"He's right now, Eve, dear--right _as_ right. He'll sleep tillmorning, and then he'll wake up, an'--an' forget about being ill."

  It was not so much the words as the tone that brought comfort to Eve.She was leaning over her brother's bed watching the beautiful face, sowaxen now, and listening to his heavy breathing, which was steadilymoderating to a normal ease. The boy was sleeping the result of a doseadministered to him by Doc Crombie who had been urgently summonedimmediately after winning his race with Nature in another part of thevillage. Elia had been prostrated with a nervous attack which ended ina terrible fit, and Eve, all unaware of what had gone before betweenher brother and Will, had been hard put to it, in her grief andanxiety.

  When the boy first showed signs of illness she sent for Mrs. Gay tofind the doctor, and the bright, busy little woman was still with her.Annie Gay was quite the antithesis of her husband. She was practical,energetic and, above all things, bright. She was quite young andpretty, and Eve and she were considerable friends. She answered thegirl's summons without a moment's delay, and, to her utmost distress,when she arrived, she found Elia in a fierce paroxysm of convulsions.

  "You think so, Annie?" Eve's eyes lifted hungrily to her friend'sface. They were full of almost painful yearning. This boy's welfaremeant more to her than any one knew.

  Annie took her arm, and gently drew her from the bedside, nodding herpretty head sagely.

  "Sure." Then she added with a great assumption of knowledge, "You seethose weakly creatures like poor Elia have got a lot o' life in them.You can't kill 'em. Angel allus says that, an' he's sure to know.Elia's body ain't worth two cents as you might say, but he'sgot--what's the word--vi--vi----"

  "Vitality," suggested Eve.

  "Yes, sure. That's it. Now he'll just sleep and sleep. And then he'llbe bully when he wakes. So come you and sit down while I make you adrop of hot coffee. Pore girl, you're wore out. There's no end to thetroubles o' this world for sure," she added cheerfully, as she hustledoff to the kitchen to get the promised coffee.

  Eve sat down in her workroom. She was comforted in spite of herself.Annie Gay's manner was of an order that few could resist; it wasillogical, and, perhaps, foolishly optimistic, yet it had that blessedquality of carrying conviction to all who were fortunate enough tolean on her warm, strong heart. And on Eve she practiced her bestefforts.

  But Eve's anxiety only lay dormant for the time. It was still theregnawing at her heart. She knew the danger of the fits Elia was subjectto and a brooding thought clung to her that one day one of these wouldprove fatal. The least emotion, the least temper, fear, excitement,brought them on. This one--it was the worst she had known. Supposinghe had died--she shuddered. Like a saving angel Annie reentered withthe coffee in time to interrupt her thoughts.

  "Now, dear, you drink this at once," she said. Then she went on, inresponse to a mute inquiry, "Oh, yes, there's plenty here for me. Andwhen I come back I'm going to make some more, and cook a nice lightsupper, while you watch the boy, and we can sit here together with hisdoor open until morning."

  "But you're not going to stop, Annie," Eve protested. "I can't havethat. You must get your sleep. It's very kind of you----"

  "Now look right here, Eve," the busy woman said decidedly, "you've gotnothing to say about it, please. Do you think I could sleep in my bedwith you fretting and worrying your poor, simple heart out? What if hewoke up in the night an'--an' had another? Who's to go and fetch Doc?Now wot I says is duty's duty, and Angel Gay can just snore his headoff by himself for once, and I'm not sure but what I shall be glad tobe shut of the noise."

  The genuine sympathy and kindliness were quite touching, and Everesponded to it as only a woman can.

  "Annie," she said, with a wistful smile, "you are the kindest, dearestthing----"

  "Now don't you call me a 'thing,' Eve Marsham," the other broke inwith a laugh, "or we'll quarrel. I'm just a plain woman with senseenough to say nothing when Gay gets home with more whiskey aboard thanis good for his vitals. And don't you think I'm not putting a goodvalue on myself when I say that. Not that Gay's given to sousing aheap. No, he's a good feller, sure, an' wouldn't swap him for--foryour Will--on'y when he snores. So you see it's a kindness to meletting me stop to-night."

