“Yeah, who would’ve guessed.” I roll my eyes and Murphy laughs harder.

  “I’m gonna stick with Jake. Make sure he doesn’t piss anyone else off,” he says.

  “Good plan.”

  Aubrey’s working her way back through the crowd to me and I can’t help but reach out and drag her closer. “Are you all right?”

  She stares up at me in surprise. “I’m fine. Jake’s in the locker room. You should go check on him and I’ll—” she searches the room. “I guess I should look for Myra and ask her what to do?”

  I hate letting her out of my sight.

  And I think that comes through loud and clear when I don’t let go of her right away.


  Reluctantly, I peel my arms off her. “Jake’s a big boy. After that mess, I’d rather stay out here and keep an eye on you.”

  She’s too smart to protest. Instead, she thanks me and heads toward Myra. Griff talks to the two girls for a few minutes. While they’re busy chatting, two kids who barely look old enough to drive enter the cage and mop up the blood left behind.

  When the room is calmer, Griff announces the next fight.

  The first fighter is someone I’ve never heard of, which isn’t a surprise since I haven’t been part of this world in a long time. The second fighter goes by the ring name “Smokey the Bear” which I assume is some sort of jokey-reference to the fact that he’s a local deputy sheriff. Liam’s former partner, actually. Brady O’Connor probably spends his afternoons pulling half these kids over for speeding.

  At least these two opponents are evenly matched. Age and skill-wise. It’s an interesting fight. Judging by the heavy betting activity, Griff will ask both of them to return.

  Half-way through the match, Jake comes up on my side. “I assume you’re sticking around until she’s done?”

  “Ya think?” I answer without turning my head.

  “I’m okay, by the way. In case you were wondering.”

  Slowly, I glance over at him. “Do you need your blankie and teddy bear?”

  “Nah.” He lifts his chin at a cluster of girls who keep glancing at us and giggling to each other. “A girl will calm my nerves.”

  “You asking for my permission?”

  “No, but a condom would be helpful,” he says, holding out his hand.

  “Christ, you’re irresponsible. Do I look like a pharmacy to you?”

  “Nah, just a grumpy fuck who needs to get laid.”

  “How many hits to the head did you take tonight?”

  He grins. “Not enough.”

  “Got that right,” I grumble, digging out my wallet and handing over the lone condom in it.

  “Hope you have a spare.”

  “I’ll be fine. Go away.”

  He does finally get lost and I search the room for Aubrey. She smiles as soon as my gaze lands on her and blows me a kiss.

  Several guys turn to see where her affection is directed and I stare each one down.

  Brady wins his fight. I hold out my hand to congratulate him and he pulls me in for a quick hug.

  “Good to see ya, Sully.” He doesn’t seem to be concerned that I recognize him.

  The volume of the music and chatter increases. I watch Aubrey work the crowd and stay out of her way. Once the final fight starts, I work my way closer.

  I’ve seen Remy fight plenty of times. Hell, I trained him early on. Back when he was an angry, scrawny little bastard looking to defend himself and his baby sister against their drunken father. Since I had my own experiences with a similar home life, I spent a lot of time training Remy where to channel his rage.

  The student has definitely surpassed the teacher now. I’m impressed with his skill and focus. If I wasn’t so annoyed with him and Griff for bringing Aubrey into this, I’d talk to him about going professional.

  Even if I’ve left that world to try to provide a more stable life for my daughter, I still have connections Remy should talk to.

  “He’s gotten good, right?” Griff says.

  “Yeah. Don’t take this the wrong way, but why’s he wasting time and taking the risk with underground fights instead of going legit?”

  It takes a lot to offend Griff and he’s smart enough to know I’m not insulting his operation. “Needs the cash like everyone else.”

  “If you promise not to try to poach my employees anymore, you’re both always welcome at my place to train.”

  He seems genuinely pleased and squeezes my shoulder. “Thanks, bro.” He glances at Aubrey. “She’s great. A little timid. You gonna stop her from coming back?”

