Page 39 of Manderley Forever

  Jamaica Inn

  film adaptation of

  James, Henry

  Jane Slade

  Jeanne d’Arc

  Joan (friend of Fernande)

  John, Elton

  Joseph, Michael

  Jung, Carl G.

  Kahn, Otto

  Keaton, Buster

  Keats, John

  Kennedy, John F.


  King and I, The

  King’s General, The

  Kirkus Reviews

  “Kiss Me Again, Stranger”

  Koestler, Arthur

  Kommer, Rudolf

  Koster, Henry

  Kylmerth, Roger

  Labbé, Madeleine

  La Bourboule

  Lady, The

  Langley End


  Last Battle, The (Ryan)

  Laughton, Charles

  Lawrence, Gertrude

  death of

  Lawrence Vane (Angela du Maurier)

  Leigh, Vivien

  Leisen, Mitchell

  Lennon, John

  Leon, Anne

  Levy, Ben

  Life Guards

  Little Less, A (Angela du Maurier)

  Llewelyn Davies, Andrew

  Llewelyn Davies, Arthur

  Llewelyn Davies, George

  Llewelyn Davies, Jack

  Llewelyn Davies, Michael

  Llewelyn Davies, Nico

  Llewelyn Davies, Peter

  death of

  Llewelyn Davies, Sylvia

  Lockwood, Margaret



  Hampstead Heath

  ice-skating accident in


  Regent’s Park

  Tommy’s posts in

  Longest Day, The (Ryan)

  Lord Camber’s Ladies

  Loving Spirit, The

  MacDonald, Edwina

  Maeterlinck, Maurice

  Malet, Oriel

  Mann, Thomas

  Mansfield, Katherine

  grave of

  Margaret (nanny)

  Margaret (nurse)

  Margaret, Princess



  Market Garden

  Marx, Karl

  Mary, Queen

  Mary Anne

  Maugham, Somerset

  Maupassant, Guy de

  Maureen (Tommy’s assistant), see Baker-Munton, Maureen

  Maurey, Nicole

  Maurois, André

  Mayfair, London

  Mayflower Pictures

  Menabilly (“Mena”)

  cold spell and

  Daphne’s lease on

  Daphne’s leaving of

  Elizabeth II at

  goats at


  Prince Philip at

  Rashleigh family and

  renovation of


  Vandeleur at

  war and


  Michelmore, Cliff

  Miller, Mrs.

  Milton Hall

  Mitchell, Margaret

  Mitford, Nancy


  Montaigne, Michel de

  “Monte Verità”

  Montgomery, David

  Montgomery, Bernard

  Moral Re-Armament

  Morning Post

  Mountbatten, Louis

  Murdoch, Iris

  Musset, Alfred de

  My Cousin Rachel

  film adaptation of

  Nabuco, Carolina


  New Grove House

  News Chronicle

  New Theatre

  New Yorker

  New York Herald Book Review

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Times

  New York Times Book Review

  New York Times Film Review

  “No Motive”

  Normany landings

  “Not After Midnight”

  Notting Hill


  Oheka Castle

  Old Maids Remember (Angela du Maurier)

  “Old Man, The”

  Olivier, Laurence

  Olympio: The Turbulent Life of Victor Hugo (Maurois)

  Once Upon a Time: The Make-Believe World of Daphne du Maurier

  On the Art of Writing (Quiller-Couch)

  Operation Market Garden

  Orwell, George



  Our Man in Havana

  Panckoucke, Charles

  Panckoucke, Ernestine

  Parasites, The


  modernization of

  Tessa in

  Parker, Mrs.

  Perplexed Heart, The (Angela du Maurier)

  Perret, Françoise


  Peter Ibbetson (George du Maurier)

  Peter Owen Publishers

  Peter Pan (Barrie)

  Philip, Prince

  at Menabilly

  Tommy’s position with

  Phillips, Miss

  Piccadilly Hotel

  Piffy, Aunt

  Playfair, Dr.

  Plomley, Roy


  Pommer, Erich

  Potter, Beatrix

  Price, Denis

  Price, Frank

  death of


  Private Lives

  Procter, Dod

  Progress of Julius, The


  Puxley, Christopher

  death of

  Puxley, Paddy



  Queen Mary

  Queen’s Theatre

  Quiller-Couch, Arthur (“Q”)

  Quiller-Couch, Foy

  Quiller-Couch, Mary

  Rashleigh family

  Readymoney Cove


  film adaptation of

  French edition of

  plagiarism charges against

  stage adaptation of

  Reed, Carol

  death of

  Regent’s Park

  ice-skating accident in

  Reveille (Angela du Maurier)

  Ricardo, Jeannette

  Richepin, Jean

  Ringer, The

  Rite of Spring, The (Stravinsky)

  River Fowey

  Road to Leenane, The (Angela du Maurier)

  Roberts, Julia

  Roberts, Miss

  Roeg, Nicolas



  Rosenschein, Charles S.

  Ross, Arthur L.

