The Transcendologist
Original Play Outline By A Transcendentalist
Book author of Transcendentalism –
A New Revelation & Urantia United
Copyright 2002 All rights reserved
Free Production Rights Granted via Email
[email protected] Brief Synopsis
Was it a Dream Or Reality?
A highly successful non-religious but spiritual California businessman is taken on a spiritual journey that reveals the beginning of time and the evolution of the universe. He is shown mankinds past wars and killings over various gods. His spirit witnesses, as if in a fast-forward film, the universes stretched out with spirits engaged in mental interaction like master craftsmen contemplating the creation of a new frontier. He is shown what man’s purpose is for being on earth.
John wakes from a restless night’s sleep, saunters to the breakfast table and is greeted his wife Judy as she stunningly gazed and points at the television.
TV COMMENTATOR (screaming)
They just flew an airplane into the World Trade Center and another one is heading for the other building.
The TV screen shows a thick cloud billowing from a damaged structure and people are crying and screaming as they are running away from the collapsing skyscraper. Another airplane is heading for the second World Trade Center building and hits the building, the explosion rocks the filming scene and it goes blank.
The evening news media portrays that some passengers had phoned their relatives who confirmed that the attacks had been carried out by Muslim terrorists who commandeered the planes and repeated the phrase "God is great" before the planes flew into the buildings.
I've had prior business dealings with several Muslims. They, like my dad, were deeply religious. Just a couple of days ago Malik the electrician spent several hours with me explaining how the Islam religion requires prayer five times daily and forbids the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Now I am puzzled, how can devout religious people kill others while claiming that God is great? Religious, good people aren't capable of such hideous, perverted acts.
John stops by at the local bookstore after work that evening and picks up a copy of "Muhammad" by Karen Armstrong. He reads some of the pages out loud to his wife. The book explained about how Muhammad had lived and formed Islam. Kurt reads the book deep into the night and again for the next two days and evenings until he is finished with it.
As John lies next to his wife that night, the television clock shows it to be 12:35 A.M. Judy is sleeping peacefully but John is restless. The words, "how is this possible" keep repeating themselves over and over in his mind as he goes into a deep meditation. One and a half hour goes by, it is now 2:05 A.M.
Suddenly John winces and cups his head in both hands. He feels a sharp excruciating pain in his head. He closes his eyes momentarily and when he opens them again he feels a floating sensation. He looks down. It seems like his translucent self, his spirit, is staring down at himself looking at the clock with his wife sleeping next to him. A beautiful, pleasant bright light surrounds him.
A supersonic exhilarating burst of energy overtakes him and he experiences his spirit being transmitted, whisked at a powerful speed as if through a light tunnel, seemingly being drawn to a receiver at the other end. His entire life is revealed to him during the seemingly long journey.
Words within John's spirit, yet from an outside source, softly spoken words, as if in a poetic form, are interacting with his spirit that and saying:
John, do not be afraid, you are seeing the pithiness of your life. Your spirit, the relenting of the mind dominates your senses, your "I" is absolved within its hold. You wonder, am I the I that lives within this spirit? The conscience troubles your understanding of the two.
My spirit I beseech you where does this journey end?
I am the spirit of your ancestors, I now control this voyage, let meditation absolve the bonds within you and freely go where you must go.
Most of your questions will soon disappear even though one part of you is like a child; its mind seeks answers.
John is overwhelmed with anticipation. The spirit, the mind is one of understanding. Scenes wash in like a tide; he goes back to his beginning.
A child, John is born in the Baltic. Within three years his mother with her parents and three sons must flee from the Russians, must flee oppression.
World War 2 brings chaos like never before. The father is inducted into the German Army; he must remain to serve the cause.
Refuge is now in Germany where peace has finally arrived in the land where the confusion began.
John's father, now a prisoner of war as five more years pass before the he is again united with his family.
The family seeks then a new beginning, in the USA, the New World, the Promised Land.
Promises fall short; life again is a struggle. Twelve more years pass, then for John double pneumonia sets in.
