Page 19 of Obsidian

  Her gaze searched his. “Obsidian?”

  “No talking.” He eased her down his body a little and released her, backing out of her hold. “Remove that thing.” He didn’t hide the distaste in his expression when he glanced down her body. “It is ugly.”

  She laughed, not insulted. “It’s my bathrobe.”

  “Throw it away.”

  Blonde eyebrows arched but she didn’t protest, just untied the belt at the waist. He fought the urge to lunge at her while she struggled free of all the material, some of it trapped under her legs. The towel under it wasn’t welcome but she removed it without being asked.

  “On the bed now.”

  “So demanding.” She kept smiling. “It’s a good thing I can get past that little flaw of yours.”

  “I’m perfect.”

  Her gaze slid down his torso to his waist as she laughed. “Almost. You still have pants on.”

  He enjoyed the way she teased him as she lifted up and sat naked on the edge of the bed. Her thighs parted to reveal her sex just enough to make him want her more. His thumbs hooked the waist of his sweatpants, shoved, and he stood as he removed them.

  “Lie back.”

  The smile faded but she didn’t show fear as she did as he commanded. He stalked closer to stare down at her. She looked so appealing with her hair spread out over the mattress, her pale skin, and those blue eyes of hers fixed on his face.

  “Turn over.”

  The hesitation frustrated him but he was stunned when she suddenly bolted upright and her hand gripped the shaft of his cock. It didn’t hurt, her fingers gentle as they wrapped around him near the base.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You never kissed anyone before me. You never had sex in any position besides doggy either.” She licked her lips. “Ever had this done?”

  His entire body grew rigid when those lips parted and she slowly brought her mouth to the head of his cock. She watched his face. He hissed out when her little, warm tongue licked him from just under the crown to the tip, circled it, and pulled back.

  “Nope. I can tell by the way you’re looking at me as if I just grew two heads or something.” She laughed. “You lie down on your back.” Her head jerked toward the bed behind her. “Do you trust me?”

  He wasn’t about to forget the feel of her licking him. Ever. His balls had automatically drawn up tight and his dick was so hard it hurt. The strong ache of it couldn’t be ignored. He wanted more and he did trust her. The fact that she’d given him an order registered but it was one he wanted to follow, more than a bit curious.

  “It will feel good. I know to pull away before you come and that you’re going to swell when you do.”

  It was difficult moving with his dick sticking straight out and his balls feeling as though they were two rocks trapped between his thighs. He sat, spread his legs enough to alleviate the uncomfortable feeling, and watched Alli roll onto her hands and knees. All he could imagine was moving into position behind her. He wanted to fuck her hard and deep.

  She crawled slowly up his thigh, smiling. Her tongue licked her lips again before she broke eye contact to stare at his dick. “You’re big. Hold as still as you can.” She glanced up. “You’re probably going to get the urge to move your hips but try to fight it. I don’t want to be choked.”

  He mutely nodded, entranced by the fact that her mouth was so close to his dick. He attempted to force his body to relax but it was difficult. Every muscle had grown as rigid as his cock and he forgot how to breathe when Alli wrapped her lips around the crown of his dick again. Her hot tongue licked and he clenched his teeth, his hands grabbing for anything that wasn’t her.

  He couldn’t get a grip on the mattress so he reached up, his fingers curling over the top of her headboard. Wood creaked but it didn’t break as he watched her move, taking a little more of his shaft. She sucked and the sensations gave him raw pleasure so powerful it made thinking impossible. Growls tore from him before he could stop them and he broke out in a sweat.

  She didn’t stop. Her mouth tortured him as she withdrew to the tip but then took a little more of his length with each slow tug. Her gaze lifted, held his, and he lost it. It was too intense, too raw. He wanted to come more than he wanted his heart to beat and knew he would soon if she didn’t stop.

  “Alli,” he snarled.

