The following is a list of Defoe's works: "New Discovery of OldIntrigue" (verse), 1691. "Character of Dr. Samuel Annesley" (verse),1697. "The Pacificator" (verse), 1700. "True-Born Englishman" (verse),1701. "The Mock Mourners" (verse), 1702. "Reformation of Manners"(verse), 1702. "New Test of Church of England's Loyalty," 1702."Shortest Way with the Dissenters," 1702. "Ode to the AthenianSociety," 1703. "Enquiry into Acgill's General Translation," 1703. "MoreReformation" (verse), 1703. "Hymn to the Pillory," 1703. "TheStorm" (Tale), 1704. "Layman's Sermon on the Late Storm," 1704. "TheConsolidator; or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in theMoon," 1704. "Elegy on Author of 'True-Born Englishman,'" 1704. "Hymnto Victory," 1704. "Giving Alms no Charity," 1704. "The Dyet ofPoland" (verse), 1705. "Apparition of Mrs. Veal," 1706. "Sermon on theFilling-up of Dr. Burgess's Meeting-house," 1706. "Jure Divino"(verse), 1706. "Caledonia" (verse), 1706. "History of the Union ofGreat Britain," 1709. "Short Enquiry into a Late Duel," 1713. "A GeneralHistory of Trade," 1713. "Wars of Charles III.," 1715. "The FamilyInstruction" (two eds.), 1715. "Hymn to the Mob," 1715. "Memoirs ofthe Church of Scotland," 1717. "Life and Death of Count Patkul," 1717."Memoirs of Duke of Shrewsbury," 1718. "Memoirs of Daniel Williams,"1718. "The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, ofYork, Mariner," 1719. "The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe," 1719."The Dumb Philosopher: or, Great Britain's Wonder," 1719. "The King ofPirates" (Capt. Avery), 1719. "Life of Baron de Goertz," 1719. "Life andAdventures of Duncan Campbell," 1720. "Mr. Campbell's Pacquet," 1720."Memoirs of a Cavalier," 1720. "Life of Captain Singleton," 1720."Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures ofRobinson Crusoe," 1720. "The Supernatural Philosopher; or, The Mysteriesof Magick," 1720. Translation of Du Fresnoy's "Compleat Art of Painting"(verse), 1720. "Moll Flanders," 1722, "Journal of the Plague Year,"1722. "Due Preparations for the Plague," 1722. "Life of Cartouche,"1722. "History of Colonel Jacque," 1722. "Religious Courtship," 1722."History of Peter the Great," 1723. "The Highland Rogue" (Rob Roy),1723. "The Fortunate Mistress" (Roxana), 1724. "Narrative of Murders atCalais," 1724. "Life of John Sheppard," 1724. "Robberies, Escapes,&c., of John Sheppard," 1724. "The Great Law of Subordination; or, TheInsolence and Insufferable Behaviour of Servants in England," 1724. "ATour through Great Britain," 1724-6. "New Voyage Round the World,"1725. "Account of Jonathan Wild," 1725. "Account of John Gow," 1725."Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business" (on Servants), 1725. "TheComplete English Tradesman," 1725; vol. ii., 1727. "The Friendly Demon,"1726. "Mere Nature Delineated" (Peter the Wild Boy), 1726. "PoliticalHistory of the Devil," 1726. "Essay upon Literature and the Originalof Letters," 1726. "History of Discoveries," 1726-7. "The ProtestantMonastery," 1726. "A System of Magic," 1726. "Parochial Tyranny," 1727."Treatise concerning Use and Abuse of Marriage," 1727. "Secrets ofInvisible World Discovered; or, History and Reality of Apparitions,"1727, 1728. "A New Family Instructor," 1728. "Augusta Triumphans," 1728."Plan of English Commerce," 1728. "Second Thoughts are Best" (on StreetRobberies), 1728. "Street Robberies Considered," 1728. "Humble Proposalto People of England for Increase of Trade, &c.," 1729. "Preface toR. Dodsley's Poem 'Servitude'" 1729. "Effectual Scheme for PreventingStreet Robberies," 1731.

  Besides the above-named publications a large number of further tracts byDefoe are extant, on matters of Politics and Church.