John was taken back to 1956 when he was fifteen years old. His father took him to a doctor who diagnosed it to be double pneumonia gave him a penicillin injection and recommended immediate hospitalization. John thought that he was going to die. His family had no medical insurance or money, so his father took him home to recuperate. John remembered the drive home vividly. Every breath was painful and his chest felt as though a great weight was upon it. He watched cars and trucks drive by, and wondered how people could make long-term plans when life was so unpredictable.
While John was recuperating he reads the Bible diligently, then one night he has his first experience of his spirit interacting with a spiritual existence.
I remember it now. It felt as if my spirit left my body and it experienced being in a place with a gathering of souls or spirits. I sensed great peace, tranquility and ecstasy, a rapture that was beyond a person's imagination. I felt as if I was a part of ALL, a part of God. I was mentally communicating and in sync with everyone, including not only some of my deceased acquaintances and relatives, but also many of the prophets of the bible and historical people I had read about.
There was no dominant force, no forceful leader. I somehow knew who everyone was. Every thought interacted with the whole community. I had no questions; it seemed as if everything was revealed and crystal clear. I saw the universe stretched out with spirits engaged in mental interaction like master craftsmen contemplating the creation of a new frontier.
When I told my father who was a preacher of the Lutheran Faith about my experience he dismissed it abruptly and told me that this "supreme spirit," this God that my spirit had witnessed, was not the God of the bible and he told me to pray for my salvation. We never talked about it afterwards.
As the years passed, I eventually thought that this spiritual interaction had been a dream.
I continued my life. I am in my youth now, 18 years since birth
I had dragons to slay, to conquer with mirth.
The armed services I then did join, to see Germany again
And to my surprise, an angel I met, a beautiful girl full of joy.
She stole my heart; she made me whole.
Could this be love, I wondered?
Should I let my spirit bond with this cr
eature of beauty?
Should I ask her to share my joys, my pains, and my life?
As love transcends our spirits unite.
Our souls are like one.
She is now my wife.
John is jerked back to the present, to his spiritual interaction with Spirit 1. The flight, the transmission of his spirit has ended. He feels an engulfing love, he feels like he has arrived at his spiritual receiver.
John experiences being with a gathering of souls or spirits. There is Jesus, Abraham, Moses, and even Muhammad whom he just read about and many, many more. There were some of his deceased acquaintances and relatives, mom, dad and his brother Eric was there.
How can this be? Are you God; are you the deity of whom my father preached?
Wait, I see it now. I am a part of time; a part of God, the Great Spirit of all past.
I am within, tapping the mind of creation. The beauty is beyond belief; the peace a calm relief.
"Am I in heaven; where is God"?
JOHN'S FATHER - (looks age 40,
Died 1979, age 71)
Smiles lovingly as he approaches John
John, we, all of us together make up God. Hereafter when I say I, I mean us, we, the entire spiritual unity.
God, the God from the beginning of God did not come from nowhere and plays no magic tricks on man. We did not create the earth by casting spells.
God had a humble beginning the same as man, yet our beginning was at the dawn of spirituality.
Our wisdom grows as more spirits unite after the cessation of physical life after much physical strife.
Throughout time we have been named God, Allah, Jehovah, The Great Spirit, and many more.
I do not judge man for his vanity or naivety to be the one who claims to please me the most.
I am easy to please. I require very little. I only want you to do what is best for mankind.
I will bless you and wish you well. I will inspire your mind and you will accomplish the unfathomable.
I require no worship. I need nothing from man. I am self-sufficient. I am spirit.
Develop your spirit wisely, the best that you can. Live your life for the betterment of man.
Your spirit will soon be with me and then together we will:
See and traverse the universe. There are many wonders to behold.
Your spirit will soar. You will partake in all the wisdom that been gathered from the beginning of time. The stars will be your playgrounds.
Here you can play with the animals, be with your loved ones, listen to the greatest opera, stage or musical performances, or simply relax next to a bubbling brook and enjoy the scenery.
You feel no pain, despair, heartache, or negative emotions. You are now one with me; you are with God my child.
Your universe is the encompassment of ALL (matter, energy, space, time) that exists in a physical, material, tangible or intangible, natural or unnatural state in your dimension. Your soul contains the records of your spiritual life within your subconscious. It is composed of consciousness, awareness, thoughts, and emotions. If you attentively peruse your scriptures, enlightenment can be achieved through your spirit's closer interaction with the Spirit of God. Meditation is the main essential for achieving true spirituality.