  She released him. He groaned from remorse that she wasn’t licking him anymore, his hips arching toward her despite trying to remain still. Alli wasn’t done with him though when she leaned up and her bare breasts rubbed the sides of his shaft. The sight of his dick snug between the soft mounds almost sent him over the edge. He had no idea what she was doing but he liked it.

  She braced on her legs, reached up with both hands, and cupped her breasts, pushing them tighter against his dick. The slow movement rubbed her incredibly soft body along his painfully hard shaft. His hips arched upward to move faster, unable to control them. She shifted her hold, hugged her breasts with one arm while keeping him trapped in the valley of them and her other hand teased the top of his dick, stroking him.

  He fisted the headboard tighter, something above him snapped loudly but he didn’t care what caused the sound. Fire rushed from his belly down to his dick, ecstasy exploding from him as he came violently. He threw his head back against the mattress while riding out each blissful jolt of his semen shooting from his body. It seemed endless while he writhed in pleasure until every muscle turned lax.

  He panted, eyes closed, while trying to recover. A hot tongue touched the top of his oversensitive dick and a snarl burst from his lips. His eyes snapped open and he stared in shock at Alli still crouched over him on her knees.

  Her blonde hair spilled across of his hips and hid her face while she ran her tongue over him again. He could feel the wetness of his semen on his belly but he saw more it splashed across her breasts when her chin lifted until she could peer at him.

  “You taste really sweet.” She smiled before straightening up to sit on the bed and glanced down at her chest. Her laugh was musical to him. “I think I should shower again.” Her gaze held his. “I’ll be right back.”

  He wanted to stop her but his body refused to respond, still recovering from the devastation her mouth had done to him. He had a difficult time catching his breath or finding the energy to move. She glanced up and laughed again before looking at him.

  “Next time we’ll have to use a sturdier bed or maybe you could hang on to the edge of the mattress.” Another laugh. “We’re definitely going to do that again soon.”

  He wasn’t sure what she meant about the bed and could only watch her turn away from him to climb off the bed and walk to the bathroom. The door was left open. Water came on, assuring him she really meant to shower and not flee. He glanced upward.

  The bent metal of the top bar of the headboard hung precariously over him. He’d broken it in his haste to cling to something to prevent him from bruising her instead with his hands.

  “Alli’s mine forever,” he swore.

  * * * * *

  Alli was still smiling when she turned off the water and grabbed a fresh towel to dry off. It hadn’t surprised her that he’d enjoyed oral sex but the sense of power she’d experienced had. Obsidian was always so dominating but that had changed drastically when she’d shown him how it felt to be on the receiving end of oral sex. He’d been putty in her hands. Mouth, she corrected silently, chuckling.

  He remained sprawled on his back where she’d left him when she stepped out of the bathroom. His long frame barely fit length-wise down her bed, his heels right at the bottom. His cock was still semi-hard as she perused every inch of him until she stared at his face again. It was a hell of a sexy sight and so was the still-dazed, sated look on his masculine features. He took her breath away when his dark gaze fixed on her.

  “Come here,” he demanded in a gruff tone.

  Things are back to normal, she decided, still smiling as she slowly approached the bed. She released th
e towel where she held it together in front of her and put a knee on the bed. Her gaze left his to lower to his abdomen. Every muscle was defined, proof of how fit he remained despite the time he’d lain in a comatose state. She dropped the damp material over his belly.

  He tensed a little until he realized she was cleaning him with it. His body relaxed. “You are tending to me.”

  “Yes.” She could stare into his eyes endlessly. “You look pretty comfy right where you are.” She tossed the towel toward the bathroom when she was done, happy she hit the tile floor with her aim. “It’s got to be past the time you usually go to bed. Tired?” She stretched out naked next to him.

  He rolled to his side to face her. “I liked that.”

  “I know. So did I.”

  He glanced down her body. “You were aroused.” His nostrils flared as he sniffed. “I want to tend to you.”