  I flex my jaw. “That’s her decision.”

  “Thanks. I assume you’ll hustle her out of here as soon as we’re done. Not staying for the after party?”

  “Probably not.”

  “I’ll make sure she gets paid right away.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  Done messing with me, he grins and bounces back into the crowd.

  A few minutes later, Remy knocks his opponent out cold. The crowd loses its shit and I muscle my way through to pull Aubrey out of danger.

  “Oh! Wow! I wasn’t expecting that!” she shouts. She places her hands against my chest, leaning up so I can hear her. “What a fight—”

  Maybe it’s the energy in the room. Or how damn beautiful she is, all flushed and smiling, but I wrap my arms around her.

  She stops mid-sentence and I can’t resist. Leaning down, I cover her mouth with mine. Not a gentle kiss like the one we shared in my office. This one’s full of need, desire, maybe a twinge of frustration from watching her prance around all night in her tight, tiny dress. Maybe frustration with myself for wasting so much time pretending I don’t have feelings for her.

  Her body squirms against mine and she moans. I kiss her harder, claiming her, not holding back this time. Savoring her sweet taste, I decided not to let Aubrey out of my sight for a second. Hope Jake’s around to drive my Jeep home.

  Someone clears their throat next to us and I break our kiss. Aubrey slowly slides down, staring up at me, body pressed tight to mine. I’m not even sure she realizes someone’s standing next to us.

  I glance over at Griff. He’s not smirking now. Keeping an arm around Aubrey, I nudge her toward him.

  “Ah, thanks for tonight, Aubrey,” he says, handing her a few folded bills. “Appreciate you taking the job on such short notice.”

  “Sure,” she answers almost slurring the word. Did I do that to her?

  Griff flicks his gaze my way. “Well, you’re welcome back anytime, as long as Sully doesn’t mind.”

  “Okay, just let me know,” she says, ignoring the question of whether I mind or not entirely.

  After Griff leaves, she tips her head back. “I need to grab my stuff. There’s an after party…” Her voice trails off and she glances around the room.

  The only after party I want to attend is in my bedroom with Aubrey.

  I take her hand and tell her to lead the way.

  Outside, we stop at her car. It’s dark and even though tons of people around us are romping through the wooded area, making plenty of noise, our section of the parking lot is empty.

  “This wasn’t safe parking all the way out here by yourself,” I say.

  She lifts her shoulders. “It wasn’t this deserted when I got here.”

  “You should’ve told me when you stopped by. I would’ve driven you.”

  “You seemed to have strong opinions about it.” She hurries to add, “But now I understand why.”

  We haven’t spoken about our kiss yet. And I don’t need to talk about it to know I want to do it again.

  And again.

  Placing my fingers under her chin, I gently tilt her head back and seal my mouth over hers. Same as before, she steps into me, sliding her hands up over my shoulders around my neck.

  Love the way her little body fits against me. How warm she feels. How sweet she tastes. Cinnamon and honey.

  My hands slide down and fit i
nto her waist, then lower cupping her hips. Can’t get enough of her.

  Every little sound she makes reminds me we’re in the open where anyone could walk up on us.

  “Stop, Aubrey,” I mumble against her lips.

  She pulls away, leaning back against her car.

  The hurt in her eyes makes me realize my mistake. I never want to make her feel she’s being rejected. Not when I want her more than I’ve wanted anyone in a long time. Maybe ever. But it’s not happening in the back of her car or in the woods like we’re two drunk teenagers.

  I run the back of my hand over her soft cheek. “Come home with me.”

  “You mean it?”

  I lean down and brush my lips against her ear. “I mean it.”

  She presses her hand against my chest. “Jake said you don’t take girls to your house.”

  When the hell did they have that conversation? And why?

  “I don’t want to take girls to my house. I want to take you.” My dick flexes against my fly as if he’s happy I’m finally admitting how much I want this woman.