  "You're a dear," Eve cried warmly,--"and I won't say 'thing.' Whereare you going now?"

  "Why, I'm going to set Angel's cheese an' pickles, and put his coffeeon the stove. If he's to home when I get around, maybe I'll sit withhim ten minutes or so, an' then I'll come right along back."

  She had reached the door, which stood open, and now she paused,looking back.

  "When are you gettin' married, Eve?" she demanded abruptly.

  "Two months to-day," the other replied. She was surprised out ofherself, and for a moment a warm glow swept over her as she realizedthat there was something still in the world which made for other thanunhappiness.

  "Two months," said Annie, thoughtfully. "Two months, eh?" Then shesuddenly became mysterious and smiled into the other's face. "That'llbe nice time for Gay to think about something that ain't--a coffin."

  She hurried out on her mission of duty and affection. Gay was her all,but she had room in her heart for a good deal more than the worthybutcher-undertaker's great, fat image. She had no children of her ownyet, but, as she often said, in her cheery, optimistic way, "timeenough."

  It was her attitude toward all things, and it carried her through lifea heaven-sent blessing to all those who could number her amongst theirfriends. To Eve she had certainly been all this and more, for when awoman, alone in the world, is set the appalling task of facing thestruggle for existence which is called Life, without the necessarymoral and physical equipment for such a battle, the support of astrong heart generously given surely becomes the very acme of allcharity.

  After drinking her coffee, Eve went to the open door and stood lookingout upon the village. It was a warm summer night, and the scent of theprairie was strong upon the air. As yet Barnriff was neither largeenough, nor shut in enough by its own buildings to hold to itself thatstale, stifling atmosphere which cities obtain. The air was the purebreath which swept over the vast green rollers of the grass world inthe midst of which it stood.

  The velvet heavens, clad in their perfect tinsel of a glorious night,spread a softness over the world upon which she gazed. An odd light ortwo twinkled from a tiny window here and there; and, then, like avulgar centerpiece, the lights of the saloon stared out harshly. Therewas no moon, but the mellow sheen of the stars hid the roughness fromthe mind, and conveyed an added peace.

  The girl breathed a deep sigh. It was an expression of relief, ofsomething almost like content. And it told of what Annie Gay's cominghad meant to her. As though suddenly released from an insufferableburden her heart cheered, and hope told her that her brother wouldrecover; and, in her relief, she gazed up at the starlit sky andthanked the great God who controlled those billions of sparklingworlds.

  With each passing moment her mood lightened, and her thoughtsinevitably turned upon those happier things which had been nearlyobscured. She was thinking of Will, and wondering what he was doing.Was he in bed? Was he sleeping and dreaming of her? Or was he awakeand thinking of their love, planning for their joint future? Her eyesdrifted in the direction of his old hut, where she knew he was to passthe night. It was in darkness. Yes, he was a-bed, she told herself.Then she smiled. An idea had flashed through her mind. Should she walkover to the hut, and--and listen at the open window for the sound ofhis breathing?

  Her smile brought with it a blush of modesty, and the idea passed.Then with its going her eyes turned away, and, suddenly, they becamefixed upon the indistinct outline of the gate in the fencing of hervegetable patch. She could just make out the figure of a man standingon the far side of it. For the moment the joyous thought that it wasWill came to her. Then she negatived the idea. The outline was toolarge. She thought for a moment, and then, in a low voice, called theman by

  "Peter? That you?"

  The gate opened, and the man's heavy tread came up the narrow path.

  "Yes," he said, as he came. "I was just passing, and I thought I sawyou in the doorway." He had reached the house, and with Eve standingon the door-sill, his rugged face was on a level with hers. "You'rekind of late up, Eve," he went on doubtfully. "That's what made mestop. There's nothing amiss with--Elia?" he asked, shrewdly.

