I look up at him and find him staring down at me with dark, hooded eyes. His chest rises and falls with his breaths, and he licks at his lips repeatedly.

  “So fucking incredible,” he whispers.

  I grin around his dick and suck him in as far as I can. He clenches his eyes shut, and he reaches down to grasp the back of my head with one hand. His fingers massage my head slowly as I run my tongue up and down the shaft of his cock again.

  I can taste precum in my mouth as I pull back and lick around the head. It’s salty but not bad at all. I take as much as I can back in my mouth and suck hard as Bastian moans again.

  Moving faster, I bob up and down over his dick, licking and sucking as I go. Bastian’s fingers grip my hair, but he doesn’t push on my head. He lets me set my own pace, but I can feel his hips rising up slightly, demanding more. I suck harder. I try to take him in deeper until the head of his cock hits the back of my throat, and I have to pull back to keep from gagging.

  With a loud, wordless growl, Bastian reaches down and grabs me by the shoulders. He lifts me up, and for a moment, I think he’s just going to impale me on his dick, but he doesn’t. He shifts me around, grabs my legs, and pulls my pussy to his mouth. He wraps his arm around my backside and then reaches down to take his dick in his hand.

  “Don’t stop,” he commands as he guides it back to my mouth.

  Using my hands to hold me up, I balance myself on the sand and take his cock between my lips again. Keeping up with the suction, I go down as far as I can, still keeping one hand wrapped around the base as I feel Bastian’s tongue slide between my legs. He circles my clit with the tip of his tongue, grabs both my ass-cheeks with his hands, and shifts me a little so he can plunder my pussy with his mouth.

  I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing. The feeling of his tongue stroking my clitoris and up and down my folds is too much. My thighs keep clenching. I keep moaning. Every time I moan around Bastian’s dick in my mouth, he moans in turn, sending vibrations all through my body. He presses the flat of his tongue against me, and I scream, nearly choke, and have to pull back.

  “Jesus, Bastian! Agh!” I angle my hips, pressing myself into his face as his grip on my ass gets tighter. He’s relentless, and I shudder as I come.

  In a flash, he’s on top of me. I don’t even feel the motion; I’m just suddenly on my back in the sand, and his mouth is covering mine. I can taste myself on him as he kisses me, and his tongue explores my mouth as he lines up to impale me again.

  The thrust is hard and fast. It’s followed by many, many more. I can’t catch my breath. I can only give in to him—allowing him to use me in whatever way he wants. His hands grip my hips as he pulls my body up against him with each stroke. As hard as he’s pounding into me, it should be painful. It’s not. It’s fast, furious, and wonderful.

  Suddenly, Bastian pulls out of me and grabs my hips, flipping me over to my stomach. With one arm wrapped around my middle, he pulls me to my knees, and I feel the pressure of his cock at my back door.

  “Bastian…I don’t know.” I’ve never done this before. I’ve never even considered letting a man take me this way, but with Bastian…with Bastian, anything is possible.

  “I’ll go slow,” he says in a soft whisper. I feel his breath on the back of my neck.

  “Don’t we need lube or something?” I remember girlfriends talking about the necessity of lube for anal sex, and I’m pretty sure there isn’t a bottle of Astroglide for miles.

  “Coconut oil.” As he says the words, I feel a cool, wet sensation between my ass cheeks.

  I have no idea from where he might have produced coconut oil. I shake my head slightly, trying to make sense out of what’s happening. I can’t. There’s a certain logic to coconut oil being available on an island, but it’s a flawed logic, and it doesn’t fit the circumstances.

  Did he use it when he was cooking?

  I don’t recall him cooking, either.

  “I swear, it will be fine,” Bastian says. “You’re going to love it.”

  I’m not as convinced as he is, but I try to relax as I nod my head and bite down on my lip. I breathe through my nose to keep myself in check as I feel the hard head of his cock slide up against me. He grasps my cheeks, spreading them as he leans over me. It’s a strange sensation as he starts to push inside of me. There is no pain, just pressure.

