The Lord our God requires flexibility in everything we do in life, and He uses flexible people. For example Moses was a very flexible man and the most humble man on earth.
Many people make New Year resolution, but only those with commitment and with will power are able to keep it to the end, and they end up successfully. (Read Mark 13:13). Some people make New Year resolution just for formality.
Just as some people repent every Sunday and backslide every Monday, so do some people make New Year resolution every first January and break it every second January.
Any change of bad habit is a “do it yourself project”, no one does it for you. Though habit dies hard, but it can be changed if you are willing. The scripture tells us not to make any promise which we are not ready to keep. Any promise you make becomes a debt which you must pay. You are in prison until you fulfill it. It is like setting a boundary for yourself. Living a life without boundary is heading for destruction.
So you better set your life boundary now, by way of a New Year resolution, before it is too late. It takes discipline and the spirit of self control to keep the New Year resolution. Discipline is an act of maturity. Therefore, whoever is not discipline is not mature. Maturity in this regard does not depend on age. It is a thing of the mind
Now for us to have New Year without crisis, we must be well organized. For if you are not organized, you will agonize, and we must also learn to drop all our bad habits and pick up some good ones in addition to the already existing ones. Whoever joins his life with Christ becomes a new person. The old things are washed away by the blood of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Lord our God said, forget the things of the past, I am doing something new in your life. (Isaiah 43:18-19).
You must have made several mistakes in the past years. That doesn’t stop you from moving forward, only learn the lessons from your past mistakes and forget about the detail. Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. If you keep on reminding yourself about your past mistakes, it is like taking revenge against yourself. It is self punishment. Learn to forgive yourself because un-forgiveness is like driving your car with the parking brake on. And you know what that means. You cannot move forward and it is very disastrous.
You cannot get hold of the present blessings until you let go of your past mistakes. Your success begins with your ability to let go of the past. Never look back, unless you plan to go that way. No one lives in the past; we are always living in the present.
Every New Year opens a new page in our lives. And what the New Year presents to you depends on what you put into it in the previous year and now.
Remember that life always presents you with opportunities, but what you do with them is left for you.
Another important point is your time. Your time is your life. Your time is the currency of your life.
If you waste your time, you commit suicide, if someone wasted your time he commits murder.
Furthermore, try to know the design of the tower you want to build this year, and plan well for it. Know the kind of raw materials required, for that is the most important step to your success this year. (Read Luke 14:28-30).
Create your plan, make it specific, make it measurable, make it achievable, make if realistic, and make it with dead line. Plan your work and work your plan. Be committed in your work, success in life is basically on commitment. And commitment is a thing of the mind and not just of the mouth. Success is deliberates, learn something new. You need to challenge your mind. Don’t die in that your field. There are many unexplored potentials in you, which can be explored this year, if only you are ready to work on them.
Learn to live your life with Christ all through the year, for every day with Christ is a plus, but every day with the devil is minus.
Finally, for us to pass through December without disaster and celebrate Christmas without Crisis, we must know that Christmas, in the month December is a time of preparation.
We need to reflect on our lives from January to December, so as to adjust ourselves for the New Year, in order to live a better life.
Let us not forget that the month of December, Christmas season is full of oxymoron. It is the time of joy and the time of sorrow. Just as some people where rejoicing over the birth of Christ, while others were crying over the death of their children killed by Herod. That is how it is today. Many people die during Christmas season and their relatives are weeping, while others are rejoicing. (Read Matthew 2:1-8).
Another important thing worthy of note is that it takes only the grace of God to pass through December without disaster and celebrate Christmas without Crisis. So let us always pray to our God who loves us to see us through. (Romans 12:12).
Christopher Ukwa Ebiala hails from Itega Okpame Okpoma, Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. He is a Renowned Teaching Minister in CCRN, Muster Seed Prayer Group, Christ the King Parish, Okpoma. Phone No: 09036472396
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