  “Why don’t we get some sleep first?” She was tired. It had been a long, emotionally draining day between dealing with the stress of her possible future and the argument she’d had with him earlier. “I could use a few hours sleep.”

  He used his arm to brace his head to peer down at her. “You don’t want me to mount you?”

  “I do. Just give me a few hours rest.”

  “You’re human.”

  She wanted to flinch. He said it as though it were a bad thing, from the brusque tone he used. She wondered if he regretted coming to her house. “I am.”

  A smile suddenly changed his features into downright handsome. “I enjoy our differences.” He shifted to lie on his back and glanced at her. “Curl into me tight.”

  She wiggled closer and hooked her leg over his, one hand on his chest, and lifted her head when he adjusted his arm to pillow her. His warmth was welcome and she remembered the light was still on.

  “One of us should turn that off.”

  His hand rested over the top of hers, pinning it over his heart. “Later. I just want to hold you.”

  Her eyes closed as she yawned. “That’s a good thing about being a doctor. I can sleep anywhere, at any time, under any circumstances. I just thought it would bother you.”

  “I have all I need.”

  She smiled against his skin. “Me too.” She’d worry about tomorrow when it came. Right at that moment they were together and it was all that mattered.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alli watched Obsidian eat breakfast, amused. He sniffed at the sausage and his tongue darted out to lick it before cautiously taking a nibble. His dark gaze fixed on her while he chewed after finally taking a bite.

  “I told you it was safe to eat.”

  “They didn’t bring this on a tray.”

  “I cooked it.”

  Eyebrows arched while he studied her. “How?”

  Her thumb jerked in the direction of the stove. “On the stovetop. It heats and cooks food.”

  He rose slowly to his feet. “Teach me now.”

  She sipped her coffee but didn’t budge. “It’s not that simple.”

  He settled back in his chair, watching her as though she might start pulling rabbits from a hat or something. She grinned while holding his stare. “It’s not magical or anything. It’s basic living skills. I’ll let you watch me fix lunch in a few hours. That’s how I learned. My mom taught me.”

  She studied his handsome features. He looked well rested. His hair was still wet. Her hand reached up to push back her own wet strands. They’d woken, made love and she’d gotten out of the shower first to make scrambled eggs, sausage and toast for them to share.

  “What was that like?”

  “Learning how to cook? Kind of boring, actually. I didn’t really want to but she insisted I should have those skills. I’m glad I do now.”

  “What was it like having a mother?”

  Her humor fled quickly. It reminded her of his upbringing in a cold setting by Mercile Industries. “My parents were terrific. They remained together until I was in my teens before they got divorced.”

  “What is that?”

  “They decided they’d grown apart over the years and stopped living together. Both of them met great people though and remarried. I get along great with my stepparents.”

  A look of horror wrinkled his face. “They stopped living together and are with other mates?”


  A low growl rumbled from him. “That’s wrong. Mates are forever.”

  She took a deep breath. “Humans tend to get divorced often. Fifty years ago not so much but these are modern times. People grow apart and they leave if they are unhappy to be with someone else who makes their lives better.”

  “You aren’t leaving me. You’re happy.”

  She was stunned.

  “I’ll kill any male who attempts to lure you away.”

  She decided against being disturbed by the threat, knowing he wasn’t exactly like other men. Alarm bells would normally be going off inside her head if anyone said that to her. “I’m not your mate,” she gently reminded him.

  Dark eyes narrowed and another gruff growl burst from his slightly parted lips. “You’re mine.”

  It was time to change the subject. “What do you want to do today?” She glanced around. “There’s so much for you to learn. I know you have the television remote control down pat but I could teach you how to use the other stuff in my house.”


  “You’ll be assigned to the men’s dorm at some point. They’ll have someone teach you basics but we could get a jump on it. You should learn how to use a vacuum, a mop, and how to do laundry. Otherwise you’re going to have one messy home with no clean clothes to wear.”

