difficulties he had obtained a permit as an SSW in Toulon where he had lived for most of his life but where he would return as a foreigner. He was unable to reside out side of the SRZ because of his temporary status, and he risks immediate deportation if the authorities refuse to renew his permit.
After one year’s presence as a SSW his wife and two children be able to apply for a TRP for a period of three months. Any infraction to the Aliens Laws and they would be deported immediately without the least appeal.
Oussama had been deprived of his French nationality under the Ethnicity Law ruling; although three of his grandparents were non-Gallo European.
The story of Benoum was by not unique. Soon after the Boublil was up to old policy, trying to create an image of Algharb depicted in the Nation’s propaganda, a land without people for a people without land. They have exploited the delay in negotiating independence to deprive the Neo-French and their Algharbi families of their rights of family reunification and by cancelling residency rights.
The Evian Treaty with its Partition Plan initially assigned Toulon to the Rebels, who claimed that the majority of the city’s population was of settler origin. In the fighting, however, the French maintained control of the naval base and its port as the Rebel forces were pushed from most of the city and beyond the airport at Hyère.
The French redrew the boundaries of the Toulon enclave to include as much territory as possible, thus providing sites for construction of housing for the Gallo population expelled from Marseille. The French policy was aimed at reducing the number of non-Gallos entitled to live in the Toulon enclave.
In this way, they hoped to create a totally Gallo population, crushing any Algharbi hope of regaining control of the enclave and its port and naval ship yards, the most important naval base on the previously French Mediterranean coast. Although the Federation, in principal had refused to accept French position, regarding Toulon as Algharbi territory, it turned a blind eye to their claims, the excuse being Brussels’ defence strategy that defined the Toulon base as being vital to the protection of the Federation’s southern flank.
In Toulon as in the rest of France, the policy toward non-Gallo residency and family reunification was cloaked in a guise of legality. Underneath the surface, it is clear that the policy of the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs were aimed at reducing the number of non-Gallos entitled to live in Toulon and to have access to such services as public schooling and national health insurance.
By entangling non-Gallos in a bureaucratic web, and by denying their right of residence with their families, the French government continued its policy of ethnic cleansing to remove its non-Gallo population and create a totally French community.
When they took over Toulon the French authorities conducted a census. Non-Gallos not present in Toulon before the revolt were deprived of their residency status. More than thirty thousand non-Gallos lost their right to live in the city and were transferred to the Autonomous Region.
The remaining non-Gallo residents were issued temporary ID cards pending the decision of the French authorities as to their status. The Toulon ID card was required to live in the enclave, to buy a house, to get a job and to receive benefits such as health insurance, social security, and public schooling.
However, they continued to deny the non-Gallo residents of Toulon, who had momentarily left the enclave during the fighting and Treaty negotiations, re-entry rights, even for temporary visits.
All non-Gallo persons having a criminal records or prisoners who were still serving their sentences were listed for expulsion.
The non-Gallos accuse the French authorities of not respecting their basic human rights, whose policies contravene the internationally recognized right to family reunification, the Ministry of Ethnic affairs require that non-Gallo wives must provide documentary evidence of permanent residence in Toulon or France.
Plans exist to integrate into the Toulon enclave border towns and villages in Algharb for security purposes. This process bolsters the aggressiveness of le Martel’s government and diminishes the territory of Algharb.
Meanwhile the French are consolidating their administration of Toulon and the border zones so that in the negotiations with the Federation it will appear to conform to international human rights standards.
If the Algharbis wait to discuss Toulon as part of the final Independence negotiations, the French will be free to pursue their objective of cleansing the Toulon enclave of its settler population.
All citizens carried programmable nanocells implanted inside the body, injected into the muscle tissue on the upper arm, at first it had been in theory voluntary, but those who refused them were faced with great difficulties in their daily lives. Under Boublil it became an obligation, a national duty to protect the Nation against criminal non-Gallos.
The nanocells stored all personal data including identity data with past and present addresses, medical data, social security data, employment records and criminal records.
“People never thought about how the nanocells would be used in the future, they only saw the good aspects, for accidents or emergencies.”
“Then it was used little by little for more subversive purposes,” he said. “One of the most important things today is that it allows satellite tracking of an individual's every movement. The device is voluntary for Gallos but for all others it is obligatory. It’s a sad time when people are spied upon in their own interest,” he said.
“The authorities encode the nanocells with whatever information they like. It is a special department of the social security services that inject the nanocell device; it’s smaller than a grain of rice. A medical assistant inserts it with a kind of hypodermic needle. It takes a couple of seconds and is totally painless and free from infection or side effects.”
“Won’t they move about in the body?”
“No, they're injected into solid muscle tissue and they’re coated with a special film that attached itself to the cells of the muscle.”
“What happens when it stops working?”
“It’s easy, they’re bio-degradable in the body and are dissolved and absorbed into the system when they are switched off or if their power system fails.”
“Power system?”
“Yes, they generate their power from the heat of the body.”
“They are activated by a signal and microscopic transmitter emits the data they contain.”
“The nanocell only responds to the right signal, otherwise it will not transmit its data. Only authorised persons have nanocell readers such as the police, hospitals and emergency services.
“The nanocells are totally invisible from outside.”
“The emergency services would be able to read all the medical data and know whom to contact,” he said. “They would have the social security codes and identity data, many a life has been saved by nanocells.”
“The computing power in such a small device is quite extraordinary, the only problem is that it also serves an authoritarian state. Once they’ve got hold of you, there’s no escape.”
“In buildings and transport systems when you pass the portal your nanocell is activated and emits a stream of data which is picked up and recorded.”
“Big brother!”
“Yes, but it also recognises you, so avoiding tickets, identity checks and all kinds of such things.”
Doors open for the persons identified as having right to access. Computer systems respond to the signal emitted, credit systems approve purchases and so on.
“Does the system work in Algharb?”
“No, but I’ve heard that certain people have been equipped with nanocells without their knowing it.”
“In Algharb?”
“I suppose so.”
Ennis was puzzled.
“What I mean is that it was done by Boublil’s men. To keep tabs on suspects and the like.”
“I see what you mean.”
“It was not only the French. The Algh
arbis do the same thing, to the French and their own.”
A History Lesson
The sea was calm and the only noise they hear was the throb of the engines and the sea as the boat headed along the north African coast. It was late in the evening and they could take cool relief from the night air on one of the lower decks. They sat on the slated bench facing the portside.
“Let me tell you something my young friend,” Ennis said taking on the role he liked as professor of political science.
“Hey, first I’m not that young and secondly if you continue like that I won’t be your friend for long!”
“Sorry,” he replied half seriously. “I’ll start again. I was talking about American policy. It’s a fact that since the end of the twentieth century the strategic policy of the USA has been developed along lines whose main characteristic was self-interest. That self interest was translated by the need to control vital resource across the whole planet, and the key to that was the control of vital energy resources, oil and gas.”
“But that’s no longer the case,” Asma said smiling knowing that she had launched him into one of his university lectures.
“Off course, we all know the events that changed the policy of the USA. Some of us have lived through a really interesting moment in history, when major planetary change comes about, a watershed in our times.”
“You mean like that fall of the Soviet Union?”
“Yes, but there are other events, for example if we look at what television