
  -What’s so funny!?

  -For one thing: you should read labels more carefully.

  Glitch then drops then bottle at Paradox’s feat. The label, which is now right side up reads: fountain of youth water.

  -Secondly: drinking foy water is only good for one thing: regression!

  The bullet hole then seals itself up.

  -Lastly: in the two and a half minutes you gave me I rigged my iphone. Because I would never kill anyone.

  He then pulls out his iphone and pushes the center, and Michael Jackson’s speechless plays on every device, on every time period, on every planet, with everyone singing along. He then puts the phone to his mouth and says:

  -Remember this song Terra? Back on Gallifur. When we first met. Our song.

  A gunshot is then herd, and Glitch drops the iphone and stagers, and then says:

  -You would you coward. You spineless, heartless coward!

  Another gunshot and then Paradox pulls out two metal rods, ones that are lighting up in his hands but don’t harm him. He then jabs the metal wall behind Glitch.

  -Back on Gallifur, before the time war, the weeping angels gave me a prophecy. They said that I would die at the hands of my own flesh and blood. You where driven mad. The daleks and the Timefurs where at peace until that happened. The war started over you!

  Another gunshot and Glitch is on his knees, coughing up blood.

  -My plan was to stop you from looking in the untendered black hole. I could’ve saved you!

  Another gunshot. The metal behind Glitch is now gone.

  -One more shot and you’re dead.

  -Then do it, kill me.

  -Just remember: I would’ve cared.

  Paradox then stabs Glitch with the other metal rod, and pushes him off the building.

  Terra who was on the dalek ship is now looking for her mate. She then finds him on his back gasping for air. A dalek then comes up behind her and says:

  -We can revive him.

  Crying, she then runs to him, holds him in her arms, and berries her face in his side. Weakly, he then says:

  -Listen to them. This was the plan. Give Toya the keys to the tardis, he deserved them. Go with the daleks to the ship, and help them revive me. And if they can’t: berry my body next to the untendered black hole. And one last thing, my love: dream for the end.

  And with that an impossible hero says his final words. Terra then cries in his arms while the daleks take his body to their ship.

  Toya opens the doors to the tardis and sends it to the dalek ship.

  -Is he going to be ok?

  -I hope so.

  -While he is being revived, we must repair his memories. He will be in a dream state until his memories are restored. You must help him regain his memories. We have built a special machine to do so.

  Terra who has finally stop crying, hooks herself up to the machine.

  -We can’t control what happens to you so be careful. We also built a device so that we know what is going on in the dream state.

  A large TV then turns on showing the dream state. Toya then gets the rest of the gang and they board the tardis.

  -What now?

  -Glitch said to kill a Timefur you must use all the elements. We have to make something to harness that power.

  -Then let’s start.

  And thus the world stands in darkness as its saviors wait to stop Paradox.

  It was Friday January 28, 2011; the last class of the day and everyone was watching the clock ready to leave. Mr. Titor was reading a book he got himself the previous weekend: an astronomer’s tale. The last bell rings and everyone runs pushing each other out the door. Everyone that is except Terra: The smartest student at Sky Field College. When john walks up to her he sees that she is reading the same book he was.

  -Good book?

  -You should know, you’re reading it too.

  John then smiles at what she says, and then says:

  -Come on, let me take you home.

  Toya, who has taken the tardis ask Virix:

  -What’s the first element?

  -Water, but the place is a bit odd.

  -Where is it?

  -Inside a volcano.

  -Paradox must be controlling reality. He’s not making this easy for us. I bet Ayden and Onix aren’t having as much trouble as we are.

  Meanwhile in the tardis, Ayden and Onix are looking for equipment for a weapon.

  -The list says that we need titanium, glass, and a lot of stuff I don’t think we have in the tardis.

  -What’s that?

  -Plans for a clockwork cutlass.

  -Oh. It just looks right for some reason.

  -Well it’s supposed to look like that.

