Jim and Terry looked helplessly at the Mexican overseer as he faced themwith levelled rifle and the cool assurance that he would kill them tokeep the treasure from the galleon for himself. They tried to believethat he was only joking, but from the set on his face and the glint inhis eyes they knew better. All too often in the history of gold huntingand discovery had the discoverers paid for it with their lives, so thatsomeone else could reap the reward.

  "But why should you wish to kill us, senor?" Jim asked in Spanish. "Havenot we agreed to see that you have a large share in it?"

  "How do I know that you will keep your word to me?" the Mexicananswered.

  "Well, I like that!" cried Jim. "We know how to keep our word, SenorAlaroze!"

  "What of it?" returned the overseer, with a slight shrug. "Why should Inot have all of it instead of a small part?"

  "Oh, well, if you feel that way about it," said Jim, turning pale.

  While Jim had been talking Terry had been doing some rapid thinking.They were standing close to the man, and the extended muzzle of therifle was within easy reach. Any kind of motion toward it would be sureto be disastrous, and Terry knew it. There was one thing needed andTerry did it. With great coolness, a feeling which he was far frompossessing, he looked over the shoulder of the overseer.

  "Well," he said, carelessly. "I guess neither of us will get thetreasure. Here comes Sackett and his party."

  He used just the right amount of conviction in his tones and he won. Jimlooked away over the Mexican's shoulder and was fooled as completely asthe overseer. With a muttered imprecation the man turned his headslightly to see who was back of him. That motion was his undoing. Quickas a flash Terry's foot came up in a splendid football kick that sentthe rifle flying upward. Before the astonished ranchman could move thered-headed boy flung himself on him and punched him a hard wallop on thestomach. With a groan the Mexican sank to the ground.

  "Bully for you, Chucklehead!" cried Jim, springing forward and securingthe gun. "Now we have this fellow where we want him!"

  They dragged the crestfallen Mexican to his feet and tied his handsbehind him with a piece of cord which they had originally tied theirclothes to the spars with. He groaned and moaned and begged them to showmercy to him. Terry became impatient.

  "Shut up!" he ordered, savagely. "If I hadn't done that our two bodieswould have been lying here right this minute, and here you are cryingyour head off for mercy! You're getting a whole lot better than youdeserve right now, let me tell you. Don't howl until you get back to theranch, then we'll give you something to howl about."

  Still dazed at their terrible peril the boys started on the journey,placing the cowardly overseer on the horse and following close behind.When darkness came down they made camp, fed the captive without speakingwith him, and then made camp for the night, resolving to take turns atkeeping watch.

  "We can't let this snake get loose again," warned Jim. "If he ever getsaway, good night!"

  "That was the luckiest break we ever had," said Terry. "If he had beenstanding any further away I never could have done it."

  Jim took the first watch and Terry the second, during which time theMexican seemed to sleep calmly. His hands had been untied, so theycovered him with the rifle and kept unwavering eyes upon him. In themorning the march was resumed and late in the afternoon they approachedthe ranch of the Senorita Mercedes.

  The senorita was the first to approach and she expressed amazement atthe strange sight which they presented as they walked down into theranch yard. Jim related the story to her and she was deeply interested.Turning to the sullen foreman she upbraided him furiously in Spanish andturned back to the boys.

  "He did not go away to look for stray cattle," she said. "None of mycattle have strayed. I do not know why he left me, but I think he ispart of that wicked Sackett band. I think he was only kind to you so hecould place you in that man's hands."

  "By George, I'll bet that is right!" exclaimed Jim, and Terry nodded.

  "Put him in that small shed," directed the senorita, pointing to alittle building which stood at the edge of the ranch yard. "Then come tothe house and rest and eat."

  Quite willingly the two boys locked the silent prisoner in the littleshed and returned to the ranch house. The energetic little senorita hadhot water, soap and towels laid out for them, and they fairly revelledin the washing process.

  "When I was a kid," grinned Terry, "I loved to have a dirty face, butnow I know just what luxury it is to feel clean again."

  "Hope I don't break this comb of the senorita's trying to comb mytangled hair," grunted Jim. "I can't honestly say that we are anybeauties to appear at the table of the young lady."

  When they sat down with the youthful and beautiful owner of the littleranch to eat she said: "My men are at present eating, but as soon asthey have finished I shall send one of them to Ned's ranch for yourfriends."

  "That is very kind of you, Senorita," murmured Jim, as he ateravenously.

  "Nonsense!" laughed the girl, tossing her head. "You have been throughsuch thrilling adventures of late! Tell me more about them."

  As Jim knew more Spanish than Terry it fell to him to relate theexperiences of the past few days. They were lingering over their coffeewhen an excited ranchman burst into the room. All three at the tablerose quickly and the man poured something out in some unknown dialect.

  "Ride immediately to the Scott ranch for help!" commanded the senorita,growing pale.