  “Oh, fuck, Kandace…your ass feels incredible. It’s so tight. You saved this for me, didn’t you?”

  “Only…you…” I grunt the words, barely able to make the sounds at all. “Oh, shit…Bastian! That feels….that feels…”

  “Shh.” His warm breath coats my neck and back. “Just feel it, baby. Just feel my cock in you.”

  I groan, and he pushes farther inside. He goes slowly, just as he said he would, and the sensation of being completely and totally filled is almost too much.

  “Bastian!” I cry out.

  “I told you,” he says with a grunt. “I told you it would be good. You like it, don’t you, babe? You like my cock in your ass?”

  “Yes! Yes!” I scream.

  He adds the pressure of his fingers on my clit, circling as he starts to thrust slowly. I clench around him, enjoying the moans that erupt from his mouth.

  “God, Kandace! You’re going to make me come too soon. You’re so tight on my cock. It’s never felt this good before.”

  His fingers move faster, and I push back against him. The pace increases, and my body begins to shake with the effort of holding myself up on all fours. I can feel his balls slapping against my pussy with every stroke. Bastian rubs at me with one hand, and the other reaches around to cup my breast, pinching my nipple until I’m screaming his name over and over again.

  “That’s it, baby!” he cries. “Come for me!”

  My whole body tightens, every muscle flexing to push harder against him. The pressure inside of me is too much. My clit explodes, taking the rest of me with it. At the same time, Bastian tilts his head up to the darkening sky and screams like an animal.

  Bastian keeps his grip tight around my waist, keeping me from falling into the sand as my legs give out. He drops his head to my shoulder and slides in and out of me a few more times before he lets out a long breath. He pulls out, leaving my skin to the cooling night air, and lies on top of me, pressing my chest to the ground.

  His weight becomes a bit much, and he realizes this before I have to say anything about it to him. He rolls to one side, his arms still wrapped protectively around me, and I place my head on his shoulder. We breathe in time with each other, and even our hearts beat with the same rhythm.

  The fire still burns brightly beside us though I have no memory of someone adding logs to the flames. I roll to my back and place one hand on my chest to feel my heart beat beneath my fingers. The moon and stars brighten the otherwise black sky. The only sounds are our rapid breathing and the waves crashing onto the rocks near the beach.

  We lay in silence for some time. Bastian strokes my hair, and I run my hand over his chest and abs, following along the edges of every muscle. I trace the tips of my fingers over the rounded curve of his bicep. I feel him flex the muscle, and I grin up at him. He’s so strong—such a completely perfect specimen of a man—he doesn’t seem real. I think about what he’s done to get into the physical shape he is in and look into his eyes.

  “I know who you are.”

  He tilts his head and looks back at me silently. His eyes narrow a little, and I quickly clarify.

  “I mean, I know what you do…or did…for a living.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that.” He sits up and wraps his arms around his knees, leaning over his legs and staring at the ground.

  “I wasn’t going to ask you to talk about it,” I say as I sit up beside him. “I’m not looking for details, but I know, and I wanted you to know that I know.”

  Bastian doesn’t respond. Instead, he stands and takes me by the hand, leading me back to the shelter as the wind picks up and s
tarts blowing the fronds around on the roof. We sit together near the towels, but Bastian’s eyes remain unfocused, as if he’s lost in his own thoughts of the past.

  The wind is picking up, and the first drops of rain begin to fall. The moment we’re inside, the pounding on the roof drowns out all other sounds.

  Didn’t I just see the moon and the stars in the clear sky?

  The thought is gone almost immediately. Bastian leans against the wall of the shelter, and I sit between his legs and relax against his chest as he wraps his arms around me protectively.

  I shouldn’t have mentioned it. What difference does it make what he did in the past? He is known to be violent and unpredictable. He likes vodka far more than he should and makes no excuses for his behavior. Yes, he’s killed a lot of people, but I don’t care. I should care. It’s strange that his history doesn’t bother me.