  “Is it important to you?”

  “That you don’t live in a pig sty? Sure.” She set down her coffee. “You want to be self-sufficient so you aren’t dependent upon others.”

  “I know that term. I have you.”

  “I’m not going to be your maid.” She laughed as she left her chair and stepped into the living room. The humor died quickly though when she remembered she wouldn’t be around to do those things for him even if she wanted. “You need to learn how to care for yourself.”

  “What is a maid?” He followed, stalking her with a grace that reminded her of a cat. His bare chest was impressive and he wore the only clothes he had—the sweatpants from the day before.

  “It’s someone you pay to do your housework. They clean, sometimes cook your meals and wash your clothes if that’s a service they provide. I had one before I moved here. I worked so many hours it was the only way anything got done. She even ran errands for me.”

  “What are those?” He tracked her until she found herself backed into a corner.

  “Errands? Um, buying food and taking some of my stuff where I needed it to go. I don’t think you have to worry about dry cleaning here at Homeland though. I know I’ve nearly forgotten what it’s like to have neatly pressed clothes.”

  He stared down at her and sniffed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You smell of food again.”

  “So do you. You used my shampoo and conditioner. It’s scented with vanilla and coconut.”

  “I’m hungry.”

  “You just ate all my eggs, sausages, and had six pieces of toast. I have to order more groceries. I could make you a sandwich or five. You sure have a big appetite.”

  He surprised her when he dropped to his knees and gripped the waist of the nightshirt that fell to her knees. “For you.”

  Alli’s heart rate accelerated as he nuzzled her belly. Firm hands slid down to grip the hem of her shirt and push it up. He made a sound of displeasure when he discovered her pink panties.

  “I don’t like these. They are in my way.” He glanced up. “Stop putting on needless clothing.”

  “People wear them.”

  “You won’t.” One hand flattened to hold her shirt up while he hooked the fingers of his other hand at the waist of her panties, just giving them one rough jerk. Materi
al tore.

  “Those were expensive.”

  He didn’t look impressed as he tossed them behind him. She watched them land on the coffee table. “They aren’t made well.”

  “Silk isn’t much of a match against someone as strong as you.”

  He gripped her inner thigh, lifted it and nearly knocked her off balance. Her hands opened on the walls in the corner to stay upright. He hooked the curve of her knee over one shoulder and dipped his head to brush his mouth over her bellybutton while kissing lower.

  His tongue was warm and a little rough as it darted out to lick her skin. Her breathing increased as her eyes closed. Obsidian turned her on. Her nipples grew taut and her breathing increased, knowing where he headed as his chin rubbed against her mound.

  “We should go in the bedroom.”

  He paused. “Here. Now.”

  She looked down at him just in time to watch him lower his body to sit on his legs. He pushed at her thigh until she rested her heel on his shoulder, her leg bent up to give him freer access to her exposed pussy. Nothing could hold back the moan when he fastened his mouth over her clit.

  She was grateful her back rested against the corner since the leg supporting her weight nearly collapsed when Obsidian growled, the vibrations and his tongue playing hell on her system. He hadn’t been kidding about being hungry if the aggressive way he manipulated the bundle of nerves was any indication. Her hands fell away from the wall so she could slide her fingers into his silky hair at the back of his head, holding him in place.

  One of his fingers drove inside her, adding to the pleasure. He didn’t go in slow but thrust in fast and deep, triggering a new, wonderful sensation. Her breathing increased when he withdrew it and inserted two fingers. The feeling of being stretched and taken a little roughly made her cry out his name. It seemed to urge him to fuck her faster with both digits, his mouth and tongue frantically suckling her clit.

  Alli couldn’t think beyond trying to remain upright when all she wanted to do was sink to the floor. Moans and pants filled the room, growing in volume as he found the spot inside her pussy that drove her insane. She was going to come hard and fast as the climax built.