Page 43 of The Long Roll



  In Lee's tent, pitched in a grove a mile from Frederick, was held acouncil of war,--Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Longstreet, Jeb Stuart. Lee satbeside the table, Jackson faced him, sabre across knees, Longstreet hadhis place a little to one side, and Stuart stood, his shoulder againstthe tent pole. The last-named had been speaking. He now ended with "Ithink I may say, sir, that hardly a rabbit has gotten past my pickets.He's a fine fellow, Little Mac is! but he's mighty cautious, and youcouldn't exactly call him swift as lightning. He's still a score ofmiles to the east of us, and he knows mighty little what we are about."

  Jackson spoke. "General McClellan does not know if the whole army hascrossed or only part of it has crossed. He does not know whether we aregoing to move against Washington, or move against Baltimore, or invadePennsylvania. Always mystify, mislead, and deceive the enemy as far aspossible."

  Longstreet spoke. "Well, by the time he makes those twenty miles thetroops should be rested and in condition. We'll have another battle andanother victory."

  Lee spoke, addressing Stuart. "You have done your work most skilfully,general. It is not every army that has a Jeb Stuart!" He paused, thenspoke to all. "McClellan will not be up for several days. Across theriver, in Virginia, are yet fourteen thousand of the enemy. I had hopedthat, scattered as they are, Washington would withdraw them when itheard of our crossing. It has not done so, however. It is not well tohave in our rear that entrenched camp at Harper's Ferry. It is my idea,gentlemen, that it might be possible to repeat the manoeuvre of SecondManassas."

  Stonewall Jackson hitched his chair closer. Stuart chuckled joyously.Longstreet looked dubious. "Do you mean, general, that you would againdivide the army?"

  Lee rested his crossed hands on the table before him. "Gentlemen, did Ihave the Northern generals' numbers, I, too, might be cautious. Havingonly Robert E. Lee's numbers, I advance another policy. It is my ideaagain to divide the army."

  "In the enemy's country? We have not fifty-five thousand fightingstrength."

  "Yes, in the enemy's country. And I know that we have not fifty-fivethousand fighting strength. My plan is this, gentlemen. General Stuarthas proved his ability to hold all roads and mask all movements. We willform two columns, and behind the screen which his cavalry provides, onecolumn will move north and one column will move south. By advancingtoward Hagerstown the first will create the impression that Pennsylvaniais to be invaded. Moreover Catoctin and South Mountain are strongdefensive positions. The other column will move with expedition.Recrossing the Potomac, it will invest and capture Harper's Ferry. Thatdone, it will return at once into Maryland, rejoining me beforeMcClellan is up."

  Longstreet swore. "By God, that is a bold plan!--What if McClellanshould learn it?"

  "As against that, we must trust in General Stuart. These people must bedriven out of Harper's Ferry. All our communications are threatened."

  Longstreet was blunt. "Well, sir, I think it is madness. Pray don't sendme on any such errand!"

  Lee smiled. "General Jackson, what is your opinion?"

  Jackson spoke with brevity. "I might prefer, sir, to attack McClellanfirst and then turn upon Harper's Ferry. But I see no madness in theother plan--if the movement is rapid. Sometimes to be bold is the sanestthing you can do. It is necessary of course that the enemy should bekept in darkness."

  "Then, general, you will undertake the reduction of Harper's Ferry?"

  "If you order me to do it, sir, I will do it."

  "Very good. You will start at dawn. Besides your own you shall haveMcLaws's and Anderson's divisions. The remainder of the army will leaveFrederick an hour or two later. Colonel Chilton will at once issue theorder of march." He drew a piece of paper toward him and with a pencilmade a memorandum--SPECIAL ORDERS, NO. 191.

  The remainder of the ninth of September passed. The tenth of Septemberpassed, and the eleventh, mild, balmy and extremely still. The twelfthfound the landscape for miles around Frederick still dozing. At noon,however, upon this day things changed. McClellan's strong cavalryadvance came into touch with Jeb Stuart a league or two to the east.There ensued a skirmish approaching in dignity to an engagement. Finallythe grey drew off, though not, to the Federal surprise, in the directionof Frederick. Instead they galloped north.

