Page 38 of The Prism 2049

about him. “Personally I’m not very easy with those Jews in the government.”


  “Wait a moment, don’t misunderstand me, I’m not a racist, but I can’t stand Boublil and his gang of Yids. I’d even go as far as saying I’d put them in the same bag as the Arabs.”

  “I see.”

  “I taught history and geography in a Lycée, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, for thirty years. I know what I’m taking about and I can assure you that different races, I mean cultures, don’t mix very well, and the Jews are no exception.”

  It was like the many Berbers who had immigrated to Algharb, those who had been in conflict with the Arabo-Muslim rulers of the Caliphate. The Berbers liked to point to their history that preceded that of the Arabs going back in antiquity to 950 years BC when the Berber King Aguelid Chachnaq defeated Ramses III. The Berbers revolts against the rulers of Algeria and Morocco and had been brutally put down. The civil war had divide partisans of the military government and those of the Islamists and Berbers, more than two hundred thousand had died before the military were overthrown by the popular revolt that led the Islamists to power.

  The lip service of French anti-Semitism was expressed by a French Ambassador who had called Israel ‘a shitty little country’, and it was emphasised with a view to calm the Arab population, however, the result was the opposite with the Arabs feeling encouraged to vent their pent up feeling of repression against the Jews. The Israeli government encouraged the French Jews to immigrate to Israel to bolster their numbers against the every increasing Arab population that surrounded them. The consequence was an increased pressure on the State of Israel with the violence turning into a war of attrition.

  The great events of history did not form the future rather they were the result of deep changes that were already in an advanced stage of development. The fall of Constantinople was not due to the sudden arrival of the Turks and Islam but the consequence of their inexorable rise and the long decline of the Christian East.

  At the beginning of the century the attacks on the USA were equally due to the expansion of Islam against a still powerful empire. It was the first riposte directly against the fortress America after a long series of events when the Islamic world had started to reassert its deep lying roots of proselytising and conquest.

  The young men without education or law, who had become the enemies of a society that they rejected and were determined to destroy, were without any fixed objective but the unconscious creation a state of anarchy. Parents, schools, justice, police, the authorities, the parliament and the government had neither the intellectual courage nor the desire to face up to reality in an atmosphere of defeatism and fear of the racist accusation. They rejected democracy tolerance and the liberty of others without the least notion of patriotism.

  The politically correct establishment decried the crimes committed by France during the period of decolonisation and the struggle for independence of Algeria but without ever citing the crimes of terrorism and assassination committed against France.

  The state employed its totalitarian methods against the law-abiding wielding sanctions, tax controls, but refused the least effort against those who flouted the law with impunity destroying property, perpetrating crimes of violence and refusing the values of the Republic. A too great indulgence by the authorities of traditions alien to a modern society, the supremacy of the young men and the subservience of the women promoted an inequality of the sexes alien to modern Western society which had taken centuries to throw off.

  It started in the schools that by fear or complacency refused to address the problem hindered by the law and the accusation of racism.

  The citizenship of the Republic was a two way street, which not only conferred the Republican values on the citizens, but commanded the respect of its citizens for those values. The loss of family values people uprooted from their society. Americans were above all Americans because they were forced to accept their new country. No church

  The country demanded the restoration of authority. The basic authority of the father, the teacher, the officer of the law and the state was laminated. Young criminals were condemned to prison by justice but were immediately released to continue with impunity their criminal activities.

  The result of uncontrolled foreign settlement, linked with the development of a selfish society where the values that had transported it over the centuries had disappeared leaving a vacuum of moral disorder


  At the time of the infamous terrorist attack on New York the USA counted amongst its population six million Arabs and half were Muslims. In total with its other Settlers from other Islamic countries it counted a total of six million Muslims. California and Michigan were homes to large Arab populations and cities like Detroit had large Arab minorities whose votes counted. They became more vociferous after the outcry against Islam after Al Qaeda had been defeated and the situation had calmed down.

  The events presented Islam to the American public as they had never seen it before, threatening and wrathful, almost like a vengeance from the sky. Certain came to see Islam an as a means of venting their grievances, their unsatisfied ambitions and spiritual needs, against a society where money and success were the only criteria for acceptance, it was an arm against the establishment.

  The number of Muslims increased by the arrival of refugees following the successive convulsions in the Near and Middle East. To these were added an ever-increasing numbers of conversions so that the numbers of Muslims represented almost ten percent of the population, concentrated in key States that held the balance with a large number of grand electors for the election of the president.

  The American Muslims organised themselves to counter the greatly weakened American Jewish lobby after the creation of the Greater Levant, so that they could present a favourable view of Islam to the world.

  In Saudi Arabia the population had doubled in the space of twenty-five years and the revenues per inhabitant were halved. Saudi Arabia’s sole source of income was oil and when the USA followed by the other industrial nations launched their programmes to reduce their dependence on volatile oil the writing was on the wall for its rulers. The House of Saud was a dynasty frozen in its concepts and by its inability to evolve dependant on the support of a vast number of Princes and their families who existed thanks to the largess distributed with the petro-dollar revenues, and where there was no opening for a transition to a more modern state.

  It was the assault by the hard line fundamentalist Wahabite successors of Bin Laden that had brought the House of Saud down.

  The American presence in the Middle East and Afghanistan was perceived as an imperialist presence and was resented not only by the Arabs but also by Pakistan and India as a destabilising factor. Chinese ambitions were also thwarted by the American presence.

  The ambition of the Arabs and Islam was the total destruction of the state of Israel but not necessarily the Jews who had their place, but not as rulers or as an elite. The liberation of Palestine came in the form of the Protectorate of the Greater Levant where all parties took their place in a representative government after the surrender of the Knesset facing the possible slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews and Arabs.

  Twelve percent of the total French population was Muslim in 2000 and eighteen percent of under-twenty-fives.

  The government of France tried to buy integration with social benefits, state housing, schooling, concerts and unemployment benefits. The appeasers of all political colours transformed the whole of France into caricatures of anti-Semitic anti-Arab war criminals torturing innocents who should repent and accept into their home with open arms those who had been wronged. Even the Pope in grovelling appeasement asked Islam for forgiveness of the wrongs done by Christianity and asked forgiveness from the Jews for the wrongs done over the centuries.


  The train arrived in Paris, Montparnasse three hours after its depart from Hendaye. Ennis felt tired and tense after the jo
urney next to his opinionated neighbour. The heat had been unbearable, the train was almost thirty years old and nothing worked correctly, the air-conditioning had broken down and the windows were not designed to open because of the speed that was the only positive aspect of the journey.

  He saw three armed RASE in their sinister black combat uniforms and high parachutist boots scrutinising the passengers as they left the platform in the direction of the exit. He looked around making an exaggerated pretence of searching for somebody ignoring the regard of what were clearly plain clothes police who stood behind the three RASE.

  He took the escalator down to the street level, the forecourt of the station was crawling with people, many of them seemed to be menacing; Clodos and drug addicts who aggressively demanded a coin or a luncheon voucher, they were all Europeans and though unwashed were surprisingly well dressed with the cast-offs of the pampered Parisians. He was surprised to discover that Paris did not reflect the picture promoted by le Martel’s government.

  The litterbins were overflowing and the ground covered with old newspapers and plastic bottles, long dirty streaks of dried liquid stained the off-white artificial granite surface of the forecourt.

  Groups of RASE anti-riot police patrolled holding