  Why don’t I care?

  “But none of it was real,” I say quietly. A strange, dizzy sensation comes over me, and I shake my head to clear it. I close my eyes, but there’s a bright light behind my lids—brighter than the sun filtering through the fronds of the shelter. The brightness is uncomfortable, so I open my eyes again and find Bastian staring at me.

  How can the sun be out again? It was just about to rain.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on here.”

  He turns me around to face him, wrapping one hand around the back of my head. He places his forehead on mine and closes his eyes for a moment. He lets out a long sigh before he looks at me again.

  “There is nothing to understand, Kandace,” he says. “You are here…now…with me. Always be in the moment, babe. Life is what you are experiencing right here, right now. Fuck the rest of it.”

  He brushes his lips softly over mine, and I think about what he said. Right here, right now, I am safe. I feel good. In fact, I feel better than I have in many months.

  “Just be with me right now,” he says against my lips. “Please, Kandace…be with me.”

  “I’m here,” I tell him. “I’m with you.”

  I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of his mouth on mine, the soft breeze coming from the ocean, and push away all other thoughts.

  Chapter 4

  Lightning and thunder are all around us, but we remain dry and comfortable inside the shelter. Outside on the dune, the cooking fire is nothing but wet ash and a little smoke. It hisses every once in a while as the rain pours down all around us. Our clothing still hangs from the wooden hooks on the wall, and as I stare up at the blue bathing suit I’d been wearing on the beach, I realize I’ve been naked the entire time I’ve been here.

  Where did that suit come from?

  Trees blow in the wind, reminding me of weather reporters trying to stand on the beach when a hurricane is on the way, but the shelter doesn’t shimmy and shake like I would expect it to do in such weather. I run my hand over the poles on the floor, wondering how something that looks so haphazardly constructed could be so sturdy. The poles are perfectly smooth under my palm, and there are no drops of rain sneaking through the roof.

  Because none of this is real.

  “Did you get enough to eat?” Bastian asks as he plants a kiss on my neck. “Can’t cook anything at the moment, but there are almonds, coconuts, and mangos.”

  “I love mangos.” I pull my hand from the floor of the shelter and try to recall what I had been thinking about, but the thought is gone.

  “You want some?” Bastian produces a large clam shell with perfectly cut pieces of fruit all over it. I blink a couple of times. It smells delicious, but I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t quite right.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “I want to make sure you’re keeping your energy up,” Bastian says with a smirk. “I wouldn’t want you getting all worn out or anything.”

  “Don’t you ever get tired?” I ask.

  “Of you? Never.” He moves up to sit beside me and grins as his large hand grips my thigh. “All I can think about it getting my cock all up in you.”

  “Such a romantic!” I push at his shoulder playfully.

  “I’d give you romance if that’s what I thought you wanted,” Bastian replies. “It’s not though.”

  “Really? What do I want?”

  “You came here to get fucked,” he says simply. “That’s what you wanted, so that’s what I’m giving you.”

  “Well, you have certainly accomplished that!”

  “It is my honor to serve.” Bastian salutes in jest.

  I chew on my lower lip for a moment, thinking about what he said. Without a doubt, I’ve enjoyed his attention, and I do feel thoroughly fucked. Is that all I want, a good fucking? Isn’t there more to it than that?

  “I like romance, too,” I say.

  Bastian’s demeanor changes abruptly. He removes his hand from my thigh and reaches up to stroke the side of my face. He pulls me close to him, kisses me softly, and then stares into my eyes.

  “I want to give you everything,” he says. “I want you to remember this moment forever. I need you to know that I am here for you, always.”

  “I know you are,” I whisper back as his lips touch mine again. He twists his fingers into my hair, holding my face to his. He places his other arm around me, and I respond by wrapping my arms around his neck.

  Bastian brings me onto his lap, holding me crossways over his legs. He keeps kissing me and caressing my thighs as my body begins to respond with more urgency. I feel electrified. Every part of my body quivers with the touch of his fingers and mouth.