  The blue advance trotted on, sabre to hand, ready for the dash intoFrederick. Pierced at last was the grey, movable screen! Now with theinfantry close behind, with the magnificent artillery rumbling up, withMcClellan grim from the Seven Days--now for the impact which shouldwipe out the memory of the defeat of a fortnight ago, of the second BullRun, an impact that should grind rebellion small! They came to Frederickand found a quiet shell. There was no one there to sabre.

  Information abounded. McClellan, riding in with his staff towardevening, found himself in a sandstorm of news, through which nothingcould be distinctly observed. Prominent citizens were brought beforehim. "Yes, general; they undoubtedly went north. Yes, sir, the morningof the tenth. Two columns, but starting one just after the other and onthe same road. Yes, sir, some of our younger men did follow on horsebackafter an hour or two. They could just see the columns still movingnorth. Then they ran against Stuart's cordon and they had to turn back.Frederick's been just like a desert island--nobody coming and nobodygetting away. For all he's as frisky as a puppy, Jeb Stuart's a mightygood watch dog!"

  McClellan laughed. "'Beauty' Stuart!--I wish I had him here." He grewgrave again. "I am obliged to you, sir. Who's this, Ames?"

  "It is a priest, sir, that's much looked up to. He says he has acollection of maps--Father Tierney, will you speak to the general?"

  "Faith, and that I will, my son!" said Father Tierney. "Good avenin',general, and the best of fortunes!"

  "Good evening, Father. What has your collection to do with it?"

  "Faith," said Father Tierney, "and that's for you to judge, general. Itwas the avenin' of the eighth, and I was sittin' in my parlour afterJudy O'Flaherty's funeral, and having just parted with Father Lavalle atthe Noviciate. And there came a rap, and an aide of StonewallJackson's--But whisht! maybe I am taking up your time, general, withthings you already know?"

  "Go on, go on! 'An aide of Stonewall Jackson's--'"

  "'Holy powers!' thinks I, 'no rest even afther a funeral!' but 'Come in,come in, my son!' I said, and in he comes. 'My name is Jarrow, Father,'says he, 'and General Jackson has heard that you have a foine collectionof maps.'

  "'And that's thrue enough,' says I, 'and what then, my son?' Whereuponhe lays down his sword and cap and says, 'May I look at thim?'"

  Father Tierney coughed. "There's a number of gentlemen waiting in theentrry. Maybe, general, you'd be afther learning of the movement of theribils with more accuracy from thim. And I could finish about the mapsanother time. You aren't under any obligation to be listenin' to me."

  "Shut the door, Ames," said the general. "Now Father.--'May I look atthem,' he said."

  "'Why, av course,' said I, 'far be it from Benedict Tierney to put alock on knowledge!' and I got thim down. 'There's one that was made forLeonard Calvert in 1643'--says I, 'and there's another showing St.Mary's about the time of the Indian massacre, and there's a very rareone of the Chesapeake--'

  "'Extremely interesting' he says, 'but for General Jackson's purposes1862 will answer. You have recent maps also?'

  "'Yes, I have,' I said, and I got thim down, rather disappointed, havingthought him interested in Colonial Maryland and maybe in the location ofmissions. 'What do you wish?' said I, still polite, though I had lostinterest. 'A map of Pennsylvania,' said he--"

  "A map of Pennsylvania!--Ames, get your notebook there."

  "And I unrolled it and he looked at it hard. 'Good road to Waynesboro?'he said, and says I, 'Fair, my son, fair!' And says he, 'I may take thismap to General Jackson?' 'Yes,' said I, 'but I hope you'll soon be sogood as to return it.' 'I will,' said he. 'Bedad,' said I, 'you ribilsare right good at returning things! I'll say that for you!' said I
--andhe rolled up the map and put it under his arm."

  The general drew a long breath. "Pennsylvania invaded by way ofWaynesboro. I am much obliged, Father--"

  "Wait, wait, my son, I'm not done, yet! And thin, says he, 'GeneralJackson wants a map of the country due east from here, one,' says he,'that shows the roads to Baltimore.'"