  She bites her bottom lip and glances away. “Okay,” she whispers.

  I search the parking lot, but there’s no sign of my brother.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Looking for Jake to see if he can drive my Jeep home.”

  There’s enough moonlight to make out the confusion in her eyes. “Why?”

  I can’t help but steal a quick kiss before explaining. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  She traces her fingers over my cheek, stopping at my bottom lip. “Trust me, Sullivan, I won’t change my mind.”


  The urge to pinch myself won’t fade.

  After Sully tracks down his brother, he takes my hand and opens the passenger door for me. I don’t even hesitate to hand over the keys to my sister’s car. I’m way too excited to operate a vehicle.

  I’m going home with Sully.

  My lips still tingle from where we kissed.

  He’s been fighting what he feels for weeks, but now he’s taking me to his house.

  Was he jealous? Lots of guys had hit on me or asked for my number tonight. I chalked it up to drunken gamblers and brushed them off. I’m only interested in one man. Even if up until now he’s done nothing but push me away.

  I hate to break the spell, but I have to ask. “Why tonight?”

  He glances over. “I lose my mind around you.”

  “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “I guess it depends on your perspective.” He glances over and winks.

  “So you were jealous?”

  His hands tighten on the steering wheel. “I didn’t like the way some of those guys looked at you. But that’s not why I want you to come home with me.”

  I’m too keyed up to pay attention to where we’re going and soon he’s pulling into a short driveway and shutting the engine off.

  “Do you want to come in?” He glances over with a half-smile.

  “I…I thought…”

  His smile grows. “Nothing’s set in stone, Aubrey.”

  He pushes his door open and comes around to my side, opening my door and holding out his hand.

  My heels make a soft clicking over the blue stones lining the walkway to his front porch. He nods at the house right next to his. “My mom’s house.”

  “You live next door to your mother? That’s so sweet.”

  He flashes an unapologetic grin. It makes me like him even more. Which could be dangerous since I already like Sully way too much.

  Inside is neat and tidy. Only a few young adult novels on the coffee table indicate a child spends any time here.

  “Do you want something to drink?” he asks, closing the door behind us.

  “Water would be great. My throat’s dry from yelling so much tonight.”

  He moves through the house with ease and I follow him into the kitchen where he pulls a pitcher of water out of the fridge and plucks a glass out of the dishwasher.

  “You did well,” he says, handing me the water. “Tonight.”

  I take a long sip before answering. “Didn’t think I had it in me, did you?”

  “I just didn’t want you getting hurt.”

  “Honestly, I like Jake. Trust him, I mean. And Griff seems decent enough. But I didn’t really feel safe until I saw you there.”

  He takes a step closer. “You’re always safe with me.”

  I nod and set the glass on the counter. “I believe you.”

  There’s a split second of hesitation between us. An anticipation as he brushes my hair off my cheek, staring into my eyes before bending down to kiss me. His mouth is warm and demanding. One of his hands cradles my jaw while the other presses against the small of my back. He drags his tongue across my bottom lip and I open for him. He tastes like mint. His arms wrap around my body, crushing me against him as our kisses turn deeper, rougher, almost frantic.

  I love it.

  My hands brush against his sides, stroking down his ribs to settle at his waist. He growls in response, a low rumble in his throat that ripples over me. I dip my fingers under the hem of his T-shirt, my thumbs brushing against his hot skin and he kisses me even harder.

  Sully’s usually so…polite and reserved. I’m not expecting him to take charge.

  But does he ever.

  Tilting my head back for a better angle, he kisses me slow and hard. When our height difference is still too much, he growls and wrapping his massive arms around my body, lifts me in the air.

  I pull back and stare at him.

  “Aubrey, you have no idea how many times I’ve thought about this.”

  “You’re the stubborn one.”

  “I am.” We’re moving through the house and he only stops kissing me to utter a brief explanation. “I thought it was better not to get involved.” More frantic kisses. “But I can’t resist you.”