But which is the true religion?
I will portray a scenario for you, my son.
The souls of a Rabbi, a Christian minister, and a Islamic cleric appeared at an area that was marked "The Gates of Heaven". They eyed each other suspiciously. Peter (the gatekeeper) asked if there is a problem.
The Rabbi told Peter , "Ours is the true religion. We have the word of God that this is so and it is written in the Torah that God said we are the chosen children of God, not the Christians or the Muslims."
The Christian minister said, "Jesus told us that he is the Son of God and that the only way to God was by following his teachings and that unless one is born again, one would not get into heaven. What Jesus said is the word of God and it is written in the Holy Bible".
The Muslim cleric says, "Allah told Muhammad that he was the last true prophet and that everything that Allah told him was written in the Koran and that those who did not follow what was written there would not get into heaven".
Other souls appeared and some sided with and gathered around each of their leaders, while some other souls who sided with no one entered directly through the gates of heaven.
Eventually Peter told the souls who had gathered around the souls of their clerics, "Listen, in heaven there can be no disagreement and until you all are in agreement, you have to move to the Purgatory area".
No agreement was reached and eventually the souls died (Hell) because souls who were not with God could not exist.
Having tunnel vision or being closed-minded without compassion for the belief of others can be bad for the body on earth and suicide to the soul. Most religions have the same goals and all who live righteously will have their soul united with God.
According to your Bible, Abraham was one of the first persons with whom we chose to have a special relationship. His spirit as well as those of several others after him interacted with our spirit; this was misinterpreted and others made claims that God had physically spoken with him. Soon thereafter your God was viewed as having human-like features and one who performed great miracles on earth. Stories snowballed and by the time they were written down in the Bible, others claimed to have physically conversed with God.
The God of Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus and other Prophets, is the same as the God of today who wants all souls to coexist in peace and tranquility for eternity. You cannot see or physically talk with God, but your spirit can unite and can be blessed and guided by God's Spirit to accomplish the seemingly impossible. You cannot physically control your spirit; it only interacts with your conscience.
Many of your people believe God to be the almighty Allah, Yahweh, Lord, Supreme Being, Jehovah, Spirit of God, Supreme Spirit, etc. God in reality is a spirit of peace and has never and will never interfere in your physical universe. When your body dies, God receives the deserving spirit into a peaceful coexistence with other souls for eternity. The souls of many Prophets, philosophers, holy men, your deceased relatives and even the simplest souls who by their love of humanity and exemplary living have helped to shape the lives of other, are now here.
Your life on earth is to prepare you for the beauty and rapture of your afterlife. You are on earth to accumulate experiences of feelings and the beauty of every organism that surrounds you; also the misery, pain and death of the body that demonstrates to you the futility of your physical lives. These experiences add to the glory of an accumulative, progressive God.
Your spirit can often control the well being of your body. With inspiration and blessings from the Spirit of God, your spirit very much like the wind, can carry you through your life's journey and experience the beauty of God's creative powers, or one can choose to reject this interaction and muddle through life with no purpose, feeling empty, worthless and lonely. You can resonate despondency and gloom or bloom like the wildflower, bringing joy to many who have contact with you and live your lives with joy and the knowledge that you have a reason for living.
Good-bye for now, my son.
A floating sensation overcomes John. He was now back in his bed and greatly puzzled.
John wonders, “Was this really a spiritual interaction with God or a dream?
Scene 7 – LATER (see picture)
A week after his dramatic experience following 9-11-01, John had another spiritual interaction that lasted throughout the entire night. His spirit was weightless, uninhibited by any resistance or external influences; he could travel to any star or planet instantly, e
xplore the beauty of the universe, and still be in sync with God.
Scene 8
His spirit observed the entire history and the evolution of the universe and peoples varying perceptions of Allah/God, as if in a fast-forward film.
Scene 9
His spirit witnessed the beginning of physical rational life in the universe, the bonding of the first two souls that was the beginning of a spiritual unity.
Scene 10
His spirit witnessed the development of mankind and man’s first perception of God from the story of Adam & Eve.
Scene 11
His spirit witnessed Abraham & Moses, their quest into spirituality, their interaction with God and the beginning of Judaism.