  "'Have you got that one?' says he. 'Yis,' says I, and unrolled it, andhe looked at it carefully and long. 'I see,' says he, 'that by goingnorth from Frederick to Double Pipe Creek you would strike there theturnpike running east. Thank you, Father! May I take this one, too?'And he rolled it up and put it under his arm--"

  "Baltimore," said McClellan, "Baltimore--"

  "'And now, Father,' says he, 'have you one of the region between hereand Washington?'... Don't be afther apologizing, general! There aretimes when I want a strong word meself. So I got that map, too, and helooked at it steadily. 'I understand,' says he, 'that going west bynorth you would strike a road that leads you south again?'--'And that'sthrue,' said I. And he looked at the map long and steadily again, and heasked what was the precise distance from Point of Rocks to Washington--"

  "Point of Rocks! Good Lord! Ames, get ready to take these telegrams--"

  "And thin he said, 'May I have this, too, Father?' and he rolled it up,and said General Jackson would certainly be obliged and would returnthim in good order. (Which he did.) And thin he took up his cap andsword and said good avenin' and went. That's all that I know of thematter, general, saving and excepting, that the ribil columns certainly_started_ next morning with their faces toward the great State ofPennsylvania. Don't mention it, general!--though if you are interestedin good works, and I'm not doubting the same, there's an orphan asylumhere--"

  Having arrived at a cross-roads without a signpost McClellancharacteristically hesitated. The activity of the next twelve hours wasprincipally electrical and travelled by wire from Frederick toWashington and Washington to Frederick. The cavalry, indeed was pushedforward toward Boonsboro, but for the remainder of the army, as it cameup, corps by corps, the night passed in inaction, and morning dawned oninaction. March north toward Pennsylvania, and leave Washington to bebombarded!--turn south and east toward Washington and hear a cry ofprotest and anger from an invaded state!--turn due east to Baltimore andbe awakened by the enemy's cannon thundering against the other sides ofthe figure!--leave Baltimore out of the calculation and lose, perhaps,the whole of Maryland! McClellan was disturbed enough. And then, in thegreat drama of real life there occurred an incident.

  An aide appeared in the doorway of the room in which were gatheredMcClellan and several of his generals. The discussion had been a heatedone; all the men looked haggard, disturbed. "What is it?" askedMcClellan sharply.

  The aide held something in his hand. "This has just been found, sir. Itseems to have been dropped at a street corner. Leaves and rubbish hadbeen blown over it. The soldier who found it brought it here. He thoughtit important--and I think it is, sir."

  He crossed the floor and gave it to the general. "Three cigars wrappedin a piece of paper! Why, what--A piece of paper wrapped around threecigars. Open the shutters more widely, Ames!"


  _September 9, 1862._


  The army will resume its march to-morrow, taking the Hagerstown road. General Jackson's command will form the advance, and after passing Middletown with such portion as he may select, take the route toward Sharpsburg, cross the Potomac at the most convenient point, and by Friday morning take possession of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, capture such of the enemy as may be at Martinsburg, and intercept such as may attempt to escape from Harper's Ferry.

  General Longstreet's command will pursue the main road as far as Boonsborough, where it will halt with reserve, supply, and baggage trains of the army.

  General McLaws, with his own division and that of General R. H. Anderson, will follow General Longstreet. On reaching Middletown he will take the route to Harper's Ferry, and by Friday morning possess himself of the Maryland Heights and endeavour to capture the enemy at Harper's Ferry and vicinity.

  General Walker with his division, after accomplishing the object in which he is now engaged, will cross the Potomac at Cheek's Ford, ascend its right bank to Lovettesville, take possession of Loudoun Heights, if practicable, by Friday morning, Key's Ford on his left, and the road between the end of the mountain and the Potomac on his right. He will as far as possible cooperate with generals McLaws and Jackson and intercept the retreat of the enemy.

  General D. H. Hill's division will form the rearguard of the Army, pursuing the road taken by the main body. The reserve artillery, ordnance and supply trains, etc., will precede General Hill.

  General Stuart will detach a squadron of cavalry to accompany the commands of generals Longstreet, Jackson, and McLaws, and, with the main body of the cavalry, will cover the route of the army, bringing up all stragglers that may have been left behind.