  -Alright let’s get to work.

  A car then pulls up to the Sky Field College student dormitories at the other end of the campus. John then gets out and says:

  -I can’t believe you live alone on campus, even on weekends.

  -Well my parents died in a car crash years ago. I was the only one who survived. In their will they left me a big sum of money, but I only use what I need not what I want.

  -They must’ve been great parents for you to learn that. Most of the students I’ve met are irresponsible, and are most likely to make their parents file bankruptcy in the next two years. You know what? And I don’t say this, but you’re one in a million.

  -Thanks coming from you that means a lot.

  John then pulls his car out and drives to his empty house like every day and daydreams.

  Terra closes the door to her dorm. She had a roommate, but they dropped out at the beginning of the school year.

  -That brain-dead brat.

  Terra then remembers something she left in the passenger seat of john’s car. A photograph of a forgotten time. She left it there in hopes of jogging his memories, and bringing them out of the dream state.


  She then starts drawing mazes and labyrinths, and most of all she draws Glitch.

  Meanwhile, back in the tardis, Ayden and Onix have finished the clockwork cutlass, and are trying to get aboard the dalek ship to hook up to the dream state.

  Terra after finishing the picture of Glitch, hears a knock on the door.

  -(To herself) There isn’t anyone here but me. So who can at the door?

  She then walks slowly to the door and sees Ayden and Onix standing in the door way. Terra then stagers backwards looking like she has just seen a ghost.

  -How did you guys get here?

  -Same as you, but that’s not important. We have information about the dream state.

  -Like what?

  -Like how to leave.

  -Alright, come in.

  John titor, who has just backed up to his driveway, notices a photo in the passenger seat. He then picks it up and sees Terra and a wolf-cat that looks a lot like John in the picture.

  -Must be a brother or something like that. I bet she wouldn’t like this lost.

  He then puts the picture in his pocket, and drives back to the dormitory to return it to Terra.

  Onix and Ayden are trying to explain the rules of dream states to Terra in her dorm.

  -So let me get this straight. Glitch has to die in all of the dream states to wake up?


  -But if we die we can’t leave?


  -And when Glitch remembers everything and dies the dream state is destroyed and we go back as well?

  -Yes, but there’s something we don’t understand; if Glitch where to change anything about his life it will change the same part of him in the real world.

  -What happens when we die here?

  -Then we die. The dream state is linked to Glitch somehow that’s why we think we’re at this college instead of Gallifur. This is something he dreams about.

  -So how many dreams are there?

  -Depends on how long it takes him to remember everything and what he dreams about.

  -Well what happens when there is
more than one dream state?

  -Then we appear as we should be in the dream.

  -Then we have to hurry to get Glitch out and stop Paradox from destroying reality.

  But what would you guys do here?

  -Pose as students like you.

  Just then there is another knock on the door. Ayden opens it and Toya and Virix come inside the dorm.

  -We need to talk.

  John then pulls in to the dormitory and gets out of his car. He then sees a police box right next to the front door. He walks inside and sees it’s bigger on the inside.

  -This isn’t possible. Now I remember. My name is Glitch, a five hundred and fourteen year old Timefur, and I travel the stars with my friends. I have to get out of here.

  Just then there’s a flash of light and then it’s Monday January 31, the beginning of the next school week. He then checks the clock. It’s 3:45, the end of school. The final bell rings and everyone lefts. The only ones still in there are: Toya, Terra, Ayden, Onix, Virix, and Glitch who is gob smacked.

  -What just happened? I fell as though I’ve just went 500 years through time without the smallest memory.

  -You’re just starting to remember. Come on I just promised everyone star bucks.

  *-Is that him?

  -Yes, but don’t shoot just yet.

  -Why not? Our orders are to assassinate him when we find him. Or you still upset about her?

  -That’s not your problem. He’s moving lets go.

  -Why here?

  Terra asked Glitch.

  -Because. It just feels right. As though I have to be here right now.