  It isn’t the same this time. The intensity is there, but the pace is markedly slower. His touch is soft and warm, his kisses gentle though no less passionate than they were before. Every movement is drawn out, delayed. He reaches for my breast just a moment after I want his hand there. He lies me down on my back a few seconds after I want him to. Each time, the desire brewing inside of me increases a thousandfold.

  “I want you so much,” he says quietly. “The way I feel about you actually hurts, Kandace. I can’t stand being away from you even for a moment. I need to be inside of you.”

  “Yes, please, Bastian!”

  He enters me slowly, watching my face the entire time. I run my hands over his shoulders and chest, still amazed at the strong, hard muscles I find there. I reach for his sides and splay my fingers over his hips and feel him flex as he pushes into me.


  “Anything for you,” he responds. “I want to give you everything you desire.”

  I watch as he sets a slow and steady rhythm. I grunt and groan with every motion of his hips, the sensations amplified by the sight of his cock disappearing into my body. I tear my eyes away from the sight and press up against him, dig my fingers into his backside, and wonder if I will ever get enough of this feeling.

  Bastian’s arms coil around my body, and he leans back until he’s sitting back on his knees and I’m in his lap again, straddling him this time. With one hand between my shoulder blades and the other gripping the back of my head, he presses up into me again. I hold onto his upper arms and press my body tightly against his chest, focusing on the warmth of his skin on mine.

  “I love looking at you like this,” he says. “Watching you move up and down…feeling myself inside of you. It’s like we’re one person, and we will never be apart.”

  I rest my hand on the side of his face and kiss his softly. His words echo through my head, warming me from the inside out. He moves his hands down to hold my hips, guiding my movements on top of him.

  He can’t get as deep in this position, but I feel every stroke more intensely. The head of his cock rubs the back of my clit every time he moves, and the hard muscles of his chest stimulate my nipples as I place my head on his shoulder and suck gently on the side of his neck. I kiss up his jawline and lick at his earlobe.

  His touch is so light, so gentle. It’s completely different from the way it was before, but I am no less consumed by him
this way as I was when I was underneath him, giving myself over to anything and everything he wanted. I lean back to look at his face, and his eyes stay locked with mine. I should feel uneasy with the way we’re looking at each other, but I can’t look away.

  He cups the back of my head with one hand while he uses the other to explore my body. He strokes my shoulders, my side, my stomach, and my breasts again and again until my skin tingles everywhere. His breath is warm against my lips as he kisses me repeatedly.

  “Feels so good,” he whispers in my ear, making me shiver. “I love having you wrapped around me like this. I love holding you so close to me, making us one person.”

  Running my hand over his jaw, I press my thumb to his lips. He opens his mouth, licks my thumb, and then gently bites the pad. I’m breathing so hard, I can’t make a sound but can only watch as he sucks my thumb into his mouth and closes his eyes, moaning.

  “I need more of you,” he says. “I want you on top of me. I want you to do whatever you want while you ride me.”

  I nod in response.

  We roll together until I’m straddling him with my knees on either side of his hips. He takes a hold of his dick and angles it up so I can lower myself over it. I place my hands on his body to balance myself as we start again. I rock into him, setting my own slow and steady rhythm as I stroke his chest with my fingertips.

  I can’t comprehend what I’m feeling. Elation, comfort, security—it’s all rolled together into one emotion. The sounds of the rain have ended. I can barely hear the rush of waves over the sand. There is nothing but Bastian and I, bound together in perfect unity.

  “So beautiful like this,” Bastian says as he reaches up and slowly runs his hands over my breasts, down to my hips, across my stomach, and back up again. He watches the place where we’re connected, his eyes half closed and his mouth slightly open as he stares. I close my eyes and tilt my head up to the sky, slowly rotating my hips and reveling in the feeling of his cock deep inside of me. Bastian rolls his hips in a rhythm that matches the ocean waves as they crash on the shore—slow, steady, deep.