persons declared to be enemies or traitors.
Article 4
As persons the country cannot rely on shall be considered:
a. Persons not of Gallo-European origin,
b. Persons, whose activities have been directed against the governmental authority, independence, integrity, democratic-republican system, security and strength of the Nation, who instigated such activities or tended to induce other persons to take such actions, and intentionally supported the traitors or enemies in any manner whatsoever.
Article 5
Those persons shall be deemed as traitors and enemies, who served intentionally and knowingly the rebels during the Rebellion in Provence.
Article 6
As persons not of Gallo-European origin shall be considered those who on the occasion of the Rebellion and subsequent partition acknowledged their adherence to another nationality or who became members of national groups or organizations or political parties not of Gallo-European origin.
Appendix II
Edict of the President of the Republic
Concerning the confiscation and disposal of property of traitors and enemies of the Nation de France.
Article 1
1. With immediate effect and without compensation and for the purpose of the land reform such rural property shall be confiscated as is owned by
2. All persons not citizens of the Nation or not of Gallo-European origin,
3. Traitors and enemies of the Nation without regard to their citizenship or origin especially those who demonstrated their hostility during the Rebellion in Provence and leading up to the Partition,
4. Corporations, partnerships and other associations the owners and management of which knowingly and intentionally supported the traitors and enemies of the Nation.
5. The property of persons not of Gallo-European origin who had participated in the combat for the protection and integrity of the Nation shall not be confiscated.
6. The District Committee is competent to decide upon application of the decrees. Doubtful cases shall be submitted to the National committee, which shall forward them with an opinion to the Ministry for Ethnic Affairs for final decision. The latter shall decide by agreement with the Ministry of the Interior.
Article 2
Those persons shall be considered as foreigners or not of Gallo-European origin who acknowledged a nationality or who became members of national groups, organizations or political parties in which persons of foreign nationalities were united.
Article 3
1. Those persons shall be considered as traitors and enemies of the Nation de France
2. Whose activities were jointly or separately directed against the sovereignty, the independence, the integrity, the democratic-republican system, the security and the defensive power of the Nation de France, who instigated such activities or seduced other persons thereto, and, in any manner, intentionally and actively supported the rebels or traitors.
3. Such juristic persons whose activities intentionally and actively served foreign powers or traitors carrying on the rebellion or served purposes of the enemies.
2. The authorities competent to decide whether or not a natural or juristic person is subject to the provisions of the above articles are: the National Committee in the area which the rural estate concerned is located, upon application of the competent National Committee. Doubtful cases shall be submitted by the National Committee to the Ministry of the Interior for a final decision. The latter shall decide by agreement with the Ministry of the Interior.
Appendix III
Constitutional Edict of the President of the Republic, concerning the right to citizenship of the Nation of France for persons not of Gallo-European origin.
With regard to the proposal of the Government and in accordance with the Agreement with the National Council, I the President decree:
Article 1
1. Persons not of Gallo-European origin who acquired foreign citizenship as dual nationals shall have lost the citizenship of the Nation de France by so doing.
2. The other persons not of Gallo-European origin shall lose the citizenship of the Nation de France on the day this edict comes into force.
3. This edict does not apply to non Gallo-Europeans who, during the period of the state of emergency defended the Nation of France.
4.Gallo-Europeans and persons of other European nationalities who during that time professed themselves of other origins under pressure or under extenuating circumstances shall not be adjudged non Gallo-European insofar as the Ministry of the Interior, after a thorough examination of the particulars quoted approves the attestation of national reliability as issued by the appropriate District National Committee.
Article 2
1. Persons to whom the provisions of Article I are applicable, and who prove that they remained loyal to Nation de France, that they never committed any offence against the people of the Nation de France, and that they either participated actively in the fight for liberation or suffered under the rebellion terror, shall retain their citizenship of the Nation de France.
2. The application for a certificate stating that Nation de France citizenship may be retained can be submitted to the appropriate District National Committee within 6 months of the day this Edict comes into force and, if the applicant resides abroad, can be submitted to the appropriate consular authorities. The result of the application shall be decided by the Ministry of the Interior after considering the recommendation of the Provincial National Committee and, in occupied Provence, the proposal of the National Council. The persons in question shall be considered as citizens of the Nation de France until a final decision is made, provided that the District National Committee or the authorities representing it Issue a certificate stating the circumstances mentioned above.
4. The retention of citizenship of the Nation de France in the case of military persons of non Gallo-European nationality shall be decided on ex officio in the shortest possible time by the Ministry of the Interior after considering the recommendation of the Ministry of National Defence. Until the official decision is made they shall be considered as citizens of the Nation de France.
Article 3
Persons, who have lost their citizenship of the Nation de France under Article I may apply to the appropriate District National Committee or the authorities representing it for restitution within 6 months of the date which will be appointed in the promulgation of the Ministry of the Interior and published in the Compilation of Statutes and Enactments. The Ministry of the Interior after considering the recommendation of the Provincial National Committee, after considering the recommendation of the National Council shall decide the result of such an application after an objective consideration of the case, it shall not approve an application, however, if the applicant has violated his duties as a citizen of the Nation de France. Provided that no Government Decrees stipulate otherwise, the general regulations concerning the acquisition of citizenship of the Nation de France shall apply also to these cases.
Appendix IV
Edict of the President of the Nation, concerning the Confiscation of Enemies and Traitors Property and Funds. With regard to the proposal of the Government and in accordance with the Agreement with the National Council, I the President decree: