Page 8 of Obsidian

  She tried to wiggle off his lap but he yanked her back down. He turned her until she ended up sideways across his lap. The feel of his cock became apparent again. There was no missing something that hard or that size. They stared at each other until he frowned.

  “I need your scent. Sleep here with me. You are safe.”

  Alarm rolled through her. “What?”

  “Sleep with me. You did that before. I want you against my side.” He grabbed her hand and held it. “Stroke my chest.”

  Alli was beyond shocked. The guy had just felt her up and was obviously interested in sex. It was a bad idea. She shook her head.

  “I have to return to my home. I’m under house arrest. This is just a visit.”

  “Not anymore. You are staying with me.”

  His features hardened as he glanced at the door before he met her wide gaze. She had no idea what else to say. Not that it didn’t stop her from trying to talk sense into him.

  “It’s not proper. I mean, we’re not dating. Strangers don’t just share a bed. I only slept with you because it was cold and—”

  “You wanted to save me.” His voice deepened again. “Are you lying about that? You are a healer?”

  “I’m a doctor. I—”

  “You will stay with me. You will sleep here at my side and you will touch me. I am depressed but not when you stroke my chest.” He looked away to glance at the bed.

  Panic struck. No way could she share a bed with a fully recovering New Species. He wasn’t a child as his body fully stated with the hard press of his cock under her. He was an adult male who had molested her.

  “They won’t allow it,” she bluffed, pretty sure that would be true.

  “They will because I said so.” He reached out and fisted the blankets, dragging them down the mattress closer to them. “Remove your shoes and get in my bed.”

  “No.” She squirmed to get up but his arm only tightened.

  A soft growl rumbled against her ear as he pressed his mouth against it.

  “Keep rubbing my dick that way and I will mount you.”

  She ceased struggling.

  “You may keep your clothing on for now.”

  Her eyes widened. For now? Oh shit. The idea that Destiny might have been right and 880 wanted to engage in sexual intercourse with her sent her heart into overdrive as fear hit.

  880 sniffed at her. “Easy,” he rasped. “Don’t fight me and you won’t be harmed. I have no wish to hurt you.” He paused. “I need you right now.”

  Her eyes closed and dread pitted inside her stomach. Had he grown addicted to her scent? How was that possible? New Species only scent imprinted when they took a mate. An emotional bond formed first, before they wanted to take one.

  880 could smell the human’s fear. It was an appealing, sweet scent that made his dick harder. She wasn’t for mounting but his body had other ideas. Alli would break under him if he took her. His arm anchored around her soft, small waist assured him of that. Her back was narrower by far than the width of his chest. Her weight on him was slight compared to his mate’s. The thought of 46 saddened him.

  He’d never see her glare again or hear her soft snarls. He’d known she hadn’t always enjoyed being his mate but he’d tried to make her happy. The only time she’d wanted his touch had been when she needed him. It seemed no female was attracted to him unless they were going into heat. He sniffed Alli, certain the female wasn’t even close to that time.

  Regret filled him that the human wouldn’t turn to him in her time of need. It wouldn’t be a good idea. He didn’t want to cause her injury now that he had her in his arms. He couldn’t even stay angry. She was too afraid of him to trigger his rage.

  The tone of the voices down the hallway changed. The words were lost but one of the males began to snarl. He could guess that Destiny was the source. It was obvious the male wanted to mount Alli and didn’t like her near him. It wasn’t going to happen. The other male would die if he attempted to take the human from his room.

  880 turned his face and brushed his nose through Alli’s hair. She smelled of wonderful things and of food. Perhaps that was how humans drew attention from the opposite sex. She’d said she had no male and he didn’t pick up the stench of one. It made sense that she’d try to lure one by making him sniff at her when they were hungry.

  Time was running out and he knew it. The males would come and check on Alli if she didn’t leave his room soon. He leaned in and liked the way she shivered when he breathed on her neck.

  “I need you,” he admitted. “I know nothing here but you.” That was true. The males had tried to be nice but he didn’t connect with them. Her scent made him feel aroused but not detached. “Stay with me.” Females enjoyed being asked instead of told. 46 had taught him that. He used a softer tone. “I will recover faster.”

  She turned her head and her eyes widened. His admission obviously surprised her and her lips parted. “No one here will hurt you, 880. You’re New Species and they consider you family.”

  “I have none. I am alone now.” 46 had been the only constant in his life and he’d lost her. “Stay with me.”

  Indecision wavered on her delicate features as she chewed her bottom lip and he began to see a pattern. She did that when she was unsure of what to do.

  “I need you and you are a healer. You took risks to try to wake me when they didn’t. You must stay here. You feel protective of me, don’t you? Is that why you stole me?”

  He knew he’d be fine without her and doubted his people would do him harm but it worked when she nodded timidly. He wasn’t above using her job to keep her where he wanted.

  “Okay. Just for a little while.”

  “No. You will sleep with me until I am fully recovered.”

  “You seem to be.” She hesitated. “You’re up and about. You’ve put on weight and I know you went outside.”