  It was by no means a haphazard question. He knew what the lad had beenthrough that night. He knew, too, the boy's peculiar nervoustemperament and its possibilities.

  "What makes you ask?" Eve retorted sharply. She knew something musthave happened to the boy, and was wondering if Peter knew what itwas. "Why should Elia be ill?"

  Peter scratched his rough, gray head. His mild, blue eyes twinkledgently in the lamplight from within the house.

  "Well, seeing you were up---- But there, I'm glad it's nothing. I'llpass on." Then he added: "You see, when a pretty girl gets standing inthe doorway late at night--and such a lovely summer night--and she'sjust--just engaged, I don't guess she wants the company of six footthree of a misspent life. Good-night, Eve, my dear. My bestcongratulations."

  But the girl wanted him. Now he was here she wanted to talk to himparticularly.

  "Don't go, Peter," she said. "Something is the matter with Elia. He isill--very ill. He's had the worst fit I've ever known him to have,and--and I don't know if he's going to pull round when he wakes up. Hewas out late this evening, and I don't know where he's been, or--orwhat happened to him while he was out. Something must have happened tohim. I mean something to upset him--either to anger him, or to terrifyhim. I wish I knew. It would help me perhaps when he wakes."

  Peter's smile had gone. His eyes were full of sympathy. There was alsoa shadow of trouble in them, too. But Eve did not see it, or, if shedid, her understanding was at fault. They stood there for some momentsin silence, he so massive yet so gentle, she so slight and pretty, yetso filled with a concern which harassed her mind and heart. Peter wasthinking very hard, and though he could have told her all she wantedto know, though his great heart ached for her at the knowledge whichwas his, he refrained from saying a word that could have betrayed theboy's secret, and the hideous aspect he had witnessed of the man shewas going to marry.

  "You had the Doc to him?" he inquired.

  "Yes, oh yes. Doc dosed him to make him sleep. Annie Gay's been withme helping."

  "Ah, she's a good woman."

  "Yes, she's more than that. She's as near an angel as human naturewill let her be." Then Eve abruptly changed her tone, and it becamealmost appealing. "Tell me, Peter, what do you think could havehappened to Elia? I mean, to shock him so. I've tried and tried, but Ican't think--nor can Annie. You know all the boys, you go amongstthem, you may have heard?"

  But Peter was ready, and answered her with such simple sincerity thatshe could not question him further.

  "I guess, Eve, if the boy has had any trouble, or shock, he'll tellyou of it when he wakes--if he wants you to know. I don't reckon if Idid know that I'd have a right to speak while he--he was asleep. Isay--if I did know."

  "I see." Then the girl smiled up into his face a little whimsically."You men have a curious code of honor in your dealings with eachother. Quite different to us women."

  Peter nodded.

  "Yep," he said, "we haven't the same perspective."

  The eastern horizon was lighting with a golden shadow and the sky-linewas faintly silhouetted against it. It was the soft, effulgent lightwhich heralded the full, rising moon. Eve watched it in silence forsome moments. Peter followed the direction of her eyes while he wenton speaking.

  "When are you getting married, Eve?"

  The question came hesitatingly.

  "Then you know. Of course you know. You always seem to know, and yetyou don't seem to nose about like Anthony Smallbones. I'm going to bemarried in two months."

  The man's mild eyes were kept intently fixed on the lighteninghorizon.

  "Two months," he said, pondering. "And Elia? What of him?"

  The girl started. She turned on him, and her pretty eyes were widewith astonishment.

  "It will make no difference," she said, with a sudden coldness shecould not have accounted for. "What do you mean?"

  Peter's great shoulders shrugged.

  "Why, nothing," he said. "It kind of seemed a natural question."