  Rowe, Esther

  Rowe, Henry

  Rowse, Alfred Leslie

  Rule Britannia

  Ryan, Cornelius

  St. James Theatre


  Sandy Cove

  Saturday Review

  Saturday Review of Arts

  Saturday Review of Books

  Scapegoat, The

  film adaptation of


  Searchers, The

  Selznick, David

  September Tide

  Shakespeare, William

  Shallcross, Martyn

  Shallow Waters (Angela du Maurier)

  Sharaff, Irène

  Simpson, Wallis

  Sisley, Alfred

  Slade, Ernie

  Slade, Jane

  Smith, Mrs.

  Snow Queen, The (Andersen)

  Somerville, William


  Spain, Nancy


  Spence, Ken

  “Split Second”

  Stevenson, Robert Louis

  Stewart, Mary

  stock market crash of 1929

  Stravinsky, Igor

  Successora, La (Nabuco)

  Sunday Times

  Sutherland, Donald


ngton, John

  Taylor, Elizabeth

  Times (London)

  Times Literary Supplement

  Torrance, Mrs.

  Tower, Alastair

  Tower, Rupert

  Tracy, Spencer

  Treasure Island (Stevenson)


  Tree, Herbert Beerbohm

  Tree, Viola

  Trenet, Charles

  Treveryan (Angela du Maurier)

  Trilby (George du Maurier)

  Trollope, Anthony

  Troy Cinema


  Urquart, Brian

  Vandeleur, Captain

  Van Druten, John

  Vanishing Cornwall

  Van Moppès, Denise (Mme Butler)

  Varcoe, Mary

  Vaughan, Tom


  Verrier, Marguerite

  Very Easy Death, A (Beauvoir)

  Victor Gollancz Ltd.

  Vidal, Gore

  Vigo, Miss

  Villa Camposenea


  Vyvyan, Clara

  Daphne’s hiking trip with

  Waddell, Maud (“Tod”)

  arrival at Menabilly

  Tommy and

  Wagner, Richard

  Wallace, Edgar

  Wallace, Pat

  Walmsley, Leo

  Weep No More (Angela du Maurier)

  Welch, Noël

  Western Mail

  West Morning News

  White, Olive (“Hacker”)

  White Cliffs

  Whitely, Derek

  Whiting, Frederic

  Wicksteed, Mrs.

  Wilcox, Miss

  Wilde, Oscar

  Winding Stair, The

  “Winter Afternoon, Kilmarth, A”

  Wolfenden, John

  Wolfenden, Lady

  Women’s Land Army

  Wordsworth, William

  World War I

  air-raid warnings and

  World War II

  end of

  land mines and

  Normany landings in

  Operation Market Garden in

  Wuthering Heights (Brontë)

  Wyndham’s Theatre

  Wynyard, Diana

  Years Between, The

  Yeats, William Butler


  Ygdrasil II

  Ygdrasil III

  Yorkshire Post

  Young, Terence

  Yvon, Fernande (“Ferdie”)

  death of

  Zola, Émile

  Also by Tatiana de Rosnay

  A Paris Affair

  The Other Story

  The House I Loved

  A Secret Kept

  Sarah’s Key


  TATIANA DE ROSNAY is the author of ten novels, including the New York Times bestselling Sarah’s Key, an international sensation and major motion picture. Tatiana lives with her husband and two children in paris. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice




  Part I: London, 1907–25

  Part II: France, 1925

  Part III: Cornwall, 1926

  Part IV: Cornwall, 1943

  Part V: Cornwall, 1969

  Quotes upon the Death of Daphne du Maurier






  Works by Daphne du Maurier

  French Family Tree



  Also by Tatiana de Rosnay

  About the Author


  MANDERLEY FOREVER. Copyright © 2015 by Édition Albin Michel/Édition Héloïse d’Ormesson. Translation copyright © 2017 by Sam Taylor. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

  Cover design by Michael Storrings

  Cover photograph of Daphne du Maurier and children © The Chichester Partnership, 1952

  The photographs are reproduced with the authorization of the Curtis Brown Group Ltd (London) for The Chichester Partnership.

  The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

  ISBN 978-1-250-09913-6 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-250-09915-0 (e-book)

  e-ISBN 9781250099150

  Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at [email protected]

  First published in France by Édition Albin Michel/Édition Héloïse d’Ormesson under the title Manderley for ever.

  First U.S. Edition: April 2017

  * These code words were incomprehensible for anyone who did not belong to the girls’ inner circle. See the glossary at the end of the book for the meanings of all asterisked words.

  † Farewell, happy days.

  * “There is joy!”

  † “It’s love, coming with I don’t know what / It’s love, hello hello ladies”

  * “What’s the point?”

  * “I return.”

  † “The seagull.”

  * detective novels.

  * Sad.

  * Ancestors. (Daphne used the French word in her letter.)

  * “We always return to our first loves.”



  Tatiana de Rosnay, Manderley Forever

  (Series: # )




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