  “They wish to keep me inside this room.” Irritation sounded in his voice. “They fear I will harm someone. Humans.” He decided to be honest. “I won’t harm you and they will be assured the ones they care about will be safe when they see you here.”

  She seemed to think about that for a long time before she spoke. “I’ll stay but I can’t share a bed with you. Everyone will get the wrong impression.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Her cheeks turned pink and her gaze dropped to his throat. “They will think we’re having sex.”

  “I don’t care what they assume.”

  Her gaze lifted. “I do. I work here. Or I did.”

  Anger stirred instantly. “This would cause you shame to have them believe I touch you?” A growl tore from his throat. “This is your idea that we are equal? I was told humans here don’t look down on us.” His hold around her waist tightened. “You—”

  “Stop it,” she hissed, interrupting his anger. “It’s not because you’re New Species. I wouldn’t flaunt a relationship with anyone but especially not someone I’ve treated. You just don’t understand. It has nothing to do with our differences.”

  880 searched her steady gaze but couldn’t detect deception. “Explain it.”

  “It’s unprofessional. You’re not technically my patient anymore but you were. Doctors lose their licenses if they have sex with people under their care. It’s unethical and just not done for the most part. I hate the ones who have. I don’t want anyone to think I may have taken advantage of you and they would.”

  He lifted her off his lap and allowed her to move out of the circle of his arms. His body tensed in case she tried to flee but she wouldn’t make it to the door. He’d catch her first. Alli slowly turned around but stayed close. He rose to his full height and stared down at her. She was small and weak, not a threat. He laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Who would believe you could force me to do something against my will? That’s what you meant. ‘Take advantage of’ means force.”

  “It means you’re emotion
ally vulnerable right now and someone could easily manipulate you.” Her focus shifted to his arms before meeting his gaze again.

  All humor vanished. “It wouldn’t happen. I am in control and you couldn’t make me do anything. Let them worry about how I might manipulate you. I know that word.” He glanced down her body. “It would be easy.”

  Her mouth parted but she didn’t bite her lip. He studied her face closely and finally identified a little fear. He could live with that if it kept her from attempting to flee his room. He pointed to the bed.

  “Sit. I will tell them you are staying with me.”

  “I should g—”

  He stepped closer and nearly bumped into her. “Sit,” he growled.

  She paled and scooted around him, perching meekly on his bed. He smiled. “That is manipulation.”

  Anger narrowed her eyes and he turned away to hide a smile. He liked that she had some spirit. He strode into the hallway and studied the two males who waited at the end of it. Both of them turned when they sensed him.

  “Alli will stay here with me. Double my food and she will need more clothing.”

  “No,” Destiny hissed, instantly challenging him as his hands fisted and he tried to storm closer.

  Tiger grabbed the male’s arm to halt him. “Don’t,” he ordered softly. “Stay put.” He drew closer, each step calculated to be nonthreatening.

  880 backed into his room and glanced at Alli. She remained seated where he’d ordered her to stay. Tiger paused in the doorway and visually examined her, obviously checking her health.

  “Are you okay?”


  Tiger held his gaze. “Why is she staying here?”

  “She is familiar to me. I won’t harm her.”

  Tiger looked indecisive as he peered at Alli. “Are you okay with this? We should talk.” He swallowed. “In the hallway.”

  Alli glanced at 880 and he gave her a sharp nod. He hoped she wouldn’t betray him and ask the male for help. It wouldn’t do any good. He was still weak but he would fight to keep her. He’d made up his mind on the matter. She paused outside the door and Tiger lowered his voice.

  “What is going on?”

  “He says I’m the only thing he knows. It’s okay.”

  Tiger lifted his gaze to stare at 880 before addressing her again. “He’s an adult male and healthy. Do you understand? You’re a female.”

  Alli’s cheeks pinkened again. “We’re not involved that way.”

  Tiger backed up and she followed him out of 880’s line of sight. She didn’t go far. He tensed, ready to go after her if she bolted. He’d deal with the male if he tried to stop him from returning Alli to his room.

  Alli was nervous and she knew exactly what Tiger’s concerns were as he frowned.

  “He could try to mount you. He probably will if you stay. Do you understand that?”

  The idea left her scared but she tried to hide it. She wasn’t 880’s favorite person. “He said he wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “I doubt he’d associate sex with harm.” Tiger hesitated. “I smell fear on you.”

  “He’s big and kind of intimidating.” She debated on asking Tiger to take her away from 880. She’d be returned to her house. “He’s, um, different.”


  “He’s kind of crude and rude.”

  “He’s newly freed. Has he said anything to offend you? We are trying to teach him better conversation skills.”

  She wasn’t going to repeat what 880 had said about her body. “He’s also kind of a bully.”

  Tiger arched his eyebrows. “He can’t force you to stay.” His voice lowered. “Did he threaten you?” He reached for the radio clipped to his jeans. “I can call for backup. We can restrain him and get you out of here without too much difficulty if he protests.”

  The idea of having officers restrain 880 made her shake her head. They could injure him and she knew he’d fight. “No. He didn’t do that,” she lied. “I can stay with him for a while. It’s not as though I have anything else to do besides watch television or stare at the walls.”

