants, shoving them upward.

  “What are you doing?”

  She glanced up when the material bunched over bulky calves. He was too muscular to work the legs high enough to see his knees. “Stand up.” She scooted back a little to give him room and sat on her legs. “Drop your pants.”

  His dark eyes narrowed but he rose to his feet, gripped the waist of the sweatpants and shoved them down. His long hair draped around her when he bent enough to drop them to his ankles, momentarily blinding her while she twisted and blew some of it from her face.

  He straightened, pulling the curtain of silky strands away. She turned, immediately zoning in on his knees. Both were a little red but she didn’t spot any swelling or abrasions. It seemed his sweats had gotten the worst of the impact. She looked up. Obsidian was naked and very aroused.

  The guy has big balls, all right, she noted. Big everything. She swallowed hard and cleared her throat. “You can sit back down.”

  He collapsed on the cushions, still aroused and in clear view since now his lap was directly in front of her.

  “Um, you can pull your pants up.” She tried to back away but was emotionally off balance enough for it to mess with her movements. She just slid to the side until she had to brace a hand to keep from falling over.


  He blinked at her, totally unconcerned with his naked state. Her glance diverted back to his dick, which was jutting upward. He leaned forward a bit until the crown of his cock pressed against his abs. Look away, she ordered, but her gaze refused to obey. She stared at his lap.


  That drew her attention up to his face. “It’s not proper to sit naked on someone’s couch.”

  “I don’t care about that.” He reached out and his fingertips brushed her cheek in a caress. “I do not want to mount you to replace 46.”

  “You jumped off a building to tell me that?”

  “Yes. You accused me of it and it’s not true. I know she is dead and you are nothing similar to her. I see you.”

  Her heartstrings tugged. He could have been hurt, had gone to a lot of trouble to clear up their misunderstanding. She wanted to believe him but he had to be pretty confused. Grief could be an unpredictable factor on mental stability.

  “I need to call Security and tell them where you are. They’ll be worried sick when they realize you’re missing. How did you get past the guard to reach the elevator or the stairs without being seen?” Another horrible concept struck. “You didn’t fight with Jericho or his replacement, did you?” She inspected his rugged face for signs of injury but didn’t find any.

  She struggled to her knees, fully planning on rising to walk to the phone to make the call. She didn’t make it. Obsidian grabbed her around her waist and hauled her onto his lap. His cock became trapped between his stomach and her hip where she landed sideways across the top of his thighs.

  “No. You aren’t in danger from me.” He growled the words, angry.

  Her hands flattened on his bare chest. “I know. They’ll freak out and start a search. They’ll think something bad happened to you.”

  “I’m not ready to return.” He shifted his legs to get more comfortable, easily readjusting them both as if she didn’t weigh anything. “I am here to talk to you. I’m not going back until you understand that 46 has nothing to do with why I’m attracted to you.”

  “I get that now.” At least she hoped he meant it and wasn’t fooling himself.

  “Good.” He turned his head, peering around the room. “Where do you sleep?”

  She jerked her head in the direction of the hallway. “It’s a two-bedroom house. Do you want a tour later? You probably haven’t seen a house before, huh?”

  He let go of her waist with one hand and hooked it behind her knees. It stunned her a bit when he just stood, holding her in his arms. He kicked at the sweats to free them from around his ankles before he stalked toward the bedrooms.

  “What are you doing?” Alli clutched at his shoulders for something to cling to.

  He paused to stare at her. “I’m going to mount you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Obsidian ignored the way Alli sucked in air sharply. Her home was much larger than his room at Medical. A lot of furniture filled the space, things that were odd but not unattractive. Lights led him to a room with a small bed and a desk. He twisted his body to fit both of them through the door as he pulled her tighter against him.

  “Next one,” she whispered. “This is the one I use for my office.” One hand released his shoulder to point down the hallway.

  He studied her eyes and didn’t see anger or fear there while he swung around, in search of where she slept. His nostrils flared but her scent lingered everywhere and he was unable to use his sense of smell to track it down. The second room was much larger with a bigger bed. It looked more appealing than the one he had been assigned.

  The doorway was a tight squeeze with her cradled in his arms but he managed to get them both through it, scraping his back against the wall instead of hers. Pink fabric covered the mattress and she had at least eight pillows piled near the top of it. He resisted the urge to toss her there since he wasn’t sure if it was soft enough to cushion her fall.

  He sat down with her on his lap and the mattress sank under him a lot. He growled, glaring at it. “Something is wrong with your bedding.”

  “You don’t like the color?”

  “It gives too much under my weight. Have I broken it?”

  She smiled at him and he liked how it softened her features. “It’s designed that way. There are thick, soft pads under you.”

  “You like sinking into your bed?”

  His expression must have appeared humorous since she laughed. His dick hardened more at the sweet sound. All he wanted to do was tear off her clothes, order her to get on her hands and knees and fuck her from behind. Moon’s warnings kept him from doing it. He needed to take things slower and tamp down some of his passion.
He bit back a growl of desire. The feel of her hands gently kneading his shoulder muscles had his lips sealing tightly together to hide his fangs.

  He didn’t want any other male near Alli. Her touch was soft, vastly different than what he was accustomed to. The thought of her so close to another male wasn’t pleasant. He’d fight them if any tried to lure her away from him.

  “Just don’t be surprised if a team from Security enters my house.” She grew solemn. “Don’t fight them. They are concerned for your safety.” She muttered under her breath, “Or they’ll think I kidnapped you again.” She beamed a smile at him. “Although it would be harder to do now that you’re awake.” She glanced down between them.

  He could actually feel her heated stare on his dick. It throbbed a little knowing she was looking at it. He watched her face to gauge her reaction but she didn’t seem irritated that he obviously wanted to mount her. He remembered they were talking and spoke.

  “They believed I was feral.”

  “You aren’t. They’ll still be worried when they realize you’re gone. I should call them, Obsidian.”

  He liked her jumping to his defense. “Moon is outside,” he admitted. “He brought me to you.”

  “Oh.” She was surprised when she met his gaze. “That changes things. You got permission to visit me.”

  He decided to not mention that they hadn’t told anyone where they were going. Alli was on his lap, he was naked, and he wanted her. He focused on her mouth.

  “Show me this kiss.”

  Alli’s tongue darted out to wet her lips and he bit back another growl. It was difficult to give her patience when he just wanted her bent over in front of him. Just the thought of gripping her hips to hold her in place and entering her made him ache. She’d be wet and tight. Hot. Mine!

  “Okay,” she whispered, turning a little more to face him as her hands transferred from his shoulders to cup his face.

  He enjoyed the feel of her touching him so intimately. 46 had never been one to caress him. The only face touching she’d done was when she was angry. A slap or punch hadn’t been pleasant. His mate had been pretty vicious when her rage stirred.