  "Alas, senorita, the house is surrounded, I cannot go," said the man, inSpanish.

  "What, is the house surrounded?" asked Jim, quickly.

  "Yes," answered the senorita, rapidly. "This man tells me that Sackettand three men rode down, let Alaroze out, and are creeping to the house.Fly to the doors, quickly!"

  Flying was necessary. Terry and Jim hurled the main door of the ranchhouse shut just in time to keep Sackett and Abel from rushing it.Rapidly, under the direction of the girl, they closed all windows anddrew the blinds. Then she gave them each a rifle and took one herself.

  "We must watch diligently," she said, her eyes shining. "They will tryto burst in and we must keep them off."

  A shot rang out and a bullet crashed through the front door. Feelingthat they would be attacked from more than one side they separated, Jimgoing to the front of the house and Terry and the senorita keeping watchon the sides. Several shots were fired, all of which did no harm.

  It was now very dark and their peril was increased. A concerted rushmight blast their hopes and Jim in particular was worried. It would bebad enough to have to surrender to Sackett's gang, but it would be farworse to have the dainty senorita fall into their hands. He set histeeth and determined that it should not happen. There was completesilence outside, a silence that was not reassuring.

  Jim went to the girl where she was crouching beside a window, peeringout into the darkness of the yard. He knelt down beside her.

  "Is it possible that one of your men could have slipped away to Ned'sranch?" he asked.

  "I am sorry to say no, senor. My man tells me that they were all pennedup in their bunkhouse. There is no way we can let our friends know ofour danger."

  "I see. They couldn't see a light from the top of the ranch, couldthey?"

  "No, the hills are too high. We must fight these men off until morningand then see what we can do."

  "If we could only attract Ned's attention someway," said Jim. "Watchout, senorita!"

  He fairly dragged her away from the window as a shot tore in through theglass and the blinds. She shook him off, but kept away from the exposedpart.

  "There is nothing--Ah, the tar barrel!" she exclaimed.

  "Where is there a tar barrel?" asked Jim, quickly, as Terry fired hisrifle out of another window.

  "You see that hill?" asked the senorita, pointing to a low mound back ofthe ranch. "On top of that hill is a barrel which is half full of tar. Ihave been usin
g it to repair my roofs, and it is half full. If thatcould only be lighted they would see it at Ned's ranch."

  "That's fine!" cried Jim. "I'll light that tar barrel myself!"

  "Senor, you will be killed!"

  "Maybe!" said Jim, grimly. "But I'll start that bonfire, anyway!"

  He related his plan to Terry, who warmly assented, and a little laterJim worked his way to a side of the house where there was no shooting.Senorita Mercedes wanted to send her ranchman out on the perilousventure but Jim had opposed it.

  "No, I'll go," he said. "It means everything to have it succeed, and theman might get scared or bungle it in some way. Let me do it."

  He opened a low window on the quiet side of the house, while Terry stoodin the shadows, prepared to shoot down anyone who should loom up. Jimdropped out of the window and lay flat alongside of the house, and aftera moment he raised his head. The attacking party was in the front andthe rear of the house and he had not been seen. Terry closed the windowand watched Jim slide forward along the ground toward the distant barn.

  Fortunately the night was dark and Jim had a good opportunity. Usingextreme care he reached the barn and then looked toward the hill wherethe tar barrel stood. The senorita had stood it on the hill because shewas afraid of fire and thought it best to keep it away from the ranchbuilding. Bending low Jim ran quickly toward the black barrel andreached it in safety.

  Near the house he could see three shadows and he knew that they wereSackett's men. They had not dreamed that anyone would be foolhardyenough to leave the building and so they waited for a favorableopportunity to rush the doors and break in. They had no intention ofdoing so as long as those three guns were flashing out viciously.

  There were still three flashes from the house and Jim readily saw whathad happened. Terry or the senorita had given the ranchman who hadbrought the news of the attack a gun and he was firing. Probably theattacking party thought Jim was still in the house. Lying flat on theground Jim took a long piece of paper from his pocket and a box ofmatches. He placed the papers in the soft tar and lighted it.

  The tar caught fire quickly, so quickly that Jim was bathed for a secondin its light. He had made no plans for a retreat, and as the tar barrelburst into flames he was clearly revealed.

  A shout arose from the men who were attacking the house and they sprangrecklessly from cover and dashed toward him. This piece of carelessnesscost them dearly, for the senorita and Terry each brought one man downwith accurate shots in the legs. At the same time Jim sprinted for thecorner of the barn and crouched there, his rifle held in readiness tobring down anyone who should attempt to put out the blazing beacon.

  Higher and higher blazed the barrel with its cargo of tar, sending itslight for several miles over the surrounding countryside. The outlawshad now rushed back to cover, to consider what move to make next.

  "I surely hope the others are at Ned's and that they see that light,"thought Jim fervently, as he waited in his position back of the barn.