  “I have to discuss this with Justice and Trisha.” He let his hand drop away from his radio. “Do you want anything from your home in the meantime?”

  She only asked for a day’s worth of clothes, sure 880 would tire of keeping her in his room. Tiger listened intently.

  “We can do that. I’ll go myself. I’m assigning an officer at the end of the hall. Yell if you want out of there.” He paused. “He needs a name. Maybe you can help him find one he likes.”

  “I think he’s probably dealing with enough changes right now.”

  “He needs a name,” Tiger repeated. “We’ve discovered it’s part of the healing process and besides that, the paperwork on him is mounting. We’re going to have to go back and change it all when he does choose one. I’d rather just get it done sooner rather than later.”

  Anger stirred inside her. “I’m sorry but his emotional well-being is more important than the amount of paperwork on your desk.”

  That drew a glare from him. “I have a mate and I enjoy spending time with her instead of wasting it with extra work. You want to help? Talk him into taking a name.” Tiger spun and strode away.

  Alli stood there watching him go until he reached Destiny. The nurse tried to step around him to come toward her but Tiger gripped his arm, forcibly turned him around and nearly dragged him in the direction of the elevator. She could hear them hissing at each other but couldn’t make out any of their conversation. A large hand clamping down on her shoulder firmly made her jump. She twisted her head to stare up at 880. He’d sneaked up on her.

  “In my room now.”

  “You could say please.”

  He looked away from her to glance down the hallway and suddenly hooked an arm around her waist. She gasped when he just jerked her off her feet and spun, stomping back inside his room with her held against his chest. He paused by the bed and lowered her back to her feet.

  “Take off your shoes and climb on my bed.” His arm withdrew.

  Alli looked up at him. “That was rude. You can’t just go around picking people up and making demands.”

  He regarded her silently.

  “Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean you should manhandle me. That’s what you just did.”

  He blinked.

  “I don’t want to be on your bed. We should talk and get to know each other. I think that you—”

  His palm lifted and he pressed it against her chest and pushed her back. She lost her balance and landed on his bed. It shocked her that he’d done it. It hadn’t hurt but that was beside the point. He bent, grabbed her ankle, and just tore off her shoe. She tried to roll away after her stunned brain began to work but he was faster. He removed the other shoe.

  “Stop that!” She struggled to sit while crawling backward to put space between them. He blocked her way off the bed. “You’re being rude!”

  Broad shoulders shrugged as he bent over and his hands flattened on the bed. He stared at her and inched closer as she continued to put space between them until the back of her head bumped the wall. She was trapped. The mattress dipped from his weight as he lay down along the outer side of the bed and stretched out fully on his back. One hand swept behind his neck to grab his long hair and he piled above his head as he stared at her.

  “Lie down next to me and stroke my chest.”


  A soft growl rumbled from him as his angry gaze fixed on her. “Alli.” He said her name in a way that gave her chills. “Come to me now and don’t force me to make you.”

  Shit. She wasn’t exactly afraid but was leery of him for sure. The bed wasn’t big enough to get away and she was within his reach if he just shot a hand out to grab her. He watched her, not moving until he took a deep breath.


  That one word softened her resolve to refuse his demand. She inched closer to him, not sure what he’d do, but he just held s
till until she stretched out on her side after adjusting her skirt. Her hand trembled when she lifted it and touched his chest. His eyes closed as she stroked him softly.

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter Seven

  The bed shifting violently jerked Alli awake and she realized she’d drifted to sleep. The room had grown noticeably darker and she stared at 880. He wasn’t on the bed any longer but instead stood next to it with his back to her. His attention focused on the open door. Her gaze followed his.

  Tiger stepped into sight as he reached the doorway and paused. “Hello. I brought her things.” He held out her gym bag. “Here.” Tiger studied her. “Are you well?”

  She sat up and checked her skirt, it was still below her knees. “I’m fine. We took a nap.”

  880 stalked forward and took the bag by the strap. “Thank you. Leave now.”

  Tiger’s mouth opened but he backed up. “Fine. Trisha and Justice aren’t sure what you’re up to but as long as Dr. Alli agrees to be here, she can stay. Just know there is an officer down the hall.”

  Alli wasn’t sure if Tiger meant it as a warning to 880 or a reminder to her that help wasn’t far away.

  “Leave,” 880 demanded.

  “You really need to learn manners. You’re welcome.”

  Tiger spun on his heel and left. 880 turned to face her and approached the bed. He dropped her bag and bent, unzipping it. His hands delved inside to scoop out her belongings.

  “What are you doing?”

  He shot her a glare and held up a pair of her sweatpants. He studied them before letting them fall on the bed. The nightshirt she’d asked for was inspected next. He read the words and frowned over the picture on it.

  “Why do you have a shirt that says ‘bite me’? Who has red canines?”

  Embarrassment hit. “It is a shirt from a popular vampire show. Please put it down and stop going through my stuff.”

  “Who is vampire and why do you want him to bite you?” Anger flashed in his eyes as he stared at her. “You said you didn’t have a male.”

  “It’s not a who. It’s a…oh hell. They aren’t real. It’s a show on television.”