  The tone brought immediate contrition to the girl's warm heart. Thisman was always kind to her. It would have been difficult to remember asingle week since she had lived in Barnriff which had not witnessed atleast one small kindness from him. Her eyes wandered over her garden.He had not long finished digging it over for her.

  "Of course it was a natural question," she exclaimed, "only I--well,it doesn't seem to me as if there could be any question about Elia.Wherever I am, he will be."

  "Just so, just so. He'll still live with you--you and Will. Y'see, Iwas only thinking. If--if you wanted a home for him for a while, whileyou and Will were--honeymooning, now. Why, he'd be real welcome in myshack. He'd want for nothing, and I'd look after him same as--well,not perhaps as well as you could, but I'd do my best. Y'see, Eve, Ilike the boy. And, and his very weakness makes me want to help him.You know he'd get good food. I'm rather particular about my food, andI cook it myself. He'd have eggs for breakfast, and good bacon, notsow-belly. And there's no hash in my shanty. The best meat Gay sells,and he could have all the canned truck he liked. Oh, I'd feed himwell. And I've always got a few dollars for pocket money. Y'see, Eve,folks honeymooning don't want a third party around, even if he's asick boy. I'd take it a real favor if you said 'yes,' I would, true. Ican look after----"

  The man felt one of her warm hands squeezing his arm with thetenderest pressure. There was a moisture in her eyes as she soughthis, but she shook her head.

  "Peter, Peter, I don't know where you come from, I don't know whyyou're here, unless it is to help us all to be better folks. I knowwhy you want to take Elia off my hands. I know, and the matter hastroubled me some. Elia doesn't like Will. I know that. But Elia is mycare, he's more--he's my life. He will be with me as long as we bothlive, even--yes, even if I had to give Will up. I can't tell you,Peter, what my poor weakly brother is to me. If anything happened tohim I think it would break my heart. And it seems so strange to methat everybody, that is everybody but Jim Thorpe and you, dislikeshim. Even Will does a little, I--I'm afraid."

  "Yes. You can't say how it is," Peter nodded. "But folks can't beblamed for their likes and dislikes. Maybe Will will get over it.Y'see he's just a wild sort of Irish boy. He's just quicksilver. Yes,yes, he'll maybe grow to be as fond of the lad as you, Eve. But anytime you find you'd like me to have him for a bit--I mean--sortof--two's company, you know--you'll just be making me a happyman--eh?"

  It was a cheery voice behind him that caused his exclamation. AnnieGay stepped briskly up the path.

  "Why, it's Peter!" she declared. "Now if it had been Will," she addedslyly. "But there, young engaged girls think they're safe fromscandalous tongues like mine. Going, Peter? I've just been down to themeat store and stolen an elegant bit of tripe. Now, if Eve's onlysensible and got some onions, why there's a lunch fit for thePresident."

  "Oh yes, I've got onions," Eve reassured her. Then she turned to theman. "Good-bye, Peter," she said, as he edged away, "and thankyou----"

  But Peter would have no thanks.

  "No thanks, Eve, I'd take it a favor."

  And he vanished in the darkness leaving Annie looking at Eve, whoinstantly began to explain as they went indoors.

  "He thinks Elia will be in the way when Will and I are married," shesaid. "He wants to look after him. Isn't he kind?"

  "Well?" Annie's merry eyes were deadly serious.

  "Of course I couldn't think of it. I could never let him go. I----"

  "Eve Marsham, you're a--fool, and now I've said it. Do you know whyPeter wants----?"

  She broke off in confusion.
But she had successfully aroused Eve'scuriosity.

  "Well? Go on," she demanded.

  But Annie shook a decided head.

  "It don't matter. I was only thinking my own thoughts, and they beganone way and finished another."

  "How did they finish?" Annie's manner was quaintly amusing and Evefound herself smiling.

  "I'd just called you a fool, an'--I'd forgot to include myself."

  Nor could she be induced to speak further on the matter.