Page 10 of Policeman Bluejay

  [CHAPTER X] _In the Eagle's Nest_

  Gradually the forest passed out of sight and only bleak, ruggedmountains were below them. One peak rose higher than the others, andfaced the sea, and to this point the great eagle directed their flight.

  On a crag that jutted out from the mountain was the eagle's nest, madeof rude sticks of wood gathered from the forest. Sitting beside thenest was Mrs. Eagle, larger and more pompous even than her husband,while squatting upon the edge of the nest were two half-grown eagletswith enormous claws and heads, but rather skinny bodies that werecovered with loose and ragged feathers. Neither the nest nor theeaglets appeared to be very clean, and a disagreeable smell hung overthe place.

  "This is funny," said Mrs. Eagle, looking at the child-larks withsurprise. "Usually you kill your game before you bring it home,Jonathan; but today it seems our dinner has flown to us willingly."

  "They're for us!" cried one of the eaglets, making a quick dash toseize Twinkle, who darted out of his reach.

  "One for each of us!" screamed the other eaglet, rushing at Chubbins.

  "Peace--be quiet!" said the eagle, sternly. "Cannot you tell friendsfrom food, you foolish youngsters? These are two little friends of minewhom I have invited to visit us; so you must treat them in a civilmanner."

  "Why not eat them?" asked one of the eaglets, looking at thechild-larks with hungry eyes.

  "Because I forbid you. They are my guests, and must be protected andwell treated. And even if this were not so, the larks are too small tosatisfy your hunger, you little gluttons."

  "Jonathan," said Mrs. Eagle, coldly, "do not reproach our offspring fortheir hunger. We sent you out this morning to procure a supply of food,and we expected you to bring us home something good to eat, instead ofthese useless little creatures."

  The eagle seemed annoyed at being scolded in this manner.

  "I had an adventure in the forest," he said, "and came near being shotand killed by a man. That is the reason I came home so soon."

  Twinkle and Chubbins were standing together at the edge of the cragwhen one of the eaglets suddenly spread out his wide, stiff wings andpushed them over the precipice. They recovered themselves before theyhad fallen far, and flew to the ledge again just in time to see thefather eagle cuff his naughty son very soundly. But the mother onlylaughed in her harsh voice and said:

  "It is so early in the day, Jonathan, that I advise you to go again insearch of food. Our sweet darlings will not be comforted until theyhave eaten."

  "Very well," answered the eagle. "I am sorry you cannot treat my guestsmore politely, for they are all unaccustomed to such rudeness. But Isee that it will be better for me to take them away with me at once."

  "Do," said Mrs. Eagle; and the eaglets cried: "Better let us eat 'em,daddy. They are not very big, but they're better than no breakfast atall."

  "You're dis'greeable things!" said Twinkle, indignantly; "and I don'tlike you a bit. So _there!"_

  "Come on, Twink," said Chubbins. "Let's go away."

  "I will take you back to the forest," the eagle declared, and at oncerose into the air. Twinkle and Chubbins followed him, and soon the neston the crag was left far behind and they could no longer hear the hootof the savage young ones.

  For a time the eagle flew in silence. Then he said:

  "You must forgive my family for not being more hospitable. You mustknow that they live a very lonely life, and have no society becauseevery living thing fears them. But I go abroad more and see more of theworld, so I know very well how guests ought to be treated."

  "You have been very kind to us, Mr. Eagle," replied the girl-lark, "andyou saved my life when the dog would have killed me. I don't blame youany for what your family did. My mama says lots of people show offbetter abroad than they do at home, and that's your case exactly. If Iwere you I wouldn't take any more visitors to my nest."

  "I do not intend to," answered the eagle. "But I am glad that you thinkwell of me personally, if you do not of my family, and I assure you ithas been a real pleasure to me to assist you. Were you like ordinarybirds, you would be beneath my notice; but I am wise enough tounderstand that you are very unusual and wonderful little creatures,and if at any time I can serve you further, you have but to call me,and I will do what I can for you."

  "Thank you very much," replied Twinkle, who realized that the greatbird had acted more gently toward them than it is the nature of hiswild race to do.

  They had just reached the edge of the forest again when they saw a birdapproaching them at a great speed, and soon it came near enough forthem to see that it was Policeman Bluejay. He wore his official helmetand carried his club, and as soon as he came beside them he said:

  "Thank goodness I've found you at last. I've been hunting for you anhour, and began to fear you had met with some misfortune."

  "We've been with the eagle," said the girl. "He saved our lives andcarried us away from where the dreadful men were."

  "We have had sad doings in the forest today--very sad, indeed,"declared the bluejay, in a grave voice. "The hunters did even moredamage than usual. They killed Jolly Joe, the brown bear, and Sam Fox,and Mrs. 'Possum and her babies, and Wisk the squirrel; so that theanimals are all in mourning for their friends. But our birds sufferedgreatly, also. Mrs. Hootaway is dead, and three pigeons belonging to ahighly respected family; but the saddest of all is the murder of Mr.and Mrs. Goldfinch, both of whom were killed by the same shot. You mayremember, my dears, that they were at your reception yesterday, and asgay and happy as any of the company present. In their nest are now fivelittle children, too young and weak to fly, and there is no one to feedthem or look after them."

  "Oh, that is dreadful!" exclaimed Twinkle. "Can't Chubbins and I dosomething for the little goldfinches?"

  "Why, that is why I was so anxious to find you," answered PolicemanBluejay. "You haven't laid any eggs yet, and have no one to depend uponyou. So I hoped you would adopt the goldfinch babies."

  "We will," said Chubbins, promptly. "We can feed them out of ourbasket."

  "Oh, yes," chimed in the girl. "We couldn't catch grubs for them, youknow."

  "It won't be necessary," observed the policeman, with a sly wink at theeagle. "They're too young yet to know grubs from grub."