Page 10 of StealingCoal

  Coal drove into her and then roared out over her dying scream. His hips jerked, his body shook violently, and Jill opened her eyes as she felt warmth spreading deep inside her pussy where he remained connected to her. She stared up at the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen.

  Coal’s head was thrown back, his mouth parted, and a look of pure sated passion softened his quickly relaxing features. The sheen of sweat on his chest and arms did funny things to her stomach and had her vaginal muscles gripping and caressing Coal’s cock inside her or it may have just been them still twitching from the aftermath of the amazing sex they’d just had. A smile curved his lips and his chin lowered until he opened those sexy eyes of his to stare into hers.

  “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you.”

  Jill’s heart did a funny thing in her chest and she blinked back tears that filled them instantly. Coal’s smile faded and he slowly leaned down, his body curving around hers, and she swore she saw regret in his look. It about killed her to see it since that’s the last thing she wanted him to feel.

  “You didn’t hurt me.”

  “Then why are you crying? I was too rough, wasn’t I? You’re very tight and smaller than I am.”

  Her hands lifted to cup his face to pull it closer to hers. “It’s just that it was so amazing and your first concern is me.”

  “This makes you cry?”

  She smiled at his confused look. “Yeah. It does. You’re amazing, Coal. I’ve never met anyone as wonderful as you. You really care if I enjoyed that and trust me, I did.”

  “I lost my control,” he admitted. One of his hands curved around her hip, holding her on his lap while his other hand gently brushed a lock of her hair away from her cheek. “Are you certain I wasn’t too rough?”

  Jill nodded. “That was just perfect. I never knew it could be this way.”

  His smile returned. “That was just one position. There are a lot more of them that may feel even better to you.”

  “Are we going to try them?” Please say yes.

  “Do you want to?”

  She nodded, knowing she blushed.

  His fingers caressed her cheek and then to her regret, he slowly withdrew from her body as his still-hard cock eased from her pussy. She’d enjoyed feeling fused to him.

  “I don’t want to make you sore since you’re not used to sex. We’ll try another position in a few hours. Perhaps you can help me with some of the repairs I plan to make. It would be helpful if I taught you how to do certain things.”


  Jill hated when he left her, climbing from the bed, and no longer touching her. She grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her body. It stung a little that he still wanted to make sure she wasn’t stashing weapons in her room. It also didn’t sit well with her that he had no plans to share a cleansing unit with her. Even her ex-bastard had hauled her into one with him after sex but of course that had been because he never trusted she wouldn’t attack him in a vulnerable situation.

  Coal removed the vent-seal cock ring, tossed it into her trash, and pulled up his pants. “I estimate it will take you five minutes to use the facilities and another five to get dressed. I’ll be done with my search by then. When you come out, I’ll be down the hall getting clean and changing my clothing. I’ll return for you soon.” He paused, his gaze lingering on the sheet hiding her body. “Go on.”

  Jill kept hold of the sheet as she scooted off the bed. She refused to walk naked across the room even if they’d just had sex together. Coal watched her without comment, allowing her to close the door between them. She leaned against the door and let her head hang.

  She was afraid she’d get used to him or worse, maybe even fall for him. He was just too damn sexy and sweet. “Sucker tattooed in big block letters right across my ass,” she muttered.

  “What did you say, Jill? I didn’t hear you.”

  She mouthed a silent curse, forgetting he’d planned to stick around her room for a few minutes to search it. “I was just muttering to myself.”

  He said nothing. She rolled her eyes, pushing away from the door, and headed for the cleanser. Now he probably thinks I’m nuts for talking to myself. Just great!

  Chapter Seven

  “Hand me the white pen tool.”

  Jill grinned and handed it over to Coal. “What is it really called?” He’d learned fast that using the technical names for tools had been a useless endeavor.

  A smile flashed as he turned his head to stare at her. “It is a fusion applicator. I am going to fix Arm’s damaged finger and return movement of it to him.”

  “Huh.” Jill glanced at the shutdown droid. “I didn’t know there was anything wrong with it.”

  “It’s the smallest one and not used much but I noticed it while studying his hands when he held me in the cargo hold.”

  “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t want to keep you locked down but you terrified me.”

  Coal reached over and brushed his fingers across her thigh. “I understand and you were being reasonable to assume I would be dangerous.” His hand left her to accept the tool. He turned and bent over Arm’s hand, working silently.

  Jill stared at Coal’s broad back and couldn’t help but notice the way muscles moved as his arms did. Her throat turned dry and she swallowed hard. She realized her body reacted when just looking at him and memories of what they’d done in her bed surfaced quickly. Her nipples hardened under the shirt she wore and it came as a shock when an ache started between her thighs.

  “Hand me the red-and-green metal tool that resembles a hook,” he stated softly.

  Jill didn’t move. Instead she continued to stare at him until his head turned, drawing her attention away from his broad back.

  “Jill? Are you all right? You look a little flushed.”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  He turned to face her. “What is wrong?”

  “I…” She wasn’t sure what to say, not wanting to admit that she wished he’d put down the tools and touch her instead.

  “Are you hungry?”


