Panpan Xue, China Witness media assistant: The stories were different but the witnesses all felt relieved that someone was there to listen to them, to comfort them. I hope that people reading this book will reach a new level of understanding and be educated in the same way as I was.

  Jiang Wei, China Witness media assistant: This project has awakened my interest in discovering the untold story of my own family.

  Li Xu, China Witness media assistant: Now, wherever I am, I can say with complete confidence: "I am proud of my country and her people!"

  Li Yuan, China Witness media assistant: I feel I have grown up by working on these stories about the kind of lives which I had never encountered in my life before . . .

  Xu Ke, China Witness TV assistant: I had never been so moved as when I listened to those old people tell of the joys and sorrows of their lives. Now the whole world will listen to these hidden voices.

  Kenny Renhu, China Witness research support: I gave my parents traditional respect, but I didn't learn about their history or try to understand them. My mother told me that she would not allow me to suffer the way she did.

  Pan Zhigang, China Witness assistant manager, Nanjing

  Shen Wei, China Witness assistant manager, Beijing

  Cheng Lu, China Witness research assistant, Beijing

  Xiao Shenshen, China Witness research assistant, Beijing

  Yan Yan, China Witness research supporter, Beijing

  Tea, China Witness research supporter, Nanjing

  Xin Meng, China Witness research supporter, Nanjing

  Liang Qin, China Witness research supporter, Henan

  Wu Suiping, China Witness research supporter, Henan

  Yi Zhang, China Witness research supporter, Xinjiang

  Lin Xue & Ping, China Witness research supporter, Sichuan

  Zhang Yongmin, China Witness research supporter, Shanghai

  Zhong Jane, China Witness research supporter, Shanghai

  Liu Tong, China Witness research supporter, Gansu

  Zha Xi Liu & Pu er Min, China Witness research supporters, Anhui

  Xi Fenglan, China Witness research supporters, Guizhou

  Li Lin, China Witness research supporter, Shandong

  Gao Feng, China Witness research supporter, Shanxi

  Hu Feibao, China Witness research supporter, Silk Road

  Wu Fan, China Witness research supporter, Guangdong

  Kate Shortt, China Witness photographer

  What we have done together with Xinran is so that Chinese history will not be forgotten, and so that our history will be known and remembered throughout the world.


  *1 At 2007 rates, approximately US$700, €460, £350.

  *2 A revolt against the Guomindang government of Xinjiang.

  *3 The idea of "Harmonious Society" was introduced by China's president, Hu Jintao, in an attempt to address some of the increasingly serious inequalities and divisions of Chinese society.

  *4 A valued medal given to outstanding women workers, awarded each year on 8 March (International Women's Day) at different levels: national, provincial, county and city.

  *5 Shenzhou VI was the second human spaceflight of the People's Republic of China, launched on 12 October 2005 on a Long March rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert.

  *6 Caramel-like sweet, high in energy and milk protein.

  *7 To give some idea of the scale, most Chinese provinces are the size of a medium-sized European country. Some of the military areas mentioned here, such as the Chengdu military area, cover several provinces.

  *8 Shang dynasty: 1600–1046 BC; Zhou dynasty: 1046–256 BC.

  †1 Spring and Autumn Period: 770–476 BC.

  *9 12,500 kilometres/8,000 miles.

  *10 The Central Soviet Area, also known as the Jiangxi Soviet, was an independent government established by the Chinese Communist Party in Jiangxi province in southeastern China, 1931–34.

  †2 Li De was the Chinese name given to Otto Braun, the German advisor sent by the Communist International to advise the Chinese Communist Party in 1934. Later that year, Braun, Zhou Enlai and Bo Gu became the leaders of the early First Front Army and made all decisions, despite opposition to them and their tactics from revolutionary leaders Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai. Much of the Communist Army was destroyed due to Braun's doctrine of direct attacks on the far larger and better-equipped GMD Army.

  *11 In fact, some units did not participate in the Long March, but of course a single soldier could not know what was happening in detail to the whole army.

  *12 Canadian surgeon, b. 1890, Ontario. He joined the Communist Party, after a visit to the Soviet Union, and went to China in 1938 where he became a hero for his dedicated work, and died in 1939.

  *13 Guomindang planes.

  *14 Post-war liberation from Guomindang control by the People's Liberation Army, the troops of the Chinese Communist Party.

  *15 130 hectares/330 acres.

  *16 See the following chapter p.307, for a selection of these remarkable letters.

  *17 Its English title was Random Harvest.

  *18 This phenomenon is also recounted in Cao Jinqing's China Along the Yellow River: Reflections on Rural Society.

  *19 16 acres / 7 hectares.