  The commands of Generals Jackson, McLaws, and Walker, after accomplishing the objects for which they have been detached, will join the main body of the army at Boonsboro or Hagerstown.

  By command of General R. E. Lee,

  R. H. CHILTON., Assistant Adjutant-General.

  In the room at Frederick there was a silence that might have been felt.At last McClellan rose, and stepping softly to the window, leaned hishands upon the sill, and looked out at the bright blue sky. He turnedpresently. "Gentlemen, the longer I live, the more firmly I believe thatold saying, 'Truth is stranger than fiction!'--By the HagerstownRoad--General Hooker, General Reno--"

  On the morning of the tenth Stonewall Jackson, leaving Frederick,marched west by the Boonsboro Road. Ahead, Stuart's squadrons stoppedall traffic. The peaceful Maryland villages were entered without warningand quitted before the inhabitants recovered from their surprise.Cavalry in the rear swept together all stragglers. The detachment,twenty-five thousand men, almost half of Lee's army, drove, a swift,clean-cut body, between the autumn fields and woods that were beginningto turn. In the fields were farmers ploughing, in the orchards gatheringapples. They stopped and stared. "Well, ain't that a sight?--And half ofthem barefoot!--and their clothes fit for nothing but scarecrows. Well,they ain't robbers. No--and their guns are mighty bright!"

  South Mountain was crossed at Turner's Gap. It was near sunset when thebugles rang halt. Brigade by brigade Stonewall Jackson's command leftthe road, stacked arms, broke ranks in fair, rolling autumn fields andwoods. A mile or two ahead was the village of Boonsboro. Jackson sentforward to make enquiries Major Kyd Douglas of his staff. That officertook a cavalryman with him and trotted off.

  The little place looked like a Sweet Auburn of the vale, so tranquillyinnocent did it lie beneath the rosy west. The two officers commentedupon it, and the next moment ran into a Federal cavalry company sent toSweet Auburn from Hancock for forage or recruits or some such matter.The blue troopers set up a huzzah, and charged. The two in grey turnedand dug spur,--past ran the fields, past ran the woods! The thunderingpursuit fired its revolvers; the grey turned in saddle and emptiedtheirs, then bent head to horse's neck and plied the spur. Before themthe road mounted. "Pass the hill and we are safe!--Pass the hill and weare safe!" thought the grey, and the spur drew blood. Behind came theblue--a dozen troopers. "Stop there, you damned rebels, stop there! Ifyou don't, when we catch you we'll cut you to pieces!" Almost at thehilltop one of the grey uttered a cry. "Good God! the general!"

  Stonewall Jackson was coming toward them. He was walking apparently indeep thought, and leading Little Sorrel. He was quite alone. The twoofficers shouted. They saw him look up, take in the situation, and
puthis hand on the saddle bow. Then, to give him time, the two turned."Yaaiih! Yaaaaiiahh!" they yelled, and charged the enemy.

  The blue, taken by surprise, misinterpreted the first shout and theensuing action. There must, of course, be coming over the hill a greyforce detached on some reconnoissance or other from the rebel hordeknown to be reposing at Frederick. Presumably it would be cavalry--andcoming at a gallop! To stop to cut down these two yelling grey devilsmight be to invite destruction. The blue troopers first emptied theirrevolvers, then wheeled horse, and retired to Sweet Auburn, out of whicha little later the grey cavalry did indeed drive them.

  In the last of the rosy light the two officers, now again at thehilltop, saw the camp outspread below it and coming at a double quickthe regiment which Jackson had sent to the rescue. One checked hishorse. "What's that?" asked the other.

  "The general's gloves. He dropped them when he mounted."

  He stooped from his horse and gathered them up. Later, back in camp, hewent to headquarters. Jackson was talking ammunition with his chief ofordnance, an aide of A. P. Hill's standing near, waiting his turn."Well, Major Douglas?"

  "Your gloves, general. You dropped them on the hilltop."