  “What is wrong? Are you tired?”

  “Seeing you without your shirt does things to me.” She felt proud that she’d managed to blurt it out.

  A small smile played at his lips. “What kind of things?”

  “I want to touch you.”

  The smile died and Coal put down the tool. He swiveled in the chair to face her and leaned back, his hands brushing the top of his thighs. “Come here.”

  Temptation could be a terrible thing when one wasn’t sure what to do. Jill hesitated and then stood to move closer. Coal reached for her and used her hips to guide her until she straddled his lap. It made them nearly eye level with Coal only a few inches taller. His hands remained on her.

  “Go ahead.”

  Her hands didn’t tremble when she placed her palms flat on his chest. His hot skin and his masculine scent had her on sensory overload. The intense reaction of her body from looking at him made her lean in closer, wishing she had the courage to kiss him.

  “You may touch me any time you wish, Jill.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  He shook his head. “I would strongly encourage it. Are you sore at all?” He glanced down where her legs were spread far apart across his thighs.

  “I’m achy but it’s not from being tender.”

  His chest quickly expanded with his quick intake of air then he met her gaze. “You want me.”

  “I’ve never experienced anything as wonderful as what we shared.” She decided to be totally honest. “You’re going to be gone soon and I want to feel that way again.”

  Coal’s expression softened and he slowly grinned. “I’ve helped you get past your aversion to males.”


  Dark eyebrows arched and the smile faded. “You don’t want to have sex with me?”

  “I don’t want anything to do with other men.” She chose her words carefully. “I do want you though.”

  The hands on her hips gripped her tightly. “I am a man, Jill.” Anger deepened his voice. “I’m not one of your androids.”

  “I know that. I didn’t mean―”

  “I am a sentient being with desires, needs, and emotions,” he growled.

  “I’m not saying you aren’t.” She inwardly winced, knowing she’d messed this up somehow. “I just meant that you’re the only man I want to touch.”

  Some of his anger eased from his features and his hold loosened. “I believe I understand.”

  “Good.” Jill tried to get up. “I should let you get back to work.”

  “No.” Coal refused to release her. “Touch me and allow me to touch you.”

  She hesitated. “Would you kiss me?”

  He didn’t hesitate and Jill closed her eyes an instant before his mouth found hers. He didn’t go for a soft, timid kiss. Coal’s mouth came down hard and demanding. He forced his tongue between her parted lips, sliding in and tasting every part of her he could reach. She moaned and her arms wrapped around his neck until her chest pressed tightly against his.

  Her body lifted when he slid down some in the chair until his ass was at the edge of the seat. Strong hands pulled her forward, higher up his body until she moaned when the ridge of his aroused cock, trapped in his pants, rubbed against her clit where his thighs had her legs spread wide apart. Even through their clothing the pleasure became intense.

  Her rocked against her, the friction of their bodies sending sheer delight coursing through her. His hold on her shifted when he released her hips. One of his arms hooked around her at the back of her ass, pulling her even tighter against his cock. She registered the tug on her shirt then his hand slid against her ribs. A big, hot hand cupped one of her bare breasts and sent even more raw sensations to her brain. She couldn’t believe how incredible he could make her feel, though their pants were still on.

  Coal swallowed her ragged moans with his hot, passionate kiss. His tongue dominated her mouth as easily as he used his strong arm to help her ride his thrusting hips as his cock rubbed against her clit. Her nails dug into his shoulders when she thought she couldn’t take the ecstasy swamping her. When his finger and thumb pinched her erect nipple it became the last shot of rapture that sent her into climax. She screamed out against his tongue.

  A snarl came from Coal when he tore his mouth from hers. They both panted and then before the tremors of release could subside, his body stopped moving. Trembling, Jill opened her eyes to stare into his, now black with passion. He tore her shirt near the hem when he freed his hand from beneath it and he gripped her hips again.

  She gasped, still clinging to him when he lifted her to place her on her shaking knees on the deck between his spread thighs. She collapsed to sit on her heels unable to hold her body up. He pushed the chair back and shot to his feet. His hands gripped the waist of his pants. He just tore them open down the front seam instead of unfastening them to free his very-swollen cock.

  “Take off your pants,” he ordered in a deep, ragged voice. “I have to have you.”

  Jill stared up at Coal and licked her lips. She’d come but he hadn’t. He wanted her so badly she could see him fighting not to lunge at her, his body trembling with need the way hers did from the aftermath of her climax.

  “Please, Jill.” His desperate gaze locked with hers. “I’m so close I won’t last long but I want inside you.” He remained frozen where he stood, waiting for her to respond. “I’ll be gentle but I hurt to have you.”

  Her clit throbbed, sensitive from the harsh rubbing of material against it, and her inner vaginal walls still twitched from coming. She licked her lips. His cock twitched, so incredibly hard he stood straight out. It took her a second but she pulled her strength together and rose up to her knees.

  “Sit down.”

  He blinked, a confused look crossed his features, but then he nodded. “You want on top to mount me.”

  She watched him shove his destroyed pants down to his knees and he just dropped back into the chair. His weight made the chair groan but it didn’t break. She walked on her knees forward and then reached for him with her hands. The second her fingertips brushed the shaft of his cock he let out a loud groan.