  *20 Part of the Chinese court system, formed of a hierarchy of prosecuting offices called People's Procuratorates, the highest being the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

  *21 Liu Shaoqi (1898–1969) was Chairman of the People's Republic of China from 27 April 1959 to 31 October 1968 but during the Cultural Revolution he was labelled a "traitor". In July 1966 he was displaced as Party Deputy Chairman by Lin Biao. By 1967 Liu Shaoqi and his wife Wang Guang-mei were under house arrest in Beijing.

  *22 Tao Zhu (1908–1969) was Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee and Commander of the Guangzhou Military Region. He later became First Secretary of the Central-South region, and in 1965 was moved to Beijing as Director of the Central Propaganda Department. He was a Vice Premier of the State Council and Secretary of the Central Secretariat of the CCP, as well as an advisor to the Central Cultural Revolution Group. In May 1966, he was promoted to No. 4 in the Party, behind Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Lin Biao, but was purged during the Cultural Revolution in early 1967 and died under house arrest in 1969.

  †3 Xu Haidong (1900–1970) was born into poverty and was made Grand General in the People's Liberation Army of China in 1955. Mao Zedong praised him as "a banner of the working class". He died in Zhengzhou in March 1970.

  *23 After Deng Xiaoping came to power in 1978, Liu Shaoqi was politically rehabilitated (in February 1980) with a state funeral.

  *24 Date is 2005. This text as been reproduced a number of times on blogs and even university websites.



  Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi, emperor


  Amdo people


  Anhui province

  see also Linhuan


  Anti-Japanese War

  see also Japan/Japanese

  Anti-Rightist movement



  Archangelsk-Daqing Line

  Bai Juyi

  Ban Chao

  Banpo Neolithic village


  4 May Movement

  Olympics see Olympics 2008

  Beijing Central Mapping Bureau

  Beijing Educational Research Institute

  Beijing Library

  Beijing University


  Bethune, Norman

  Black Sea

  "Black Warrior Lama" (Danbin Jianzan)

  Bo Gu (Qin Bangxian)

  Bohai Gulf

  Boys' Army

  Braun, Otto see Li De


  Bureau of Mines, Turfan

  Cang'an county

  Cao Rulin

  CCP see Chinese Communist Party

; Central Asia

  Central Military Committee

  Central Plains Regional Courts

  Central Red Army

  Central Soviet Area




  Chaoshui Brigade

  Chen Changfeng

  Chen Lianshi ("Double-Gun Woman")

  Chen Yi

  Chen Yun



  Chevron-Texaco Company

  Chiang Kai-shek

  China Engineering Physics Research Institute

  China Military Diplomatic Academy

  China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company

  China Petroleum and Gas Group

  China Petroleum Corporation

  China-Vietnam War

  Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

  Central Committee

  and Long March

  and media

  Military Committee Foreign Languages Training Unit

  and "Three Represents"

  and Xinjiang Construction Corps

  Chinese Criminal Code and Protection Procedure Law (1979)

  Chinese Earth Management Delegation

  Chinese Post Office

  Chishui River


  "Clear Sky Bao"



  Columbus, Ohio

  Communist Party see Chinese Communist Party

  Communist Youth League

  Congo, the


  Cultural Revolution

  and acrobats

  Chinese official website account of

  and lanterns

  and Mao Zedong

  and People's Courts

  and tea houses

  Dalai Lama

  Danbin Jianzan ("Black Warrior Lama")


  Daqing oilfields

  Daxue Mountains

  Deng Xiaoping

  Deng Yingchao


  Direct Broadcast Reform Team


  "Double-Gun Woman" see Chen Lianshi

  Douhet, Giulio


  Dushanzi oil deposit

  East China Normal University

  E'erduosi Basin

  Eighth Route Army

  Ela Grasslands

  Equatorial Guinea

  Erlian Basin

  European-Asian Association of Earth Management

  European Earth Management Association


  Fallaci, Oriana

  Fang Haijun

  First Front Army

  First World War

  Flaming Mountain

  Foreign Languages Institute

  Foreign Ministry

  Four Clean-Ups

  Fourth Army

  Fourth Front Army

  4 May Movement

  Fudan University, Shanghai

  Fujian province


  Gan Ying

  Gang of Four

  Gansu province

  see also Hezheng; Lanzhou

  Gao Mingxuan, Professor

  Gao Yaojie

  Geological and Mining Production Department (Geological Bureau)


  Ghost Gate Pass

  GMD see Guomindang

  Gobi Desert

  Grand Canal

  Great Leap Forward

  Great Massacre (Nanjing Massacre)