  "Good! put them there, major, if you please.--Colonel Crutchfield, theordnance train will cross first. As the batteries come up from the riversee that every caisson is filled. That is all. Now, CaptainScarborough--"

  "General Hill very earnestly asks, sir, that he may be permitted tospeak to you."

  "Where is General Hill? Is he here?"

  "Yes, sir, he is outside the tent."

  "Tell him to come in. You have a very good fast horse, Major Douglas.There is nothing more, I think, to-night. Good-night."

  A. P. Hill entered alone, without his sword. "Good-evening, GeneralHill," said Jackson.

  Hill stood very straight, his red beard just gleaming a little in thedusky tent. "I am come to prefer a request, sir."

  "Yes. What is it?"

  "A week ago, upon the crossing of the Potomac, you placed me underarrest for what you conceived--for disobedience to orders. Since thenGeneral Branch has commanded the Light Division."


  "I feel certain, sir, that battle is imminent. General Branch is a goodand brave soldier, but--but--I am come to beg, sir, that I may bereleased from arrest till the battle is over."

  Stonewall Jackson, sitting stiffly, looked at the other standing, tense,energetic, before him. Something stole into his face that without beinga smile was like a smile. It gave a strange effect of mildness,tenderness. It was gone almost as soon as it had come, but it had beenthere. "I can understand your feeling, sir," he said. "A battle _is_imminent. Until it is over you are restored to your command."

  The detachment of the Army of Northern Virginia going against Harper'sFerry crossed the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal at Williamsport and fordedthe Potomac a few hundred yards below the ferry. A. P. Hill, McLaws,Walker, Jackson's own, the long column overpassed the silver reaches,from the willows and sycamores of the Maryland shore to the tall anddreamy woods against the Virginia sky. "We know this place," said theold Army of the Valley. "Dam No. 5's just above there!" Regiment byregiment, as it dipped into the water, the column broke into song."Carry me back to Old Virginny!" sang the soldiers.

  At Martinsburg were thirty-five hundred blue troops. Stonewall Jacksonsent A. P. Hill down by the turnpike; he himself made a detour and cameupon the town from the west. The thirty-five hundred blue troops couldretire southward, a thing hardly to their liking, or they could hasteneastward and throw themselves into Harper's Ferry. As was anticipated,they chose the latter course.

  Stonewall Jackson entered Martinsburg amid acclaim. Here he rested histroops a few hours, then in the afternoon swung eastward and bivouackedupon the Opequon. "At early dawn," he marched again. Ahead rode hiscavalry, and they kept the roads on two sides of Harper's Ferry. Adispatch came from General Lafayette McLaws. _General Jackson:--Aftersome fighting I have got the Maryland Heights. Loudoun Heights inpossession of General Walker. Enemy cut off north and east._

  "Good! good!" said Jackson. "North, east, south, and west."

  On the Maryland side of the Potomac, some miles to the north of Harper'sFerry, Lee likewise received a report--brought in haste by a courier ofStuart's. _General:--The enemy seems to have waked up. McClellanreported moving toward South Mountain with some rapidity. I am holdingCrampton and Turner's Gaps. What are my orders?_

  Lee looked eastward toward South Mountain and southward to Harper'sFerry. "General McClellan can only be guessing. We must gain time forGeneral Jackson at Harper's Ferry." He sent word to Stuart. "D. H.Hill's division returning to South Mountain General Longstreet orderedback from Hagerstown. We must gain time for General Jackson. Hold thegaps."

  D. H. Hill and Stuart held them. High above the valleys ran theroads--and all the slopes were boulder-strewn, crested moreover bybroken stone walls. Hooker and Reno with the First and Ninth corpsattacked Turner's Gap, Franklin's corps attacked Crampton's Gap. Highabove the country side, bloody and determined, eight thousand againstthirty thousand, raged the battle.

  Stonewall Jackson, closely investing Harper's Ferry, posting hisbatteries on both sides of the river, on the Maryland Heights andLoudoun Heights, heard the firing to the northward. He knit his brows.He knew that McClellan had occupied Frederick, but he knew nothing ofthe copy of an order found wrapped around three cigars. "What do youthink of it, general?" ventured one of his brigadiers.