  “Don’t tease me, honey. I’m really close. I don’t have much control right now.”

  That drew a smile from her as she glanced up at his very serious expression. His cock twitched again, pulling away from her hesitant touch, and then returned. Jill drew her tongue over her lips to wet them, her full attention lowering back to his lap. She’d always wondered what it would be like but never had any desire to really find out until that moment. She inched closer, her hand wrapping firmly around the lower section of his shaft.

  “I’ve never done this before but I’ve read about it in my fiction files.”

  “You just remove your pants and just sit on my lap the way you were. I’ll ease you down carefully so you can adjust to me. We’ll go slowly.”

  She pushed back her hair with her free hand and then moved before he could tell her no. Her mouth opened and she bent her head, hovering over his cock. She heard him gasp but she didn’t look away from the tip of his cock under her parted lips. Her tongue slid out and she hesitantly ran it over the velvety crown.

  Something creaked loudly but Coal didn’t move or protest. She released her hair and gripped the top of his bare thigh to keep her balance. A taste teased her tongue and she hesitated, closing her mouth then running his cock head along the roof of her mouth. He tasted sweet. It surprised her and she liked the taste. Her mouth parted again and her hold on his cock tightened slightly to keep him still. She ran her tongue again over the tip of him, more sweetness coming from the crown of his cock, from the slight wetness she found there at the slit.

  A deep groan came from Coal but he still didn’t move his hips at all or order her to stop. The muscles under her hand tensed though. She grew braver and took a few inches of his cock inside her mouth. She avoided scraping it with her teeth, though he was so thick that she had to really open up to allow him in. She sealed her lips around his girth and sucked slowly, getting a feel for how to do it.

  Coal threw his head back, his heart threatening to explode from how hard it beat against his ribs. His hand still gripped the part of the chair he’d accidentally snapped off from the underside when Jill had licked him. The sensation of her heated, wet mouth tentatively sucking a few inches of his cock had to be the worst, but most wonderfully pleasurable, torture he’d ever experienced.

  She moaned and it sent vibrations gently down his shaft to his tight balls. He fought hard not to come right there. Sweat beaded his brow while he concentrated on his breathing, trying to slow it to get any control at all over his body. She moved her head, taking a little more of his shaft into her mouth. When she pulled up, the slide of her tongue along the underside of his cock made him clench his teeth.

  Don’t come, he ordered his body. Hang on. If you release, you’ll startle her and she’ll stop. His body seemed not to want that so some of the pain in his balls eased but just slightly. His eyes were squeezed tightly closed while he hoped his teeth wouldn’t break as he bit down harder when Jill started to move up and down on him. Rapture at what she could do to him became his sole focus. Her hand gripping his shaft moved, pumping him in tune to what her phenomenal mouth did to him.

  “I’m coming,” he groaned, unable to hold back any longer.

  She didn’t jerk away or stop. Instead she sucked harder, moving faster, taking even more of him. He roared out and threw the broken piece of chair away, freeing his hand to frantically grab the underside of the chair with both of them to lock his ass to it so he didn’t thrust up into her throat, terrified he’d choke her if he forced her to take more of him. Fear over scaring her and extreme bliss blurred together when his cock pulsed.

  She swallowed when he filled her mouth with his cum. The ecstasy at the added sensation had him crying out again. His tense body shook and when it ended afte
r she released him gently with her mouth, he turned completely limp. He panted, eyes still closed, and his head fell forward. A deep sense of utter paradise settled throughout him.

  “I take it I did that right?” Jill’s hesitant voice broke him from his euphoria.

  Coal lifted his head, opened his eyes, and gazed at her with pure adoration. He couldn’t stop the smile that curved his lips. She had to be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her mouth looked redder than normal, a little swollen, and a slight pinkness spread across her cheeks. Absolutely adorable, he thought, realizing how shy she looked and how unsure of her sexual skills.

  His body didn’t want to move yet but he forced it to. He held out his hands to her. “Come here.”

  He took note of the way her hands trembled a little when she placed them in his and how delicate they were in comparison to his own. She seemed so fragile—humans were—and he tugged her closer. She came, moving between his spread thighs again, and he lifted one of her hands, turned it over, and brought it to his mouth. He pressed a kiss to her soft palm. He saw her stunned look. “Thank you.”

  Her eyebrows shot up and she blushed more. “You’ve gone down on me and I wanted to try it with you.”

  “Did you get pleasure from it?” He hoped so because he really wanted her to do that again in the near future.

  “You taste good and…” She bit her lip, something he had noted that she did often when nervousness came into play. “I did.”

  His grin widened until the muscles in his face protested. “I’ve never had a female do that to me before and you nearly killed me from how wonderful it felt.”

  Shock blanked her features and his smile died.

  “Should I have not admitted that to you?” Uncertainty gripped him, not wanting her to react negatively. He wasn’t similar to other males, his life had made him different, and he hoped she wouldn’t pity him for something she obviously considered odd about him.

  “Nobody ever gave you head?” Her astonishment couldn’t be clearer.