  Great Powers

  Great Wall

  Great Wall Lubricants

  Gu Yeliang

  Guangdong province

  Guangxi province


  Guangzhou military government


  Guizhou province

  see also Xingyi

  Gulf of Guinea

  Guo Shaoquan

  Guomindang (GMD)


  harsh policies

  and liberation of Shanghai

  and Long March

  and resistance to Japan

  San Qing Tuan

  and system of ownership

  Gurbantunggut Desert





  "Harmonious Society", concept of

  Haslung, Henning

  He Long, General


  Henan People's Radio Station

  Henan province

  see also Zhengzhou

  Hero (film)


  Hezheng County Guest House

  Hezheng Fossil Museum

  High Court of the People's Republic of China

  Higher People's Courts


  Hongxingyuan compound, Zhangjiakou

  Hu Jintao

  Hua Guofeng

  Hua Mulan

  Huai River

  Huanshui River

  Huaying Mountain Uprising

  Hubei Cadre School

  Hubei province



  Hunan province

  Hundred Regiments Offensive


  Hussein, Saddam


  Imperial Academy, Archives of the

  Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  International Herald Tribune




  and First World War

  invasion of China

  and Nanjing massacre

  see also Anti-Japanese War


  Jiajing Mountain

  Jiang Qing

  Jiang Zemin


  Jiangsu province

  see also Nanjing

  Jiangtai Fort



  Jiao-Ji Railway

  Jiaqing, emperor



  Jilin Basin








  Jiuquan Big Brigade



  Kaifeng Normal University

  Kang Shi'en

  Kang Yiming



  Keji-ri Bao newspaper

  Kelamayi oilfield

  Korean War

  Kunfan Girls' Middle School, Shanghai

  Lake Elinhu

  Lake Zalinhu



  Lanzhou University

  Lazi Kou Pass

  Leiongzhuang Farm



  Li De (Otto Braun)

  Li Xiannian


  Lin Biao

  Lin Liguo



  Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture

  Liu Bocheng

  Liu Shaoqi

  Liu Ziyu

  Long March

  Longmen Caves


  Louis XIV, King

  Lu Shan

  Lu Zongyu

  Luding Bridge

  Luo Ruiqing


  Lushan Conference

  Lushan Declaration

  Ma Bufang

  Maiji Grottos

  Malacca Straits



  Mao Zedong

  and Cultural Revolution

  and Long March

  and national heroes

  opinions about


  Marco Polo Bridge incident


  Men He

  Middle East

  Ming dynasty

  Minhe Brigade


  Mogao Caves


  Mongolian Revolutionary Ar


  Moscow State Geological Prospecting Academy

  Mosuowan Farm




  massacre (1937)

  tiger stoves in

  Nanjing Central School of Politics



  National Civil Administration Department

  National Party

  National Prospecting Bureau see Petroleum Bureau

  Nationalist Forces

  Neighbourhood Administrative System

  Nine-Thirteen Incident


  Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  North China oilfield

  North China People's University

  North Korea

  North Sichuan Dam

  North-West Geology Management College

  Northern Song dynasty

  Nurhaci, emperor

  Oil Prospecting Conference

  Olympics 2008


  Opium War


  Paris Peace Conference

  Pearl River Radio

  Peng Dehuai, General

  People's Courts

  People's Daily

  People's Liberation Army (PLA)

  and Construction Corps in Xinjiang

  Foreign Languages Institute

  and liberation of Shanghai

  Persian Gulf

  Petroleum Association

  Petroleum Bureau (China Petroleum Prospecting Bureau; National Prospecting Bureau)

  Petroleum Ministry


  PLA see People's Liberation Army

  Public Security Bureau (PSB)

  Putten, Frans-Paul van der

  Qi Jiguang


  Qilian Mountains

  Qin Banxian see Bo Gu

  Qin dynasty

  Qin Gui

  Qin Huai Lantern Festival

  Qin Huai lantern-makers

  Qin Shi Hung Di, emperor

  Qing dynasty


  Qinghai province

  Qinghai-Tibet railway

  Qinghua University


  Qiu Jin



  Radio Jiangsu

  Raise the Red Lantern (film)

  Rehe River

  Reader magazine

  Red Army, Chinese

  see also Long March

  Red Army, Soviet

  Red Crag (film)

  Red Guards

  Reform through Labour

  Revolutionary University

  Richthofen, Baron Ferdinand von


  see also Soviet Union

  Sahara Desert

  Sai Mengqi

  St John's College, Shanghai

  St Petersburg

  San Qing Tuan



  Second Front Army

  Sha Duoling (pen name of Yu Ruobin)

  Shaanxi province

  see also Xi'an

  Shandong province


  4 May Movement

  liberation of