  "I think, sir, it may be a cavalry engagement. Pleasanton came intotouch with General Stuart and the Horse Artillery."

  "It could not be McClellan in force?"

  "I think not, sir. Not unless to his other high abilities were addedenergy and a knowledge of our plans.--Captain Page, this order toGeneral McLaws: _General:--You will attack so as to sweep with yourartillery the ground occupied by the enemy, take his batteries inreverse, and otherwise operate against him as circumstances mayjustify._ Lieutenant Byrd, this to General Walker: _General:--You willtake in reverse the battery on the turnpike and sweep with yourartillery the ground occupied by the enemy, and silence the batteries onthe island of the Shenandoah._ Lieutenant Daingerfield, this to GeneralA. P. Hill: _General:--You will move along the left bank of theShenandoah, and thus turn the enemy's flank and enter Harper's Ferry._"

  This was Sunday. From every hilltop blazed the grey batteries, and downupon the fourteen thousand blue soldiers cooped in Harper's Ferry theysent an iron death. All afternoon they thundered, and the dusk knew nocessation. Harper's Ferry was flame-ringed, there were flames among thestars. The air rocked and rang, the river shivered and hurried by. Deepnight came and a half silence. There was a feeling as if the earth werepanting for breath. All the air tasted powder.

  A. P. Hill, struggling over ground supposed impassable, was in line ofbattle behind Bolivar Heights. Lawton and Jones were yet furtheradvanced. All the grey guns were ready--at early dawn they opened. Irondeath, iron death!--they rained it down on Harper's Ferry and thefourteen thousand in garrison there. They silenced the blue guns. Thenthe bugles blew loudly, and Hill assaulted. There were lines ofbreastworks and before them an abattis. The Light Division tore throughthe latter, struck against the first. From the height behind thunderedthe grey artillery.

  For a day and a night the blue defence had been stubborn. It was over.Out from the eddying smoke, high from the hilltop within the town, therewas shaken a white flag. A. P. Hill received the place's surrender, andStonewall Jackson rode to Bolivar Heights and then into the town.Twelve thousand prisoners, thirteen thousand stands of arms,seventy-three guns, a great prize of stores, horses, and wagons cameinto his hand with Harper's Ferry.

  On the Bolivar turnpike the Federal General White and his staff met theconqueror. The first, general and staff, were handsomely mounted, finelyequipped, sparklingly clean and whole. The last was all leaf brown--dustand rain and wear and tear, scarfed and stained huge boots, and shabbyforage cap. The surrender was unconditional
. Formalities over, therefollowed some talk, a hint on the side of the grey of generous terms,some expression on the side of the blue of admiration for greatfighters, some regret from both for the mortal wound of Miles, theofficer in command. Stonewall Jackson rode into the town with theFederal general. The streets were lined with blue soldiers crowding,staring. "That's him, boys! That's Jackson! That's him! _Well!_"

  Later A. P. Hill came to the lower room in a stone house where thegeneral commanding sat writing a dispatch to Lee. Jackson finished thething in hand, then looked up. "General Hill, the Light Division didwell. I move almost at once, but I shall leave you here in command untilthe prisoners and public property are disposed of. You will useexpedition."

  "I am not, then, sir, to relinquish the command to General Branch?"

  "You are not, sir. Battle will follow battle, and you will lead theLight Division. Be more careful hereafter of my orders."

  "I will try, sir."

  "Good! good!--What is it, colonel?"

  "A courier, sir, from General Lee."

  The courier entered, saluted, and gave the dispatch. Jackson read it,then read it aloud, figure, mien, and voice as quiet as if he wererepeating some every-day communication.

  ON THE MARCH, _September 14th_.

  GENERAL,--I regret to say that McClellan has, in some unaccountable fashion, discovered the division of the army as well as its objectives. We have had hard fighting to-day on South Mountain, D. H. Hill and Longstreet both suffering heavily. The troops fought with great determination and held the passes until dusk. We are now falling back on Sharpsburg. Use all possible speed in joining me there.


  Stonewall Jackson rose. "General Hill, arrange your matters as rapidlyas possible. Sharpsburg on the Antietam. Seventeen miles."