  “Shh,” I place my fingers over his lips. “Keep kissing me. I’m all yours tonight.”

  He hesitates. Does he want me to say I’m his for more than one night? I am. In my heart, I already feel it.

  I don’t think I can say it yet.

  At a doorway, he stops and lets me down. His gaze darts into the darkened room. “Are you sure? This won’t change anything. At work. For you, I mean. Either way.”

  I can’t keep up. One second he’s take charge and the next he’s incredibly sweet and sensitive.

  I tilt my head and squint up at him. “Work talk’s not very sexy.”

  He huffs out a laugh and shakes his head. “I’m serious.”

  “Do you want my resignation first?”

  He frowns. “Fuck no.” As if the reality of me quitting really bothers him, he draws me into his arms again. “I don’t think I could run the place without you now.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  He shrugs as if he’s telling the truth and takes my hand. Inside his room, he flicks on a small lamp. A weak circle of light reveals a neat bedroom. It’s not college-dorm-room utilitarian, but it’s definitely more functional than fancy.

  My gaze flicks to his bed and my stomach tightens with anticipation. Maybe a little fear too. Years have passed since my last boyfriend and that was a disaster.

  His fingers brush my cheek. “What’re you thinking about?”

  “You,” I answer which isn’t a lie. He seems to invade all my thoughts.

  “I’m right here.” He pulls me to him and his rough fingers graze my thighs. My stomach tightens with anticipation as he grasps the fabric of my dress and slides it up. “This fucking dress drove me nuts all night.” Frustration creeps into his tone but his mouth curls with appreciation. In an effortless move, he yanks the dress over my head and tosses it on his dresser. I squeeze closer, kissing his throat, but he pulls back enough to sweep his gaze over my body, drinking me in like he’s parched.

  Uncomfortable under his stare, I cross my arms over my chest. He leans in closer and brushes a kiss over m
y cheek. “I want to see you.”

  He hooks his hands in mine and drags them to my sides. “That’s better.”

  “You’re making me nervous.”

  That seems to bother him, and he draws back. “Why?”

  I wave my hands at his tight-fitting T-shirt. “Well, one, you’re still dressed.”

  In a quick, smooth move, he whips his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. “Done. What else ya got?”

  I’m so busy drooling at his chiseled muscles, my tongue doesn’t want to work. “You’re all fitness-y and I’m kinda fluffy.”

  He hooks his arm around my waist and spins me around. “Fluffy? Like a cat?” One of his hands slides down my back and over my butt. “Nope. No tail.” He squeezes each cheek thoroughly.

  It’s so ridiculous, I can’t stop giggling and he turns me to face him. “I’m not sure how I feel about you laughing in my bedroom.” He taps the side of his head. “I had some other noises in mind.”

  I raise my eyebrows.

  “Aubrey.” His raspy voice cuts my laughter short. He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand. “You’re beautiful and I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  The honest admission steals my words and I blink up at him.

  He walks me closer to the bed and nudges me. “Lie back. I need to do something.”


  He doesn’t ask again, just lifts his chin. I drop down and to my surprise, he kneels in front of me. Our gazes lock and he leans in, placing a kiss to my inner knee. His lips travel farther, light feathery kisses that leave me trembling. Finally, he reaches my mound and lays another kiss. Even through the satin underwear, I feel the heat of his mouth so close to my core.

  “Don’t.” My voice comes out barely above a whisper. I place my hand over his.

  Sully pulls back and stares up at me. “What?”

  “I…That. I’m not…” I trail off, unsure of how to explain myself. My heart’s racing impossibly fast.

  “Aubrey.” His rough baritone electrifies my skin. His fingers skim up the sides of my legs, landing on my hips. He tucks his fingers into the waistband of my panties and teases the material from my body. “That day I took you home and fixed your leg. You have no idea how badly I wanted to do this.” He stops to nuzzle his face against the fabric barely concealing me and my lady bits freak out.